Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) (2 page)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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still didn't understand so I looked from one of them to the other.
The tears were still pouring out of me and the coughing just wouldn't

spoke with each other. My rescuer started right in cleaning me up
again. My hands went to push his away. He grabbed both of my wrists
in one of his hands easily. He held my wrists over my head as he
cleaned my most private areas. Once again I had to rule out heaven. I
was back to thinking I had died but this was more like the other
direction. Hell, by my definition, included a place where nobody
understood me and where I didn't understand anybody else. There would
be men forcing themselves on me there too.

racked my brain thinking of all the bad things I had ever done. It
was my own fault. I had always assumed that God judged us by today's
standards but I guess he didn't. That pretty much meant that everyone
was going to hell nowadays. At some point everyone had stuck their
tongue at someone, snuck into a parking spot that wasn't meant for
them or rolled their eyes at something someone had said. It would be
the very rare person who could go to heaven. The proverbial fat man
passing through the eye of a needle. I hadn't made the cut. I cried
all the more thinking about that.

stopped washing me and pet my face. He was definitely making shh
noises. I settled down after a bit. He washed my hair. His big strong
hands quickly got the job done. I was clean again, perfectly clean.
He had made sure that every nook and cranny was clean. This had been
the single most embarrassing experience of my life. Or should I say

He was
still holding me in that odd way, with my hands over my head when the
doctor picked up a machine that radiated a red light into the water.
The beam was getting closer to me feet. When it hit my toe, I pulled
my feet in again. The beam had been very warm.

doctor looked confused and my rescuer looked mad. He pulled my feet
back out with his other hand. He looked like he wanted to throttle
me. I shook with fear as the red radiating beam came at me again. The
doctor slowly moved the machine over my body. The machine itself
didn't touch me just the warm beam did. It was so hot that I could
just barely take it. The doctor stopped just above where my rescuer's
hands. He removed them and gave me a warning look to stay still.

doctor continued on his way up over my body. I noticed that the
machine burnt in places where I had had scars. My knees had been a
favorite place to land as a kid. I had once fallen on a piece of
broken glass as a child. The skin had healed but it hardened too. I
had a feeling like the machine had burnt the scar away.

machine was presently over my, shall we say, female parts. The doctor
stopped and my rescuer looked at the machine. Both men looked at me
curiously. My rescuer looked pleased.

machine couldn't have possibly told them that I was still a virgin,
could it? It was weird that I would be at my age but college boys
really did just want one thing. I also wanted something. I wanted to
get a fantastic job and be independent. I wanted to become someone
important. I wanted to be able to be proud of myself.

cost too much time and they always wanted things there way. I had
seen that with my girlfriends. Their boyfriends whined when they had
to say 'no' to a date so they could study. But when the tables were
turned and the boyfriends were the ones who had to study, then they
expected their girlfriends to be understanding.

I had
decided against such distractions. I had the best grades of all of my
friends. It was something I was very proud of. I wasn't the date
type. All the boys I had dated wanted to go to bed with me. When I
said no they were angry at me and they were never heard from again. I
didn't mind. I wanted to marry for love. I often pictured that future
husband being very pleased that I had waited for him. Guys liked
things like that. He would never have to worry that I would compare
him with anyone else.

beam moved on again. It was over my kidneys. They were burning. The
burning scared me but I had guessed that this thing was healing me. I
probably had soot in them already too. It was the same the rest of
the way up. My lungs were the worst. I coughed and choked but once
the beamed had past I was able to breath normally again, which I did.
I was even starting to feel thankful to them. The doctor stopped
again when he was over my brain. I received another confused look.
They finished and the doctor put his machine away again. He nodded
respectfully at my rescuer. It gave me the impression that my rescuer
was higher up than the doctor was.

rescuer picked me up again. He set my feet down on the floor. He was
staring at me strangely like he couldn't figure me out. I was very
aware of my nakedness. I used my arms to cover myself up. He noticed
and took it all in. His stare was unnerving me. He bent down and
picked up my back pack. He grabbed me by my hand and led me out of
the door. I saw several men walking around. I was completely naked
and he wanted to take me for a walk this way?

bulked and tried to pull away from him. It was a waste of my time and
energy because he held me in an iron clad grasp. He pulled me along
as if I weighed nothing.

men who passed us all bowed down to him slightly. This wasn't a
hospital. It was hell and he was the devil. I tried to cover myself
as best as I could with my free arm.

rescuer stood in front of a door, which divided in two and part of it
sank into the floor and the upper half went up into the ceiling. I
had never seen anything like it. It was quite clever but unusual.

looked back at him and he was smiling at me. “Yes, I'm easily

stopped smiling. I had a feeling that he didn't like it when I
talked. He walked into the room, pulling me along automatically.

gave my bag to a man standing in what could only be a laboratory. The
man carefully opened it and pulled out my books and my laptop. He
took out my folder with my papers and worksheets. He looked at my
pencils and pens. A piece of melted gum held his fascination the
longest. I wanted to roll my eyes. They looked at my things like they
had never seen such things before.

wanted my things back but I was afraid to step forward to retrieve
them. What about the saying you can't take anything with you when you
go? Why was my backpack still with me? “Excuse me.”

both looked at me My rescuer moved so the other man had a complete
view of me.

blushed red. How stupid was I to draw attention to myself like that.
“I just wanted to say, that those are my things and I would
appreciate having them back now.”

harvested more confused looks. The one went back to looking through
my things. My rescuer gave me a mean look. Why was he mad at me? I
gave him his own confused look back.

