After All These Years (One Pass Away #2) (11 page)

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The difference between the Knights and half of the rest of
the NFL? They had won their game. It made dealing with Monday’s aches and pains
a hell of a lot easier.

“I really appreciate you coming to get me, Sean.” Jerry
Thomas downed his entire bottle of water. He felt as if his body was slowly
dying of thirst.

“Take another.” Sean tossed him another bottle. “Alcohol
dehydrates. Especially in the quantity you consumed.”

“Never again.” Jerry popped five aspirin before chugging the
liquid. “My girlfriend broke up with me—right after the game. I decided to
drown my sorrows. Instead, I made an ass out of myself and alienated my

“The girlfriend part sucks. I’m sorry, man.” Sean clapped
Jerry on the shoulder. “As for your teammates, they’re the ones at fault.
Leaving you alone was not cool.” And Sean planned on letting them know just

“My fault for tagging a couple of rookies as my drinking
buddies. Everyone else was gone. They seemed on board. At first.”

“Then you gave them that defensive lineman stare and scared
the shit out of them.”

“Ya. I guess I did. The memory is a bit fuzzy.”

“You had enough sense left to call me. I would have
preferred to send a car.”

“Shit.” Jerry rubbed his temples. “You left with Riley
Preston. No wonder you hate me. Did I interrupt at a critical moment?”

“Riley Preston?” Rob Cotter hit the back of Sean’s chair
with his foot. “Nice.”

Several players lifted their heads like bloodhounds getting
the scent of fresh meat. Sean groaned. He wasn’t trying to hide his
relationship with Riley. There was no reason. However, he didn’t want her name
bandied around the locker room.

Jocks could be crude dudes. Usually, it was done in good
humor, but once they started, it was hard to turn them off. Sean was going to
make sure each and every man knew nasty talk involving Riley was not going to

Gaige beat him to it.

“Easy, guys. Remember, a lot of us knew Riley when she was a

“Come on, Gaige. This one is too good to pass up.” From
behind, Rob wrapped an arm around Sean’s neck. “The boss’ daughter. Play your
cards right and you’ll sail through your next contract negotiation.”

Sean threw off Rob’s none-too-gentle embrace.

“I can take the heat, Cotter. But leave Riley out of it.”
Sean turned, his eyes hard. “Understood?”

“You want to tangle with me, McBride? I’ll smash that pretty
face to a pulp. Then I’ll show your girlfriend what a real man can do.”

With a savage growl, Sean prepared to launch himself at the
other man. Rob Cotter outweighed him by a hundred pounds, but Sean didn’t care.
He would have taken the guy down if Gaige and Jerry hadn’t grabbed his arms.

“Fuck off, Rob.” Gaige shot the defensive lineman a warning
look. “That is not cool. Move.”

“Where?” Rob tried to maintain his cocky attitude, but Gaige
had a way of knocking a guy down to size. It didn’t help that he was hanging on
to his job by a thread. He had lost a step. He knew it and so did everyone
else. He couldn’t afford to alienate the team’s most important—and best

“Any place but here.”

“McBride can’t take a joke,” Rob mumbled, jumping seats
until he was four rows back.

“Jesus, Sean. I thought you were going to rip Rob a new one.
My head can’t take this.” Jerry shuffled away.

“Is that how it’s going to be?” Gaige took the seat next to
Sean. “You’ll have to grow a tougher hide if you plan on dating Riley.”

“I don’t care what anyone says about me. Riley is off

“Remember. Today she’s the owner’s daughter. In a few years,
she will be the owner. Idiots like Cotter are bound to make cracks.”


Gaige laughed. “It hadn’t occurred to you?”

Sean felt sick to his stomach. He had gone over what seemed
like a million obstacles between him and Riley. Her owning the team hadn’t been
one of them.

“How much do you think she has?”

“Right now? A lot. In five years? A hell of a lot more.”

“Billionaires own football teams.”

Sean swallowed.
. Why did that word stick
in his throat? He hung out with rich people all the time. His friends were
was a millionaire—as unbelievable as that seemed.

He grew up in a loving, normal family. A father who worked a
nine to five job and a mother who stayed home with the kids and took care of
the house. They had breakfast every morning before school and sat down together
every night for dinner. Money had always been tight. Sean worked odd jobs to
pay for his football expenses. For a while, it seemed he outgrew his cleats
every other month.

The first thing he did when he signed with the Knights was
pay off the mortgage on his parents’ house. His mother cried. His father’s
chest puffed out. Filled with pride. His son. The NFL star.

