Agent M4: Riordan (16 page)

Read Agent M4: Riordan Online

Authors: Joni Hahn

Tags: #Futuristic, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Agent M4: Riordan
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Powers cleared his throat. “Hope has been trained to… see things. When she connects, she’s very accurate.”

Riordan gave her a brief onceover. “Connects?”

“I can only see certain events or people. I can’t see at will.”

“But you saw Meeks in flames?”

She nodded.


He had to get word to Mitchell and Rose. Yes, Hope’s vision could be wrong. Then again…

What if it wasn’t?

Either way, they’d put Natalie right in the middle of trouble and he couldn’t take it any longer. He had to get her away from Warner.

“Hope, I need you to do me a favor…”


“Thank you for getting me out of there.”

Natalie smiled at Hope Powers as they walked down the carpeted hallway to the ladies room. Ever since she’d gotten in the limousine with John, she’d had a constant ache in her stomach, her nerves on high alert and pulsating.

She needed to see Riordan. To touch him, hold him for just a minute.

Hope laughed. “You looked as miserable as I felt. Besides, I wanted a chance to look at your cuff.” Stopping outside the ladies restroom, she studied the brushed nickel web on her arm.

Natalie grinned with pride. She’d always admired the set at the jewelers, but never had the nerve to buy it. Now that Riordan had given her the courage to be herself, she’d called them right away to purchase it. She’d had Riordan install the GPS that morning.

“It’s gorgeous.” Hope gave her dress a onceover. “It suits your dress perfectly.”

“Thank you.” She pointed at the door behind Hope. “Are we going in?”

With a sly grin, Hope shook her head. “I’m not, but you are...” Shoving open the door, she pushed Natalie inside.

Riordan stood at ease just inside the door, looking stunningly handsome in his black, form-fitting tuxedo. His blue eyes glittered with anger, his jaw clenched. Desire, hot and flaming, engulfed her.

“Thanks, Hope,” he said, never breaking his stare.

“I’ll be just around the corner.” Her voice held a touch of humor. “Come get me when you’re ready.” She walked out with a click of the heavy mahogany door.

Natalie approached him with apprehensive steps. “Are you mad about something?”

His gaze wandered up her body, leaving a trail of heat along her skin. “Damned straight, I’m mad. What the hell are you doing dressed like that with Warner?”

A moment of surprise passed before she realized he liked what he saw. Good. She’d wanted him mad with longing by the end of the evening.

With a demure smile, she skimmed her palms up his muscled chest. “Like what?”

God, he smelled good. Like Riordan.

His hand waved up and down her form. “Like this. Damn, Meeks…” Taking a deep breath, he softened his voice to a near whisper. “You’re breathtaking. I can’t keep my eyes off of you.”

Her heart soared as she shared a smile with him. Wrapping an arm around his neck, she kissed him with all of the desire running rampant inside of her. Sitting in the same room, but unable to touch him, had proven to be near torture. She needed him now, on a level that frightened, yet excited her.

Skimming his hands up her back, his heat warmed her chilled skin. Their heavy breathing echoed in the empty room, the rustle of clothing loud to her ears.

Breaking away, she took his palm and pressed it against her exposed thigh. “Make love to me, Riordan.” She guided it under her dress to her bare backside in a thong.

Curse words rolled off his tongue with relish. “What the hell, Meeks? He hasn’t touched you, has he?”

She placed small, butterfly kisses along his neck. “No, but I wish
would. I wore it for you.”

He kneaded her backside with dizzying skill, his breath in her hair. “Damn, Meeks, you’re killing me.”

Pulling away, she shimmied out of her red thong and let it drop to the floor. Stepping out of it, she picked it up, opened his jacket and stuffed it inside his breast pocket. His pale eyes burned with fire.

“In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m very serious.” She stroked him over the fly of his trousers.

Backing her against the wall, he trailed his palm over her bare thigh peeking through the slit in her dress. His eyes swirled as she freed him, lingering on his bare hardness as he swept aside the silky, red fabric.

“You’re mine, Natalie.” He lifted her into his arms.

“Yes.” She stated it without question.

He thrust into her, over and over, reclaiming her as his own. She’d needed this after the day away from him. Needed to know her warrior still protected her, still wanted her.

Still loved her.

Without words.

Ecstasy beckoned, calling her, pulling her toward it. She cried out, just as he shuddered, her name on his lips.

He held her there, his forehead against the wall beside her head. “I’m so weak around you.”

A soft laugh escaped her. “I like you that way.”

Lowering her with careful movements, Riordan righted her dress before taking care of himself. She worked to look presentable again when a pounding came at the door. Riordan put her behind him.



Riordan opened the door. Rose filled the doorway, Hope beside him.

“Your father is calling you on stage, Natalie,” she said. “Hurry.”

Checking her lipstick in the mirror, Natalie rushed to the door.

Riordan stopped her there. “Baby, as soon as you’re done,

I’ll come get you.”

Her eyes searched his concerned gaze. “But, I thought-”

“Screw Mitchell’s plan. Warner’s up to something. If I don’t get you away from him, we’re going to have a murder on our hands.”


Riordan watched Natalie climb the stage beside her father, pride swelling his chest. Exquisite seemed such an inadequate word for the way she looked tonight, her classic elegance shining through the rebel cuff on her arm, the dramatic makeup on her face. Her copper hair shown like satin in the overhead lights, the thick waves soft and rich over her shoulders.

Every man in the room watched the sway of her hips with interest, the generous swell of her breasts with envy.

He grinned to himself. The hell of it was, her intelligence and wit drew him more than her physical beauty.

Well, that and the sex. She had one very healthy appetite.

“Is that a smile of pride on your face?” Hope grinned up at him.

