Ain't Bad for a Pink (38 page)

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Authors: Sandra Gibson

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Enter Lee number two. Lee had a Fender Strat and wanted me to take off the pick-ups and pick guard and fit a different setup altogether. I asked him what he wanted to do with the originals and he wasn’t sure. So I offered him £75 and we did the deal. I had a Fender body I’d paid £25 for years ago and a neck which I had by me as a weapon against potential robbers, and Slim grafted them together. Then the electrics were done with the Fender pickups and wiring harness, and a white scratch plate with US on it. The ‘weapon’ neck completed by Slim looks well against the deep green he has used. He would accept nothing for the job and the guitar was now ready for my appearance at the Whitmore Barbecue. Guitar number two. Both guitars had components worth more than the saleable value of the instruments.

Everyone Wants Valve Amps

I have a Simms-Watts hand-built British amplifier I exchanged for a drum – equivalent value of £60. Someone had left it at the tip. I put one new valve in and cleaned it up internally. It will go on the internet for about a grand but there’s no way of calculating the value of the intuitive knowledge that led to the transaction and the subsequent refurbishment of the amp. Everyone these days wants valve amps since they were resurrected by The White Stripes. Musicians also want point to point wiring – wiring done by hand – rather than circuit boards, which are machine made.

A lot of car boot items find their way to my shop, especially banjos and guitars. I have a Grampian PA set in a box which dates from the late Forties and which cost £20 from a car boot sale. It is worth £250 to £300 on the open market. I tend to accumulate items and then focus on photographing and selling them on the internet. Well – my son Matthew does.

To eBay Or Not To eBay

My son buys and sells on eBay. Everyone buys and sells on eBay. I know I should be more interested in eBay but I can’t be bothered with it. Buying and selling is complex enough without bubble wrap and queuing at the post office. Reg told me he sold a 1958 Vox AC 15 amp – broken – for £2,000 on eBay. The guy wanted it for the case. Slim buys new Chinese guitars because it’s the cheapest way to get the parts for the guitars he makes. But I really can’t be bothered with it – it’s part of the madness of commercialisation.

I use eBay to shift stuff from the shop that might otherwise take some time to move in a business this size and in this town. The internet gives scope to find that specific customer for that particular piece of equipment.

Matthew Johnson.

Sixties Guitar Collection

A pair of ornaments or a full set of dining chairs always has greater value than the single divorced item. It’s similar with guitars. Historical significance and being in a collection adds interest and value. I had a collection of electric guitars representative of the type of thing young aspiring musicians of the Sixties would have coveted. Originally, they were not worth very much but sold as a historical collection to a London shop in the early Nineties, they went for £600: a considerable amount for what I regarded as a heap of junk not worth the effort of selling individually.

The Black Pig

You can take renovation too far.

Henry Marsh, also an accordionist, played keyboard with a group called Sailor. Some time in the Eighties, when I was playing at the Oakley Centre, Henry Marsh, disguised as Darth Vader, came as a guest with Paul Elson who was playing drums. Although he usually played keyboard, Henry played guitar for me. We managed a five minute rehearsal before the gig. Anyway, to cut to the chase: I got him a state of the art keyboard (worth £1,200 to £1,500) for about £800 plus expenses incurred by my journey to London to purchase it. When he collected it from my shop he gave me a 1957 Les Paul – the one he had played at my gig – for which he had been offered £250 (a stupidly low offer) in London. This was for the great favour he felt I had done and out of respect for my musicianship: “You’ve got more charisma on stage than anyone I’ve ever played with,” he said. He has kept in touch over the years and has often phoned for personal advice.

I loved that electric guitar. It had P90 pick-ups that someone who had released records in the Sixties had owned. It was made before the company designated their products into Les Paul Standard and so forth. It was scruffy: I remember that part of the purfling on the underside (as you play) had been lost but it had been played such a lot that the wood was smooth, not rough where the purfling had been. I used it when I played with the Skunk Band and all the younger musicians fought over it on jam nights.

After a few years someone bought it off me for £1,500 – well, £750 plus two guitars. Henry Marsh maintained that it had always been black, certainly from when he had it in the late Sixties. The new owner had it restored – scraped back – to reveal a Les Paul Gold Top. Perfect. With the finish still intact. The restoration cost him £800. He sold it for £3,000 – possibly more.