Sean worked his ass off to earn that money. He enjoyed his
lifestyle and all the perks. However, being able to take care of his family was
the real reward.

Riley never had to worry about money. She was born with it.
The amazing thing was, she worked her ass off too. She could have coasted
through life, flitting from party to party. Mansion to mansion. She went to
college and studied—hard. She didn’t buy her grades; she earned them. She ran a
business she started from the ground floor. Yes, she had advantages. But when
it came down to it, she put in the work. Her success came from her brains and
her sweat.

“Snap out of it.” Gaige jabbed him in the arm. “Coach is

Sean sat up, his attention turned to Harry Coleman and
yesterday’s game. However, as he watched the plays and listened to the coaches,
one thing kept echoing in the back of his mind.

Riley was a fucking billionaire.





“YOU ARE A snob.”



“Maybe.” Sean handed Riley a glass of wine. “But in my
defense, I’m a really hot snob.”

“That’s a defense?” Riley looked him up and down over the
rim of her glass. Faded jeans, bare feet, and a halfway unbuttoned white shirt.
Add tousled ink-black hair and a slight five o’clock shadow and she almost
forgot what they were talking about. “I’ll give you hot. The snob part is
another matter.”

“I’m dealing with it.”

Sean joined her on the couch. The one that overlooked the
city. The one that up until now, he had never wanted to share. Riley, with her
bright blue eyes and beautiful smile, seemed to fit. Perfectly.

“There isn’t anything to deal with. My money isn’t going
anywhere. If I play my cards right, the amount is only going to grow.”

“That’s a cheery thought.” Sean pictured stacks and stacks
of bills, multiplying by the moment. “I like money, Riley.”

“Damn straight you do. Look at this place. You didn’t buy it
with peanuts, fella.”

True. He bought it for an outrageous amount of cash—without
blinking an eye—because he knew he had another outrageous amount in the bank.
It was an amount that grew daily because of endorsement deals and a huge

“What do you see?” Sean pushed up his hair, exposing his

Not sure of the game, Riley was happy to play along. She
leaned close. “What am I looking for?”

“The word hypocrite in big, bold letters.”

“Ah.” Riley kissed the warm space, her lips curving. “No
words. That means you’re redeemable. Permanent marks only appear when you’re a
lost cause.”

Taking her glass, Sean set it out of harm’s way. Sliding
onto his back, he positioned Riley on top—her mouth even with his.

“One more thing before we start a marathon make-out session.”


“I buy dinner.”


“All the time. It’s my thing. Promise me.”

That was it
? If Sean hadn’t looked so earnest, Riley
would have laughed. As it was, she couldn’t resist teasing him.

“My poor wanna-be chauvinist. You just don’t have it in you.”

“Riley.” Sean swatted her on the butt.

Again, that was it? She didn’t tell him how she enjoyed his
love pat. Maybe another time.



Impatient, Riley touched his lower lip with her tongue. In
retaliation, Sean took a bite. Riley moaned. That little nip sent sparks
shooting in every direction through her body. Centering between her legs.

“Are we about to have sex?”

“No.” Sean slid his hands between them and unbuttoned her
jeans. “But I’m going make you feel very, very good.”

“I want to make you feel good, too.” Obligingly, Riley
shifted so Sean could push the denim down her hips. “I’ve dreamed of this for

“We’ll get there.” He kissed her slowly, his tongue teasing
her lips. “This doesn’t end tonight.”


“I’m not going anywhere, Riley. Are you?”

“No.” Riley sighed when Sean bit the side of her neck. She
didn’t know why that felt so good. She didn’t care—as long as he never stopped.
“I’m home.”

Riley didn’t mean Seattle. She meant here. With Sean.

It was too soon to tell him. He wasn’t ready—neither was
she. However, she was ready for this. She wanted—needed—the connection. No one
had ever made her want it so much. She had the feeling no one besides Sean ever

“Lift your arms.”

Her shirt disappeared, tossed in a random direction.

“Were you thinking of me when you got dressed?” Sean kissed
her shoulder, his hands caressing her bare back. “No bra. I’m a very happy man.”

“I have some very pretty ones. Lace. Satin. Silk.”

“Another time you can put one on.” He licked the spot he had
bitten, then whispered. “Just so I can take it off.”

Riley gasped. She didn’t know when his hand had slid from
her butt. Wanting more, she pushed her hips toward his talented fingers.

