Agent I1: Tristan [01] The D.I.R.E. Agency (8 page)

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Authors: Joni Hahn

Tags: #Romance, #Science Fiction, #Suspense, #Adult

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What he wouldn’t give to have this life. To raise a family and just… have a reason to live.

Rachel caught him staring. Her cheeks bloomed red as she hugged Ty and turned back to the sermon.

She was so beautiful.

He stared at the cross again.
Change it. Change

A soft hand tugged on his fingers. Waking from his reverie, Tristan stared up at Rachel who tried to pull him to a standing position. He was the only person in the church that remained seated.

He shot up. Ty giggled at him, hand over his mouth.

Smiling, Rachel gave Tristan a raised eyebrow. What was he asking? He’d been given abilities unlike anyone else on earth. The world needed him and the agents of

He could never stop his work or ask someone to live with his lifestyle.

Tristan sighed inside. He’d better enjoy the next few days. They were as close to normal as he would ever get.


“Do this old, married woman a favor and tell me you’re sleeping with that.”

Rachel blushed to the roots of her hair as she kept her gaze from Glenna. If her best friend knew she had slept with Tristan – no, make that
had sex
with Tristan several times – she would read more into it than there could ever be. Glenna was Rachel’s biggest champion and played matchmaker on steroids every chance she got.

Staring across the church community center, she admired Tristan’s dark good looks. He talked with Mark and some of the men from the baseball team as they stood in line to buy fried chicken plates. He held a drink in one hand while Ty climbed all over him like a jungle gym. The super soldier looked almost domesticated.

Turning away, Rachel filled more cups with ice. “I just met him yesterday, Glenna. I’d hoped that when I told him he had to go to church with me, it would scare him off. I guess I’m stuck with him for the next few days.”

Glenna poured iced tea into cups. “Yes, and that makes sense, doesn’t it? He’s
friend, in town while
is gone.”

has him here to protect me from Cody. He’s afraid Cody will kidnap me and we’ll elope to Vegas or something.”

Glenna stopped pouring to stare at her. “Would you?”

She glanced over at Tristan again. Last night had shown her a side to Tris that she hadn’t expected. A side that told her there were much better men out there than Cody Brewster.

“No.” Rachel shook her head. “I realize now it would’ve been a mistake.”

Glenna raised her hands up in the air. “
. I’ve been trying to tell you that for two months now.”

Rachel set the full glasses towards the front of the table. She smiled at a couple of teenage girls who each grabbed a cup. They giggled behind their hands.

“I know, but Mom really wanted it.”

“Yeah well, Mom wouldn’t have to live with him.” Glenna grabbed another pitcher of tea. “Is he still in the SEALS? What’s that thing on his arm?”

Rachel stilled. How did she explain his armband and his job?

“He’s a… special agent.”

Glenna purred low. “Oh, he’s special, all right.”

Laughing, Rachel shook her head. “Does Mark know you think he’s hot?”

“Mark knows he’s the only man for me and I just like to window shop.”

Mark and Glenna were very much in love. They had been since high school. Rachel had always envied their relationship and once upon a time, thought she had one like it.

Goes to show she couldn’t judge character.

“What does a special agent do? Is he like a James Bond or something?”

“He calls himself a private contractor, a soldier for hire.”

? Cool.”

“Cool? He kills people for a living.”

Glenna turned her toward the plate line and pointed at Tristan. “Does that look like a killer to you?”

With a ball of paper in hand, Tristan played catch with Ty while he talked with the other men. When Ty would throw the ball underhand, Tris would correct him and make him throw overhand.

“He must love baseball,” Rachel said aloud. “He has a batting cage at his house with a top of the line pitching machine. He uses it a lot.”

Glenna’s eyebrows shot into her bangs. “He took you to his house?”

She made a production of straightening the cups on the table. “Yes. It didn’t take long to get there. Aidan thought it would be smart.”

Glenna crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m wondering if there’s something you’re not telling me...”

“Okay, you caught me. I have a hangover.”

“Reeaally? So, you were at his house, got drunk and nothing happened.”

You lie

“Oh, girl. What am I gonna do with you?”

