Akira Tong for Christmas

Read Akira Tong for Christmas Online

Authors: Azure Boone

Tags: #multicultural, #Contemporary, #erotic romance, #BDSM

BOOK: Akira Tong for Christmas
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Azure Boone


Akira Tong for Christmas

Copyright © December 2012 by Azure Boone

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

eISBN 9781623001070

Editor: S. N. Graves

Cover Artist: April Martinez

Printed in the United States of America

Published by

Loose Id LLC

PO Box 809

San Francisco CA 94104-0809


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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For my husband and family.


Always a thanks to the hard work of my wonderful editor and the patience of my family.

Chapter One

“This will
work. You can’t do it.” My sister blew her nose, then threw the wad of tissue in with the other hundred in her lap.

I stood there, hands on my hips, having a hard time mustering indignation with her being sicker than a dog—down with the flu. “You underestimate me, Anna, really.” My voice came out motherly instead of stern. “I’m not that green and naive. I mean, I watch a
of TV.” Anna rolled her eyes and groaned. “Sarah, please,
I Love Lucy
hardly qualifies you to be a tour guide in New York City!”

Miffed, I asked, “What does that woman
try?” I eased down next to Anna on the bed. “I can accomplish anything with her sort of determined spirit.”

Anna whimpered. “Please stop. Lucy is the worst role model ever. Everything that woman touches she screws up.” She gave another head-lolling moan.

I unplastered her sweaty hair from her forehead. She was so sick. What if she had a relapse of pneumonia? The memory of her lifeless, slab-of-meat body brought sudden terror. I took her hand.

“Look,” I soothed, “I realize I’m not the best person for this. But…I really would like to try. Not just for you, but for me. I’ve been hiding away, avoiding living, and I’d like to change that. I think this is my big chance. You’d really be helping me more than I’d be helping you. I’d be seeing the world. Like you always wanted. And saving your job.”

She gave a light snort. “I’ll likely get fired.”

“You’ll get fired if I don’t do this. Big important client, remember? There’s nobody else to fill your shoes.”

She flopped her head back and leveled glossy green eyes at me for several seconds. “How on earth will you pull this off?”

I waved a hand. “I’m
well-read, sister. I’ll wing it. I’m only teaching him about the Western culture. It’s not like it’s rocket science. I think I can manage. And it’s only one week, and you have a detailed schedule planned out. You said so yourself.”

I was getting a little annoyed with Anna’s long groans. “He’s not your
Japanese, Sarah. He graduated at the top of their prestigious Hitotsubashi University. He’s no doubt well-read in things you can’t even pronounce. Plus…he has a reputation.”

A trickle of fear skittered through me. “What…sort of reputation?” Anna managed a mischievous grin. “He’s very popular with the women.” My stomach flipped. “I’m not the least bit intimidated by that.”

“Bring my laptop.” She blew her nose and groaned.

“That isn’t necessary. It doesn’t matter.” I paused, seeing the you’re-killing-me-please-don’t-argue furrow of her brows. I went to her desk next to the bedroom window and held the buttercup-yellow curtains aside. “Looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day. Would you like me to open the window? And then I can get you some soup. I made a delicious—”

“Laptop,” she croaked. “And then soup.”

I hardened my jaw and grabbed the damned thing, then turned with a smile. “Got it.” She eyed me as I presented it to her.

Despite my annoyance with the rapid influx of digital gadgets that I couldn’t keep up with, I watched in fascination as Anna’s fingers flew over the keyboard. I could learn computers just as well. And would.

Eventually. She turned the screen. “Take a look at your assignment, sister. The son of one of Japan’s richest men.”

Of course she’d show me the half-naked picture first. No one knew my secret weakness for Asian men. Anna wasn’t stupid, and by the grin on her face, maybe she was one exception. But without a direct confession from me, I could pretend. “Glad to see he has a torso.” She clicked through several more pics of him half-naked. “So he has a healthy body. What’s your point?”

“Healthy? This man is gorgeous, and you

“And how is this a problem? I’ve seen gorgeous men before.”

She choked on shock and leaned away. “What gorgeous men have you seen? Jerry the potbelly pig at the gas station?”

It was my turn to lean away. “
happens to be quite…fit.” She balked. “Pock-faced, bucktoothed Jason?”

