Agent of the Crown (49 page)

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Authors: Melissa McShane

Tags: #espionage, #princess, #fantasy romance, #fantasy adventure, #spy, #strong female protagonist, #new adult, #magic abilities

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Kirkpatrick seemed thrown by her answer. It
dawned on her she was not only holding her own, she was winning
their battle of wits. She reminded herself not to become
overconfident. Time enough for that when she was off the

“Your Highness,” he continued, “isn’t it true
your testimony is motivated by a vendetta against the Baron of

That staggered her. “I beg your pardon, sir,
but I think you should rephrase that as a question and not a
cleverly disguised statement of guilt,” she said, playing for

“I beg
pardon, your Highness. Do
you have a personal animosity toward the Baron?”

“I don’t like him much, but then I did have
to rescue a twelve-year-old girl he planned to torture and then
murder, so I imagine I have some cause.”
Take that,

“Only the Baron’s alleged treason is the
subject of this court, your Highness, not any other crimes he may
or may not have committed. Do you expect us to believe your
personal antipathy toward him did
influence your
testimony against him in the matter before the grand jury

“Sir, I am here to testify to the facts. I
have not invented those facts. I have provided the Crown with
details that will corroborate those facts. My personal feelings
don’t enter into it.”

“You have been unable to provide documentary
evidence of the Baron’s collusion with the King of Ruskald.”


Kirkpatrick seemed surprised she didn’t
elaborate. “You don’t think that’s a flaw in your story? Much of
what you’ve told this grand jury is circumstantial.”

“You have the affidavits of the soldiers at
Thorsten Pass who saw the earth mover and heard Baron Steepridge
claim ownership of it. You have the witness of the citizens of
Longbourne that Archibald Morgan was absent from the valley all
winter and the witness of Major Anselm that he did not return with
them, which means he came back with the earth mover.”

“Barony Steepridge has any number of valleys
and caves in its mountains. Mister Morgan might have concealed
himself there, stolen the earth mover, and used it to allow the
Ruskalder access to Tremontane. He need not have been working for
the Baron.”

Telaine’s heart hurt from how hard it was
pounding. “An earth mover is enormous, and this one was stored in
the middle of Thorsten Keep. He could not have done so without
being noticed by the soldiers, all of whom took their orders from
the Baron.”

“Again, we have only your word for that.”

“That’s correct, master cross-questioner.”
Telaine leaned forward in her seat. “My word as an agent of the
Crown. Which I understand counts as evidence in court. Why is

Kirkpatrick was taken aback. “I beg your
pardon, your Highness?”

“Why does my word count for so much in court,
master cross-questioner?”

She’d rattled him. “I didn’t know this
either,” she went on, cutting off the beginning of his reply. “But
I think you have to understand what it means that I am here today
to testify. From the day I turned fifteen and became an adult, I
have been an agent of the Crown. It was my whole life. And I gave
it up to sit in this room today and testify of what I have learned.
Of the truth.” She swallowed. They ought to provide witnesses with
water. “An agent’s word counts for much because it is the last
service she can give the Crown. What are
willing to
sacrifice your life for, Mister Kirkpatrick?”

Kirkpatrick’s back was to the audience, so
only she saw him smile, real appreciation lighting his eyes. “Your
Highness, thank you for your cooperation. Members of the grand
jury, I consider my inquiry closed.”

Telaine stood and walked back to her seat.
She felt dizzy. She also felt as if she had won, though she didn’t
know what the prize might be.

The grand jury left the room to deliberate.
Telaine gripped both arms of her chair until her knuckles were
white. With her testimony complete, she was free to go, but she’d
already determined to see this through. The rush of confidence
she’d felt facing Kirkpatrick faded, leaving her filled with dread.
That was ridiculous. Surely her testimony had made the
difference…but Kirkpatrick had made some good points…

She made herself breathe deeply, but not too
deeply, calming herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught
Evan Kirkpatrick looking at her, but when she turned her head, he’d
looked away.

