After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series) (24 page)

BOOK: After The Rabbit (Waldo Rabbit Series)
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“You’re not changing your mind are you, my lord? I know it is a bother, but the feel of your mighty blade in my hands would help comfort my troubled mind. I remember the power of it, nothing else could compare. Please, allow me to keep it for just one night?”


She was staring at him with those eyes of hers.




Lying in bed the duke couldn’t quite believe he had actually agreed. He would sooner give up an arm than his family blade. But staring into her eyes he just hadn’t been able to tell her no.


Well he would get the sword back from her before setting out. It didn’t make any real difference.




When Alice returned she was holding the sheathed blade out in front of her with both hands. On the sheath was the image of a griffin in flight with an exposed heart. All of it in golden thread.


“Good,” Waldo said. “Everything is loaded up on Gronk’s back and we are about ready to leave.”


“You know, Master, I think you want me more as a pack mule than anything else.” The ogre was still disguised as a beefy human female. Who now looked to have a tent and two very stuffed backpacks piled atop her back.


“Don’t be silly. I value you for your ability to kill things. Your carrying heavy loads is just a bonus.”


“I am going to say this just one more time,” Alice handed the sword over to Waldo. “This is a really, really,
bad idea. Stealing Lawgiver is guaranteed to make us the duke’s mortal enemies.”


“Rabbit Slayer,” Waldo handed the sword over to Gronk.


“Excuse me?”


“Until we sell it I’ve decided to give the sword a new name, an alias if you will, to help hide its origins.”


“And the name you came up with is “Rabbit Slayer?””


“What? Is there another famous weapon with the same name?”


Alice gave a weary shake of her head. “It’s not even worth it,” she muttered. “Anyway, I used one of my Charms like you asked. So you have four left.”


He nodded. “There is nothing to worry about. We are quitting Norwich, and as soon as we finish searching the local area we are leaving Lothas behind.”


“Well I’m not sorry to be going, but how exactly do we leave? The only gate shut at sunset.”


“You can fly me over the wall and away from here. Once we land I can summon Gronk to me since he’s my familiar.”


“Wait a minute. You want me to fly us out? Uh, darling, you do realize there’s a full moon tonight, and that the guards have bows and arrows don’t you? What do you suppose they’ll do when they spot a succubus going past with a mage in her arms?”


“I expect you can soar by and be out of range before they can even react.”


Alice rolled her eyes. “I only soar when I am solo. When I am carrying you I have all the grace of a three legged sow. We’ll be a very big, very slow moving target. Gronk may be able to shrug off arrows but you and I are going to end up like the straw targets they use.”


“It’s a risk I am willing to take,” Waldo thought for a moment. “Maybe it would help if you lost a little weight.”


Alice’s eyes narrows and he felt of spike of anger. “Well, I could drop you while we’re in the air.”


“Why are you being so hostile? It’s a reasonable suggestion. I’ve seen your thighs.”




“Master,” Belle had finished tying the sword onto one leg and placed a hand on Waldo’s shoulder. “Do you know what a badger is?”


“Some sort of woodland creature I believe.”


“Yes, furry, short legs, pointy head, kind of tasty. They’re not much to look at, but if you bother them they can turn nasty. Even bears tend to avoid them. If a person were to start poking at them they might lose a finger for their trouble.”


“All right, I am not sure why you are telling me this. Are there a lot of them in the marshes?”


Belle nodded in Alice’s direction. “You’re poking the badger right now, Master, and from the way she is looking at you I think you might lose something a lot more precious than a finger.”


“All I said was that she could stand to lose some…”


“Poking!” Belle stuck a beefy finger in his ribs. “We girls are sensitive about our figures.”


Waldo rubbed his side. “You do recall that the way you look right now is just an illusion.”


“I mean in spirit.”


“Anyway,” Alice ground out. “My point is trying to fly you over the city wall is not a great plan.”


“Since the gate is shut it is our only option.”


“Why are we doing this again?” Belle asked.


“Because if we don’t leave tonight I am going to end up facing my grandfather, the archlich.”


“Didn’t you already beat him, Master?”


“No, I survived, barely, and only because it didn’t take me seriously. We are in entirely different leagues, if I faced my grandfather again I would have no chance.”


Alice nodded her agreement.


“So, let’s be off.”


“We are visiting the Hungry Snake before we leave though,” Alice was opening and closing her hand.


“Yes, Alice.”




The three of them headed out, only to find a pair of guards at the stairwell.


“Are you going somewhere, Master Rabbit?”


“Ah, my companions and I wanted to go out for a short stroll before I set out in the morning.”


