Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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The young Paladin appeared to be completely oblivious to Michael’s presence. It wasn’t until the FBI agent stepped within his direct field of view that alerted him otherwise.

“Is everything alright?” Asked Davis as he puts away his tiny book of scriptures back into his coat pocket.

Michael almost didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of a response but seeing as it was very likely they had listened in, or at the very least tapped his call, he submitted.

“Fine,” Michael stated, not trying to sound particularly pleased or annoyed.

He contemplated what he was about to say next and then, quickly reminding himself what little say he had in the matter, found the words he was looking for.

“I’m going to Japan.”

“This is a fortunate turn of events,” Davis smiled.

The holy man was right. The only major gap of information they lacked in Michael’s profile was his years spent with the Yamatera family. Now he would be leading Davis straight to them. Michael didn’t know what to expect from this visit but he easily anticipated at least one scenario that he did not feel like confronting at this time and especially in front of judgmental eyes. It may be his one saving grace or his utter downfall. With those thoughts pushed aside, Michael had one last important question to ask.

“Who have you assigned to follow me?”

Davis passed along another genuine smile in Michael’s direction.

“Rest assured Mr. Curtis. The burden of protecting your health and wellbeing will be mine.”

Interesting but not surprising. Davis is the only one of this group that Michael didn’t assure himself he could easily take in hand to hand combat from first glance. If the armored cassock wasn’t a hint of his potential strength, perhaps masking himself in a gentle and refined nature means that there is more to this holy man than meets the eye.

“I have been training for this day for quite some time actually. There are other members of our organization that,” he paused briefly enough for Michael to catch it, “disagree with this course of action but I fought for it to be taken this far and I’d surely like to see all the cards on the table before placing my wager. The very fate of our world is resting upon it after all. It would be a great injustice to make a hasty judgment.”

Though liberal with his analogy, Michael understood and seemingly empathized with his rationale. It was his life that was on the line but Davis never made it seem like he was pointing a judgmental finger down at the FBI agent. The future may be bleak in the eyes of Testament but it was still uncertain. That was the only thing that saved Michael’s life on this night.

              “We need to go now,” Michael stated, “It would cause problems in my department if they knew I was leaving the country.”

“Then perhaps I can be of some assistance. Our goals seem to intertwine at the moment. You need a discreet way to travel out of the country and we need to watch over you while you do it. I believe this is classic win-win scenario, is it not?”

For a guy as refined as Davis, it was almost as if he was ripped straight from another time period. His attitude and manner of speaking was something out of the Victorian era. That would take some time to get used to. Michael imagined he’d get an earful on their upcoming 10 hour flight. The FBI agent still had his reservations. All of this charity may be trying to lull Michael into a false sense of security. He had to keep his guard up.

“Why are you helping me?”

Davis could feel his guest’s hesitation growing. He tried to make their visit as humbling as possible but given the nature of the topics they discussed, Mavryk Curtis had every reason not to trust them. The young Paladin took this burden upon himself to prove him wrong.

“Consider it a gesture of good faith.”

There couldn’t have been a better answer given. If Michael was going to be a hostage to this organization, the least they could do allow him the opportunity to do his job at the best of his ability. If they could stay out of his hair without becoming a burden, then Michael would do whatever it took to prove them wrong. Or perhaps inevitably die trying.

“Let’s go,” ordered Michael. He turned towards the exit but not before catching a glimpse of hesitation in Davis’ eyes.

“Surely you’d like to change your attire first Mr. Curtis.”

He brought up a good point. The last thing he wanted to do was to face anyone in these ridiculous pants let alone his Japanese family. Fighting in these was mortifying enough. He didn’t want to have to face the potential mocking from people whose opinions he actually gave weight to.

“My gear is back in Los Angeles.”

“That won’t be a problem. We have procured a uniform and any essential equipment for you. Adriel will guide you.”

Davis gestured behind the FBI agent where the young Cleric named Adriel stood.

“Right this way please Mr. Curtis.”

Of course they were able to do that. They have practically anything and everything else they could want in this place. A new suit shouldn’t have been any sweat off their back either. Knowing his current state of luck, the damn thing will fit like a glove too.

“Michael,” he stated, “Call me Michael.”

“As you wish Michael,” Adriel happily obliged.

The FBI agent turned and gave Davis a quick glance as if relaying the same message telepathically. Davis responded with a quick smirk signaling he received it loud and clear.

“I’ll make the arrangements for the flight Michael. Please take all the time you need.”

Michael allowed himself the small pleasure of a deep breath and followed Adriel towards another room on the east side of the building. Opening the doors revealed what appeared to be locker room of sorts. Dozens of finely pressed and freshly washed black cassocks hung majestically on one side of the wall while on the other rested a sole black suit. Underneath it was a familiar bag stamped with an undistinguishable yellow FBI logo on the side. Michael reached for that first and from within found a few memorable artifacts and trinkets: his ID badge and shield, a Glock 23 pistol, two extra magazines of ammunition with matching leather shoulder holster, sunglasses, and a pair of dress shoes with the appropriate colored socks tucked in. The quality was so impressive Michael would have thought the stole these from the FBI field office directly. He didn’t put that thought past them either.

