Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) (4 page)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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moment later a naked woman came in with a goblet for him to drink out
of. He didn't look at her but he raised his hand that she should
stay. She bowed her head and waited as he wanted. He pushed the
goblet at me, wanting me to take it. He spoke the entire time as he
held it out to me.

I took
it reluctantly and sniffed at it. It smelt like vinegar, burning my

took the goblet and held it out to the woman. She took it and left
again. He smiled at me. He wasn't mad. His fingers moved to my head.
He played with my hair while we waited, running his fingers through
it again and again with a very content look on his face. I had long
brown hair but not long enough. A couple more inches and my breasts
would have been covered up. I was definitely going to let it grew out
so it was long enough to cover me properly.

rescuer was petting my hair, even. Oh my gosh, did he think of me as
a pet? I should probably be happy that he didn't spank me with a
rolled up newspaper.

woman was back with a tray with three goblets on it. He took one and
gave it to me again. I smelt it again. It smelt very fruity. I took a
sip. It was so sweet that I could hardly swallow it. I pinched my
face together. He laughed and took the goblet away from me. He smelt
it before he traded it for a new one. The next was a beer-like drink
and I shook my head after smelling it. He smelt it himself and then
he drank it. He gave it back empty to the woman. She gave him the
last goblet. He said something and the woman answered him. He gave it
to me. I smelt it again. It smelt kind of like oranges but a little
different too. I took a sip. It was like orange soda.

didn't care for it either. I was disappointed and so thirsty.

looked truly worried about me. I just wanted a glass of water. Could
I explain that to him. I looked into his eyes and sighed. His
worrying was increasing.

could I explain water?

I made
water lapping motions with my hands. He still looked confused. I had
an idea. I pointed to him and then back to me. I pretended to be
washing my feet like he had done earlier. He had a looked like he
understood. I cupped my hands together and pretended to drink, like I
was drinking out of a lake.

snapped his finger and said something, not even looking to see if the
woman was there to hear his order. He kept his eyes on mine.

came back quickly with another goblet. Each time it had been a
different goblet. They didn't match. Each was a work of art made out
of gold. He took the new goblet and gave it to me again. I smelt it.
It didn't smell like anything. I tasted it. It was water. I gave him
a huge smile. He had understood. I drank the rest. He laughed.

wanted more. I was back to using sign language. I pointed to the
woman and pretended to pour water into the goblet. He took it and
held it out in her general direction. She grabbed it just as he was
letting go. He said something but she was already leaving to get more
she had understood my funny hand motions too. She brought the goblet
back and a golden pitcher. She poured me a goblet full but she gave
it to him not to me.

smiled and held it out to me. I quickly drank it down and handed it
back to him. “More please.” I smiled and he did too. He held the
goblet out to the woman she refilled it and gave it to him again. He
was acting the part of a middle man or go between. I drank until I
finally felt better. When I was finished I laid my head on his chest.
“Thank you.”

He pet
my hair again. After a bit he got up and pulled me along with him
again. He looked at my body as we walked. He was smiling. I was
getting very nervous. I had to ask myself if I had just sold my soul
for water. One didn't have to be a mind reader to understand what was
going through his head.

pulled me into his room again. The first thing I noticed was that my
things, that had been in my backpack were now on the coffee table. I
went to the table and knelt down and looked at them. I ran my hand
over my books and smiled at my laptop. All of my favorite music was
on there and my diary was in there too. He had sat down on the sofa
watching me. I picked up my laptop. My battery had been replaced with
something else. I was mad. I wanted to see right off if it still
worked. I opened it up and turned it on.

watched me even closer, looking worried. He better be worried. If it
were broken, it would be me taking him over my knee. I had splurged
and gotten an expensive one.

sprang to life. I open up my music and hit play. The room filled with
music. It worked, I stopped it and turned it off. I smiled at it
after I closed it.

He was
looking at me so oddly. He said something again. I just stared at him
and tilted my head a little to the side. His head moved the same way.
He was looking into my eyes again. He seemed just as amazed by my eye
color as I was with his. Mine had two different colors. Underneath
they were green; which is rare enough but over the green my eyes were
brown. The brown was able to shrink and expand with my moods. When I
was happy, or even just okay, they were more brown but when I was
sick or scared, they were mostly green. He had probably been watching
that all day.

He got
up and took my hand again. I was already so used to that. I wondered
where we were going now. He didn't pull me to the door like I thought
he would. Instead he wanted to go to bed. I bulked and shook my head.
I placed my free hand over my backside protectively.

smiled at me. He was laughing at me again.

started to cry. He stopped laughing right away. He came to me and
picked me up and carried me back to his bed. He laid me in the middle
and started undoing his leather laces.

I laid
my hands on his and shook my head.

continued anyway.

intercom was talking to him again. He spoke to it too, having an
actual conversation while he undressed. He pulled his pants down and
his thing bounced up and down as his pants rolled over that area of

He was
huge. I was trying not to stare but no, that wouldn't work. He would
kill me. I mean I had never seen one before but that just wasn't
possible. He was going to hurt me. The intercom was still talking to
him. He turned to me and pet my cheekbone again. My tears were
running down my face and onto his hand.

intercom was being quiet at the moment. He moved in closer to me. I
wanted to run away from him but I didn't want to be spanked and then
raped for my first time either. Being raped would be bad enough. I
didn't want to add insult to injury.

