Agon (19 page)

Read Agon Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #angels, #paranormal romance, #erotic romance, #protectors, #mystic protectors

BOOK: Agon
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It’s a hotel on Ninth. I
don’t know the name, as it’s not coming up right now. I’d say it’s
the one that caters to the unwashed.” She wondered what he meant
when he continued. “Yeah, that’s the one. Dollar Hotel. They charge
by the hour, I heard.”

She understood. It was a cheap place
that someone could use for a quick fuck. Moving her chair closer to
the officer, she watched as he typed things into the search engine
and wondered what he was doing. A ledger appeared, and there were
several names on it.

The owner is a snitch of
mine. Keeps his records on the computer so we don’t have to raid
him to find out what sort of trash he’s keeping in his rooms.” She
watched as he moved slowly down the list, and one name popped out
at her and she had him stop. “You know this man?”

Yeah…let me think.” She
was trying her best to remember where she’d heard the name when
Boss spoke to her. Smiling, she told the officer. “He was a friend
of my dad’s, I think. And my uncle might have mentioned him as
well. I think he’s a fence.”

Yeah?” He pulled up
another tab and logged into an official-looking site. In seconds,
he was pulling up the picture. “This him?”

Yes. His name wasn’t
Charlie Brown back then. He was Tippy Balance. I’m not sure that
was his real name, but my dad called him that.”

Her uncle had introduced them, she
remembered now. Her dad had been gone for a few days, leaving her
alone and caged up with a loaf of bread as her food. When he’d
returned, he was coked up and had a shit-ton of jewelry and bottles
of drugs, like the kind you’d get from a drug store.

The officer pulled out his phone and
started talking to Benny on the other end. She wandered over to the
window and looked out. She watched a couple walking down the street
who seemed to be arguing about something, and a person trying to
parallel park their car.

The people on the street were
oblivious to what was going on in here, and she was sure that even
had they known, most of them wouldn’t care. Going down the stairs
to the main level, she saw that they’d already started to work on
the shop. Some of the workers were covering up some of the pieces
they’d decided to keep, while others were pulling down some of the
paneling. She moved to the wall closest to her when they took the
sheet away.

What are you going to do
here?” One of the men came up behind her, and she glanced at him as
she continued. “Can we save this?”

It was a mural of some sort. All she
could see from what they’d uncovered was that it was “Flou” written
in a nice script. Dan, the guy who was taking charge of the project
for them, had two of the men come and take down the next panel.
Behind it was the rest of the word, and a large bag of flour with a
few sprays of wheat near it. And a price of a loaf of bread. It was
a whopping nine cents.

I’d say we’ll work our
butts off to keep this. Do you want to see what the rest of the
wall says?” She nodded and smiled. “Me too. And I would say that
this is from the 1920s or there about. I remember that time, when
even this was more than anyone could afford. Buying homemade bread
was considered an oddity when most people would make it

You’re a protector.” He
winked at her and walked away. She was never going to get used to
people not just being older than her by centuries, but looking like
they were years younger than her. She watched as the walls of panel
came down and showed a bit of history that would have been lost if
the building had come down like the city had wanted to


Agon didn’t have a lot of knowhow when
it came to setting up a shop. In fact, of all the people he had
protected over the years, few of them had had anything to do with
shops, and more with making money through working a nine-to-five
job. They’d been in them, of course, but never ran one. But this
one, the one that he and Judith were going to have, was looking
really amazing.

Dan said that we’d be
able to cover these with a protective glass that would save them
from people touching them.” He nodded at Judith as she showed him
the advertisement they’d unearthed. “I was thinking we’d put the
counter close to it so we could have a nice backdrop for it. I
mean, it’s pretty amazing, don’t you think?”

He heard the hesitation in her voice
and looked at her. That was when it hit him…she was nervous. Agon
didn’t know it if was because of what she was showing him or her
ideas. He pulled her into his arms as he looked at

You have a wonderfully
creative mind. I love this. I have seen these being painted before.
A man would come in to work all day on something like this, and all
he would get for his troubles was a man standing over him debasing
him for the work. He might have had a passing talent before the war
ended, but needed to make a living because of something that might
have happened to him during the wartime.” She leaned back into his
chest, and he kissed the top of her head. “You have news about your

They know that he was
able to fence all but one of the watches. The one he has on him now
is at a hotel not far from here. I’m not sure what they’re waiting
on, but they don’t seem to be in any kind of hurry to go and get
him.” He knew what they were doing but waited to tell her. “He was
in the house long enough to take a shower. They told me that he
left me a message. But they won’t tell me what it was.”

It said for you to fuck
off.” She turned in his arms and looked up at him. “You are afraid
of him?”

No. Should I be?” Agon
shook his head. “I have to go to the police station tomorrow to
file a report on the things that they found. Benny said that I’d be
getting it all when Jerry was arrested. What does he

The house is in the
courts for the moment, but once he goes to prison, everything will
be left to you. It is the way we have had it set up for you.” She
shook her head and started to pull away. “Listen to me for a
moment. The house and all the grounds will come to you because you
are his only living relative. He will, through lawyers that work
for us, give it to you to care for. Then once he is found guilty of
everything, you will own it all. I think—”

I don’t want it. None of
it. It’s all blood money.” Agon had told Boss she would feel this
way. “You tell whoever is doing this to stop right now. I don’t
want it.”