“I think I hit a hot spot.” Testing his theory, Sean parted
her legs to give himself better access. He smiled when she sighed his name.”Interesting.
Do you like that?”

“At the moment? More than breathing.”

Holding her gaze, Sean put his glistening finger into his
mouth. “Mmm. I think I’ve found my new favorite dessert. Peaches and…” He
licked again. “Cream.”

, I should blush.” Riley wasn’t embarrassed—she
was turned on.

“Maybe you are. People blush other places than their faces.”

With breathtaking ease, Sean reversed their positions. He
removed the rest of her clothing before arranging her legs so that he was
kneeling between. Riley was on the sofa. Sean was on the floor.

With a wicked smile, Sean lowered his gaze. “I can see pink.
Is it you, or your blush? It’s kind of dark in here. I think I need a
flashlight to be certain.”

When Sean tried to stand, Riley clamped her legs around his


Sean grabbed her wrists, trapping them in one hand. She had
him, and he had her.

“You aren’t shining a light down there like some kind of
perverted miner.”

“There’s an image.” Sean lifted her hands over her head,
leaning forward until their faces were so close, Riley could see the little
flecks of green in his eyes. “A kiss?”

“Yes,” Riley nodded. “Please.”

Sean’s words teased. However, his mouth let her know that
she wasn’t on this rollercoaster ride alone. Deep and passionate, his kiss was
desperate. Intense. Like a narcotic. Somehow addictive and good for her at the
same time.

“I need to touch you.” Riley tugged at Sean’s hold. “Let go,
And take off your shirt.”

“Bossy.” Sean ripped at the material, sending buttons flying
in every direction. “Happy?” he asked.

“You have no idea.”

It was one of those rare moments when fantasy became
reality—and it turned out better than their wildest dreams.

Sean was a sculpted God. Defined muscles covered with
smooth, lightly tanned skin. No one looked like that. Not without a lot of
photoshopping. Yet, here he was. Riley would have spoken, but she was afraid if
she opened her mouth, drool would run down her chin.

Afraid the image would disappear, Riley slowly reached out.
Years of wanting. So sure this would never happen. She had been at this point
before, only to wake. Frustrated and alone.

“You’re real.” Riley smiled slowly, her hand flat against
Sean’s warm, hard chest.

“One hundred percent. All natural. No fillers or

“And I say Hallelujah. Praise genes, a weight room, and good

Sean breathed deeply, his head falling back. Riley’s touch
was light—almost reverential. He wanted to give her all the time she wanted. He
wanted to yell,
. He kept his thoughts to himself
because tonight was about her.

Riley’s needs came first. Even if it killed him.

“Are you in pain?” Riley asked.

“I’m good,” Sean said through gritted teeth.

“Good. Because I could do this all night.”

Riley was teasing. She knew Sean was holding back—letting
her play a little before the real fun began. She smiled, with wide innocence,
when his eyes opened. Counting down from ten, Riley wondered how long it would
take him to realize what she was doing. Ten. Nine. Eight. She didn’t reach

“You little witch.” Sean pushed her back against the sofa.
His body, so much bigger and stronger, covered hers.

“Did I do something wrong?” Riley batted her eyes.

“Teasing is great.” Sean moved until he was even with one
plump, hard tipped breast. “Until you have to pay the piper.”

Riley watched—fascinated—as Sean’s large hand covered her
breast. The contrast was startling. And exciting.

His tanned skin was so much darker than the milky smoothness
of her own. Hard and strong held soft and vulnerable. Riley trusted him to
please her—never hurt or abuse.

“Didn’t I tell you?” Sean’s eyes met Riley’s. “A perfect

Before she could agree, Sean took her nipple between his
teeth, biting until Riley swore she could see stars. Incandescent, blinding

“Do you like that?” Sean licked, then bit again.

“Don’t stop?” It was a question. Any second now, Riley would
be begging.

“And kill us both? Never.”

Lavishing equal attention to each breast, Sean feasted. He
wrapped Riley in a velvet rope of desire. Tighter. Tighter. Until her breathing
was labored and a fine sheen of perspiration covered her body.

“So responsive.” He kissed each tip. “And we’re just getting

The next kiss landed in between her breasts. Then, a little
lower. Lower.

Riley licked her lips. She knew Sean’s destination. His body
pushed her legs apart, those impossible abs rubbing against her hot, wet
center. The anticipation was excruciating—and wonderful.