“I am sorry, but none of you are to leave the Keep, the duke’s orders.” One of the soldiers said.


“It’s for your own safety,” the other one hastened to add.


“I am glad Duke Griffinheart is so worried about us.”


“Is that Lawgiver?”


Waldo sighed. Alice and Gronk could easily deal with these two, but he didn’t want to set off an alarm. They needed to sneak away quietly.


“Alice, why don’t you use one of your Charms and solve this?”


She crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you mean one? I see two men standing here.”


“Oh come now, this should count as one use.”


“It’s two or nothing.”


“You’re being unreasonable.”


“Call it revenge for the thighs.”


“Badger,” Belle poked a single finger in his direction.


The two soldiers eyed one another. “Perhaps we should go and speak to the duke.”


“Fine,” Waldo snarked. “It’ll count as two.”


Nodding, Alice stepped forward and looked into the eyes of the guards.




Outside the keep’s gate a full squad of soldiers led by a sergeant halted them.


“I am sorry, Master Rabbit, but you and your companions are not permitted to leave.”


Waldo glanced at Alice. “I don’t supposed…”


“I count eight men, you’re going to be deep in my debt.”


“Oh, come on!”


“Pardon me Master Rabbit, but is your savage carrying Lawgiver?”


Waldo groaned and wondered if it would be easier to tell Belle to start smashing.




In the end Alice agreed to only count two Charms against the soldiers at the gate. It still meant that all the Charms he had earned were now spent. They were able to leave without any alarm being raised. As they made their way through the poor quarter of town Waldo was not happy.


“Everyone keeps noticing the sword, Master. You sure wearing it is such a good idea?”


“My grandfather, a Great Monster, and who knows what else may be in the area. Since we have a magic sword we may as well keep it within reach.” He glanced at Alice. “If we need to get information don’t expect me to ask you to use your ability again.”


They approached an old building bursting with the sounds of laughter and loud talk. Outside the door hung a wooden sign with a serpent devouring its own tail.


Alice smiled. Her fingers flexed at the side of her skirt as she stared at their destination with a strange longing.


“Don’t worry, darling, this is one time I really don’t want to do things the easy way.”



Chapter 21


A Most Excellent Thief


The inside of the tavern was bathed in the light of several torches. The air was thick with smoke, not only from the torches but from p
ipes filled with tobacco. Underneath were the scents of cheap ale, sweat, and vomit. About fifty men packed the small common room, there was not a single woman to be seen. In one corner four of them were putting down copper coins and tossing dice. At the bar and at the tables they drank from large mugs filled with ale the color of mud. They argued and told stories, laughed and called each other liars. At one table two men were playing Cups, thirty copper traks were stacked in two neat piles, waiting to be claimed. Several crowded around watching, ready to shout at the first sign of cheating.


Most of these men had callused hands with thick, dirtied nails. Their clothes were worn and faded, many had greasy hair and unkempt beards. Scars were common, a few were missing an ear or finger, the Hungry Snake was not a place for women or for gentle folk. The tavern was a refuge for a rough element, a safe place where they could gather and enjoy a respite before getting ready for another hard day.


So when the door opened and Alice stepped inside it was clear she was out of place. Every eye was drawn to her and all the laughter and conversation died away. Even those playing dice or Cups stopped so they could stare. Head held high, and back straight, she sauntered slowly to the bar, every step caused her hips to roll. Mouths hung open as the customers were unable to look away for even an instant.


So focused were the men on her no one seemed to even notice the arrival of two strangers a moment after.


Alice pretended not to notice all the hungry stares and the way some of them were drooling. It was easy enough. She didn't have to acknowledge them to know they were drowning in lust. Alice probably wouldn't be hungry for at least a week. When she reached the bar Alice put her back to it and at last looked over her audience.


“I am looking for a man named Cleptus. He stole something of mine that I want back.”


A voice from the crowd rang out. “If it’s your virginity I doubt you’ll be getting it back. Trust me, you ain’t the first to ask.”


Ripples of laughter cascaded through the room.


It didn’t particularly bother her. All the years as a barmaid had taught her how to ignore rude men. “What he stole wasn’t nearly that precious.”


Her reply produced a moment of surprised silence, followed by even more laughter.


“Well that’s true,” a man’s voice replied when the laughter had quieted. “Even though it was a small fortune, I don’t doubt your first would be a treasure beyond counting.”


From one of the tables he stood and began to stroll over. Alice recognized him and her eyes narrowed.


“You have a sweet tongue… for a thief.”


“Oh, the ladies all say they like my tongue. They like other parts even better.”

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