Akira Tong for Christmas (7 page)

Read Akira Tong for Christmas Online

Authors: Azure Boone

Tags: #multicultural, #Contemporary, #erotic romance, #BDSM

BOOK: Akira Tong for Christmas
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“Where would you like me to do this?”

On your bed?
“Wherever is easiest for you, I guess.”

“How about your bed. That way when you fall asleep, which I can guarantee you will, I won’t need to disturb you.”

I barely caught my gush of laughter. Fall asleep? “I can bet you that I will definitely not fall asleep.” He licked his lips, then gave that half grin. “We’ll see about that.” I let myself laugh this time. “Yes. We surely will.”

Five minutes later, I was in a towel, lying on my bed, horny out of my mind. God, what if I had an orgasm? Was that possible? I was sure it was with him anywhere in the equation. Was he going to remove the towel? I desperately hoped so.

“Okay, I’m removing your towel. Don’t turn.”

Oh. My. God. “Okay,” I rasped.

“If you get uncomfortable, I’ll stop. Please tell me.”

“I’m fine.”

Towel removed.

“Don’t worry. This oil is pretty warm. Okay, I’m going to straddle you.”

“Okay,” I whispered, amazed at how disinterested he sounded.

Oh my God, his jeaned legs were touching my upper thighs. Was he looking at me? Thinking how fat I was? “You’ve done this often?”

“Umm, not on a real person.”

My eyes widened. What?

“But I’ve always wanted to.” His tone was so damned casual.

“Really. I’m your first. I’m flattered.”

“Hmm” was all he said.

What did that mean? Hmm.

“Touching you.”

“Oh!” On the center of my back. Long strokes up and down, thumbs fingering my spine. “Ohhh my God, Akira.”

His fingers glided firmly down and kneaded my lower back, right at the top of my butt. I couldn’t stop the groan. Truly felt amazing. “Yes, right there.”

“You’re tight.”

His husky tone made my pussy throb intensely, and I moaned. Did he have a clue? How could he not?

He called out random Japanese words.

“What are you saying?” I croaked.

“Names of the muscles I’m working.” His voice slid over me, silky, soothing.

“God, you’re so good.”

He gave a knowing chuckle. “I warned you.”

“Mmmm, yes. Yes, you did.”

“Moving to your legs for a bit.”

Oh God. So close to what I wanted. I was going to die. He scooted my legs apart and straddled one leg. His fingers worked up and down my upper leg. I was dying to know if he was looking at me. “I really do need to lose a little weight.”

“No,” he said quickly. “You’re perfect.”

Another spark shot through my pussy, clear into my stomach, at his words and tone. What was it, exactly? Lust? Not quite. Awe. That was what it sounded like. Even better.

“Higher.” Lord, did that actually come out of my mouth? Crap.

Without a word, he worked his fingers higher, softly kneading the muscles, as if they were fragile.

Felt so goddamned maddening. My whimpered moan escaped when his fingers grazed my pubic hair. I couldn’t stop myself. Nor could I stop my hips from moving on their own. He worked that area, letting his fingers continue to tickle against my hair. Was he driving me insane on purpose?

With a gasp, I slithered an inch lower, almost imperceptible except that it caused that contact I had to have.

He placed his other hand in the center of my back and pressed while massaging where leg met vagina, right in the blessed junction. Shame and desire heated me through and through when my folds parted under his touch. His hand on my back remained firm as his finger began massaging my pussy lips.

“Oh God, Akira, yes.”

He released a shaky breath.

“Don’t stop.” I opened my legs more.

He moved, and I panicked that he’d stop. But instead, he placed both his knees between my legs and pushed them wider.

“Oh,” I cried weakly.

The hand on my back slid down my spine, over my butt, his finger dipping between my cheeks. I lifted my hips, wanting it so bad. His other hand barely stroked over my opening.

“Ahh, yes. Yes,” I whispered.

He let out a long, low hiss as he explored my entrance with only soft stroking, dipping in a little more each time.

“So wet,” he murmured, astonished. “So silky. So warm.”

My butt pumped steadily, my moans not far behind, begging. “Please.” I gripped the pillow and cried out as he inched a finger inside me. “Oh God, yes.” I lifted for it, and he gave a growl, filling his other hand with my butt while pushing his finger deeper. “Do it, please,” I begged, desperate.