You could do so much with
the money. Things he would never have done.” She continued to shake
her head. “There are others, small charities that could benefit
from your generosity. I do not want to tell you what you should do,
but I would like for you to think of what can happen. Things your
uncle will not like.”

You mean donate it all.”
He nodded, then shook his head. “I don’t understand. Are you
telling me to donate it or not?”

Most places that can use
a home this size will not be able to afford the taxes or the
upkeep. Like many charities, they run on tight budgets. If you were
to donate the house to be used and not give it outright, you and I
and a few of the other protectors could help with the money.
Keeping the house and lands up while they used it for their own
purposes.” He watched her work through what he was telling her. “I
know a few of the protectors that would run the house as well. Boss
thinks it would make a nice place for people to stay who need help
getting back on their feet. Kala and Lily work with a few people
like this who need a helping hand.”

He’d hate it.” Agon
smiled at the humor in her voice. “I mean, he’d really hate it.
It’s not really nice to think like that, but it does sort of
sweeten the pot. I think it’s a great idea. But only if he’s caught
can this work. And so far, I’m not seeing much in the way of anyone
working to get his ass in jail.”

It is difficult, with the
way things are being found, that they can…I cannot remember what
Benny called it, but they need to catch him at something before it
will be a done deal.” She nodded but frowned. “You understand

You mean they have to
catch him in the act, so to speak? No one else has to die, do
they?” He shook his head, and she nodded. “Then I have an

He was almost afraid to ask her. But
she seemed to be working in her mind again, and he let her. One
thing he’d learned in all his years of watching people was that
some thought out loud and others in their mind. Judith was a person
who thought things out quietly.

I can lure him out. And
he can try to kill me.” He started to tell her no, but she put up
her hand. “He won’t be able to, of course, because I’m like you.
But he doesn’t know that.”

He can still hurt you.”
She smiled at him, and he wanted to give her anything she wanted.
“I do not like when you look at me like this. It makes me think I
am going to give in and you will win. What have you in

Well, I was thinking of a
way for you and me to come to an agreement.” She moved toward him
like she was gliding across ice. “We could also break the place in
and see how sturdy the tables are.”

He looked at the table and wondered
why they should care if the tables were strong enough to hold a cup
of tea. Agon looked back at her when she moved one of the tables
from the group. As soon as she sat on it and spread her legs, he
felt his cock thicken. She called him to her with a curling of her

Come here and let me show
you.” Agon moved like a man who was on a long leash and she was
pulling the rope to her. He was willing to go where she wanted so
long as she looked at him the way she was now. The closer he got to
her, the more thoughts of what she might have in mind entered his
head. By the time she had him sitting in the chair, Agon reached
down to adjust his hard cock.

I should very much like
to feast on you.” She lay back on the table and put her feet on his
legs. “You are very tempting. Shall I show you what I want to

Yes.” Her hiss of
approval had him pulling her toward the edge of the table. He’d
noticed earlier that she’d donned a skirt, and when he lifted it up
to see her thighs, Agon moaned at what she didn’t have on beneath
it. “I’ve been thinking of you all day. How much I wanted you to
eat me. If you do a good job and make me come fast, I’ll suck your
cock until you come down my throat.”

He didn’t think he could answer her,
so he didn’t. His entire body was hard and when he opened her legs
wider, he nearly wept. She was gloriously wet, and he wanted her.
Leaning down to her womanhood, Agon licked her from gate to clit
and then suckled the tiny nubbin into his mouth. She cried out, but
he didn’t stop. Tasting her this way was just what he

Drinking from her was amazing. She was
so wet and dripping more of her creaminess than he could bring to
his mouth. Sliding his fingers into her opening, he was rewarded
with her legs tightening around his head as he used his tongue on
her as well. He lifted her with his hand so that he could taste
more of her, and she cried out again. He looked up at her over her

She lay there with her blouse open and
her bra unlatched. She was fondling her breasts and squeezing them
so erotically that he nearly forgot what he’d been doing. Agon
decided that he needed to be inside of her, and he stood up. She
looked at him as he freed his cock.

Come here and let me
taste you first.” He wrapped his hand around his cock as he moved
to where she laid her head. As soon as he was close, she wrapped
her hand around him and pulled him to her mouth. Agon moaned and
threw back his head as she suckled at him. Leaning over her, he
slid his fingers into her womanhood as she took him deeper into her

Fuck me.” He nearly fell
when she commanded him. He was as close to releasing as he’d ever
been, and he had to think for several seconds what she was saying.
“Agon, fuck me. Come in my pussy.”

Moving back between her thighs, he
slammed his cock deep into her. She screamed out his name as she
released and he took her pert nipple into his mouth and nipped at
her. She screamed again, this time wrapping her ankles around his
hips as he pounded as hard as he could into her. When he felt his
own release coming over him, he threw back his own head and came,
holding onto her hips as he emptied himself deep within

Several minutes passed, and he lifted
her up and sat her onto his lap. She giggled once, and he slapped
her bottom gently, then massaged the area before she turned on his
lap and looked at him. Her breasts were so close to his mouth that
he could not stop himself from lifting one to his mouth and
suckling the tip before taking it into his mouth.

You’re going to make me
want you again if you keep that up.” He had no problems with her
wanting him and pulled her nakedness closer to his body. Her
womanhood seemed to wrap around his cock, and he rolled her back
and forth over him. “I want to ride you this way.”

Before he could figure out what she
meant, she stood up and asked him to hold his cock. As she slid
over him, taking him into her again, he held her hips. She was
settled over him in seconds.

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