A rush of people arrived to pick up drinks, most of whom would not even look her way. Tristan showed up several minutes later with two plates and Ty hanging on his back.

Mark said, “Rachel, I told Tristan that you guys need to come to our game Wednesday night.”

She detached Ty from Tristan’s shoulders. He ran to Glenna who settled him into a chair at one of the long tables.

“Are you still going to be around?” 
Say no

“Unless you kick me out.”

“Is that an option?” She gave him a cheeky grin.

Mark laughed as he set the plates on the table.

Tristan gave her a haughty brow. “No.”

Sighing, she sat across from her friends. Tristan took the seat to her right.

“I didn’t think so.”

The five of them sat alone at the long table while the rest of the community gawked at her. Rachel ignored them. For some reason, it came easier than she’d thought with Tristan beside her.

Mark said, “Rachel, what are you going to do about Cody? I’m surprised he hasn’t been by your place already, the way word spreads around here.”

She pulled a piece of chicken off the bone. “I’ll make a point of seeing him before the day is through. I want to get this over with.”

“You’re not meeting him alone.” Tristan scooped a bite of potato salad in his mouth.

Sitting up in her chair, Rachel turned to stare at him. “Yes, I am. It’s a private matter between me and Cody.”

“Yes, but I’m still going to be there.”

Glenna and Mark stared at them with wide eyes.

“Tris, I already have a high-handed brother. I don’t need another one.”

Taking a sip of iced tea, he turned the full force of his striking, blue gaze on her.

“Believe me, I don’t think of you as a sister.”

Rachel stilled before swallowing hard. She would not look across the table. Glenna had to be gloating.

A loud muffler echoed in the distance. It grew louder by the second, a strong, revved motor speeding closer until it vibrated the metal legs on the table. Tires squealed to a stop outside. A door slammed.


If all eyes weren’t on them before, they were staring at them now. Cody stomped through the community center doorway and headed her way.

“Oh Lord…” Rachel’s food rose in her throat.

“I’ve got this.” Tristan stood and waited for Cody, his eyes honed in on him like a tracking beam.

Rachel popped up beside him. “He wants to see
, Tristan. I’ll take it outside.”

When he reached their table, Cody grabbed for her arm. Tristan’s hand shot out to block him.

“Can I help you?” Tristan put Rachel behind his shoulder.

Cody ignored him. “Rachel, let’s go.”

“She’s not going anywhere with you.”

Cody took a deep breath. “Rachel, I’m not in the mood for this shit. Let’s
.” He held out his hand in invitation.

Tristan said, “Go screw yourself.”

Shaking his head, Cody finally looked at Tristan. “And why the hell do you matter?”

Tristan crossed his arms over his chest. “Because I stand between you and your next breath.”

Without a word, Cody pulled back and swung at Tristan. A gasp fell over the crowd. Tristan grabbed his fist mid-swing and pulled his arm behind his back. He bent Cody face first over the table. Mark and Glenna backed away with Ty.

Cody’s cursing echoed in the silent hall. Rachel could see blood in his nose. “
Tristan, stop

He stared at her with furrowed brows. “He started it.”

“Let him up.” She gripped Tristan’s bicep.

“Hell, no. He’ll just swing at me again.”

Growling, Cody struggled to break free.

She leaned down into his face. “Cody, what do you want?”

“I want to talk to you.” He spoke out of the side of his mouth, his cheek crushed against the laminate.

“Then why’d you try to hit Tristan?”

“He’s responsible for what happened yesterday.”

Tristan stiffened.

“Cody, you’re responsible for what happened yesterday. You were passed out drunk.”

All of the bluster fizzled out of Cody. He stopped struggling. “I just want to talk to you, Rachel. Alone.”

“No,” Tristan said.

She gritted her teeth. “Tris, I need to do this.”

Staring at her for several seconds, he let go of Cody’s arm and stepped back.

Okay… That was way too easy.

Tristan’s eyes never left Cody as he straightened from the table. Wiping at his nose, Cody glared at Tristan, his narrowed eyes telling him pay backs were on the horizon.

“Let’s walk over to the bride’s room in the church so you have some privacy,” Tristan said.

