Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) (5 page)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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faster movements were taking my breath away. My hips rocked up meet
his hand. I looked at him confused but his expression said that he
expected it. He knew that it would happen? How had he known how my
body would respond and I didn't?

looked pleased again. The stupid look that I must have on my face was
probably very entertaining for him. I looked away again. He upped the
pace again. Was he punishing me? My hips rocked up to his touch as if
greedy for more.

I had
a feeling that we were working towards a common goal. My mouth fell
open and my body temperature raised. He tried to move so he could
better see my face. A side view was all he was going to get. He
didn't need to see my face to know that I was enjoying him.

back arched up of its own accord, pressing my head back into the
pillow and at the same time exposing my neck. My whole body was
responding to him touching me in my middle. My legs were opening
giving him more access. My hips weren't only rocking to him, but also
meeting his touch. They also seemed to have rotated outwards. I
wanted more. Had he drugged me?

hand moved and tried to grab onto his wrist but it too thick. My
other hand reached out to him too, not knowing where to grab on to
him. My body started pulsing with tiny jerks that made made my back
arch even more. I gasped loudly as I felt something like a shower of
relief wash over me especially where his hand was. Several smaller
jerks appeared like aftershocks following the earthquake that had
proceeded it. I was still panting loudly when I realized that he was
repositioning himself on top of me.

I looked in his eyes as I shook my head.

looked puzzled. He took a finger and thrust it inside of me where no
had ever been before. He pulled his finger out and showed it to me.
His finger had gotten wet inside of me. He even looked confused. Then
he continued his intentions. He took his thing in his hand and rubbed
it up against me, up and down. Taking his time.

couldn't take it anymore. I needed him inside of me. I grabbed onto
my ankles and spread my legs as far as I could get them to go.

placed his roundness at my opening between my legs. I had my hands on
his shoulders trying to push him off of me but he acted like he
didn't notice.

arched his back and pushed his pelvis forward. His penis pushed its
way into me. I cried and whimpered at the pain it caused me. He
kissed my face several times and he was saying something to me too as
he continued to push slowly inwards. My body wasn't made to take
someone his size but he didn't stop pressing forward so my body had
to stretch to accommodate him. I held onto his shoulders waiting for
the moment to pass, like they say in the books that you read that you
would never admit to reading. I concentrated on breathing slowly. It
still hurt but it was manageable in the meantime.

He had
his eyes closed and he looked like he really enjoyed this. He pressed
inward until our bodies meet. We were together, entirely. His body
pinned mine to the bed. I couldn't get away from him. I didn't want
to anymore. He laid his hand to the side of my head just like his
other hand. He had me surrounded and circled in. His complete
attention was on me.

looked down at my tear-streaked face. He rounded his back and slowly
started to remove himself.

was it? I had expected more. Wasn't the joke that men should be able
to do it longer?

then before he had completely removed it he drove it back in with
more force than before.

gasped in pain and in surprise. I still needed a moment to get used
to him. I needed to catch my breath. Okay, I hadn't expected that.

proceeded in this way, pretending to pull it out and then pushing it
back into me very painfully. He did this the same way he had with his
finger, always picking up speed. Suddenly it felt so amazing. I
didn't want him to stop.

breathing quickened with the speed of his thrusts. He went faster and
faster as I watched him. He kept his eyes closed as he worked over
me. I laid perfectly still, not knowing what I should be doing. He
arched his back an odd way, thrusting deep inside of me. He had
stopped moving. Then he moved as if he was doing mini thrusts. I felt
like he was pumping something into me.

was, his sperm was inside of me. I could be pregnant right now from
the beater man. My opinion of him was very low as reality returned. I
didn't know this guy and I didn't like everything I seen about him.
And I hadn't been finished.

laid down next to me, still inside of me. He whispered many things in
my ear that I couldn't understand. I laid there saying nothing, doing
nothing and debating what I could do. I could fuss and holler,
telling him that I hadn't wanted to sleep with him but then again I

fussing would probably earn me another spanking. I could lean into to
him and cry and maybe he would hug me again we could mourn the loss
of my virginity together or I could just continue to lay here

I had
always pictured my first time to be on my wedding night. My husband
would have carried me into the bedroom smiling at me like I was the
world's greatest treasure and not yanking me by my hand aggressively
behind him.

husband would have undressed me and felt lucky to have me as his
wife, for forever. Not the painful spanking before where I had come
very close to passing out.

husband would have very carefully made love to me.

sadness within my heart couldn't be contained anymore. Was I crying
because of what he did or because I had behaved to wantonly?

rescuer was back to hushing me. Petting my face with the inside of
his hand, gentle fingertips glided along my cheekbone. Whatever he
did to try to shut me up, made me cry all the more. Finally he pulled
himself out of me and I rolled away from him. He had a nice view of
my back and my beaten behind.

shook as the pain of heartbreak rocked through my body. I wished I
had given my virginity away on my first date, instead of saving it
for him to take. He laid his hand on my shoulder and continued
petting me. That is all I probably was to him, a pet. And like, with
most children who get a new pet, he would quickly lose interest in
me. He laid an arm around me and he eventually fell asleep.

he was sound asleep I wiggled out from under him. I tipped toed over
to the bathroom door. I stood in front of it, needing to go in.
“Please,” I whispered.

spoke and I jumped. He had rolled onto his back. His thing was …
now relaxed. I looked away quickly. The bathroom doors had opened.
“Thank you,” I mumbled as I went in. He was right behind me
again. I pretended he wasn't watching as I went over to the toilet to
do what I had to.

I felt
like he was one of those dog owners who watch their dog very closely
while it goes and then reports back home what the dog had
accomplished on his walk. You get that I was the dog in this
scenario, right?

