Agon (23 page)

Read Agon Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #angels, #paranormal romance, #erotic romance, #protectors, #mystic protectors

BOOK: Agon
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Take me.” He shook his
head. He wasn’t finished with her as yet, and he opened her wider
as he settled between her thighs again. Drinking rapaciously from
her, he knew that she was peaking because of the constant stream of
juices that flowed from her. When she jerked his head up, he smiled
at the look on her face.

You’re killing me. No
more.” He laughed as he sat up on his knees and rolled her to her
belly. “No more, Agon. I’m spent.”

Not yet. I should like to
take you this way again and feel you tighten around me.” He moved
up behind her hips when she was on her knees. “I have such a lovely
view of you now, it makes me hard just to think of you this

He slid his cock into her sheath
slowly. Her body rippled around him several times as she adjusted
to his size. Agon had to slow down or release this way deep inside
of her, and he wanted her to release a few more times before he
took his own pleasure. When he was seated as far as he could go, he
moved in and out, as he did his fingers over her

I love you.” She moaned,
and he felt her tighten again. “Release for me love, release so
that I may join you.”

She screamed out her release again and
again. Agon pounded into her hard as his own body prepared for his
peak. When he felt it roll over him, Agon threw back his head and
roared, his entire body bowing back as he filled her. When he could
no longer move, he dropped over her and then to his back, bringing
her with him. He held her for several minutes before she rolled
over and lay over him like a blanket.

I love you.” He kissed
her nose when she yawned. “I’m really sorry I’ve been so moody. But
I just…Kala told me that we’d have no children, because of what you
are. I never really thought of it before, but knowing that it won’t
happen makes me sad a little.”

There are many children
that will need us if you are willing. I know that next month Lily
and Benny will be adopting two little girls into their home. I have
heard that they are planning to take on three more before the
year’s end. Is that something you’d like to do?” She didn’t answer
him, and he lifted her chin. He could see tears in her eyes, and he
felt his heart twist. “I did not mean to make light of us not
having a child of our own. I only meant that—”

No, it’s not that. I was
thinking…I didn’t know how to bring it up before. But I’d like to
adopt some children. Not yet, I think. We’ve no real house, and the
business is just not ready for me to take the time as yet. But we
have all the time in the world.” He nodded and pulled her closer to
him. “I want to have lots of them. Well, not lots, but more than a
couple. Okay?”

We can adopt as many as
you wish. We will live forever and never age. Raising children will
be wonderful with you as their mother. You have so much to offer
them. I hope that…it is my dream to have a game of baseball and
football in the yard someday.”

You’d do that with a
girl, too, right?” He nodded, not sure what she meant until she
continued. “Our children, male or female, will know how to play all
sports and be able to do whatever it is they want. Even if they
want to be a quarterback for the pros. It won’t matter what sex
they are.”

He had a feeling he was touching on
something dangerous and said nothing. She laid there for several
minutes before she spoke again. He smiled when she sat

I want to go to the barn
and start on some jams. I have an idea for one and I want to play.”
She helped him to stand. “And just so you know, Galin is hiding out
at our house right now. He seems to have it in his head that he’s
going to be married soon. I had no idea that he was seeing

He believes that Boss has
it in His head to marry all of us off once we are put into the
rotation He has devised.” Agon dressed as he continued. “I have
spoken with Him and He has confirmed what Galin thinks, but I have
said nothing to him. I think it would be more fun to watch him try
to get away. Much like I did at first.”

I didn’t want you either.
I’m sure once she is known to us, things will go much better for
him and her.” For some reason, Agon thought that was not going to
be the case. Galin did not want a wife at all. “And no matter what
he thinks, I’m pretty sure that it’s going to happen.”

I believe so as

They made their way to the barn, and
he told her he’d see her inside. He’d seen someone in the distance
that he never wanted to talk to, and he waited for her to close the
door before he moved toward him. Agon stopped when he was still a
few feet away.

Is this a way to treat an
old friend? Come to see me, Agon, and we will talk.” Agon didn’t
move, and the man laughed. “I see. You’re being very

What do you want, Markum?
I’ve no use for you. And we were not friends. You were told to stay
away from us.” He looked back at the barn hoping that Judith would
stay there. “Say what you wish, then leave.”

I came to see if you have
changed your mind. It has been a long time, and things have changed
a little since we last were together.” When Markum took a step
toward him, Agon took two back. “You do not wish to embrace an old

As I have said, we were
not friends at all.” He reached for Michael and told him to come to
him. “You would do well to leave here now. There are a great many
protectors here, and they will not be happy to find you among

You will not tell on me.
I have something you want.” Agon didn’t move but felt Michael
appear beside him. “Ah, the great Michael has come to rescue his
little sheep. Very unfair of you, Agon, to call him to us.
Especially when I have gone to so much trouble to hide myself from

You are to leave here
now, Markum. You are not welcome in this area.” Markum didn’t move,
not even when Michael drew his swords. “The boundaries are keeping
you from entering this area. But I may pass them. Come here again
and I will show you the wrath of my weapons.”

I’m no longer the
protector that you tossed from the realm. I’ve grown stronger as
the world gets meaner. I thrive where I could not before. I am
strong because of the evil in this world. You will find that if you
try to conquer me now, I will not fall so easily.”

Agon pulled his own sword from the air
as he felt the other protectors in the area come to his aid.
Thankful for the help, he still worried for Judith. When she spoke
behind him, he didn’t turn but stilled as she spoke.

