Alaskan Exposure (3 page)

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Authors: A.S. Fenichel

BOOK: Alaskan Exposure
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He burst out laughing. “Well Drew and I are thirty-nine. We
both went to a four-year college before the academy. The rest are between
thirty-four and thirty-six.

She gaped. “I would have thought you were five or six years

“Thanks. We cops are pretty vain, so I’ll take the

He was too polite to ask her age and she didn’t offer the
information. When the entre arrived, she caught a glimpse of Kyle and an older
man walking up on the balcony. He looked down and his eyes narrowed on her for
a moment before he turned away. The older man who she recognized as the captain
looked at her for a moment longer, smiled and nodded. She smiled back and then
the two walked away.

Bob noted the direction of her gaze. “The captain, if I had
to guess.”

“Yes. I saw him briefly yesterday.”

“How did you and Jules meet? You two don’t seem as if you
would swim in the same pool,” Bob asked.

She guessed that was his polite way of saying that she was
boring and Jules was wild and fun. Since they’d met and started hanging out
together, they’d fielded the question a lot. Jules usually made up some crazy
story. Charley didn’t consider herself clever enough for tall tales. “We had
both been through pretty dramatic break-ups. We met at a support group for
people getting over relationships.”

Bob’s eyes went back and forth from her to Jules. She could
practically see him ticking off information and storing it. “An interesting
first meeting. Did you two hit it off right away?”

Charley looked across the table at her friend. Jules was in
full flirt mode. Her brown waves swept aside to expose a curvaceous neck and
she laughed and talked happily. “She and I have been best friends from the
first day. I got this job on the ship because she pushed me. I would do
anything for her.”

“How long ago was that?”

She smiled thinking back to the day she had met her
vivacious friend. “Just under a year ago.”

He frowned. “Not much time to get over someone. How are you
handling things?”

The last thing she wanted to talk about was Pete and the
disaster her marriage had been. Her marriage had been over for a long time
before the divorce was final, maybe before the wedding. “I’m okay.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Bob said.


As planned, they all made their way back to the martini bar
after dinner. Charley went back to her stateroom to pick up her camera before
joining them.

The men were lively guys out for a good time on their
vacation. Charley liked Bob. He said all the right things and while he was
flirtatious, he never once made an overt pass. She could relax and just have
fun with the group.

The three bartenders from Bali put on a big show every time
a group ordered a round of martinis. She watched in amazement while snapping
one great shot after another. They had each ordered a different martini,
everything from peach or raspberry to dry vodka. Since there were eight in
their group, the bartender lined up eight metal shakers. He filled them partway
with ice, poured in the respective ingredients and then stacked them together
to resemble an accordion.

Charley stepped back when he then arranged a pyramid of
martini glasses on the frozen bar. Her eyes must have been as big as saucers
when the energetic bartender jumped up on the bar gripping all eight stacked
shakers and proceeded to pour them all at the same time. It was a waterfall of
booze. She held down the shutter release. The camera snapped multiple shots so
she wouldn’t miss a frame of the action and could pick out the best picture
later. The crowd clapped and cheered as each individual cocktail hit its
appointed glass.

As the bartender was pouring the second round, she was
clapping and laughing when she caught sight of her watch. Nearly midnight, and
she had an appointment at six in the morning. She drank a few sips of her
raspberry-flavored martini and told Jules that she was going to bed.

Ignoring the puppy-dog look from her friend, she snuck away
from the crowd and trekked back to their stateroom.

Chapter Two


It hadn’t surprised Kyle that she was on time. Charley
struck him as the kind of person who had never been late for an appointment in
her life. She’d worn a heavy coat. He chuckled to himself. She looked as if she
was ready for the tundra. It was a little cold but her hat and lined Gore-Tex
coat were a bit much for the fifty-degree morning. August in the Pacific
Northwest could go either way. But the forecast for the cruise was excellent.
She wouldn’t need her winter wear after the first day.

He’d taken her to the bow of the ship. It was an off-limits
area for passengers. On rare occasions when the weather was very good and the
view equal, the captain would open the bow up for short periods of time. He’d
particularly liked the expression on her face when he’d handed her through a
door that looked as if it belonged on a battleship rather than a cruise liner.