He was
doing something on the opposite wall. I saw him pushing a couple of
buttons and the wall opened up revealing one of those moving water
bathtubs. He said what you had to, to flush the toilet. I enjoyed the
cleaning it was giving me on my sore parts. If I could have flushed
it five or six more times than maybe I could have actually felt
clean. He held out his hand for me to come forward.

I went
to him, doing as I was told. He had showed me a new punishment to get
me to obey him. He lifted me up into the tub. It was up high like a
sink would be. He jumped in behind me, grabbed a funny sponge thing
again, this one was yellow and orange, and went right to work on
cleaning me up.

tried to make myself tiny. I pulled my knees into my chest squishing
my breasts and hiding them from him too. I moved the far corner where
the water was disappearing to. I just wasn't sure what was going on
or how I felt about what had happened.

grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap. He washed me leisurely and I
had to admit very gently. I was so embarrassed but laying on him this
way had become so familiar that I cuddled into him and just tried to
ignore what he was doing.

he was finished he handed me the sponge. I knew what he wanted. He
wanted to be treated in kind. I thought about pretending not to
understand him but then I choose the option of just getting it over
with. I quickly washed him, especially his thing. His lips curled up
and I could tell that that had amused him.

turned giving me his back. He laid stretched out in front of me. This
position gave me the idea of seeking revenge. I could easily smack
his backside instead of cleaning it. I stared at it debating. How
would he react? Would he laugh at my futile attempts or would he
punish me again. I couldn't take a fourth spanking today.

started washing him quickly even gently where I had scratched him. I
noticed that he was watching me. He probably had been the entire
time. I was glad that I hadn't pulled anything.

I was
finished so I backed away from him. He rolled over and stood up
faster than a man his size should be able to do. The water rolled off
him. He looked so large and impressive. He jumped out of the tub
without hitting his head on the ceiling. That kind of impressed me
too. He turned to me and reached his arms out. Was I supposed to jump
into his arms?

reached in and plucked me out. There was nowhere where I could hide
from him. He set me down on the floor. He didn't let go but just
stared in my eyes, as usual. I wondered what they were doing in this
moment, as he watched them. Were they more green or more brown? Or
were they changing right in front of his eyes.

water ran off of me too. It dripped to the floor but it didn't puddle
at my feet, like I expected it would. I looked down, trying to
understand what was going on. It seemed absorb into the floor. I
watched it happen. I had never heard of anything like that either.
First inklings that things weren't on the up and up here started in
again. Like he wasn't human and this was actually a spaceship.

laughed at myself. That would mean that I had just slept with an
alien. That was such stupid nonsense that I had to laugh again.

liked that I was laughing. He smiled along not knowing what I was
thinking about him. If he knew, I would be over his knees so fast
that it would make my head spin.

was I accepting the spankings that he had given me? Well after the
fact, I was accepting them.

I was
all dry. How did that happen? He left the room. I was in here all
alone. I didn't have anything to do in here. I needed to brush my
hair. I had a hairbrush in my backpack. I went out to retrieve it.
His eyes were on me the second I appeared at the door. I went into
the living room and picked up my bag. My brush was still in one of
the side pockets. I took it back into the bathroom and started
brushing my hair. He stood in the door watching me. He was looking at
me like the idea of brushing hair was new and amazing. I remembered
him doing that with his fingers before while he tried to find
something for me to drink. It felt like a warm and cherish memory but
it had happened today. I wished I had a moment to myself to sort out
my feeling.

came to stand behind me and took my brush. I hung my head. He was
going to break it like he did with my pencil.

I felt
the brush in my hair. He was brushing it for me. I looked in the
mirror and saw him. He looked very happy. He was holding my hair and
brushing through it. My hair had been the longest of all the women
today. Shorter hair was in nowadays. Especially in the heat. I was an
oddball that way. Out of all the women today I was the one that
looked the most womanly.

He was
brushing my hair the wrong way. It hurt would be all snarly later.

I said as I reached up and guided his hand. “From top to bottom.”

looked at us in the mirror. It was a very intimate picture that we
presented. One would think of a husband and wife. He smiled and
worked on my hair much longer than I would have. I stopped once it
was go through and he didn't. My hair was feeling especially silky.
It had ever since the radiant red beam went through it.

He was
just thrilled to be with me. Again I was back to my pet idea. He was
grooming me. I should probably be happy that he didn't give me a flee
and tick collar. He gave me the brush back. I wasn't sure where to
put it. He didn't have anything laying out, no knick-knacks. I laid
it down on the countertop and looked at him for permission.

smiled and nodded. I smiled back. I was so stupid. I should be
fighting him tooth and nail and not laying back like a dog so you can
scratch their tummy. Oh, I had actually tried both of those things.

took me by the hand again and pulled me out of the bathroom. I
stopped to watch the bathroom door close. It looked like a flower
closing its petals for the evening because the sun was gone.

smiled at me doing that but it was just so different and pretty. He
pulled me out of the door. I was still a little sore down there and
walking wasn't that easy or comfortable for me. I tried to slow him
down but he was walking like a man on a mission. I wished my hand
would get sweaty so I could pull it out. “You're hurting me,” I
said as I pulled away from him.

stopped and looked at me. I placed my hand over my womb and hoped
that he would understand. “Ouch.”

hand went there too and pushed mine away. He rubbed a little. It
didn't bother him in the least that people were passing by us,
looking. I turned red. He picked me up again. He seemed to like
carrying me around like that. I was glad that he was so strong. This
way I didn't have to worry about my weight being too much for him
even though I wasn't thin. I had the typical hour glass figure. He
carried me into the room where we had been earlier so I could drink

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