The grand jury returned—it seemed awfully
soon, and she hoped that was a good thing. She heard a commotion
above her and turned to see the Baron being led down the central
stairs of the auditorium, this time in chains. He kept his gaze
straight ahead as they brought him to the base of the platform.

The King stepped forward. “Hugh Harstow, it
is the judgment of this grand jury that you are guilty—” a gasp
broke out—“of high treason against the Crown. The sentence is
death, to be carried out in three days’ time. You are stripped of
your title and your lands are forfeit. This inquiry is

The abruptness of the verdict and the
sentencing left Telaine disoriented, as if something were missing.
Harstow, no longer Baron, was led out the door to the left of the
platform, which led back to the prisons. It was over. No, it was
just beginning. But it was justice.

The King caught Telaine’s eye and gave her a
tiny nod, signaling that she should join him. She followed him out
the door to the right of the platform and into the tunnel
connecting the Justiciary with the palace. “You did well,” said the

“Did I?”

“You certainly caused a commotion, but we
expected that. No one will look at you the same again. And then
there are your peers. They’re going to be unhappy with you.”

“I’m not looking forward to that. But I think
I can handle it.”

He patted her shoulder. “Remember you can
always talk to me if things get bad.”

She nodded, and they walked in silence back
to the palace, where Telaine went back to her rooms and sat on the
edge of her bed. The Princess was dead, but she’d left behind
pieces of her that Telaine North Hunter wasn’t sure what to do
with. For example, she was engaged to attend Lady Murchison’s gala
fundraiser that evening. It might be better if she stayed home.
Yes, if you’re a coward,
her inner voice said. Telaine
clenched her fists. Hiding was not a long-term solution.


Telaine had forgotten how bright the
Murchisons’ ballroom was: brilliantly white walls, white tiled
floor, three sparkling chandeliers overflowing with light Devices
to make the walls and floor sparkle. Hiding was impossible. When
she was announced that evening, a dead hush fell over the room that
made her wish she was a coward.

She stiffened her spine, held her head high,
and walked through the crowd, smiling and nodding at people she
knew even when they didn’t respond. Where to begin? She saw Stella
Murchison standing alone, for once, by the door to the verandah,
and headed in that direction. “Stella,” she said, “your mother has
outdone herself this year. It’s lovely.”

Stella’s lips went white and pinched with
anger. “Don’t pretend to be my friend,” she said furiously. “You
lied to me and I think you were laughing at me the whole time we’ve
known each other. I hate you, your Highness. I think you should
leave.” She turned and walked away, her angry footsteps ringing out
loudly on the tiled floor.

Telaine felt sick. True, Stella had never
been more than a useful tool, but she had liked her enthusiasm and
her friendliness. She knew this was the reaction she could expect
from everyone she’d befriended as the Princess. She tried to tell
herself she didn’t care, that the Princess’s acquaintances didn’t
matter to her, but she knew if she could speak to herself she’d
hear her own words echo with lies. What if her true friends, like
Michael, felt the same?

She refused to cry. She wouldn’t let them see
that their opinion mattered to her at all. She continued to walk
through the crowd, acknowledging people who snubbed her in return,
secretly hoping to find one friendly face.

“Your Highness! I suppose I should have
expected to see you here,” said Evan Kirkpatrick. He held out a
hand to steady her; she’d almost walked into him.

“Master cross-questioner—”

“Just Mister Kirkpatrick, when I’m not in the
courtroom,” he said. He had a lean, angular, handsome face, and it
occurred to her that he looked like she’d expected Baron Steepridge
to look, back when she’d first met him. “May I get you a drink?
Champagne, perhaps?”

She nodded, and he handed her a glass. They
seemed to be at the center of a rapidly expanding unoccupied
circle. She didn’t care. “Are you interested in helping Aurilien’s
unbonded orphans, then?” she asked.

“I make a donation every year, and then I
make it a point to attend the gala and get my money’s worth of free
canapés and wine.” His eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled,
and Telaine smiled back. It was such a relief to talk to someone
who didn’t hate her. “I’d hoped to tell you I don’t think I’ve ever
had a more formidable opponent,” he added.

