Adventures in the Orgasmatron (93 page)

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Authors: Christopher Turner

BOOK: Adventures in the Orgasmatron
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Lonely Crowd, The
Loos, Adolf
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Louis XVI, King of France
Love and Orgasm
Lowen, Alexander
Löwenbach, H.
Lowenfeld, Henry
Lubbe, Marinus van der
Lueger, Karl
Luft, David S.
Luft, Lorna



Macdonald, Dwight
Maclean, Donald
Maclean, Melinda
Magic Mountain, The
Maguire, Joseph
Mahler, Gustav
Mailer, Norman
Maine General Hospital
Maines, Rachel
Makavejev, Dušan
Malenkov, Georgy
Malina, Judith
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Man for All Seasons, A
Mangravite, Tom
Manhattan Project
manic depression
Mann, Thomas
Mann Act (1910)
Manumit School
Man in the Trap
Marcuse, Herbert
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France
Marlboro State Hospital (New Jersey)
Marriage Counselors Association
Martin, Claude
Marx, Karl
Marxism; of Fenichel; Freudianism and; neo-; sexual freedom and; of Social Democrats
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Masses, The
Mass Psychology of Fascism, The
Masters, Dexter
masturbation; in childhood and adolescence; Freud on; Kinsey on; in orgone accumulator; in Reich’s laboratory experiments; Sadger and; in therapy; in vegetotherapy
Mattick, Paul
Matusow, Harvey
Mauch, Christof
Mayo Clinic
McCarthy, Joseph; allegations of Communists in State Department by; book banning and; hearings discredited; homosexuals denounced as security risks by; Matusow and
McCormick, Edith (née Rockefeller)
McCormick, Katharine
McCormick, Stanley
McCullough, Robert
McGill University
Mead, Margaret
Mein Kampf
Menand, Louis
Meng, Heinrich
Menninger, Karl
Menninger Clinic;
Mental Healers
Mercader, Ramón
Mesmer, Franz Anton
Meyer, Gladys
Mid-Century White House Conference on Children and Youth (1950)
Miller, Henry
Miller, Ruth
Mills, C. Wright
Mills, Peter
Minima Moralia
Ministerial Association
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Mitchell, Juliet
Mocenigo, Giovanni
Modernization of Sex, The
Moise, Bill
Moise, Eva (née Reich); adolescence of; birth of; childhood of; as Reich’s assistant
Moll, Albert
Monroe, Marilyn
Montessori schools
Moore, Hugh
More, Thomas
Morgan, Ted
Muggeridge, Malcolm
Müller-Braunschweig, Carl
Municipal Opera House (Berlin)
Münster Verlag
Murder of Christ, The
Murphy, Michael
Murray, John
Murrow, Edward R.
My Eleven Years with Reich



Naevestad, Marie
Nagasaki, atomic bombing of
Naked and the Dead, The
Nasjonal Samling (National Union) Party
“Natalija A.” (case)
Nation, The
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Lawyers Guild
National Library of Medicine
Naturalization Court, U.S.
Nazis; Austrian; books burned by; Czechoslovakia invaded by; Eisenhower and defeat of; eugenics of; former Communists as; German American Bund support for; nationalistic appeals to youth of; opposition within Germany to; persecution of Jews by; public health campaign of; refugees in New York from; rise to power of; sexual libertinism of; Soviet pact with; Trotsky accused of plotting with
Neill, A. S.; anarchists and; influence in U.S. of educational ideas of; on McCarthy; Oranur effects described to; orgone accumulator of; at Orgonon; Peter Reich and; Reich’s break with; Reich’s treatment of
Neumann, Franz
Neumann, Osha
New Beginning movement
New Deal
New Hampshire, University of
“New Lost Generation, The” (Baldwin)
New Republic, The
New School for Social Research
Newton, Isaac
New York City; Department of Education; Department of Health; Department of Sanitation
New York Daily Mirror
New Yorker, The
New York Herald Tribune
New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy
New York Jew
New York Medical Society
New York Psychoanalytic Institute
New York Psychoanalytic Society
New York Public Library
New York Shoe Club
New York Times
New York University
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nikolayevsky, Boris
Nin, Anaïs
Niss (FDA Inspector)
Nissen, Ingjald
Nixon, Richard M.
Nobel Prize
No Place to Hide
Nowlis, Vincent
Noyes, Humphrey, Jr.
Noyes, John Humphrey
nuclear weapons;
see also
atomic bomb; hydrogen bomb
Nudism in Modern Life
Nunberg, Hermann



“Observations on the Psychological Effect of Imprisonment on Female Political Prisoners” (Jacobson)
October Revolution
Oedipus complex
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Ohio Un-American Activities Commission
Ollendorff, Ilse; author’s interview with; biography of Reich by; breakup of marriage of; during FDA investigation; injunction served against Reich and; Karrer on; marriage of Reich and; after Oranur experiment; orgone
accumulator use of; Peter on; at Reich’s funeral; on Reich’s homophobia; Reich’s jealousy of; at Reich’s trial; report on orgone accumulators by; on vegetotherapy
Oller, Charles
One-Dimensional Man
On Education
Oneida Community
“On Genitality” (Reich)
“On the Origin of the ‘Influencing Machine’ in Schizophrenia” (Tausk)
On the Road
Oparin, Aleksandr
Oppenheimer, Robert
oral stage
Oranur experiment
Oranur Project, The
orgasm reflex
orgastic potency; heterosexuality and; orgone accumulator and; laboratory experiments on; vegetotherapy for
orgone accumulator; Abrams box compared with; anarchist opponents of; Baker’s use of; for cancer treatment; children in; deadly orgone (DOR) and; Einstein and; FDA investigation of; films satirizing; Mailer on; media-perpetrated rumors about; Perls and; Peter in; Rosenfeld’s use of
Orgone and Cancer Research Laboratories
Orgone Energy Accumulator, The
Orgone Energy Observatory (Rangeley, Maine)
Orgone Energy Operation in the Desert (OROP)
Orgone Institute; Archives of; Diagnostic Clinic; Press; Research Laboratories
Orgonomic Infant Research Center (OIRC)
Orgonomic Medicine
Origin of Life, The
Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State
(Marx and Engels)
Orwell, George
Osborn, Frederick
Oslo, University of
Øverland, Arnulf



Packard, Vance
Palace of Justice (Vienna)
Pappenheim, Bertha (Anna O.)
paranoia; and cancer as metaphor; in initiatives against sexuality; of Reich;
see also
schizophrenia, paranoid
Parents’ Day
Parmelee, Maurice
Partisan Review, The
Passion of Youth
Pasteur, Louis
Peer Gynt
People in Trouble
People’s Temple
Perls, Fritz; at Esalen Institute; Gestalt therapy developed by; and Goodman’s New York bohemian circle; and orgone accumulator; in South Africa
Perls, Grete
Perls, Laura
Philby, Kim
Philipson, Tage
Picture Post
Pierakkos, John
Pilgrim State Mental Hospital (New York)
Pincus, Gregory
Pink, Alfred
Pink, Annie,
Reich, Annie Pink, Fritz
Planned Parenthood
Poland, Jefferson
“Political Meaning of Some Recent Revisions of Freud, The” (Goodman)
“Politics and the English Language” (Orwell)
Polsky, Ned
Pomeroy, Wardell
Population Bomb, The
Population Council
pornography; Kinsey and; literary; Reich accused of; Sam Roth imprisoned for
Price, Dick
primal scream therapy
Princeton University; Institute for Advanced Study
Procter & Gamble
Progressive Party
Project Blue Book
“Prophylaxis of Neuroses, The” (Reich)

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