After All These Years (One Pass Away #2) (9 page)

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“It isn’t fair. He’s already gorgeous. In a suit and tie and
freshly shaven. I’ll bet he smells like heaven.”

Riley’s eyes widened. She hadn’t meant to say that aloud.
How embarrassing.

Hiding her smile, Claire graciously gave Riley a break. “I’m
going to leave you before Sean gets here. Lunch. Next week. You pick the day
and place, I’ll be there.” Claire clinked their glasses one more time. “Good

“I like her.”

Taking a breath, Riley smiled. Not the fake one she used
when trying to hide her feelings. This was genuine. Welcoming. Tinged with a
few nerves.

“Me too.” Riley’s smile widened into a grin. “So you hit on

“I did not!”

Riley believed him. Sean’s flirting was automatic. When he
was serious, he turned it up to another level. Claire had encountered the
watered down version that every breathing female received when in Sean’s orbit.
Like breathing in and out, Sean flirted.

It drove the old Riley crazy with jealousy. The new Riley
thought it was charmingly harmless. Wow! She had changed.

“It doesn’t matter, Sean.”

“It doesn’t?” Sean frowned.

“Nope. We’re friends. Right? Friends don’t judge.”

“I want to be your friend, Riley.”

And more. So much more

Sean hadn’t been able to take his eyes off Riley all
evening. She glowed. Her halo of dark hair flowed around her creamy shoulders.
Her lips were red. Not bright. Like the cherries he gorged himself on every
summer. The color was echoed in the dress that swirled around her legs when she
walked. The little straps that crisscrossed her back looked delicate—easily
broken. One pull and he could have the material pooling at her feet.

What was Riley wearing under her dress? Not a bra. As her
chest rose and fell with each breath, Sean could see the swell of her breasts.
Not too big. Not too small. Sean wondered if the tips tasted as sweet as
cherries. He couldn’t wait to find out.

“Up here, buster.” Riley snapped her fingers in front of
Sean’s face. “What are you? Twelve? Haven’t you learned not to stare at a woman’s
breasts in public?”

“Not staring. Imagining.”

“I don’t want to know.”

“Are you sure?” Sean’s lips curved. Flirting with Riley was
a new and heady experience. “I wonder how turned on I could get us by using
only words?”

“You? I doubt it takes much. I’m not that easy.”

“Wanna bet?”

Sean saw the spark of interest in Riley’s eyes and he knew
he had her.

“Lay out the terms.”

“Nothing complicated. We stay where we are. Surrounded by
people. Sipping our drinks.”


“I talk to you.”

“And,” Riley urged.

Sean hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary. However, his
voice had dropped, enveloping them in a cloud of intimacy their location

“I want to kiss you, Riley.” Sean spoke the words with
little inflection. He could see the way Riley’s pupils dilated. She felt them.
Deeply. “Not on the lips. Not yet. There’s a spot. The curve of your neck. I’ll
breathe in your scent.” Sean inhaled. “Sweet. Spicy. When I taste you, there
will be the faintest trace of salt. It’s a combination that drives me crazy.”

“Wait.” Riley took a deep breath. “If this is a bet, what is
the wager?”

“If I win?” Sean smiled over the rim of his glass. “You let
me take you out to dinner.”

“A date?” Riley asked in surprise. That wasn’t what she had
expected. “What else?”

“That will be up to you.”

“And if I win?”

“Name it.”

Riley tipped her head to the side, considering her options.
The list was endless. Naked Sean vacuuming her floors. Cooking her breakfast.
Scrubbing her back. Every thought involved Sean without a stitch of clothing.
Tempting. But too soon.

“Two dates.”

Sean smiled. “Dinner and dancing.”

“You dance?”

“It’s all about rhythm. Whether you’re running a route
during a game, or guiding a beautiful woman around the dance floor. Or…”

“Or?” Riley waited expectantly.

“Making love.”

Not sex. Love. Had the difference been deliberate? Did Sean
realize what he had done? Riley couldn’t be certain. However,
Her heartbeat kicked up another notch.

“I’m not a virgin.”

“I didn’t ask.”

“I thought you should know. I didn’t wait for you, Sean.”

“How screwed up would that have been?” Sean shuddered at the
thought. “A modern day Miss Havisham.”

Riley laughed. “Without the dilapidated mansion and ratty
wedding dress.”

“I haven’t been a saint, Riley.”

“You haven’t?” Riley gasped in mock outrage.

“The future is—”

Riley quickly interrupted him.