“I feel rather the same way,” she admitted.
“Was your goal to reduce me to a quivering jelly? Because it almost

He laughed. “Now
I don’t
believe,” he said. “I almost laughed out loud when you said you
didn’t think I needed your permission. I can see why you made such
a good agent.”

“Thank you for the compliment, sir. And for
my part, I can see why you’re such a good cross-questioner.”

“Please don’t judge me by what happened to
poor Harroden. I felt almost guilty about it. There’s no skill in
questioning someone who’s so terrified he’ll say anything you like
to make you stop.”

“I could see you felt sorry for him, at the

“Did you? I must be slipping. I try not to
appear emotionally involved, good or bad. My job is to remain
impartial—and yes, I know what you’re thinking, I seem antagonistic
enough, but a good testimony should be able to withstand my poking
at it.”

He glanced around. “Your Highness, I’d hate
for you to think of me as a villain. Would you care to meet me for
dinner tomorrow? I can tell you all about the tedious world of
litigation, and you can tell me stories of your daring
exploits—those you’re at liberty to share,” he added with a

“Mister Kirkpatrick, I would enjoy having
dinner with you. Shall we meet at one o’clock at the

“I look forward to it.” He bowed, and turned
away. Irrationally, she felt as if she’d been abandoned.

She stepped backward and bumped into someone
else. “Please excuse me—” she said. It was Michael Cosgrove.

“Your Highness,” he said without warmth. “How
are you this evening?”

“Michael,” she said, feeling afraid, “I never
spied on you. Never.”

“I’d take your word for it, but I understand
agents of the Crown are good at telling people what they want to


“You know, your Highness, I don’t believe you
and I have anything to say to one another. If you’ll excuse me, I
see my husband calling me.” He nodded curtly and walked away.

Now Telaine wanted to cry. She blinked
rapidly and moved toward the door. These people would
see her cry and they would
see her run out of here as
though she’d been chased away. She walked faster and no longer met
anyone’s eyes.

She met Julia as she was about to ascend the
stairs out of the Murchisons’ ballroom. “Telaine!” her cousin
exclaimed, and then “What’s wrong?”

Telaine shook her head the tiniest bit,
hoping to conceal her misery, but Julia looked around at the people
deliberately not looking their way, and said loudly, “I’m

She hooked her arm through Telaine’s and led
her up the stairs and out of the manor. “Charleton, wait,” she
called to her driver, who turned the carriage around for them.
Telaine climbed into it, grateful for how its enclosing sides and
window drapes concealed her from the hateful gazes of

“What happened? Were they rude to you? Should
I go back and have words with Ariana Murchison?” Julia’s face was
flushed with anger.

“It was exactly as I expected. I just didn’t
realize how bad it would feel. I don’t even like most of those
people.” Remembering how much worse it had been when the same thing
happened in Longbourne was no comfort. “But some of them, I
thought, were friends. I don’t know why I thought they’d be able to
tell I was sincere in how I treated

“Why not? I always know the difference
between people who care about me and people who want to befriend me
because I’m the Crown Princess. Or because I’m rich. Or

“You know to look for those things. I’m sure
most of them are angry with themselves for letting me fool them.
It’s—it’s not easy, feeling like a fool.”

The carriage drew up at the steps to the
palace and Charleton helped them out. “It will blow over, Father
says. You’ll see who your real friends are then.”

Julia once again hooked her arm through
Telaine’s and together they ascended the stairs and passed through
the white marble dome of the entrance, following the path to the
east wing. Her cousin’s tall, warm presence comforted Telaine, and
she laughed.

“My real friends? You know something, Julia?
None of them are my real friends. They couldn’t possibly be. They
only know me as the mask I wore, the giddy Princess who only cared
about clothes and gossip and flirtation. And I’m sick of that mask,
Julia, I’m sick of pretending to be someone I’m not.”

“You never played a part with me, did

Telaine stopped in the middle of the Rotunda
and hugged her cousin. “Never. Don’t even think that. I was always
honest, as honest as I could be, with my family. But I feel as if
it’s been years since I knew myself.”

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