Adventures in the Orgasmatron (91 page)

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Authors: Christopher Turner

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Cambridge University
Camus, Albert
cancer; of Freud; Nazism and; orgone accumulator treatment for; SAPA-bions and
Cancer Biopathy, The
Cancer Hospital (Oslo)
Canetti, Elias
Capote, Truman
Carlsberg Foundation
Carnegie Institution Department of Genetics
“Case of Pubertal Breaching of the Incest Taboo, A” (Reich)
Cassady, Neal
Cassidy (FDA Inspector)
castration anxiety
Catholic Church
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen
Chalk Triangle, The
Chambers, Whittaker
character analysis
Character Analysis
character armor
Charcot, Jean-Martin
Chernow, Ron
Chevalier, Haakon
Chicago, University of
Children of the Future
Christian Social Party, Austrian; Militia of,
Chrobak, Rudolf
Chrysler Corporation
Civilization and Its Discontents
“Civilized Sexual Morality and Modern Nervousness” (Freud)
Clark, Kenneth
Clark, Ronald
Clark University
Cobain, Kurt
“Coitus and the Sexes” (Reich)
cold war
Collins, Vernon
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
Columbia Presbyterian Psychiatric Institute (New York)
Columbia University; Bureau of Applied Social Research
Comfort, Alex
Coming of Age in Samoa
Committee of Revolutionary Social Democrats
Communism and the Moral Breakdown in America
Communist International (Comintern)
Communist Manifesto, The
(Marx and Engels)
Communists; in Austria; in Denmark; in Germany; in Hungary; in Poland; psychoanalysts’ antagonism toward; Reich’s break with; Reich’s paranoid delusions about; in United States;
see also
“Compulsory Marriage and Enduring Sexual Relationship” (Reich)
“Concerning Specific Forms of Masturbation” (Reich)
Congress, U.S.
Connery, Sean
Conscience of Words, The
Constitution, U.S., Fifth Amendment
Consumers Union
Contact with Space
see also
birth control pill “Contributions to the Psychology of Jealousy” (Fenichel)
Cooper, Gary
Copenhagen, University of, Institute of Theoretical Physics
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Cosmic Superimposition
Cott, Allan
Cotton, Dr.
Crawford, Charles
Crombie, A. H.
Crompton, Arthur
Crowds and Power
Curie, Eva
Curie, Marie
Curie, Pierre
Cvetic, Matt



Dachau concentration camp
Daily Worker
Danbury Federal Penitentiary
Danish-Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society
Danto, Elizabeth
Dartmouth College
Davenport, Charles B.
Davis, Katharine Bement
Day the Earth Stood Still, The
deadly orgone (DOR); device for busting; in prisons
death instinct
Dell, Floyd
Democratic Party, U.S.; 1968 National Convention
Demons, The
Deutsch, Arnold
Deutsch, Felix
Deutsch, Helene
Deutscher, Isaac
Deutsches Volkstheater (Vienna)
Development of Psychoanalysis, The
(Ferenczi and Rank)
Dewey, Thomas E.
Dialectics of Nature
Dichter, Ernest
Dichter, Leopold
Dies, Martin
Dietrich, Marlene
Dikemark Sykehus (Oslo)
Dr. Zhivago
Dodds, Harold
Doderer, Heimito von
Dodge, Mabel
Dollfuss, Engelbert
Doolittle, Hilda
deadly orgone
“Dora” case
Dorno, Carl
dreams: commercialization of; interpretation
Dukas, Helen
Dulles, John Foster
Dunbar, Helen Flanders
Durrell, Lawrence
Duvall, Albert