I know who you are.”
Markum laughed. “You’re that asshole that I had some dealings with
a few years back. I thought I told you to stay the hell away from

You smell of sex. Have
you been playing the field again?” Agon heard her sharp intake of
breath and nearly reached for her. “Have you found a new job,
Judith dear, of fucking the protectors? I assure you that you could
do much better. Come to me…or better yet, invite me to come to

He was commanding her, and Agon had a
sudden fear for his wife. But when she laughed, he turned to stare
at her as she confronted Markum.

Does that usually get you
laid? I’m betting you use your hand more often than not. Are you
sore stroking your cock and your own ego?” Michael snorted, and
Agon had a feeling he was choking on his own laughter. “Oh wait, I
know why you’re so bent out of shape. You think we should all bow
down before you and kiss your ring or some shit. Well I got news
for you, tiny dick, I bow before no demi-god, especially one like

You will heed what you
say, Judith. There is more power in my body than there was when
first we met.” She lifted her hand to him and made a mocking sign
at him. Agon felt as if he were watching a game and the combatants
were picking their weapons.

And you talk too fucking
much. I’m sure you think you’re all that, but I have news for you.”
She looked to her left, and Agon saw Lily and Kala standing there.
They looked as formidable as he’d ever seen them. “The three of us
can still kick your ass and then wipe up the floor with you. So I
want you to crawl back into that hole you’ve managed to slither out
of and fuck the hell off. Be gone.”

Markum disappeared, and they all stood
still as they turned to Judith. To say he was impressed would have
been a gross understatement of his feelings right now. Michael
sheathed his sword first, then the others followed.

He will return.” Judith
nodded at Michael when he spoke. “And when he returns, he will not
be happy with you. How did you know to send him away that

I guessed, I guess you
could say. I know that sounds really stupid, but when a little dog,
that would be him in this case, thinks he can come into my little
piece of heaven and start throwing shit around, a bigger dog, or
bitch in this case, has to show him who is boss. Well, bosses. I
needed the rest of the females here to back me up.”

You guessed about
banishing a demi-god? Where do you…what if you were wrong? He may
have harmed you, then what?’ She grinned at Michael, and he
flushed. “Next time you have such a guess, I would please have you
clear it through me first. I do know a thing or two as

Yeppers, I most certainly
will. I should have come to you first, but…well, but there you have
it. Fight bitch with bitch, I suppose.” She took Agon’s hand.
“Markum, that wasn’t his name when I knew him. But he doesn’t know
we’re married, does he?”

I do not believe so.
Would it matter if he did?” She nodded, and he kissed her hand as
the others dispersed back to their jobs. “Why would a thing like
this matter to him?”

He’d use it against us, I
think. I don’t think he plays well with others.” Agon laughed, and
she smiled at him. “He didn’t hurt you, did he? I called to the
others when I felt you were in trouble. I didn’t know what to do,
but Lily said she’d come. Kala was with her.”

He was more afraid of the
three of you than he was of Michael. Why do you suppose that is?”
She shrugged, and he watched her face. “You will not tell me? I am
your husband. You should not keep things from me.”

I really don’t know. But
I will keep an eye out for him from now on.” They moved back to the
barn, and she spoke of the apples she’d had brought to her. Agon
was fearful for them all if Markum should return. He decided that
he’d keep an eye out as well.

Chapter 13


Dusty McGee watched the second hand
moved around the clock face. It would only need to pass the twelve
eighteen more times before she could go in and see her sister
again. If Rose lived that long. It had been a long and hard week,
and she had a feeling it wasn’t going to get much better. She
looked over at Kip, her sister’s son. He was watching the clock,

You can go first.” He
glared at her, and she took a deep breath. “They will only let us
stay there for ten minutes, and I thought you’d want to go in first
this time. She might be—”

I don’t care if I ever
see her again. What the hell was she thinking, anyway?” Dusty
didn’t answer him because, frankly, she had no idea what her sister
had been thinking. Not in the way she’d been hurt, nor what the
lawyer had told Dusty that morning. But Kip didn’t know that part

You don’t mean that. Not
seeing your mom again will hurt you someday.” He got up, and she
was again surprised at how tall he’d gotten. “Kip, she’s your mom,
no matter what she’d been doing.”

Fuck off.” His favorite
thing to say to her since she’d gotten here last week. And when he
walked away from her, she didn’t go after him this time. To be
honest, he was wearing her out more than visiting her dying sister

Eight days ago, she’d been on her way
to work when she’d gotten a phone call. A very nice officer had
told her that her sister had been in an accident and that she was
asking for her. This had happened before with Rose. She’d get in a
jam, hurt herself, and call for her to bail her out. Dusty was
ready to tell the officer she didn’t have time when he cleared his
throat. In that second, she knew that this time was

She’s not going to live
long, Miss McGee. The car that she hit knocked her into a busy
intersection and she was hit three more times before she was thrown
from the car. Her injuries are…they’re horrific, and her body is

Where is Kip? Her son?
Was he with her?” He didn’t say anything for several seconds, and
she knew he was thinking of a way to tell her he’d not made it.
“Please tell me he went quickly.”

We weren’t aware there
was a boy. I’m sending someone to her house now. Do you know
anything that would help us talk to him?” Did she? Not really. She
barely knew the boy herself since she and Rose had parted company
about eight years ago.

He’s twelve now…no wait,
not yet. He’s eleven. But he has a mouth on him like an adult and
will cut you to ribbons without a single thought.” She closed her
mouth when she realized what she’d just said. “I’m sorry. I’m…I’m
on my way. I’ll be there in the…where will I be coming

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