“Doesn’t change the fact he has a nice body. We’re talking bodies. But I’m sure Mr.”—I glanced at the name on the screen—“Akira Tong isn’t going to be the least interested in me. I mean, I may be your twin, but looks aren’t everything. Besides, this is a
, Anna, not a
. Why are you giving me so much grief, acting like I’m going to end up in bed with my legs spread wide? Surely men like him have standards.”

She choked again. “What are you saying about yourself?”

I flustered. “It’s what I’m saying about
. Give the man some credit, for crying out loud. Just because he’s a hunk doesn’t make him—” I pointed at the screen. “What are his talents?” That would show his level of integrity and prove my point.

She got back to the keyboard, grinning. “You said

“Anna Lynn, don’t start acting like I’m a virgin.”

Anna did another double take. “You got laid?”

Stop jerking like that before you get whiplash
. “You know what I mean. In heart and mind, I’m experienced. My virginity has no bearing on that whatsoever. If anything, I’m
experienced, since I’m not tainted.”

Anna’s brows rose.

“Meaning my body isn’t confusing my mind, clouding my judgment as it does some people I know
.” I stared at her, heat creeping up my neck. “Stop your damn grinning. I mean it.” She laughed, then whimpered in misery.

“Uh-huh, serves you right for being a little shit.”

“You cussed!” Like I’d graduated life. How utterly ridiculous.

“Yes, and I can do a lot more of those kinds of things.
I should need to. I am not a child. I’m an intelligent woman, and I’ll pull off this heist, no problem. You watch me.”

“Stop it. You’re killing me. Heist?”

“Robbery. Theft. Raid. Swoop. Attack.” I hurried to get her off the subject of that man’s gorgeous body and heart-stopping sweet smile. I’d deal with him later. In my own way.

Anna rolled her eyes and croaked, “Thought you said you’d quit reading the thesaurus.” Her tone sounded hopeless.

“Of course I did. That’s merely memory. What I’m doing is quite similar in terms of operation.”

“Oh Lord, help us. She’s memorized the thesaurus.” The murmur came with a slow head thrash. “I’m tired.”

The frailness of her voice alarmed me. “Then shhhh. I tell you what. I’ll print out all the information on him, study it like I do—
—the thesaurus, and it’ll all be fine. The rest is in the Lord’s hands. You’ll be in my prayer corner until I get back? It’s only a week.” I pressed the cool rag to her burning forehead.

“Christmas week. You’ll miss it.”

“Like you do nearly every year?”

“But I’m used to it. You’ve never missed Christmas with Momma.”

“Time for that to change. For the both of us. I’ll get your medicine,” I whispered. “I’m all packed and ready to go. We’ll be fine. You’ll see. You’ll be in good hands with Aunt Sarah.” I stood and smiled.

“’Sides that, I’ve always wanted to see New York at Christmastime.” Anna sighed and eyed me. “Only you could dream of seeing Japan, and all of a sudden, Mr. Japan is coming to see you.”

* * * *

I chewed on my lip, glancing at my watch. Good Lord, this was ridiculous. How did Anna wear these abominable clothes? The black slacks and black, short blazer made me feel like a rogue nun. Thank God for the feminine pink silk blouse and matching pumps, but no thanks to God for the toothpick heels on the damned things.

I clamped the matching pink purse under my arm tightly, reminding myself that the map to success was in it, and the only thing I needed to think about was the first thing we had to do. Well, first three things. I felt more comfortable knowing the plan that far ahead. Pick him up, drive him to the Mandarin Oriental, and show him to his fancy Taipan Suite. With the two separate bedrooms and two and a half baths and amazing view. Okay, I had to admit, I was giddy with excitement over that part of the deal. I’d be right next door to him in my very own suite. Hahaaaa. Ready at his beck and call whenever he needed.

I was to be his slave—that was how I’d interpreted the instructions. But getting to stay at that place, at this time of
, eating like a
, and going to the
I couldn’t deny it. This felt a lot like Cinderella headed to the palace. In
New York!

Oh crap, there he was. Being followed by two men? I held the stupid sign up a little—the one with my party's name on it— reminding myself he knew how to read English and I didn’t need to jump up and down. Or wave it. Reserved, like Anna. Confident. Poised. Graceful. I shoulda gotten that drink at the airport bar; my gut instinct had told me I’d need it. Oh great, the sign was shaking. I held it with both hands tightly before my chest, smile shaking as well. I needed to stretch the anxiety out of my mouth. Holy shit, too late. His gaze locked on mine.

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