Agent in Training (13 page)

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Authors: Jerri Drennen

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Thriller, #Contemporary

BOOK: Agent in Training
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Nick lay there for a few minutes, totally relaxed. Sex with Shiloh was incredible. Nothing else had ever come close.

He glanced at her and found her staring at him, her breathing, deep and uneven. Nick swallowed hard at the look of wonder in her eyes. What was she thinking?

She reached over and ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve wanted to do that since the first day I saw you. How do you get your hair to stand up straight like that?”

He grinned. “Magic.”

She pulled herself up onto the pillow and grinned. “Are you hungry?”

Nick thought about her question, his eyes roaming her body. His cock sprang to life at the sight of her nakedness. “Hungry? Hum. Yeah, but not for food.”

He reached over and pulled her into his arms. “How about you let me show you what else I was taught in Boy Scouts?”

Her eyes widened. “And what would that be?”

Nick’s hand slipped between her legs. “I was taught how to start a fire. Would you like me to show you? Or maybe a little mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?”

“That sounds interesting, but can you do them both at the same time?”

“You mean multi-task? I’ll do my best.”

He leaned in and kissed her soundly. Building a fire would be easy enough, but he wanted to make sure he could keep the blaze burning all night long.






Shiloh opened her eyes, instantly alerted by the pressure on her chest. She turned her head to find Nicholas next to her, asleep. His large hand rested on her breast.

She sighed and studied his face. He was cute as hell, his body a wonderland of delight. Their night of passion had been more than she had wished for. An experience she’d never forget.

He might be young, but Nick sure knew his way around a woman’s body… and what buttons to push to send her over the edge to orgasm. Not just any orgasm either—one that seemed to go on and on, leaving her weak and sated. Then he repeated that erotic process an hour later. He’d been like the energizer bunny. He kept her coming and coming—and coming.

Shiloh smiled and shifted, trying not to wake him.

She felt some tenderness between her legs, but their night together was completely worth any discomfort she had now.

Nicholas stirred. “Morning,” he said in a groggy voice. He stretched, exposing his lower stomach as the sheets slid away from his hips.

Her face heated. How could she possibly be embarrassed after what they’d shared?

“What time is it?” He leaned over her to reach for his watch, his other hand not leaving her breast. He glanced at the face, then put it back on the nightstand. "We’ve got time."

Shiloh narrowed her gaze. “Time?”

He flicked her nipple with his thumb as his other hand slid down her belly to the triangle of curls between her legs. An eyebrow crooked up devilishly. “For a quickie.”

“You’re insatiable, Nicholas.”

“Thank you.” His fingers played with her and his head dipped down, his mouth covering her breast to suck.

“I think we’ve already gone through your box of condoms,” Shiloh rasped, then moaned when his finger plunged inside her.

“I have one left. I’ll pick some up later today.”

His words immediately penetrated her passion-induced brain. He thought they were going to keep doing this. But no way was that going to happen. They had to end it here—now. One night was all they could ever have.

She pushed his head away from her breast. “No. We can’t do this again.”

“I told you, I have one left.”

“Stop it, Nicholas.” Her angry tone made him look up with furrowed brow.


Shiloh took in a deep breath, contemplating the right words to say. She had to make him understand she’d enjoyed their night together, but one night was all they’d share. “You were great, Nicholas. Really. But we work together. We can’t do this again.”

His eyes darkened, then abruptly he shoved the beige sheets aside and got up. He grabbed his clothes off the floor, stalked to the bathroom, and slammed the door behind him.

. She’d handled that badly, but she had to make him see their lives held no future together. What they had shared was sex, pure and simple.

And the sooner he realized that, the better off they’d both be.


Nick leaned against the bathroom door and closed his eyes. Damn it. How had he let her talk him into this whole sex thing anyway? He’d known once they slept together that everything would change for him, but obviously it had meant squat to Shiloh.

He swallowed the lump of emotion in his throat. His stomach knotted painfully. She’d dismissed him like some paid gigolo she’d tired of.