“I wouldn’t want to know if I could, Sean. Our past is a bit
odd. Our future is blissfully unknown. I vote we concentrate on the here and
now. I want to get to know you. Woman to man. Friends. Maybe lovers. The rest
we’ll play by ear.”

“You have grown up, Riley.”

“Have you?”

“You’ll have to determine that for yourself.”

That alone was proof Sean wasn’t the man-child she used to
know. He didn’t make a bold, sweeping statement professing his newfound
maturity. Riley liked this Sean. And she was going to enjoy getting to know

“I hope you haven’t changed completely.” Riley gave Sean a
provocative smile. “We had a bet. Remember? The old Sean wouldn’t let that slip

“No, he wouldn’t.” Sean’s voice lowered. “There’s nothing
wrong with mixing a bit of old with the new.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

“Good.” The flecks of green in Sean’s hazel eyes sparkled
with mischief. “Now, where was I? Oh, that’s right. I was tasting you.”

“Do I get to return the favor?”

“Sweetheart. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Satisfied with his answer, Riley kept her eyes on Sean’s,
listening with rapt attention. It didn’t take him long to win the bet. Or was
she the winner? Considering the stakes, Riley had no problem calling it a draw.





RILEY FELL ONTO her bed with a sigh, the material of her quilt
cushioning her like a soft, downy pillow.

Laughing, Riley rolled around. She was happy. The happiest
she had been in a long time. It was amazing what some sexy talk and a kiss
could do for a woman’s spirits.

Riley lifted her fingers to her mouth. It had been an hour,
yet she could still feel Sean’s lips pressed against her own. He had tasted
like whiskey and something heady. Like Sean. Elusive, yet oh so tantalizing.
You knew it might not be good for you, but you couldn’t resist sampling it
again. And again.

Unlike the first time she kissed Sean—Riley cringed when she
remembered throwing herself at him that afternoon five years ago—this one hadn’t
been planned.

A fact that had made it so much more satisfying.

Flustered, in a good way, Riley excused herself to use the
bathroom. She needed a few moments alone to cool down and regain her
perspective. She was ready to toss caution to the wind and invite Sean home.
Bad idea. Too much, too soon. Instead, she tossed cold water on her face and
freshened her lip-gloss.

She knew the woman in the mirror. She was strong and
independent. She didn’t need Sean to make her life better—but, man, did she
want him. Riley knew what she was going to do. There had never been a choice.
Not really. She was going to take a chance on Sean and herself.

This wasn’t a case of jumping blind. Her eyes were open to
the risks. It was worth it—because she believed the rewards would make it

Winking at herself, Riley left the bathroom with a bounce in
her step. She was almost to the ballroom when someone grabbed her arm.

“It’s me,” Sean whispered, barely blocking Riley’s fist.

“Sean! You scared the wits out of me.”

“Good reflexes.” Keeping hold of her, Sean pulled Riley to a
dark alcove. “I need you alone.”

“Why?” Riley had no objection. It wasn’t difficult to figure
out what Sean had in mind, but she wanted to hear him say the words.

“One kiss. Please, Riley.” Sean backed her against the wall.
Even in heels, she had to tip her head to look into his eyes. “I won’t ask for
anything more. Not tonight. Just. One. Kiss.”

“Will you walk away if I say no?”

“You know I will.”

That was all she needed to hear.

“I’m not saying no.”

“Thank God.”

It wasn’t her first kiss. It wasn’t even her first kiss with
Sean. However, Riley knew this one would mean more than any of the others put
together. He wanted it as much a she did.

They were equals. Riley was no longer an inexperienced young
woman desperate to be loved. Sean was older, more stable. Less inclined to look
past his current lover in search of his next conquest.

Unconsciously, Riley licked her lips.

“Do that again,” Sean hissed, his breath whispering across
her face.


Sean’s eyes followed the path of her tongue. “What do you
taste like?”

“Mint and strawberries.”


“Lip-gloss and toothpaste.”

With a groan, Sean closed the distance between them, his
mouth covering hers. This was no tentative, getting to know you, kiss. Sean
meant business. His tongue played with hers, gentle at first, then aggressive.
He took charge and Riley was happy to follow his lead.

“I love strawberries.” He bit her bottom lip, then bathed it
with a gentle swipe. “And mint. Does the rest of you taste this sweet?”

“You’ll have to wait and find out.”

Riley didn’t know how she formed the words. What Sean did to
her mind—her body—should have been illegal. If they were, she was ready to be
the first in line to break the law. This was only foreplay, and she was sinking
into a pool of bliss so deep she didn’t care if she ever saw daylight again.

“I’m going to touch you.”

“Damn right you are.”