He gave it—in one full thrust—and I screamed at the sharp, painful pleasure.

“Oh shit,” he whispered, moving his finger inside me, oh so gently. He reached under me with his other hand, finding my clit. He slid the pad of his finger over the hard bud while he pumped his finger carefully in and out of me.

I squirmed and moaned, gripping the sheets tightly. His thumb nestled between my cheeks and pressed my butt lightly as he swirled his finger deep inside me, seeming to want to explore every crevice.

His unsteady breathing had to mean he liked it.
Please let this man take my virginity. Please, please
, I begged God.

I lifted my hips high, hoping to entice him, make it irresistible. The exhale of breath sounded like it pained him. Was I being too slutty? God, I hoped not, because I couldn’t help myself. Soon I didn’t care what I looked like. His fingers worked me so perfectly. I cried out his name repeatedly, feeling my orgasm slithering its way into my clit, making it throb. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” His lips were on my butt, kissing and sucking. Then his tongue slid between my cheeks, probing. At first I was shocked, worried. Then I realized how damned good it felt. I came everywhere, shuddering as his finger moved rapidly in and out, his other finger swirling over my clit, and his tongue flicking the most private part of my butt. Never in my life had I experienced an orgasm like it. So. Damned. Perfect.

His breaths were labored on my skin as his fingers slowed. He kissed my butt cheek several times and slid a hand up my back to my neck.

Chapter Six

I lifted my head, bewildered. “Akira?”

I turned over. Where’d he go? I wrapped the towel around me and couldn’t believe my eyes when I walked into the living room. It was daylight!

I stood there having a potent WTF moment.

“Good morning.”

I yelped and spun at his husky voice on my right. “What… How…”

“Told you you’d fall asleep.” He glided past me in only jeans and a million miles of sex appeal.

“How on earth did you do that?”

He chuckled lightly. “Secret.”

“Well…that’s…a very stupid secret,” I said, exasperated.

He let out a hearty laugh. “Get dressed. We have places to go and things to do.” He hit me with serious eyes and lifted a finger. “One day,” he reminded me.

Excitement fluttered through me, taking the edge off my sexual frustration. So many things I’d dreamed of doing in New York at Christmastime. And to think I’d spend it with my Asian-god boss. Who somehow put me to sleep while popping my cherry with one finger. My stomach flipped, fluttered, and filled with lava.

He walked over with a cup and handed it to me.

I took it. “Thank you. I should be getting your tea.”

He gave a where’d-you-get-that-idea smile. I took the cup, smiled back, and lost my towel.

Panicked, I sloshed burning coffee on my wrist, dropped the cup and myself to the floor, only he’d done the exact same, so I found myself face-to-face with him for a brief second before he spun away. “Are you burned?”

“I’m such a dummy. Not bad. I’m decent,” I said, wrapped tightly.

He turned. “Where?”

“Oh, it barely got me. My wrist.”

He pulled me to the kitchen, turned on the water, and held my hand under it. I bit my lower lip to keep my ridiculously happy smile back. So he was a freaking sweetheart to the core. It was hard resisting him when he was an asshole, and now… My God, I was going to rape this man, surely. Gosh, I bet those lips felt amazing. Would they feel full on mine? Mmm, I was thinking yes.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked.

I tore my gaze from his chest. “Nothing.”

He smiled. “Looked like something. You have a clue where you want to go today?” The question brought back that giddy excitement. “Have you ever ice-skated?” His single chuckle came with that dimple. “I’ve had lessons.”

“Oh, wow, good. You can keep me from killing myself.”

Surprise etched his brows. “You’ve never ice-skated?”

I focused on his soft but firm fingers on my hand, wondering how long he was going to stand there holding my hand under the water. “I’ve skated, but not on ice.” I wiped the drops of coffee off the left side of his chest. He flinched. I recalled how he’d seemed to enjoy putting his finger inside me. At least the sounds he made said so.

“You work out a lot, I see.” Laaame. “Your…chest is…soft. I mean, it’s surprisingly soft on—over your…hard muscles.”

He grinned at me for a second. “I used to work out faithfully.”

“It really shows. You’re…”
God, I can’t say that.


How clueless was he about himself? “Hard to believe you don’t realize how gorgeous you are.” He angled a half smile at me. “I suspected.”

I laughed. “You suspected? How many women did it take lusting after you to figure that out?”


Excitement and pain skittered through me. “A girlfriend?”