At least one portion of his plate of uneasiness had some considerable weight taken off of it. Michael quickly tossed away this atrocious attire and began to suit up. Countless thoughts and emotions began to dance away in his mind. The quite atmosphere of this room was attributed to that. He did not allow himself to get lost in them. All he had to do was take it one step at a time. The first being the inevitable confrontation with someone he thought he’d never see again; nor that he ever desired to.


March 24th, 2013 11:40PM (local time)

Sonbong County, North Korea

Night had spread its massive grasp and under its cover Colonel Lee’s soldiers continued to load boxes upon boxes into the newly arrived trailer. The container itself had seen better days. It was tagged and marked all to hell in various languages, mostly Russian which made perfect sense; they were right on the border. In fact, that’s where most of their supplies came from.

Hours had passed since they received word about the upcoming operation. Immediately since then, everything had started to feel as it did six months ago; some would argue even better. They were graced with brand new uniforms, weapons that looked like they just came fresh off the assembly line, and a glorious amount of rations that would be enough to feed a squad of two hundred let alone a dozen. This abundance of good fortune came not a moment too soon. The morale of Lee’s men started to falter with each passing day. Their collective attitude completely changed upon arrival of some much needed supplies.

The man responsible for it all was Colonel Lee’s direct superior General Song. Though not her personally, his subordinate hand delivered this trailer and scheduled the arrival of their supplies nearly simultaneously to each other. They were immediately given orders to change clothes and load the contents of the delivery into the trailer. No one raised a single voice of opposition despite their growing feelings of abandonment.

“Is everything adequate Colonel?” The Sergeant asked.

He noticed his superior ogling the weapons a little too closely, almost like he hadn’t seen one in a very long time.

“Everything is perfect. Please give my most humble regards to General Song.”

He sounded genuinely pleased. All it took was a small token of generosity to reignite the burning passion of the North Korean army.

“Have you been advised about your instructions from here on out?”

Lee put the beautiful TT M68 pistol back in its box with the other dozen or so and looked the Sergeant in the eyes.

“Of course. We received them moments after the operation was given the go ahead.”

“Very good.” the Sergeant looked genuinely pleased. “I have been instructed to go over the mission operation with you before returning back to our compound.”

Colonel Lee gave him a nod signaling he understood. This was common for a military operation of such great significance.

“After we are finished loading the trailer, we are to take the main road north through Tumangang. We are to cross the main bridge into Russia and continue through on the A189 road for approximately one-hundred and five kilometers. There we will take the road heading north-east to Vladivostok, wait to be loaded onto the cargo aircraft and await departure to Los Angeles.”

The Sergeant nodded.

“And, upon arriving in their country?”

“We are to stay hidden in the container and await transfer to the warehouse. There, we are to report to Dr. Shin Jung-ho and await further instructions.”

“Good work Colonel. The General would be pleased.”

Those words drew a smile from Colonel which surprised him. In the current rank and file of their military, Lee completely outclassed this young man but it almost seemed the Sergeant was talking to him as if their roles were reversed.

Their instructions were simple but there were so many variables to consider. For one, the bridge leading out of the country was heavily guarded on both sides by Russian military. Lee was assured by the Sergeant they had nothing to worry about. Given the current state of political affairs, one would have to be pretty foolish not to question this plan yet Lee didn’t offer any words of resistance. He was a good soldier. He would follow out any order given to him even if it meant certain death. That’s what it means to be a part of the People’s Army.

“Hey!” Shouted the driver, “Time to go, yes?”

He didn’t try hard to mask his Russian accent but given the amount of payment he had received for pulling this kind of job, he could have at least made a little effort. The North Koreans didn’t have much of a choice. With their communication pool limited, they had to take what they could get. Luckily there were plenty of people that were willing to break a few international laws for a generous payout. Finding one that spoke a little English was good enough as far as Lee’s superiors were concerned.

Their timing was near perfect. Lee’s men had just finished loading the supplies into the trailer. He ordered them inside. They happily hoped right in and made their way to the back. There were countless crates already preloaded presumably a part of the Russian’s regular delivery. It made it easy to hide a dozen soldiers from within and unless they unloaded each crate one by one, no one would suspect a thing.

Once all of his men were properly situation, Lee climbed on in and made his way to the back. The Sergeant would then lock them in and for the next few days they were to remain silent and motionless until they arrived at their destination. It was a very simple operation given the circumstances. Leaving North Korea should have been a challenge in and of itself but taking a trailer full of soldiers and weapons all the way to the nation of their rivals undetected was practically inviting both failure and death to sit at their table.

“One more thing Colonel,” called the Sergeant just before sealing the trailer.

“Yes Sergeant.”

“Tell your men not to open up any of the preloaded containers.”

Lee could barely make it out in this like but it looked like the Sergeant had a sinister look on his face when he said, “For their own safety of course.”

Lee immediately began to understand why there was an air of uncertainty floating around this operation. The Sergeant’s parting words affirmed his suspicions. The trailer slammed shut with a loud metallic echo and whether he liked it or not, the operation was underway.


March 24th, 2013 1:10AM

Las Vegas, NV

Michael Madison and his new companion Davis LeClair arrived at their destination approximately twenty-five miles out of the Las Vegas city limits. No one would think much of this place on a normal day let alone in the dead of night but before their eyes stood a beautifully crafted Learjet 40XR private plane. There wasn’t even a miniscule scratch sullying the magnificent frame of this brilliant piece of engineering. It looked like it just rolled off the assembly line. Michael almost didn’t put it past them.

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