When Sean lifted her leg, resting her calf on his shoulder,
Riley knew she would orgasm the moment his mouth touched her. Remembering to
breathe, she watched his head lower until she felt a whisper of air on her
heated flesh.

“Will you scream for me, Riley?”

“Probably.” Riley couldn’t believe they were taking the time
to talk. She felt Sean’s lips move. Was he smiling? Unbidden, a laugh tumbled
from her. “Is sex supposed to be funny?”

“If you do it right, sex can be anything. Everything. Let me
show you.”

The next few minutes were beyond Riley’s imagination. Sean’s
magic mouth. So this was what all the fuss was about. She liked sex. She
appreciated when a man took the time to go down on her. However, never—
she wanted it to go on and on.

Riley came. Long. Hard. And—she screamed.

She clutched at Sean’s hair. Before she could take a breath,
he drove her toward another peak. This time, he added one finger, then two. She
tipped her head back, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the ride.

“One more,” he urged when she thought they were through. “Three
is a nice number, don’t you think?”

“I can’t, Sean.”

Riley felt limp. Her body satisfied. She was ready to curl
up and float on the memory. However, Sean was intent on drawing out every ounce
of pleasure her body could stand. He wanted her to shudder and shake.

Riley didn’t think she had it in her. She was wrong.

“I like that last sound you made.”

Sean joined Riley on the sofa, gently pulling her into his

“Shh.” Riley snuggled close. “I’m in orgasm overload. I
expect to stay this way for the next week. Wake me before the next game.”

“I’ll be out of town. Remember?” Sean picked up her prone
body and headed for the bedroom.

“Call me.”

“I have a better idea.”

“Impossible. I want to wallow.”

“You can wallow. In the bathtub.”


“The secret to a compliant Riley has been revealed.” Keeping
her in his arms, Sean turned on the taps, setting them to the perfect balance
of hot—not scalding. “Multiple orgasms and you are putty in my hands.”

“Putty my ass.” Riley pinched his.

Sean pinched back. Though his contained less sting.

“Hey. Watch it.” Smiling, Riley laid her head on his
shoulder. “Play nice. I’m a girl.”

“No. You’re a woman.” Sean carefully deposited her into the
tub. “Top to bottom. One hundred percent.”

“This is a very large tub, Sean.” Riley slid below the water’s
surface. Stretched out full length, her toes didn’t reach the end.

“I like space,” Sean said when she came up for air.

“Orgies? You and? Let’s see. One. Two. Three. Four women?”

“I said space, smartass. You are the second person to use
this tub.”

Riley was surprised. And foolishly pleased. Most of the time
she was fine with Sean’s colorful and varied sexual past. She was realistic.
This thing between them, whatever it was, could be a brief sidestep from his
wild ways. An enjoyable glitch that would be fixed with a quick reboot.

However, for now, Sean was hers. Discovering the bathtub
hadn’t been the site of water games played with a bevy of beauties gave her a
warm feeling. False happiness? Perhaps. Riley wasn’t going to spend her time
worrying about what the future held.

Live in the here
now, Riley.
It was her
new mantra.

“Instead of watching me soak, you could take advantage of
all this space.”

“Join you?”

“If you’re shy, I’ll look away while you undress.”

“I’m not shy.” Sean unbuttoned his jeans.

Riley smiled in anticipation. “I didn’t think so. Are you

The sight of Sean in nothing but a pair of tight boxer
briefs was burned into Riley’s memory. For a year, every magazine she had
opened seemed to contain a full page ad of the NFL’s sexiest player. It wasn’t
just Riley’s opinion. There had been a poll and Sean won hands down.

A very famous designer took advantage, hiring Sean to
endorse a new line of men’s underwear. Sales skyrocketed and Riley had a
constant reminder of what she thought she would never have.

Getting an up close and personal private viewing was one
more fantasy fulfilled.

Without answering, Sean dropped his jeans.

“They pay me very well to wear these babies.” He snapped the
elastic waistband. “Luckily for me, they are very comfortable.”

And very sexy
. Riley didn’t spend a lot of time
comparison shopping—men’s underwear was a bit out of her purview—but she gave
these a big thumb’s up. Then again, the bulge Sean sported would make anything
look good.

“Got a problem there, mister?”

“It’s nothing new. I’ve had it before. Knock wood—no pun
intended—I’ll have it again.” He began to slide the material over his hips,
then paused. “This is only a preview. What you are about to see is strictly
window dressing. For tonight, think of my dick as a shiny toy you can’t play
with until Christmas.”

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