Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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Two Worlds

By: Rachel Burns

Copyright © 2013 by Rachel Burns

Rights Reserved

is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and
dialogues are products of the author's imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead,
events or locales is entirely coincidental.


It was
so hot today. I was seriously thinking about skipping my afternoon
classes and just going down to the pool to enjoy the sun instead of
suffering from it in class.

air was just standing still. I had never known it to be so hot out.
They should have put a warning out on the radio. One that said stay
at home with the air conditioner on high or you will burst into
flames like a marshmallow held to close to the flames at a campfire.

honestly felt like it was getting hotter and hotter even though we
had already past the midday high.

walked into the building where my next class was even quicker. I was
too much a goody two shoes to cut class.

looked at my skin. There was steam coming off of it. Well, water
vapor but all the same I was scared. I stared stupidly at my skin.
That had never happened before. I had never even heard about
something like that.

myself a mental shake, I headed up the stairs to my class. I was in
the hallway when I heard what could only be bombs dropping, or maybe
it was meteorites.

didn't really matter what it was because I had to deal with with here
and now. I was afraid for my life and had to figure out a way to save
myself. I raced over to the nearest doorframe and cowered in it. I
was approximately in the middle on the second floor, too far to reach
an exit. I sat there on the floor, covering my head with my hands.
The building was hit and it was shaking. The walls were falling apart
all around me. Things were falling down and it was so loud. The
classroom across from me was on fire but so was everything else.

stayed where I was. Frozen to the spot because I didn't have anywhere
where I go. Fire was surrounding me and coming closer. I could still
hear things exploding.

stone floor was offering me some relief for now, but I was quite
certain that my time on this earth was over.

looked back on my life. I had led a boring life with few highlights.
I was a good daughter. I had been so good that they would probably
write it on my tombstone. Something like Melissa always did as she
was told and never pulled anything.

couldn't believe that I was about to die and all I could do was scold
myself for being so boring. Isn't this the point in life where people
are usually filled with regret for all the things that they had done
wrong? And here I sat thinking the opposite. I was about to stand
before God. I should be happy because it was pretty clear which way I
would be going.

the fresh air was being replaced with gray sickening smoke. I
couldn't control my coughing. I was coughing up a black smear. I was
a goner.

noise of the bombs or whatever had stopped. No, I couldn't hear the
fire either but I could see it and smell it. I had gone deaf. I
stopped scolding myself and started accepting that everything was
over. I was going to die at the age of twenty-one. Just a month away
from graduation. I sobbed as I mourned the life that could have been.

when I saw a figure moving around in the smoke. He was coming closer,
walking upright even though the ceiling was already falling in on us.
I watched him looked around. He was probably looking for someone.
That's when it dawned on me that it might be someone like me. He was
probably a rescuer. I needed to draw attention to myself but I was
just to weak. I raised my hand up in the air, like I did in class.

noticed me and stepped forward. He just stood there staring at me. I
remained huddled on the floor practically rolled up into a ball. I
did nothing other than stare back with my head lifted to him. I
should be asking him for help but I couldn't rick breaking our stare.
He looked somehow different. I couldn't look away from his eyes. Even
though I needed to blink because of all the smoke in the air
surrounding us.

In one
swift movement he bent down and picked me up. I must have passed out
because I was in a white room with clear air in what seemed like a
second later. He sat me down on an examination table and removed my
back pack and set it onto the floor. He gently pushed my shoulder
down so I was laying down. A doctor was there too. I saw his lips
moving but I was still deaf from the loud bombs that had exploded
around me.

doctor looked me over but he was shaking his head. I hoped that
didn't mean I was beyond saving.

rescuer was holding my hand. The doctor's hands moved to my
shoulders. He was untying the straps of my sundress. He sat me up and
pulled the dress down. I was so embarrassed that I hung my head. For
the doctor this wasn't anything special but I had never been in a
room alone with a man without being covered up. Now I found myself in
a room with two men, half naked, while one held my hand and the other
listened to my heart with the oddest looking stethoscope that I had
ever seen.

doctor laid me red faced back down. I was still coughing. That made
my breasts hop and shake a little. That got both men's attention.

I have
always been very sensitive about my breasts. I was the first girl in
my class who needed a bra, the others started in with that first two
years later. Mine had just kept on growing and growing. I was
surprised that I didn't tip forward under the weight of them but then
again I was used to them.