It had been a good, useable stage guitar and although it was beautiful restored, it didn’t feel like the Black Pig. It was less comfortable. Something more than paint had been taken away.

Georgian Treasures

Regardless of anything that was happening during my four trips to Georgia: heat, tornadoes, hailstones, snakes, being ripped off, getting drunk, being feted as a Blues Legend, eating lavishly, driving a tractor, being disappointed, getting arrested, trying to cross roads, having headaches, talking to Cora Mae, escaping persecution, watching crap TV, wearing mirror shades, being broke, getting shot at – regardless of anything and everything my interest in musical instruments never failed. Every such encounter is recorded in my mind and in my journal. My interests and my good business brain always work in harmony no matter what the circumstances.

Visited some vintage guitar shops and clocked different prices of English amps and cheap American products in the UK. Bought a 1928 Tricone, mint for year: $5,000. Just have to find the money now…called at pawn shop. Interesting Stella 12 string – 1940s: $90.00 but how do I bring it back?...On the way back called to see a couple of interesting instruments: 1947 Gibson 8 string pedal steel $500,00 and 1928 National Tricone, beautiful but $5,000 and not that impressive on tone but requires a good clean and set up. Got my picture taken with it though…arrived first music shop, sold 2 pedals Fuzz Face: $150. MXR Phase 90 (orange): $75 and good contact: Marty’s Music…phone or fax: vintage instruments, pedals, Hiwatts etc. 2
shop sold my National…

Even during the fourth rather unsuccessful visit to Georgia, beset by ill health, awful weather and loneliness I noted the following:

meat run via music shops in Atlanta. Some nice guitars: ’46 Martin 0021 – $4,500. Great. National Triolion: $1,500 sensible and some cheap disc mics… stopped at Dirt Cheap Music bought ’58 ES 125 mint – $550 and a Guild D40 $450 ideal for here plus Shure condenser $80. Great. On to posh Atlanta shop and bought MX 802A in sale – $70. I’m smiling now. Some posh condensers: $599 down to $99 mmm! music store bought 6 mics – $500 and MX802A – $60.

I think I always manage to combine my enthusiasm for the beauty of the instruments with some down-to-earth valuations and an eye for a bargain, but I’m always fair or try to be. I bought the stuff on my card and that’s how I ended up with no beer money!

Reason To Go Acoustic

If you look – sometimes if you don’t look – there’s a story behind every transaction. January 2007: I watched a young man painstakingly unwrapping a guitar from two black bin liners. Then a tiny amp emerged: a hundred quid’s worth altogether. He wanted an acoustic guitar so I tuned it for him. I hoped for some sort of exchange. The quiet young man sat down to play the new acoustic guitar – £99 on the price tag – he took no time at all to decide. “Yes, I’ll have that. I used to have a band but I got electrocuted and nearly died. My dad says hiya – Mike Harradine.”

The decisive young man of few words was only 24 years old. His was a very good reason for changing to acoustic.

I had also been decisive: thirty seconds to decide the deal. Sometimes it takes considerably less. Slowed down, this is the process: the guitar he was trading was a popular instrument: a Vintage SG Electric. I hadn’t got one in the shop and I knew it would sell. I had two more of the acoustic guitars he bought so I could let that one go without a thought. The amp and the electric guitar balanced exactly the value of the acoustic guitar. It was a fair deal. He had a compelling reason to sell; I had a sound reason to buy.

“Say hi to your dad,” I said as he left the shop. I’ve known Mike Harradine as a customer for a while.

Guitars On The Move

A man (mid thirties) came to the shop with five guitars: all in very good condition. He had wanted £600 but ended up taking a black Les Paul Studio (worth £595). I told him that if he wanted the
Les Paul it would cost him another £200. So in he came on the following Monday, bringing in
guitar plus a big pedal multi-effects and returning the black Les Paul. He gave all these to me in exchange for the esteemed copper Les Paul. No money had exchanged hands.

One of the six guitars – a BC Rich – had a snake design on it and I didn’t think it would shift. It was the last guitar I’d have bought in but this was part of a deal. It was the first to go.