Kissing her neck, Sean chuckled, the vibration from his lips
sending jolts through her body.
That was new
. Riley was about to ask him
to do it again when his hand closed over her breast. Thoughts of laughter and
kisses zipped out of her brain. Her senses were concentrated on his thumb
rubbing her nipple to a hard, aching peak.

“The second I saw you in this dress I wanted to rip it off
and see what you are hiding underneath. No bra.” Sean sighed into her ear. “I
was right.”

“I’m fortunate not to need one.”

“I’m the fortunate one.” He cupped her in his hand,
squeezing gently. “Perfect fit.”

“Sean.” Riley’s head fell back against the wall. “This is

“Too fast?”

“Yes. No.” She couldn’t think. Not with his mouth and hand
conspiring to turn her brain to mush. “Maybe?”

“I’ll be good. Just let me…”

The hand not teasing her breast slipped under Riley’s skirt.

“This is being good.”
Oh, God
, she thought when he
caressed her thigh.
This is very good

“Your skin is like warm silk. I want you draped over me,
exhausted. Satisfied. Rubbing against me like a sweet, happy kitten.”

“I’m not a cat.” Riley slid her fingers through Sean’s hair.
“But I do have claws.”

“Ouch.” Sean pulled back when her fingernails bit into his
scalp. “Didn’t like the kitten reference? I’ll remember that.”

“Remember this. I’m not weak or malleable. If we have sex,
it will be as equals.”

“No, tie me up, tie me down fun and games?” Sean teased.

“I didn’t say that.”

The look Sean gave her was filled with surprise—and
interest. He hadn’t expected that? Good. Riley didn’t want to be what he
expected. She planned on keeping him on his toes.

“No more pussy cat references.” Sean crossed his heart.
Pulling Riley close, he wrapped both arms around her waist. With ease, he
lifted her until they were eye to eye. “Now. Tell me? How kinky? Do you like to
be tied up? Spanked? Let me know. I’ll be happy to play master.”

“Another time.” With a quick, hard kiss, Riley reluctantly
slid from Sean’s embrace. Walking away, she said without a backward glance, “And
who says
get to be in charge?”

“Mistress?” Sean called out, his voice squeaking.

Smiling, Riley kept on walking.


SEAN STOOD ON the sidelines, waiting to get in the game.

“Defense is going to hold. Three and out. Are you ready?”

“Worry about yourself, old man. I’m always ready.”

Nodding his head, Gaige moved to the next player. It was a
yearly routine. The first game of the season, their QB went from man to man,
asking the same question, looking for the same answer. Sean wondered what would
happen if one of the guys said he wasn’t ready. Gaige already vibrated with
pent up energy. The poor idiot wouldn’t know what hit him.

Fortunately, this team was focused. When Gaige asked them
something, they responded. Correctly.

This was Sean’s eighth season. Eight! How had that happened?
The time had flown by in a wink. He was at that point in his career where he
appreciated every snap of the ball. He understood, the way a rookie never
could, that each play could be his last.

Sean no longer played with wild abandon. However, the joy
was stronger than ever. He loved his job. The knowledge that it could be taken
from him at any moment made each game, each catch, all the sweeter.

“That’s it,” Gaige yelled. “Our ball. Let’s make it count.”

Sean grabbed his helmet, following Gaige onto the field.
Hell yes, he would make it count. Today and every day he was lucky enough to
play professional football.


“I DON’T KNOW if I can do this.” Claire gripped the sides of
her seat.

“Take a deep breath. After a few plays, you’ll be fine.”
Riley patted Claire’s shoulder.

“Why didn’t I stay at home? I could be working out. I wouldn’t
have looked at the game until it was over.”

“You would have been checking in every thirty seconds.”

“Oh, my God. Here comes the offense. I can’t look.” Claire
peeked through her closed eyelids. “They won’t start with a running play. Don’t
start with a running play.” When Gaige threw a quick swing pass to Sean, Claire
erupted. “Why the hell didn’t they start with a running play? Don’t they trust

“Calm down.”

As she gave the advice, Riley did an internal happy dance.
Sean ran for a twenty-yard gain. He looked good. Damn good.

Riley looked around. She had used her clout to get them
seats in the sold-out crowd. The owners’ suite would be filled to overflowing.
A lot of business talk and back-slapping. Plus her father. No, thank you. Riley
preferred it down here with the noisy fans.

Cheers erupted. Claire grabbed Riley’s hand, her grip
alarmingly strong.

“Did you see? Did you? Logan gained fifteen yards.” Claire
threw her arms up in the air. “Holy, crap. Fifteen freaking yards.”

