Till Death Do Us Part : Sad Love Story

BOOK: Till Death Do Us Part : Sad Love Story
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One day, a girl I'd been crushing on since like forever says something to me that

would change the rest of my life. And I said yes

the beginning



I used to work in this really crappy fast food restaurant as a waiter. The hygiene in that place was immaculate. The manager made sure we scrubbed our hands, wore rubber gloves and tied our hair up and put a cap on before we cooked or delivered anything. He was a control-freak, undiagnosed OCD asshole whom everyone hated. His name was Fred and he had a wife who wa
not surprisingly- just like him.

The day I applied for the job was
t a good day for me. My girlfriend had left me, my phone died, my bathroom drain was blocked, the plumber was
t picking up his phone, and I was almost broke.

d gone out, and passed this sign sayin
Waiters Needed- Hefty Salar
stuck on a window. The restaurant to which the window belonged looked good enough so I entered. I went in, and met Fred. I hated him at first sight, and vice versa. But I needed money and he had it, and he needed waiters, and I was willing, so it was a win-win if he hired me. So he did.

Alyssa was this girl who came to the restaurant every Saturday with her dog. She was
t all that pretty, though she had tan skin, green almond eyes and gorgeous hair. It was maybe because she never wore makeup. Every Saturday I would wait for her to come, and when she did,
d run up to her and as
The usual
and she would nod and smile.

Okay, maybe I had this little crush on her.

So, one day, I was serving an old couple, when a tap on my shoulder made me turn around and face Alyssa. She told me something that changed my life forever.

Will you marry me, Phillip Sawyer

I stared at her, my mind blank. A thousand questions swam around, but I just stared at her

I asked you whether you would marry me


ve been- actually, how about we talk over a cuppa

I do
t know;
m workin

But actually, in my mind, I was doing a little cheer routine. Any reason to ditch work was welcome, no matter how bizarre. So we walked over to the ca

next door and sat down in the last table.

I was about to start talking, when she raised a palm and stopped me
Hear me out

My name is Alyssa Davis. I am twenty one years old and I have a younger sister named Aurora. She is married and is three months pregnant. I hate animals, but love plants of all kinds. I am fascinated by microorganisms, and have studied microbiology in college. I am currently working as a researcher in the same field, and
m also a dance teacher.

But that is unnecessary. Three days ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. It does
t matter what type, but I can assure you, it has nothing to do with my sex organs, and I can have babies just as usual. I have about a month and a half to live. The doctors told me that if I wanted to, I could end my life right now, quickly and painlessly, or I could live the one and a half months and die painfully. I chose the one and a half months, so I could die happy. To die happy, I have to finish all the goals
ve set for myself. One of them is getting married to someone I love.
ve been observing you for the past few months, and
ve fallen for you, Phillip, hard. I never knew love, and what it feels like, and I still do
t, but this
s good enough for me. I want to feel everything, Phillip.
ve never had sex;
ve been saving myself for marriage. I want to go to the Arctic, to Sahara. I want to
So, I ask you, Phillip. Will you marry me

I could only stare.

Excuse me

I know, its short notice, and you probably have priorities, like a girlfriend, or even a wife. I do
t know what I was thinking. Can we pretend this never happened?
ll leave now. Okay, bye

She stood up, and gathered her handbag
I cried. I felt something like courage rise in me and form a lump in my chest
I love you, Alyssa Davis. Will you marry me
Alyssa turned around, amidst cheering and clapping spectators and with teary eyes, ran into my arms.


They say that when you are going to die, your life flashes before your eyes. Well, I was going to die, but over a period of one a half months, and I can see no life before me, just what is going to happen. I could
t care less if my memory suddenly disappeared, because all I care about is the
and the

The first time I saw Phillip Sawyer was the day I moved into this town.  He was shopping for clothes, and I was grocery shopping. I wore a red shirt similar to what the store employees were wearing, so I guess he must have mistaken me for one. He came up to me and asked me the price of one particular shirt, and I clarified I was
t a store employee. Then he clarified that he knew, and just needed a reason to talk to me. Then I got the phone call from the hospital telling me to come immediately.

After the diagnosis, I was pretty heartbroken. I did
t tell anyone, except Rex, my dog; not until two weeks went by. I remember that after I was done at the hospital, and the doctors gave me the choice, I asked for a few minutes to myself and during that time, I took a walk outside, my mind surprisingly blank. By the time I reached the end of the road,
d made my decision. I was
t going to end my life just like,
I had to make a mark,
my life, a life worth living, at least in my last few months.
m probably guessing that if I had
t found out my life was ending; I would have just gone on just like before. So I went up to the doctor and told him that I wanted to live.