Guitars were on the move. A young man came in on the same Monday as the great Les Paul exchange and bought it – the black one – along with a Marshall Half Stack. This time money exchanged hands: £550.

Parallel to this, another instrument – a nice twelve string Crafter Acoustic – had a deposit the equivalent of a hundred quid on it, part of which was a guitar and another one was out on approval, on trust, to a man I’ve known for thirty years. Some transactions take longer to go through than others and it’s a process you shouldn’t rush.

In April 2007 Reg brought in three guitars. One was a cutaway resonator. Another was a tenor guitar: it’s got the same chords as a banjo though you can tune it to play like the top four strings in a guitar. I thought Des might be interested in that. The other was a Dobro Lap Steel.

There we are – surveying the wares like punters at an antiques fair; for a while there is an air of unresolved deeds. Eventually, and without anything perceptible happening, the deal is agreed: I give Reg two lap steels and Reg gives me two guitars and £250.

There’s not much call for tenor guitars or lap steel guitars: they’re just the quirky type of thing that turns up and you never know who will want them.

A Beautiful Gypsy

Some guitars are inherently special, or special because of their connection with a person. Or for both reasons. Near Christmas 2006 a Tacoma came into my life. I bought it for £325. I liked it. I liked the fact that there were no markers on the fret board – why spoil a nice piece of ebony by cutting it and inserting pretend abalone or pretend mother-of-pearl? I liked the fact that the ebony was wider, more like a vintage guitar. It fitted my hands better. Size matters. There’s a Taylor Dreadnought in the shop; it’s worth £1,000. It looks impressively large but it is normal for that type, though too big for me. It’s all about the waist. I fit better with a slimmer waist – that’s what the Tacoma has in its favour – the ones with a thinner waist fit on the leg better.

The rosette reminded me of a Spanish guitar and it also had a see-through pick guard like on a flamenco guitar. Many – probably the majority of electro-acoustic guitars – have an equalizer that compresses sounds, evening out the highs and lows. I don’t like that. The electrical feature of this one didn’t do that and I was thinking of keeping it for that reason, and also in order to protect my vintage guitars from over-use and wear and tear in pubs.

I think talent should be respected; a musician should have an instrument worthy of their talent. A beautiful young girl with auburn gypsy hair and classical good looks came to the shop with her father. A talented guitar player, she was looking for an instrument and I suggested this recent American acquisition: the Tacoma
She played it and her face lit up – a good sound. I told them that even if they didn’t buy it from me, they should think about getting a guitar that matched her talent. They said they’d think about it.

They didn’t come back. So I’ve been playing that guitar as if I’ve been playing it all my life. It has a lovely mellow sound and it makes me happy and I lose myself in the music for a while. It was love at first sight and also linked in my mind with the beautiful guitarist.

Post Script

The girl’s father did get in touch again about the guitar. I told him he was too late: I had withdrawn it from sale. It’s the only electro-acoustic guitar I have and I like it. I think they’re worth in excess of £1,500 new.

Falling At The Last Hurdle

You can never tell whether a person will buy or not. They can be on the point of buying then for some reason they don’t. If they don’t do it there and then the chances are they won’t. A musical instrument is an important and intimate purchase so this doesn’t surprise me. One day in May a tall black girl in a striking white jacket came in to look at a flute nested in a dusty black box with a torn label. She was about to start flute lessons. She was interested in how it fitted together and I was able to reassure her that I had such instruments checked out by someone with more knowledge than myself. She was completely absorbed and anyone present would have been convinced she intended to have it. When we got round to the payment she couldn’t remember her PIN. I sensed the girl’s disappointment when she couldn’t take the flute with her. She promised to return.

But she didn’t.

In my business you get used to the psychology of buying and selling; you have to assimilate the indecisiveness of people. One moment they’re being ruled by their head, the next by their heart. Sometimes they just want to look and have no intention of buying, even if they behave as if they do. Some are genuinely indecisive – vague about what they want or afraid of making a mistake. In this case it might have been embarrassment that kept the flautist away or perhaps forgetting her PIN was her subconscious mind saying no.

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