He yanked on his boxers. He was a fool.

What had he expected from a cold-hearted woman like her? Had he thought one night in his arms would change her? What a joke. Once an Ice Princess, always an Ice Princess.

After he dressed, he ran his hands through his hair. He needed to think over what he’d say when he left the bathroom.

Be cool. Act like you could care less if you ever see her face again. See how she likes it. Damned right. Treat her like the cold fish she is

Nick shook his head. Shiloh might be a cold fish, but she was the most desirable woman he’d ever been with, and sometime between entering her bedroom last night and this morning, he knew he’d fallen in love—insanely, madly in love.

Even so, he refused to let Shiloh know how hurt he was by her actions and her words. Somehow, if she knew, it could give her leverage he didn’t want her to have. He’d just pretend he didn’t care and do his job. Then get on with his life.

He’d certainly had some bad luck with women. For some reason he fell for the wrong ones; but not any longer. If he could learn from this, Shiloh was the last mistake he would ever make.

Inhaling deeply, he opened the bathroom door and walked back into the bedroom.

Shiloh had gone.

He headed into the living room where a delicious aroma wafted in the air.
. He really needed a cup.

He continued into the kitchen and found Shiloh leaning against the counter. She wore an ivory Kimono and stood there sipping from a mug. Her auburn hair was a mass of wild curls, giving her a tousled look. And she had definitely been tousled. He turned away and nodded at the coffee.

“Could I have a cup?” Nick tried his best to appear cool and in control.

“Of course. What do you take with it?”

“A little sugar.”

She grabbed a mug off a wooden tree and filled it then added the lump of sugar he requested. She stirred it and held it out to him.

He took the cup and wrapped his hands around it, inhaling the fragrant brew. “Smells good.”

“It’s a special blend.” She lowered her gaze and took a sip.

Nick’s mind went back to their picnic on her bed after their third bout of lovemaking. Unfortunately, his body responded to the memory. She’d fed him strawberries between kisses—kisses that led to yet another romp—another condom. How many were in a box, anyway? Five. Ten. He’d lost count. He had one left, but he’d also used the just-in-case condom out of his wallet.

Damn. He’d never gone all night before. Puffing out his chest, Nick felt damned proud of himself.

Was Shiloh feeling discomfort from their over-amorous encounter? A sense of spite made him hope she did. At least she wouldn’t feel up to sharing her delectable body with any other man for a while. Just the thought of her with someone else sent his stomach plummeting south. She belonged to him.

What the hell’s wrong with you

She’d used him to satisfy her carnal needs and then threw him away like an old shoe. Well, not exactly an

Gary Freeman’s words came back to haunt him. Boy-toy. Was that what he’d been to her? A toy to play with, then discard when she grew tired of him? If that was the case then she was icier than he’d thought, and he didn’t need her. How could he ever love a woman so cold?

No, it couldn’t be love. It was lust. She turned him on like no other woman had… that’s all. A simple physical attraction he could get over, given enough time.


Shiloh sat at the desk in her office. She recalled Nick’s apathetic expression, flashing like a detour sign in her mind. After she’d told him they couldn’t have sex anymore, he’d seemed upset. He’d stormed into her bathroom, but when he came out, it was a different story. He was completely indifferent to her, had reverted back to the Nick he’d been before they’d made love.

Had she somehow misread his anger? Maybe he had time to realize she was right about there being no way to continue with their affair, especially with DNS regulations hanging over their heads.

She wasn’t worried for herself, if she lost her job so be it, but Nicholas could be dismissed by a rumor if the upper brass got wind of it.

Shiloh shook her head. A lot had changed in the few short weeks since she’d been made director. She herself had wanted Nicholas out on his cute little ass, but since then she’d seen he was a darn good agent, and deserved the chance to prove that. He’d saved her life and managed to keep his head––even as his own lay in the balance. He was definitely DNS material, but she refused to tell him so. His ego was pumped up enough already—she wouldn’t want it to float away.

