Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2) (34 page)

BOOK: Agent M: Testament (The Agent M Series Book 2)
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“Which of you men can operate a forklift?” Asked Shin.

Five hands shot up proudly. Much better than Shin had hoped. The doctor pointed to the vehicle dock about three-hundred feet away.

“Grab a forklift and begin unloading the cargo to that area over there,” he said while directing his hands over to the completely empty plot of land about five hundred feet away from where he was standing. “The rest of you will set up the work area downstairs.”

Shin turned around and looked above to the second floor section of the warehouse. It had big glass windows staring down at them and was standing on top of some empty office space.

“That up there is my laboratory. It is a clean room environment. Under no circumstances are any of you men allowed in there. Is that understood?”

The all gave a hearty, “Yes sir!”

“Good. Before we begin Colonel, have your men refresh themselves, shower, and use the bathroom facilities. Food and drinks have also been prepared. Once your men are nourished have them get started. Is that clear?”

“Yes sir!” Lee saluted.

“Excellent,” Shin smiled. “I’ll be upstairs carrying on my work but I shall return shortly.” The doctor turned and gave the Colonel a heart piercing look. “Enjoy this time Colonel. Once we begin the operation, there will be no turning back from here.”

Lee knew the power of those words but the way the doctor said them made him feel oddly uneasy. He had to know more, even if it wasn’t protocol.

“Doctor, if I may,” the Colonel started. “What is the purpose of this operation?”

“Your purpose is to follow my orders without question,” Shin said with an overwhelming and unexpected amount of authority. “The rest falls on my shoulders Colonel. Take solace in the fact that this responsibility is mine alone to bear. When the time comes to bring this land to its knees, you’ll be glad you’re on my side.”

Shin smirked at his last comment and proceeded back up the stairs towards his laboratory where his continuing research waited for him. The Colonel did not like to be left in the dark of any operation but given the circumstances, this was the best course of action for the time being. They had invaded America. With the reputation this country has built for welcoming foreigners, the Colonel or his men did not want to incite their rage. Staying put and doing the work assigned to them was certainly the best course of action for now. It was that last part that still had Colonel Lee worried. How they were going to bring down this mighty nation with only a handful of soldiers was still a mystery. The doctor’s confidence may have swayed things in their favor temporarily but Lee still wondered how they were going to do it. Unless they were unloading a container full of nuclear explosives, this mission may be more than what they bargained for.


March 26th, 2013 9:14AM

Las Vegas, NV

Nicole’s eyes were locked on the window as they have been for the past few days. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore. Her fate had already been dealt its final hand. Counting down the days to one’s death would normally seem like a stressful endeavor. People instantly become filled with regret for all of the things they haven’t done and neglected to think about all of the ones they have. Nicole couldn’t forget any of them. That is why she chose to face death calmly and without fear. Every day after she had been diagnosed with this disease has been a gift; one she never intended to squander. Her time could end at any moment. The fact that she’s gone this long without meeting it face to face was actually very fortunate. However, there still remains one thing left undone.

She continued to play with her phone in her hands. Not so much as tapping the buttons but rather sliding the slick surface from front end to back in the soft confines of her palm. Michael needed her help but her options were limited. Calling Adrian was completely out of the question. If he knew Michael was halfway around the world it would be the end of his career. Nicole didn’t want to leave the last man she truly cared about in that state. She contemplated calling Mark but that too could draw suspicion. Mark was a great analyst and a trusted member of her team. Unfortunately, he still had to follow the rules much like everyone else. She couldn’t give him the burden of this secret. There’s only one man she could ever trust given her current state and even he doesn’t know everything. Nicole was tired of keeping everything hidden.

Time was working against them. There was only one other person Nicole could call in this situation. She hadn’t dialed this number in years. It was impossible to forget after all of this time. After that tragic event on the aircraft carrier, Nicole didn’t want to have anything to do with that person anymore and yet, she had no one else left to call. No friends, no family, and no one she could trust.

This wasn’t about Nicole or her grudges. This was for Michael’s sake. He was the one constantly risking his life to help clean up the messes Nicole made. If this sacrifice would help him find what he’s looking for, Nicole would pay any price. This person would definitely come to collect that’s for sure.

Nicole began dialing the number. Her fingers trembled with every tap. The kind of power at that person’s disposal was practically limitless. This call may not end up going the way she was hoping for but given the current circumstances, Nicole didn’t have anything left to lose.

The call started. Nicole could hear her pulse speed up. Things weren’t off to a good start. She tried meditation to calm herself down. Clearing her head of all of the incoming thoughts was impossible. She’d have better luck dodging water in the middle of the Pacific. Just when her mind was at the peak of chaos, the ringing stopped. Someone answered.

“Hello Nicole,” the voice started. “It’s been a long time.”

That voice was still as surly and cocky as ever. Though it was encrypted using a voice distortion module, that mocking air of pleasantry at least sounded a lot better than the last words they traded with one another before going their separate ways.

“How’ve you been?” Nicole asked immediately regretting it afterwards.

Her humble state of mind has caused her to do a lot of things differently. That goes with the territory of facing one’s own mortality.

“Better than you,” they answered. “Is Dr. Nayar taking good care of you?”

They continued to mock Nicole. She wasn’t intimidated in the slightest. Nicole knew everything and everything there was to know about that person. Even the fact that they continued to spy on her up to this day didn’t surprise her one bit.