Earth vs. Flying Saucers
Eastman, Max
Economic Welfare, Board of
Edison, Thomas Alva
Ego, Hunger and Aggression
“Ego and the Id, The” (Freud)
Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense, The
ego psychology
“Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation” (Hartmann)
Einstein, Albert
Einstein Affair, The
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eissler, Kurt
Eitingon, Max
“Elisabeth von R.” case
Ellis, Albert
Elvins, Kells
Emotional Armoring
“emotional plague,”
“Emotional Plague Prevention Office (EPPO),”
Empire of Ecstasy
Enemy Alien Control Unit
Engels, Friedrich
English, O. Spurgeon
Erikson, Erik
Eros and Civilization
Esalen Institute
Escape from Freedom
“Esoterik” (Fenichel)
Eugenics Record Office
Everybody’s Digest
Experimental Home for Children (Moscow)



Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
False Witness
Faraday cage
fascism; in Austria; cancer and; consumer culture as bulwark against; in Denmark; in Germany
see also
Hitler, Adolf; Nazis); in Italy; neo-; in Norway; opponents of,
antifascists; red; Roosevelt accused of; in South Africa
Fascism and the American Scene
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); Atomic Energy Commission report on Reich to; books confiscated by; Bradys investigated by; Enemy Alien Control Unit of; informants of; Kinsey investigated by; Rangeley rumors and allegations investigated by; Reich file of; Rubenstein file of; search of Reich’s house by; “secret information” offered by Reich to; Sex Deviates Program; Truman’s loyalty program carried out by
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Federn, Ernst
Federn, Paul
Feist, Herta
Feitelberg, Sergei
Feldman, Irving
Fenichel, Claire
Fenichel, Otto; adolescence of; at Annie Pink and Reich’s wedding; “children’s seminar” for young analysts of; and Reich’s expulsion from IPA;
(newsletters) circulated by; sexology seminars of; in United States
Ferenczi, Sándor
Fest, Joachim
Feuchtwanger, Lion
Firestone, Shulamith
Fischer, Albert
Fisher, Ernest
Fisher, Fred
Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis
Fliess, Wilhelm
Flying Saucers Are Real, The
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA); birth control pill licensed by; contempt charges against Reich brought by; former Reichian as collaborator with; injunction against Reich obtained by; investigation of orgone accumulator by; Leunbach’s uterine paste banned by; at Reich’s Arizona property; seizure and destruction of accumulators and books by
Forbidden Love
Forel, Auguste
Foucault, Michel
Frank, Karl
Frankfurt, University of
Frankfurt School
Franklin, Benjamin
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary
free association
Free Associations
Freedom Press
French Academy of Sciences
Freud, Anna; Annie Reich analyzed by; child analysands of; fictionalization of self-analysis of; and Reich’s expulsion from IPA; Reich’s technical seminar attended by
Freud, Ernst
Freud, Martin
Freud, Sigmund; active therapy criticized by; American analysands of; Anna’s relationship with; apartment block named after; Bernays and; birthday celebrations of; break with Reich; Burlingame analyzed by; burning of books of; cancer of; creation of psychoanalysis by; death of; death instinct theory of; developmental theory of; Dichter and; Einstein and; and Federn’s antagonism toward Reich; free clinics launched by; Hirschfeld admired by; id concept of; at International Congresses of Psychoanalysis; Jones’s biography of; last meeting of Reich and; libido theory of; in London; Nazi attacks on; opposition of Marxist psychoanalysts to; orgasm theory rejected by; politics of; in post–World War I Vienna; referral of patients to Reich by; Reich becomes disciple of; Reich considered heir apparent to; on repression; on resistance; at Salpêtrière
Hospital; on Soviet Union; Tausk and; therapeutic technique of; on transference; in United States; at University of Vienna; on Weininger; works of,
see titles of specific works
Freud, Sophie
Freudianism; Lenin’s denunciation of; Marxism and; orthodox;
see also
Freudian Left, The
Friedjung, Josef K.
Froebel, Friedrich
From, Isidore
Fromm, Erich
Fuchs, Klaus
Fugs, the
Function of the Orgasm, The
(Reich); American editions of; Freud’s response to; Mailer influenced by; publication of; quoted in Kinsey Report

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