Laughing, Riley surreptitiously tested her fingers. No

“Again, Claire. Calm down. If you keep this up, you won’t
have enough strength to walk out of the stadium. And trust me. I’m not carrying

“I love that man.” Claire grinned, high-fiving random
strangers. “That’s right. Number twenty-eight. The one with the cute ass. Logan
Price is my man.”

“Honey, they all got cute asses.” A woman dressed from head
to toe in blue and gold winked at Claire. “But Logan Price? Good for you. Tell
him we’re excited to have him back.”

“Will do,” Claire beamed.

By the end of the game, the crowd cheered Logan’s name. He
was back all right. With a vengeance. It wasn’t necessary for Riley to carry
Claire out. Her friend practically floated.

“Did you see that last run?” Claire couldn’t stop talking.
About the game. About Logan. About the amazing hot dogs. The subject jumped
around without rhyme or reason.

“I did.” Riley decided it was her job to occasionally toss
in a few words of agreement. Otherwise, she let Claire burn off steam.

“Touchdown!” Claire whirled in a circle, almost taking out
two fans of the losing team.

“Watch it.” The bigger man grumbled. “There’s no need to rub
our face in it.”

“I wasn’t.” Claire tried to explain. “You see—”

“We don’t care,” shouted the man’s companion.

“Come on,” Riley grabbed Claire’s arm when she would have
continued the conversation. “Let’s get out of here before you start a riot.
Between the happy Knights’ fans and the angry Chargers’ fans, I don’t want to
be in the middle of it.”

Riley steered Claire into one of the tunnels. Showing her ID
to the guard, she bypassed the main exit.

“It will be awhile until Logan is finished changing. The
press will be all over him for an interview.” Riley unlocked the elevator using
the passcode. “I assume you want to wait for him?”


“We’ll wait where we can be comfortable.” She pushed the
button. As the elevator door shut, she laughed. “And someplace you won’t cause

“I was excited.”

“You were a menace.” Riley grinned. “In the best sense of
the word.”


“CONGRATULATIONS. THAT WAS a great way to start the season.”

Tired, but still jazzed from the game, Sean couldn’t think
of a better way to end his day than having a beautiful woman waiting for him.
that woman was Riley.

“We did okay.”

“Hey, Riley.” Sol Fellows called out. He had his arm around
his wife and they didn’t stop walking. “Did you watch me singlehandedly win the
game? Whatever that pretty boy tells you, defense rules.”

“You’re a stud, Sol.”

“Did you hear that, sweetheart? I’ve been telling you that
for years.”

“Thanks a lot, Riley.” Racine Fellows yelled. “There will be
no living with him now.”


Transferring his bag to his other shoulder, Sean held out his
hand. Without hesitation, Riley took it.

“It’s good to have family, isn’t it?” he said.

For the first twelve years of her life, Riley had her
grandfather. He had been her center. When he died, she would have been
rudderless. However, Douglas Preston left her this. The Knights. A family.

Unconventional, but so what? They teased and fought and made
up. Most importantly, they had each other’s backs. If that wasn’t a family,
Riley didn’t know what was.

“Did you drive?”

“Nope. I was hoping to get a ride with a sexy football

“Anyone I know?”

Riley stopped, her arms going around Sean’s waist. He had on
jeans and a sports jacket. The tie that he wore for televised post-game
interviews hung out of his pocket.

“Maybe.” She ran a finger over one of the dimples that
always came out when he smiled. “I like you, Sean.”

“You sound surprised.” Sean turned his head, kissing her

“A little.” Riley sighed when he took the finger between his
teeth, nibbling—ever so lightly. “I’ve felt a lot of things for you. I suddenly
wasn’t one of them. Until now.”

“We’ve had an unconventional…” Sean frowned. “What?
Relationship? That word doesn’t quite fit.”

“I’m not sure there
a word that fits.” They
resumed walking. “Why don’t we stay away from labels? I like you.”

“And I like you.” Stopping beside his silver Porsche. Sean
opened the passenger door. He gave Riley a slow, lingering kiss before helping
her in. “Buckle up.”

Feeling warm inside, from the kiss, and Sean’s words, Riley
sat back, happy to be quiet while Sean drove. Expecting him to take the
freeway, Riley was surprised when they didn’t take the on-ramp.

“We both live in that direction.”

“I won the bet.”


“Now I’m collecting. One date.” He sent her a grin that made
her heart turn over. “Hopefully, you’ll want more?”

“That’s a loaded question if I ever heard one.” Dropping it,
Riley looked out the window. “Where are we going?”

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