Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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“Not much. She told me to defer to your judgment.”

Adrian was taken aback by that statement. He always thought Nicole, for the lack of a better and more professional word, despised him. Their constant conflicts over the past year have almost become something of a spectator sport. Those words proved that underneath that hard shell of hers, Nicole Wells knew what was best for this organization. Perhaps this subordinate has gotten to her.

“I'd be glad to help Tom. Send over what you can via email to our lead analyst Mark Wilson.”

“Will do. I'll have his personal laptop and about thirty pounds worth of servers sent overnight to your office.”

“Thanks Tom,” Adrian replied.

Normally that would be unlike him. He rarely offered thanks to someone for just doing their job. Even if it was a sign of courtesy, the S.A.C. held those words in the highest regards and reserved them for the times he is completely at a loss. Perhaps his superior has gotten to him as well.

“How's Logan holding up?”

“Acting like a whiny bitch,” teased Prince. “His lawyer's been yammering on about due process for the past twelve hours or so. Still hasn't gotten him out of his cell though. Their hourly rate must be impressive.”

“You act boldly in front of the face of defiance Tom,” he replied.

Someone like Charles Logan shouldn't have even seen the interior of a jail cell let alone sit in one for half a day.

“I told him and his crummy lawyer that the judge wouldn't see anyone until Monday so he's going to have to sit tight until then.”

“Good work,” Adrian replied. “We may need him to talk depending on what we find. Make sure he's comfortable.”

“Way ahead of you Adrian. My boys have been waiting for months to see him behind bars. They're going to make sure to savor this moment for as long as they can.”

“Alright then,” said Adrian holding back a laugh. “Good luck out there.”

“You too.”

Prince's line went silent. Adrian closed the call and immediately started another to their lead analyst. Even though it's a Sunday, salaried employees never truly have a day off. Especially in this field of work. Adrian didn't pay it much mind. After all, he was just following protocol.

The phone answered after too short rings. “Hey boss,” came from the other end of the line sounding more focused than anything else.

“Mark, have you got a minute?”

“Sure, just a - son of a bitch!” The analyst shouted.

Adrian's brow tightened. He had no idea someone as delicate and reserved as Mark could say such words and so boldly at that.

“What was that?”

“Nothing,” defended Mark. “What can I help you with?”

The silence afforded Adrian an opportunity to catch some of the background noise being filtered through the call. Sounds of heavy combat and gunfire poured through the speaker. Now it all made sense. Adrian had forgotten how attached his best analyst was to the virtual lands of simulated combat. Or rather, he wished he didn’t know.

“I got a call from the Vegas field office. They're looking for our assistance with yesterday's operation.”

“Oh yea?” Questioned Mark. “How'd that go? Is Mike and Meryl alright?”

“They're both fine. No worse for wear.”

Adrian was confident in speech but not in mind. Given that one of his Agents had taken off without so much as a single word he couldn't really speak for him.

“We were able to pull the important data concerning their illegal activities. Mostly tax evasion data but there's a whole mess of info coming in that the guys in Vegas pulled from the target's house.”

“What kind of data - oh for the love of God!”

Adrian sighed to himself.

“Thomas Prince, the S.A.C. in Vegas should be sending you an email any moment now.”

“Just got it,” Mark chimed minimizing his video game window.

He peered over the information. It was a checklist of data with their current findings on an attached spreadsheet.

“Whoa, this looks like fun! Looks like our boy has been shifting his money around hundreds of thousands of accounts. Definitely a M.O. for laundering. Going to take me a good couple of days to crack this boss.”

Logan's evidence of paranoia dwarfed the myth.

“Get as much as you can done. All of the hardware will be arriving tomorrow.”

“Will do. But,” Mark stopped.

Adrian could feel the apprehension growing within the analyst.

“What is it Mark?”

“Don't we need a warrant first from the judge before we go prying into his private files?”

Adrian stopped himself before saying another word. More bad from his superior were looming in. Something nagged away at Adrian's conscious telling him that these files were important. He'd love to crack into these things right this second if only to quell his curiosity. The argument could be made that a personal computer could be used for business matters. No doubt Logan's lawyer was arguing the opposite at this moment. But above all else. Mark was right. They were going to need a warrant.


March 25th, 2013 7:47AM (local time)

Iwate Prefecture, Japan

The black Mercedes Benz CLS63 AMG coupe burned north through National Highway 340 with the morning sun blaring down at them. Thankfully the added pair of sunglasses were included in his gift bag from earlier. Michael would have been more impressed that Testament not only owned one of these vehicles but to have another waiting for them when they touched down in Haneda International Airport but given their short history together, he quickly learned to keep an open mind about these matters. Davis defended yet again that it was another gift. Given how convenient everything seemed to be around these guys, Michael assumed that the one who owed them favors was CEO of Daimler AG.

They arrived the day before but Michael suggested they drive through the night and stay at a hotel in Morioka. Again, Davis offered to pick up the tab before Michael could suggest otherwise. The FBI agent didn’t have much of a choice this time around. His wallet and most of his possessions were back in the L.A. field office. Everything he carried on him now were just duplicates of his most essential gear.

Their stay in Morkioka was short. Michael was able to get a few more hours of sleep given that Davis chose to stay in a separate room. He may have sensed the growing tension between them and had hoped to quell it with a kind gesture. It definitely didn’t work against him. That much Michael could assure.