Rachel wanted to hide under the table. Everyone stared at their awful, humiliating spectacle. She would kill Aidan when he returned.

The three of them walked out of the center together. Rachel felt like she had an armed escort with the two big men framing her on either side. It surprised her that the crowd didn’t rise to their feet and follow them.

Entering the church building, they ambled down the hall until they reached the bride’s room. Tristan pushed open the door. Shel preceded him inside. Yesterday’s incidents flooded her mind, including the sight of Jock Brewster lowering Cody, unconscious, to the metal chair. Anger renewed itself in her mind.

“Brewster…” Tristan said, when Cody passed him in the doorway.

He tossed the engagement ring to Cody. He caught it in one hand. Staring down at it, he glared at Tristan with gritted teeth.

Tristan grabbed the door handle. “I’ll be around, Rachel, if you need me.”

Nodding, she watched the door shut halfway.

Oh no
. Tristan was not going to stand in here invisible. He would give her this time alone, at least.

Just when she moved to say something, the door pull closed.

She blinked. Well… good. At least he honored her wishes this time.

The air conditioner kicked on. The afternoon sun streaming through the skylight made the room uncomfortably warm.

Placing her hands on hips, she stood in the center of the room, just outside the sun’s rays. “So talk.”

Taking a deep breath, Cody’s voice went soft. “Rachel, we agreed to get married yesterday. What happened?”

The wedding seemed ions ago instead of twenty-four hours. She’d learned so much about life and love in that short period of time.

“That was
you humiliated me by showing up passed out drunk for the ceremony.”

He held out his hands in front of him. “Rachel, you have to believe me. I don’t know what happened.”

She shook her head. She had seen Cody filthy drunk on many occasions. Did he really expect her to think this incident differed in some way?

“Honestly, I didn’t drink that much.” He took her hand in both of his. “But, I’m here now. I still want to do this.”

With Cody’s sweaty, meaty hands swallowing hers, Rachel suddenly felt someone touch her back. Swinging around, she saw nothing.

Gritting her teeth, Rachel shook her head. She should’ve known he wouldn’t allow her to talk to Cody alone. Tristan had come inside after all.

“Cody, you had your chance yesterday. It just wasn’t meant to be.”

Tristan rubbed her back, his movements light, soothing as he stroked her from neck to waist. His touch clouded her mind, eliciting a torrent of memories from last night.

What was he doing?

Her mind fought for focus. Her body wanted more of Tristan and his touch.

“Is it him?”

Rachel couldn’t think straight with Tristan’s hands on her. “Who?”

Tristan slid his hands around her waist from behind. Rachel caught a moan in her throat. Was he really seducing her here and now?

“That SEAL waiting outside. Were you cheating on me with him?”

She felt Tristan’s lips, soft and light against her nape. She tilted her head before she caught herself and straightened.

Oh, he would

“Cheating on you? That’s rich, coming from you, Co - ” Tristan cupped her breasts in both hands. Rachel nearly jumped through the roof.

. Had he lost his mind?

Of its own volition, her body leaned back against Tristan’s tall, lean frame. How did he expect her to hold a conversation when he could so easily reduce her to a pile of mush?

A moan escaped. He placed an open mouth kiss against the side of her neck.

Cody gave her a fierce frown. “What the hell’s the matter with you?”

Tristan’s ministrations stopped. Her body cried in protest.

“From what I hear, you’ve been with a different woman every weekend since we’ve been engaged. Your ‘poor me’ card isn’t going to work here.”

Cody’s hand shot out to grab her. It stopped mid-air, quivering. She felt Tristan at her shoulder, his arm extended by her cheek.

Cody’s eyes bugged out.

Oh no

Rachel pushed against Cody’s chest. He stumbled backwards. “Cody, take the ring and go. We’re done.”

For long moments, he stared at her with eyes like softballs. “No, Rachel. Don’t say that. I want this.”

“That makes one of us.”

She felt Tristan squeeze her waist.

“You and I both know that without my money, you’ll never pay off your father’s medical bills.” Lowering his voice, he moved closer. “Look, I realize you don’t love me like I…” He cleared his throat. “…love you but, I know in time you’ll come around.”

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