He gave barely a smile. “Maybe.”

“Oh. Bet she’s pretty.”

He shook his head. “More like beautiful. Out of my league, really.” I snorted past the stab of pain. “That’s not possible, Akira. I think you’re the most gorgeous man I’ve ever met.”

He shut the water off and examined my wrist, cradling my hand in his large one while I died to know what he was thinking, who this girl was, where she was, and how I might steal him from her. Goose bumps covered my body when he slid his fingers over the red area.

“You call this barely getting you?” He presented the red blotch to me.

“Wow. Didn’t feel that bad. At first.” He was sure touching me a lot. Was that on purpose? What a transformation in him. Ever since last night… Those personal problems must’ve really been weighing heavy. He was a totally different man. I didn’t think he could get any sexier, but seeing that light in his eyes and those lips smiling…dimples teasing more and more… Ugh, I was going to die.

“You better get dressed. Bundle up if we’re going to be outside a lot.”

“Okay, yeah.”

“Would you like to eat breakfast here?”

Heat filled my cheeks. “Sure, sounds nice.”


His voice was this current of honey, oozing through my body and always ending between my legs.

He put his hands on my shoulders and turned me. “That way.” His fingers slid off, but almost like they didn’t want to.

“Before I dress, you could…finish my massage.” My heart thundered in my throat, and I clenched my eyes shut, glad he couldn’t see my face.

I followed his rippling body that walked around me and out of the kitchen. “And put you to sleep again?”

I swallowed my pulse. “You didn’t…have to put me to sleep.” Oh God, I sounded desperate!

His steps slowed to a stop, but he didn’t turn. “Yes. I did.” He disappeared around the corner, and I gulped air. What did that mean? Yes, he had to put me to sleep because…because…he would do too much—that was what his tone sounded like. Why didn’t he want to do too much? I’d gained too much ground with him to feel the pain of the rejection. Something was happening between us, and that was enough. I couldn’t push. But I would bring up that massage again.

If I couldn’t have it, I’d sure talk about having it.

An hour later, I was bundled. Like an overstuffed baked potato. How sexy. I had to find a way to do something that got our clothes off. I felt a mile away from him. I needed to smell him, see him, and God, touch that rock wrapped in silk. Ice-skating seemed like the worst idea now. Wonder if I could get him drunk. Oh my God, I was losing it. What was wrong with me?

Ice-skating would require him to touch me. Plus I really wanted to ice-skate, for once in my life. At Christmastime in New York. I mean, that was one of my dreams. ’Course, I was such a lovely skater in my dream, fluid and full of grace.

Breakfast out of the way, we headed to the frozen pond at the famous Bryant Park. “I’m so nervous,” I said, my jaw shaking.

“Are you cold?”

I looked up at him with an excited grin and shook my head. “I’m good. Just nervous. What if I fall?”

“You won’t.”

“So confident.”

“I’ll hold you.”

I laughed, giddy at the idea. “Then you’ll likely fall with me.”

“I doubt that.”

“’Cause you’re so strong?” I snickered at his eye roll. “You are. And sexy. Where is this woman that likes you anyway?” I looked all around teasingly.

“You want to meet her?” He sounded surprised.

“Not really. I just want to see her.”

He chuckled. “Let’s get this over with. I have a surprise for you after this.” A surprise? “For real? What is it?”


I pouted. “Fine, let’s hurry. Now I can’t wait!” I pulled him by the hand, and five minutes later, he was helping me stand on ice skates for the first time. “I need to feel your hand,” I said, terrified.

We took off our gloves and stuffed them in our pockets. Akira held my hand tightly. God, so big and warm and safe. I held his just as tight. “Ready?” he asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Okay, let’s go. Slowly at first.”

I took my first steps. “Oh. Oh. Feels kinda like…skinny Rollerblades?”


Wow, I was a natural at this. Five minutes was all it took. “Okay, let go of my hand.”

“Are you sure?”

“Not really. But feels okay.”

“I’ll stay close.”

“Yes, please.”

Another few minutes, and I was really doing well. I laughed. “Look at me! My God, I’m ice-skating.” Giddy joy tickled through me at seeing the rare, genuine smile on his face. “You’re really good at this.”

I checked out the other skaters. “Wow, that dude is amazing,” I watched said guy spin in the air and skate superfast. “How awesome to be able to do that!”

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