Her mind wandered back to their night together and those thoughts ignited a fire in her blood. Any normal woman would have had her fill of him, but she was still ravenous. How was she going to deny her body what it craved, night after night, knowing Nicholas was within reach? His beautiful, muscled young body, lying just a few feet away. His long, talented fingers waiting to work their magic with her.

She groaned softly. She should have known better. Her plan had disintegrated from the first fiery kiss they’d shared.
One night in his arms would get him out of your system... What a crock
. One night had only made her want him more. Her body drove her crazy. If he walked in right now she’d pull him onto her desk and love him thoroughly.

A light tap on her door made her jump halfway out of her seat. In a shaky voice she said, “Come in.”

When Sandra walked inside, a feeling washed over her, but she couldn’t be sure if it was relief or disappointment.

Her secretary stopped in front of her desk. “Mr. Danfield would like to know if you have a few minutes to speak with him.”

“Of course. Send him in.” Shiloh’s mind raced a mile a minute. What could he want? Had he heard rumors about her and Nicholas? Was he here to ask her to resign?

She swallowed her anticipation and stood to greet him. “Mr. Danfield, please come in and take a seat.”

Shiloh waited until he sat down, then shut the door and walked around her desk and sat. “So, what can I do for you?”

“I wanted to come down in person to find out how Agents Trent and Dawson are working out for you.” His choice of words ricocheted around in Shiloh’s brain.

Nicholas had worked out all right. All night. And oh, what a workout that was

“They’ve been very professional. Both are well-trained agents, sir.”

“Good, glad to hear that. I knew both the boys’ fathers. They were exemplary agents. Oh, before I forget, I also wanted to ask about the maid service I sent to help put your apartment back into order. Did they do a good job?”

Shiloh nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

“Good. Well, I know you’re busy. I’ll be going, but if you need anything, just let me know.”

“I appreciate your consideration.”

He waved his hand in the air. “Nonsense. I’m here to help.”

Shiloh walked him to the door, wondering why a man as busy as he was wouldn’t have called instead of coming all the way down to talk to her in person.

As she stood by the door, watching Danfield leave, she caught a glance pass between Hank and Sandra. Not an ordinary or casual look. No, it was tender.
. Something was going on between them. Now she had to worry about Hank’s job too—and Sandra’s.

Sandra was a very efficient secretary and Shiloh didn’t want to lose her. “Sandra, could you come here?” Shiloh waited until she stood next to her secretary, by the door, then continued. “You need to be careful not to let anyone else see what’s going on between you and Hank. It’s more than obvious and you both could lose your jobs.”

Sandra’s eyes grew huge. “I… ah.”

“I won’t say a word. Just try to be more discreet.” Talk about calling the kettle black. Shiloh returned to her office and closed the door. She leaned hard against it, battling her emotions.

Thoughts of Nicholas came flooding back. Tears stung the back of her eyes as she recalled his recent cold indifference. It was her fault, of course, but the man ran hot and cold, and she didn’t know which one she found easier to deal with. Both turned her on, and she had to find a way to fight that or she’d be miserable all the time.






Nick stomped into the elevator, in no way looking forward to this uncomfortable evening with Shiloh. He still couldn’t get over how she’d so casually cast him aside.

His hands clenched. The woman definitely had ice water in her veins.

The elevator stopped. When he exited the platform, he bumped into a tall, dark-headed, older man in a gray suit. He thought he knew him, but couldn’t place where or how.

“Agent Trent, I wanted to talk to you.”

“Talk? About what?” he asked, again wondering why the man’s face seemed so familiar? Nick thought he’d let the man talk and hoped he’d give away his identity.

“Director Templar seems happy with your performance, and I just wanted to thank you for giving her your personal best.”

Nick’s jaw slacked. Was he talking about his performance in bed? Had Shiloh told this guy they’d shared a night together? Or could this be a ploy to get him to confess?

“Sorry, who are you?” Nick brushed his perspiring palms on the sides of his slacks. Guilt took another bite out of his gut, and he hoped his nervousness wasn’t too apparent.

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