I was
letting my mind wonder but it quickly came back to here and now when
I noticed the doctor was removing my dress the whole way down as well
as my underwear. I was completely naked and shivering in fear. Of
course there would be a medical reason for them to undress me. I was
being a baby. I could see that the dress was ruined, totally covered
in a thick layer of soot just like my body was except where my dress
had been. The outlines were quite clear.

rescuer picked me up in his arms and held me again. I was too
embarrassed to meet him in the eyes. I coughed in his arms while I
hid my head in his strong broad chest. He had a wide chest like those
wrestlers that my brother liked to watch on TV. He must be a body
builder. But then the doctor had had the same build.

was odd. The joke was that doctors never practiced what they
preached. They were rarely joggers and often smokers. Both of these
men seemed to be extremely … healthy.

eyes were burning from all the smoke and ash I had in them. Even my
many tears couldn't wash them clean.

rescuer leaned forward to lie me back down. I thought that he was
going to lie me on the table again but it was gone. He was laying me
into water.

I was
scared and reached out to the sides of the tub which must have been
under the table from the beginning but the lid was gone now, where I
had lain before.

When I
was finally able to sit I looked at the doctor surprised. He gave my
rescuer a strange pink sponge like thing. He knelt down to me and
soaked the sponge in the water and started washing my feet. It was
all so intimate.

couldn't be real. I went through the options. I had died and things
like nudity didn't matter in heaven or I had yet to die and I was
having a bad dream. Which made sense after all the scolding I had
done with myself before. One bad deed before I stood in front of my
maker. Evil thoughts of letting strange huge men she me buck naked
and bath me. God wouldn't be pleased with that.

rescuer was still cleaning me very meticulously. He was smiling as
white skin replaced the gray soot. He worked his was up. I was
getting very nervous. It was getting hard to breathe, my fear choking
me. I wanted to wake up now. I didn't feel at all comfortable with
this but my dream continued.

when I had a bad dream I would wake up with my feet slightly moving
or with my arm pretending to push something away. I had to make
myself move. First now I realized that I hadn't moved at all in my

next thing I would probably dream about would be arriving too late
for class. That was my most frequent nightmare. Showing up late for
class, naked and without any books, so I couldn't cover myself up but
trying to figure out a way to cover myself.

laughed at me in these dreams. These two men weren't laughing.

called out 'no' as loud as I could. My rescuer stopped, he looked at
me confused and then at the doctor who was also very confused. He
continued as if he hadn't understood me. I certainly couldn't
understand them. My hearing still wasn't good but I was able to make
out strange sounds when they talked.

grabbed for my rescuer's arm to stop him. His arms were bare and so
thick. My hand couldn't circle around it as it could with a normal
arm, instead my hand laid on his arm not even covering half of it. I
shook my head, no. I wanted him to stop.

looked alarmed. No, not alarmed, but surprised that I had touched
him. Like he was deciding whether or not he was mad at me.

I felt
tears spring to my eyes. My mother had always scolded me for being
overly sensitive. I took everything personally. It was one of my
faults. I suffered knowing it and scolded myself not to be so
sensitive. But I still felt that it was one of those traits that made
me, me.

stared him. He was staring at me too. I could see myself in his eyes.
I was all black faced with white streaks where the tears had made
their paths down. He continued to look at me, acting like he had
never seen a person crying before.

broke our stare and worked on cleaning my face. He washed away all
the soot, as well as my tears.

watched his hand travel down to the water to wash out the sponge
thing. I was surprised that the water was so clean. It should be just
as dirty as I was but it wasn't. I noticed that new water was filling
the tub by my feet and that the dirty water was all being sucked out
behind me. I was in moving water. It didn't feel like it was moving
but I could see that it was.

rescuer was still cleaning me everywhere. I was still crying and
felling so helpless. I wanted them to stop. I was feeling better
already. I could take care of myself now. My cough would take days to
properly heal up. I had just swallowed too much smoke and ash. But
otherwise I was much better. I wanted one of those ugly hospital
gowns so I could cover up.

can take care of this myself.” I reached for the sponge. He was
looking at me strangely again. His fist tightened around the sponge.
He wouldn't let me have it. I backed into the corner of the tub and
drew up my knees to my chest. This was all scaring me very much and
even though everything in this room was white, I was sure that this
wasn't heaven.

had gone wrong. I wasn't sleeping either. I had definitely felt him
cleaning me with his sponge. That had been very … noticeable. I
wanted desperately for someone to explain to me what was going on.

looked up at him. “Who are you? What is going on here?”

spoke but it was all nonsense. I couldn't understand a single word.
Not even the syllables sounded familiar. I was studying international
business and I spoke four languages. No sounds like he was making
came up in any of the languages that I knew.

put me back to my heaven theory. It only made sense that everyone
spoke the same language in heaven. That made him the angel of death.
He had carried me here, to the other side. He even did it in the
blink of an eye.

He was
exchanging looks with the doctor. The doctor spoke in the same way
that he had. I didn't understand anything. It was Greek to me. I
thought about what few words I did know in Greek but none sounded
like what they were saying. I thought about Latin but the only words
I could think of were Carpe diem. Not a good thing for a naked woman
in a bathtub to say to two men watching her. The doctor was repeating
his sounds louder and more clearly.

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