He nodded. “Yes. That is one amazing woman up there.”

“Well, at least you’re smiling.” Hope let out a dejected sigh. “Your partner, Rose, acts like his face is constructed of plaster.” She waved her hands horizontally, in front of her. “No smiling or laughing aloud.”

Riordan laughed. “He’s just cranky because he couldn’t wear his rodeo buckle with his tux.”

Hope let out a half laugh. “He’s a cowboy?”

“Used to be – before this life.” Riordan gave her a questioning frown. “Why? Interested?”

“Oh, no.” She shook her head. “I’ve had more conversation with a light post.”

“He takes his job seriously. You should catch him on mechanical bull night. He’s the life of the party.”

“No, thanks. Think I’ll pass.” Raising up on her toes, she looked around the room. “Where did Daddy go? I didn’t think he wanted to associate with anyone here.”

Dan Meeks spoke for a good twenty minutes, his vow to stop corruption in government eliciting a chuckle from both him and Hope. At least he’d worked humor into his speech.

“I’d like to call John Warner on stage.”

Amongst mild applause, Warner buttoned his jacket as he climbed the stairs with hurried steps. Stopping beside Natalie, he placed a possessive hand at her back.

Riordan hoped the scent of their sex still lingered on her skin.

Dan Meeks clapped Warner on the shoulder. “This week, John proved he was serious about uniting our country and ending corruption in government.” Leaning forward, Meeks spoke against the microphone. “He donated one hundred thousand dollars to my campaign.”

Thunderous applause broke out amid catcalls and whistles. How the hell did Warner make that kind of donation when he had no money?

Meeks waved down the applause. “He also did me the honor of asking for Natalie’s hand in marriage. I said yes.”

Riordan’s heart stopped. His gaze collided with Natalie’s round, worried eyes. The color drained from her face, her dark lipstick making her appear other worldly.

The crowd rose to its feet with renewed clapping. Grabbing her father’s sleeve, she tried to turn him to face her. He held fast.

She turned to Warner who leaned down to listen but made no response. Her panicked gaze flew to Riordan.

I’m coming, baby.

“Find your father, Hope.” He made his way through the standing crowd.

Turning to leave the stage, Natalie stopped short when Warner caught her arm.

Her shaky voice carried over the microphone. “I’m not marrying you, John. I never agreed to this.”

Like someone had flipped a switch on a fan, the applause slowly died. Dan Meeks took her elbow. “Kitten, we can discuss this later.”

Oh no, you don’t, you sonovabitch
. Riordan hurried his steps.

.” She turned wild eyes on her father. “There’s nothing to discuss. I’m not marrying him.”

With a loud, ferocious growl, Warner grabbed Dan Meeks from behind. Meeks’ painful cry crescendoed to deafening heights as plumes of smoke rose from his shoulders. His body shook with violent tremors before his shoulders burst into flames.

Screaming erupted in the room as people ran to the exits. “
, Natalie,” Riordan cried when he reached the floor below the stage.

She pummeled Warner on the back, her cries broken in the screams and crackling flames.

Shit, he had to get her away from him.

Shoving his hands in front of him, Riordan concentrated on Warner’s iron cuffs visible below his raised sleeves. A ripple washed over Riordan as he pulled Warner toward him, the microphone flying past his head and crashing in the distance. Sliding across the stage, Warner’s surprised gaze melded with Riordan’s as he dug in his heels.

Yeah, I’ve got toys of my own, you sick bastard.

With an evil grin, Warner’s arm shot out and grabbed Natalie. Dan Meeks dropped to the stage in an unconscious heap. Curls of smoke billowed from Warner’s cuffs, blinding Riordan. The room fell into dark chaos.

“Saint.” Mitchell spoke over his armband. “He took her back stage. Make your way to the parking garage. Rose will meet you there. Naylor will take the front. I’m going to stay here and take care of Dan Meeks.”

“Got it.” He ran into a dozen or more people as he tried to find his way through the smoke. The fire alarms went off, activating the sprinkler system. Cold water rained down, soaking him.

Self-admonishment hammered him as he raced to find a door. He should’ve never left her side. He should’ve kept her with him.

Finding an open set of double doors, he ran into the hallway, the smoke billowing over him like evil shadows. Checking his armband, there was no sign of her on the GPS.


Rushing down the hall, he ran through a maze of doors and hallways until he found the parking garage. Rose met him at the door.

“She must’ve ditched her bracelet or Warner turned off the GPS,” Riordan said. “I haven’t been able to pick her up.”

“Me either. They didn’t come out this way.”

A black, Cadillac Escalade screamed around the corner, its headlights bathing the garage in a sudden glow. It raced toward them at top speed.

Standing in its path, Riordan held out his hands to repel the vehicle. Hope hung out of the driver’s window.


Lowering his hands, he ran to her window when she stopped beside him.

“Jump in. Dad’s on his tail.”

Running around the SUV, he jumped in beside her, Rose in the back.

Tires squealing, Hope raced out of the garage and onto Broadway. She pointed at the navigation screen. “This is Dad. He was waiting in the car with Ringo and Clem when Warner ran out with her. We’re using a beta satellite project that scans her DNA so we can track her.” She grinned at Riordan. “She can’t hide from us.”

“DNA tracking?” Rose’s voice held an incredulous tone. “How?

Hope stared at him in the rearview mirror. “Yes. We’ve been working on it for years. I lifted Natalie’s DNA from the cuff on her arm. My father always knows my whereabouts.”

“That could suck on a date.” Rose looked out the window.

Hope gasped as she ran a red light. “Did he just make a funny, Riordan?”

Naylor spoke over Riordan’s armband, drawing his attention. “Saint, front and the surrounding blocks are clear.”

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