other man was talking to him. My rescuer answered him and it seemed
like they were arguing. The lab guy walked up to me with one of my
German exercises. He was apparently asking me something.

reached out and took the paper and read it to them. They still looked
confused. Maybe they understood French. I said a few words in French.
They noticed a difference but they didn't understand. I tried
Swedish. Still no help. Something was very wrong here. I went to my
things and picked up a pencil and got paper out. I wrote Hello in all
the languages that I could speak and threw in Spanish for good
measure even through it was close to the French hello.

looked shocked. My rescuer took the pencil away from me and broke it.
Tears sprang to my eyes and my mouth fell open. He grabbed me and
pulled me out of the room. He said something to the man before we
left. If I had to guess, I would say, it was to burn everything.

could feel how mad he was as he dragged me along. I fought to get
away from him. I dug my heels into the floor. He jerked me along. I
was making him even madder. He gave me a look of warning. I didn't

turned a corner and a group of women were walking along. They all
looked down and backed away along the wall so he could pass. They
were all just as naked as I was. Again my mouth fell open. I had a
feeling that women weren't allowed clothes here. They were slaves. I
was pretty sure that I had stumbled onto the right idea. I was
definitely in hell. This wasn't fair. I had always been very good. I
didn't deserve this. My goodness had all been for nothing. He pulled
me along behind him. He had picked up a bit of speed. I had to run
every couple of steps to keep up with him.

turned and stopped in front of a door that again opened up by sinking
into the floor and ascending up into the ceiling. That got my
attention every time. He snorted at me but he was grinning a little

went into the room. It was huge. It was full of women. They were all
dirty like I had been. The doctor from before was fixing them up
again. They had all come at the same time that I did.

were crying and holding on to each other. Others were in line for the
doctor and others still looked like they were trying to get away.
They were all around my age. They must all be from my college. I
looked for someone I knew but didn't see anyone.

they survivors or would my last assumption of slaves be more correct?
I was getting the feeling that these people had bombed my school so
they could get slaves. Who was capable of doing such a thing? And in
the middle of America?

kind had noticed that he was here. They were bowing down to him. He
walked over to the other women who were finished and all cleaned up.
I figured he would toss me in with them but he didn't. He talked to
his doctor friend who said something and pointed at me again. My
rescuer didn't let go of my hand. He pulled me around with him
wherever he went. I was getting used to it. He sat down on what could
only be called a throne and watched over the happenings. The women
were all being washed. He had me sit at his feet.

Yep, I
was his slave.

a bit another woman was brought over to us. She was pushed down to
sitting too.

helplessly watched as the women were striped of their clothes. The
ones that refused were slapped.

another woman was brought over to us and made to sit at his feet. I
had to wonder what the criteria was to be picked out as his feet

was dragging on. I really had to go to the bathroom. I looked up at
him. He had already been looking at me. “Please, I have to go to
the bathroom.”

others looked at me surprised. They had understood me.

just looked puzzled.

doesn't understand me and I don't understand him.” I looked at the
other girls. “You don't happen to know of anywhere where I could .
. . go?” I shrugged my shoulders.

looked up at him, not answering me.

He was
standing up. He already had my hand. So it was extremely easy for him
to yank me to my feet. He pulled me out of the room again. I heard
men's laughter behind me as we left the room.

pulled me along for a long time. Into a funny elevators that didn't
close in the front. I gladly held on to him then. We went down long
halls. He finally stopped in front of a door. It didn't open
automatically like the others had. He made a noise or said something,
I don't know which and the door opened. He pulled me in.

room was entirely different from the others. It was a living room and
a bedroom all in one. He let go of me for a second after the doors
had closed again. I rubbed my sore hand while he moved over to the
bed. He looked at me and said something. It sounded almost like
dolphin noises.

stood where I was and looked around. This room also had all white
walls but it had soft tan carpeting under my feet, two red sofas
without backs and a coffee table. The lights were all in the ceiling.
No plants, that was a shame because they would have looked good in
here as a contrast to the red sofas. No bookshelves, but I had
already guessed that they didn't know what they were for. The bed
area was raised up a couple of steps from the living room.

He was
still sitting on the bed, which was a regular bed with pillows and
blankets but it was larger so someone his size could fit on it. I was
starting to realize how tired I was.

repeated what he had said before. I stared at him, sitting on the
side of the bed. I could guess what he wanted. I wasn't getting
anywhere near his bed. I turned to the door but it wouldn't open up
for me. I looked back at him and he was, as always, looking at me
confused. He got up walked down the two steps towards me. I backed
away to the door. The plastic like wall was very cold. I jumped away
from it too.

He was
watching me, looking unsure what to do as he shook his head. I had a
feeling he was debating with himself. He grabbed my wrist again and
pulled tried to pull me up to his bed. I planted my feet on the
stairs so he couldn't pull me along without ripping my arm out of the

grabbed me around my waist and heaved me up the steps. He sat down on
the bed and I landed over his knees. The jolt of the landing shook my
entire body painfully. A second later he brought his hand down.

hadn't expected it. It had knocked the wind out of me. The shock of
it. It was so unexpected. The devil was spanking me. He did that? I
would have expected him to push me into lava but not a spanking. The
next spank followed right on the heels of the first. I cried out. He
was so strong and I was pretty sure that he was going to break me in

spanked some more. I started kicking and trying to get away from him.
He held my right arm tightly behind my back with his left hand. I
couldn't stand it anymore. I was screaming for help at the top of my
lungs. My bottom was on fire and he kept dishing out even more.

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