As much as he would have loved to drive straight to the Yamatera household, time was not on their side. The people Michael needed to speak with were probably already sound asleep and if he wanted to get their full cooperation, he needed to be courteous and arrive at a normal time. At least the drive had relaxed him a bit. He knew these roads well. It was hard to forget anything with an eidetic memory but that goes with the territory of being programmed for perfection.

The drive was quiet and free from traffic. Davis had remained silent almost with a certain glint of happiness in his eye. He was going to receive some firsthand information to piece together the missing pieces of Mavryk Curtis’ life. It was hard not to be excited. They had been waiting for this moment for quite some time now. Davis enjoyed history over any other subject so he always looked forward to the opportunity to gain new knowledge and insight wherever it may be.

They were quickly approaching the Kunizakai Pass. This is where they were going to go a little off route. Michael veered the car west towards a path off the main road and headed straight for the dense forest that surrounded this path. He didn’t get a good look but Michael could have sworn he saw a bit of surprise in Davis’ eyes as they quickly approached what appeared to be a tree whose age was nearing nine centuries. The Paladin braced his resolve but felt confident that his companion wouldn’t put either of them in direct danger. That would seriously go against what data he’s collected so far on this potential antichrist.

The car drove straight through the tree as if it weren’t even there. It flickered wildly as the car passed with chucks of brown and green colored light bouncing off the exterior of the vehicle without leaving so much as a scratch.


“A hologram? Fascinating.” Smiled Davis looking back.

They passed through hundreds of similarly shaped look-alikes for the next two miles before the path opened up to a traditional asphalt road.

They reside in a hidden village?
The Paladin thought to himself.

It all started to make sense. Testament’s resources were very extensive; however, even they had some areas to which they could not exactly reach. That number has slowly dwindled throughout the years but still wasn’t perfect. Another scant location would be crossed off today as this one was definitely for the record books.

Michael drove for another few minutes at a reasonable speed up a winding path. The Yamatera home was buried deep within the mountains. The air here was extraordinarily clean and fresh. The majesty of God’s creation could be seen in all directions. Davis was unsure about the Yamatera’s given the lack of data available but they made a very good first impression.

The vehicle began to slow down in front of a large wooden gate painted in a fiery red color. It was shaped similarly to a torii, commonly found in entrances to Shinto shrines and other places of worship. Davis marveled not only at the wonderful architecture which was easily several centuries old, but also the significant spiritual purpose it served. These structures are said to be the dividing line between what is pure and what isn’t. Any family that has one of these magnificent gates in front of their home must be one worthy to bear such divine importance indeed.


Michael parked the vehicle nearby in a plot of open land where several other cars were parked. It was fairly common for the Yamatera’s to have visitors every once and a while since this place proved difficult to visit to on foot so they made the proper accommodations.

“Let’s go,” ordered Michael as he turned off the ignition. He stepped out of the car slowly and watched Davis do the same. They slammed the doors simultaneously with Michael holding back a bit as to not make a loud sound. He figured on a typical Monday morning, the students would all be out in the yard training. Those who weren’t in school anyways. Michael approached the gate with caution surrounding each taken step. He needed to tread carefully. His return was going to be quite the event and would be met with unparalleled enthusiasm from everyone but the FBI agent. There would be a tidal wave of emotions rushing through these lands today, none of which he cared to confront.

Michael could tell that his companion was immediately impressed with the sight before his eyes. It was a beautiful piece of imagery. Almost as if it were pulled straight from a painting. A large mass of young students litter the main garden just beyond the gate. They moved in unison as if controlled by one person. Punches snapped against the stagnant air. The instructor carefully guided his strikes and his students followed with incredible accuracy. Even though they were a fraction of their teacher's age, their movements flowed as if they'd been practicing for centuries.

Two massive shrines followed the garden on the east and west sides covered with masterfully crafted hunter green roofs. The shining red paint that flowed down from their peaks on meticulously hand carved lumber gave them a regal appearance. About halfway down the garden an arched red bridge connected two sides of the village where a shallow but mighty river flowed in-between. A school of koi fish swam underneath as they always have for centuries.

At the end of the village stood a large mansion. Massive in girth but had a pristine and elegant look to it. With just a first glance, no one would know or believe it was almost five hundred years old. It appeared as if it were erected yesterday which proves just how much attention to detail the Yamatera clan have given to their paradise.

Another pair of buildings close to but not attached to the mansion sit idly by. The west holds a large dormitory where the students would stay when they weren't in school during long training sessions over the spring and summer. Across from that to the east is the indoor dojo which is nearly twice the size of the outdoor garden training area. When the weather becomes too unbearable, this is where they train. No one could have asked for a better picture of spring weather on a day like today. The cherry blossom trees are on the verge of blooming and the glorious flora that surrounds the entire village gives off a sweet and luscious air that is almost good enough to eat.

Michael approached the gate and his eyes immediately caught a young boy blitzing his way out of the entrance of the east shrine. A buttered piece of toast was clamped tightly between the confines of his pearly white teeth as he ran through the garden barely holding onto the backpack slung over his shoulder.


“Ryosuke! You haven't finished breakfast.” Shouted a women from the shrine's entrance.

Her features were delicate and soft which complimented her pearl colored skin. Time has done wonders for her age. She could have easily passed for a college student. No one would have suspected she was a mother of a high school student.

“I know mom,” he countered back turning his head while running. “But I'm going to be late for class.”

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