“I,” Nicole started looking to immediately change the subject. “I need your help.”

The voice on the other end remained silent for a few moments. Hundreds of thoughts immediately raced through her head. Nicole didn’t know what to make of it until they spoke once more.

“My how times have changed. If memory serves me correctly, you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. Now you want my help?”

The voice laughed a bit.

“Wow, you must be really desperate.”

“I just need some information. I can’t go to my regular sources.”

Nicole felt a sharp pain course through her stomach. She had already said too much. Speaking casually became something she’d gotten used to over the last few days. For a single second, Nicole had forgotten who she was talking to and it was going to cost her dearly.

“Is that so?” The voice playfully asked. “What could be so important that you don’t want anyone –” the voice suddenly cut itself off and went silent.

Every second of dead air sent pains of regret coursing through Nicole’s body. She had screwed up and screwed up royally. The punishment for this would be great and sadly she didn’t have any fight left in her.

“You’ve found him? Haven’t you?!” The voice asked. Its jovial tone was almost out of character for this person.

“He’s alive, isn’t he?”

Nicole remained silent. There was nothing she could say to dissuade her train of thought now. Her speech or silence would give the voice the answer they sought. They were always good at keeping secrets together but usually not from one another. The fact that Nicole was able to do it for this long showed she still had an edge on that person. Not anymore though. Now it was all on the table.

“This doesn’t concern him,” Nicole pleaded. Her words sounded too forced and weak.

“Please Nicole. I’m not one of your subordinates. Your lies are no good here,” the voice snapped. “It’s always about him. It was then and it is now. You ruined our friendship because of him. Betrayed me because of him. And now, you’re last act in this world is trying to help him.”

Silence filled the walls of the hospital room. Nicole couldn’t say anything in her defense nor did she want to. That person knew just what Michael meant to her. It cost Nicole her rank, her job, their friendship, and nearly her life. That person may possess the capability of forgiveness in their heart but they would never forget the words shared on that day.

“Alright, I’ll placate your little request,” the voice laughed.

That haunting giggling reminded Nicole of times long since passed. Even through the distortion she could recognize anywhere.

“What do you need?”

Nicole steeled herself as best as she could. That little slip up would cost her later but right now, she needed that person. There was still that little mess to clean up and worrying about anything else at this moment would be futile.

“Information on Ryoo Myung-Dae,” stated Nicole.

“The defector?” The voice asked almost sounding puzzled.

They waited a few moments before responding. More than likely, they were pulling up the data using their extensive resources sitting at their fingertips.

“According to my data he’s dead. Thanks to you,” they added.

“Why did you call him that name?” Nicole pondered. “The defector.”

“Why do you ask questions you should already know the answer to?” They replied. “You know how we operate over here.”

They were right. Nicole knew all too well. Time had not been as kind to her senses as they were her memory. They had access to technologies today that may not see the light of day for another twenty years and that was back in the 90s. She didn’t even want to think about the kind of operation they were running now.

Both of them remained silent for a few more moments. When the voice was able to fill Nicole’s request, they spoke once more.

“I have everything you’ll ever want to know about Ryoo Myung-Dae right in front of me.”

“What do you want?” Asked Nicole.

Her voice started to sound more menacing with each passing breath. This person was not one to give to charity. Everything had a price.

“Consider this a gift,” the voice stated. “After all, you don’t have much time left to pay me back what you owe me.”

She didn’t like the sound of that. It was too direct and focused. Not their style at all. Nicole knew there was something more to it.

“Besides,” the voice started again. “You’ve already given me something nice in return.”

Those words struck Nicole in the face like a ten ton hammer. She didn’t have anything to give but there was no need to. Her little mistake was

“Please,” she stated.

Nicole wouldn’t allow her voice to crack no matter how much it wanted to.

“Leave him out of this. This is between you and me.”

“Don’t worry sister. I’ll take good care of our boy,” the voice started.

The way they said that was so disgusting Nicole was ready to vomit. The voice closed out saying something that sounded much more familiar to Nicole than anything else said during their conversation.

“Now why don’t you just be a good girl and die?”

The voice hung up their end of the call. Nicole sat in awed silence. The phone slipped from her hand and plopped onto the soft and vacant mattress space next to her. After all of their years spent together it has finally come down to this. Suddenly, knowing that death was approaching wasn’t something she was easily able to push aside anymore.

A vibration gently pressed against the bed. The email finally arrived. At least they held up their end of the bargain. Nicole slowly felt tears forming at the edge of her eyes. She had gotten the information she needed but at too high of a price. Michael’s fate was now in the hands of that person. Nicole did not want to die knowing she couldn’t do anything for him now. And yet, it felt like she was already too late.



March 26th, 2013 9:25AM

Los Angeles, CA

“You really expect me to believe that?” Adrian questioned. His smug brow slowly grew sharper in anger.

“It’s the truth!” The young boy pleased. “Why would I make it up?”

The S.A.C.’s mind instantly filled with several possible reasons. All of which sounded plausible. This lack of cooperation was beginning to wear in Adrian’s patience. He couldn’t afford this path to be a dead end. It was their only lead at this point. Mark was still working on decoding the information stored on those mass of servers plus cracking this kid’s worm. He’s been working his fingers to the bone for the S.A.C. but even pulling 14 hour days was still not enough to get the results they desired. They needed this kid to start telling them the truth or start providing better evidence to his current story.

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