I was
biting my upper lip. He watched horrified and tried to stop me but I
was just so nervous. He put his finger in my mouth and I
absentmindedly chewed softly on his finger. That he really liked
that. He gave a very quiet moan. He removed his finger and laid his
hand on my breast. He took his time playing with it. He lifted it
again and again. Playing with the nipples. I thought back to today.
Of all the women I had seen today mine were the largest, by far. He
looked pleased with them.

looked away from him, feeling ashamed and scared. My mind kept
wondering about that poor woman, who had been beaten for all to see.
I too had been beaten with an audience but somehow it was different.

Was I
making excuses for him? This man had spanked me until I had been
mindless, twice already. He didn't care about me or my feelings. He
didn't get to have sex with me just because he saved me out of a
burning building. Life didn't work like that. And my heart was
pumping too fast for me to be anything but alive.

because you saved me life and gave me water doesn't mean that you get
to . . .” He couldn't even understand me and still couldn't bring
myself to say the words.

tried to pull away from him but he held me tight.

scream if you don't let me go,” I threatened him.

I had screamed while he spanked me. Both in this room and on his
throne. No one came to help me. My eyes filled with tears in my

don't.” I looked into his eyes.

looked affected by my tears. He moved in even closer to me, hugging
me and saying 'Shh' again. I was terribly confused by all this.

are your intentions with me?” I asked him.

didn't understand.

father had always said that actions speak louder than words. I looked
back at how he had treated today. He showed up when I figured it was
too late to save me. He picked me up and my backpack. The other women
didn't have anything with them. At least I didn't see anything. I had
been treated differently than the others the whole time. I didn't
have to go through the mass striping and washing. He had done that
himself, very gently. He pulled me with him wherever he went, not
letting the other men touch me. He brought me here for my first
spanking? Why didn't he just spank me on his throne? Had he been
trying to be nice, sparing my feelings? Then when we returned he held
me in a way that was less painful for me but where everyone could see
what he had done.

that poor woman was being beaten he had held me so I couldn't look
away. He could be cruel, so very cruel. I had stopped crying. The
crying was replaced with shaking. He was still talking so very softly
to me and running a hand up and down my back like he was comforting
me. This was confusing me, like when he helped me find something to
drink. He had taken his time then and he had been so pleased when he
found something I wanted.

moved his hand up to the nape of my neck. His fingers closed around
my hair. He tilted my head back and looked in my eyes again. I
started right in chewing on my lips.

shook his head.

stopped for a second and then continued in again. He looked
disappointed in me. He leaned in and kissed me, thus stopping my lip
biting. I had never been kissed before. Boys had tried but they were
never serious about me so I had always said no. I was a firm believer
in being honest, letting them kiss me would have given the wrong

Was I
giving him the wrong impression? What would happen if I bite him? I
was turning the possible responses to that around in my head. I
imagined another spanking. More violent than the others had been.
This crime would be worse than the others had been. I wasn't even
sure what I did to deserve the first spanking.

tongue was in my mouth. I bite down before I thought about it. He let
go of me. I took this chance and jump out of the bed and backed
against the wall, ready to dash off in either direction.

He was
still kneeling on the bed. He had his hand over his mouth and murder
in his eyes. His thing was still hard and pointing but it wasn't as
high as it was before. He backed off the bed, his hand still over his
mouth. He made the bathroom door open and went it. Probably to
inspect the damage I had done to him. He was back in a second. He
stormed over to me. I forgot about trying to get away until it was
almost to late. I dashed for the door and started pounding. His thick
arm wrapped around my waist and he brought me to his bed while I
kicked and screamed.

He sat
down with me over his lap again. I continued to kick and hit him. I
was getting desperate. I started scratching and biting him too. I was
so tiny compared to him but I was doing damage. He pushed me higher,
towards the pillows. I couldn't bite him that way. He grabbed both of
my hands by my wrists and held them tight in his left hand. His right
leg was pinning down both of my legs. I couldn't move at all. His
right came down hard on my backside.

squirmed and tried to kicked like a wild animal but I was too pinned
down. He was much madder than the last times, hitting harder and
faster. I couldn't catch my breath in between spanks. I couldn't
scream or cry. Silent screams tried to escape my throat but I choked
on them. I stopped kicking and concentrated on my breathing. He went
right on spanking with what I guessed was all of his might.

intercom came on and he flipped me onto my back. He rubbed my chest
in between my breasts. I still couldn't breath. Things were even
starting to go black.

spoke the entire time. I looked away from him and over to the wall.
It must be the outside wall. It was slightly rounded.

I took
a deep breath. The air burned as it entered my lungs. After several
breaths the black spots I had been seeing started to fade away. I was
calming down. I guess I had had a panic attack.

looked back at him. He was watching me so closely again, hovering
right over me with his weight supported on one of his elbows. He was
saying 'Shh' and still rubbing my chest.

turned my head away from him and looked at the wall. I was able to
cry now and I did. He still stayed there rubbing for a long time.

a bit his hand moved down. He laid his hand in between my legs.

turned my head back to his, alarmed. He was just staring into my
eyes. “No.” I spoke the saddest no I have ever said.

he repeated. He seemed to like the sound of it. It made him smile.

frowned. He moved his free hand. A finger rubbed me in between my
legs. My whole body jerked away from him. I sat there wide-eyed
wondering what he was doing to me.

smiled again and stroked me much more gently.

I had
never been so embarrassed in all of my life. He stared into my eyes
the whole time. I stared back at him asking myself why he thought he
was allowed to do this to me. Didn't he have a feeling of honor that
forbid hurting others just because he could?

I felt
a tear roll out of my eye and down to the blankets. He almost looked
like, he felt sorry for me, but then he picked up the pace of his
rubbing proving what a monster he truly was. My right hand flew to
his hand and I tried to move his away but he didn't budge at all.

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