The next day, I went to the ca

after my Saturday run and registered on a few dating sites, though I knew it was
t going to work. When a shadow fell over me and a male voice asked for my order, and I looked up and saw the man
d seen at the store, my heart almost stopped.
d managed to keep a poker face and smile at the guy, and give my order. H
d taken it and gone.
d observed him for a few weeks, when I realized waiting around was a waste of my precious time. That was when I gathered up the courage to ask him.

When I got up after explaining everything and realized how stupid
d been, and he called me back and told me he loved me too, I thought I would burst. The feeling I felt when I ran into his arms was pure, sheer joy.

The next day, we told our parents. His mother and father were originally surprised, and then they told me they would love for me to marry his son. They obviously did
t know the truth. Phillip threw me this look that told me he did
t want them to know. My parents were obviously thrilled. Even Aurora, who usually ignores me and my spontaneous, stupid decisions approved of this one.

She took me aside after the joy, behind the house, in the backyard
Are you sure about this, Ally
She asked me and I knew she was truly happy, but just being careful
Yes, I am; very sure
She took a glance back to Phillip, who was laughing with Dad
He does look delicious. I ca
t say h
s not a catch
I elbowed her, a silly grin on my face. She glanced back to me, and we giggled like teenagers together.

The day after, we got married, at my house. Phillip looked gorgeous, in his tuxedo, blue-eyed, dark haired. I wore my mothe
s wedding dress, a long gown in a shade of dirty-white that had these tiny little peach-coloured roses at the left side of my waist, and was otherwise void of design.

I walked to him, and his eyes were full of tears, that I started crying just that tiny bit. Mum and Daddy were positively sobbing. The ceremony was over by eight, and after dinner, I could feel the butterflies set in.

ve had my share of high school crushes and back-seat groping, but
ve never gone the whole way;
ve never had the guts.
d always assured myself losing my virginity to my life-long husband is better.

So I watched as Phillip laughed with his friends, some distance away, and I wondered what I should do. All around me, people were talking and having fun. All of a sudden, Phillip was making eye contact with me and he winked. I stood there, gaping. Then he took a few slow, deliberate steps to reach me and I realized my heart was racing and my breath was coming fast and hot.

Are you a virgin, Alyssa

Hot, hot breath in my ear. I nodded; my heart was pounding too hard for me to say anything
s undo that, shall we
He turned me around and made me face him. He looked even more handsome up close. Phillip had the sort of face that was old-fashionably handsome. He had blue eyes the colour of the monsoon sky, hair the darkest brown imaginable and a body that was perfectly muscular: not too much, not too less
I breathed. I mus
ve looked scared because once we reached my bedroom; he looked into my eyes and reminded me to breathe. I took a deep breath and entered. He followed and I decided to clarify something
Phillip, I do
t know anything. I do
t know how to- how to do anything. This is my very first time
He smiled at me
This is my first time too
He reached out one hand and motioned for me to take it. I did, and he pulled me to his body and just touched his lips to mine.

You do
t have any disease, right? Like, AIDS or anything

He chuckled and shook his head.

Then we just stood there for a while, our lips touching the tiniest bit. Then he crushed his lips down on mine, passion close to fury raging in both our eyes. After that, it just came naturally.



the middle


Alyssa fell asleep at once, after we did
but not before she told me how grateful she was that I was doing this for her. I just could
t help thinking how fast it was all going. I was falling in love with a girl who was dying of cancer; a girl who would be dead after a month. I took one look at the peaceful, sleeping woman curled by my side, and my heart melted. I would do anything, take her anywhere in this month. Alyssa was a beautiful woman, in my view. She had red hair that came till the curve of her back and green eyes that were so clear I could see my own face in them. Her nose was this little snub that was upturned at the end.
ve noticed females, but only those who were considered the cream of the crop, the ones with long legs, blonde hair, blue eyes and big boobs. But this girl made me ignore them all.

When she woke up in the morning, she looked up at me and smiled
Good morning
she said. I smiled back, truly terrified that she would see through me. I never thought I would fall so hard for a girl I thought I was only doing a favour for
What do you want to do today
I asked her. I made a silent promise to myself to show her the time of her life this month. She would die a happy woman
She murmured sleepily.

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