The mountains and islands of the Pacific stretched out to
their right and she had paid him little mind since she saw the snowcapped peaks
and rocky shores. She studied the view, taken a few shots and studied it again.
She watched the angle of the sun, waited, took a few more shots. He found
himself fascinated by the way she worked methodically, even noticing her
disappointment when she must have missed the exact picture she’d wanted.

He waited where he could observe her and not get in the way.

The hatch opened and closed behind him. He was not surprised
when the captain’s stout form appeared next to him. He spoke with a thick Greek
accent. “So this is our special guest.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I received a call from the VP of Marketing. She told me she
was sending someone who could make Alaska’s perfect sights look even better and
we should take good care of her.”

The sun began to warm the morning. Charley pulled her hat
off and tucked it in her pocket. A tumble of reddish-gold tresses cascaded
around her head and shoulders.

Even the captain’s breath caught. “She is very pretty, no?”


He could feel the eyes of his superior on him. “You could do
worse, Kyle.”

“I do just fine, Captain. I never lack for female company
during my time off.” His gut twisted and he stiffened. He didn’t like where
this conversation was going. Was his attraction to Charley Ballantine so

“No. I know you don’t.” He paused for a long time and they
watched as she climbed up a small ladder to a viewing stand. The movement
pushed her coat up high enough to reveal a very round ass clad only in
leggings. “Perhaps this girl is not that interesting.”

“She’s not a shipboard romance type.”

“No? Well then, I’m liking her more and more. What type is

“She’s a settle down with a picket fence, two cars and a
couple of kids type.” He hated the slightly wistful sound he heard in his
voice. That’s no life for him. He became a merchant marine to avoid just that
kind of life.

The burly captain slapped him hard against the back. He was
used to the Greek’s enthusiasm for life and managed to stay on his feet.
“Introduce me to our guest.”

“Yes, Sir.”

They stepped forward until they were just below where she
perched and leaned on a rail clicking away with her camera.

No one said a word. The men looked up at her, and she
continued to take pictures as if they weren’t there. After a minute, she looked
down at him with the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen. Her eyes were bright
with excitement and her hair cascaded down around her face. The sun behind her
gave the impression that she was crowned by flames. His heart actually leaped
in his chest.

“This is amazing.” She looked from Kyle to the captain and
she smiled a bit more demurely.

As she climbed down he took her elbow to ensure her safety.
At least, that’s what he told himself.
She’s just a woman. Stop acting like
an ass.

Kyle plastered a politely neutral expression on his face.
“Charley, I’d like to introduce you to the captain of this vessel. Charlene
Ballantine, Captain Abydos Cristou. Captain, this is the photographer that
corporate offices sent to us.”

Cristou took her hand in both of his. For some reason, the
intimate gesture gave Kyle the same sickening feeling he’d had watching her
flirt with the group of men.

“Miss Ballantine, it is a pleasure to have you here. I hope
you find the accommodations comfortable. I understand you have brought a friend
with you for the trip?”

Her smile was bright and genuine. Kyle had to fight to keep
his hands behind his back and his expression placid.

“Everything is wonderful, Captain. My friend Jules and I are
perfectly content. Thank you very much. This view is amazing and Mr. Macintyre
has been very helpful.”

His heart sped up. Why had her compliment made him feel as
if he were a teenager again?
She’s not for you, Kyle.

“Are you finished for now, Miss Ballantine?”

“Yes.” There was doubt in her voice. She looked around the
bow as though another view might be escaping her lens. “I think I’ve got plenty
to work with until we reach port, or is there something you would recommend
before then?”

The captain smiled. “In Ketchikan there are some lovely
sights. I will have Kyle alert you when and where the best views are to be seen.”

He detected some hesitation, before she said, “That would be

“Would you care to join us for breakfast?”

“I would love to.”

Cristou turned. “Kyle, order breakfast for three to my
private dining room.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He walked away but he could hear them talking not far behind
him. He waited at the hatch for the captain and Charley to pass through,
followed them and closed the hatch. She had taken the captain’s arm and the two
were talking and laughing. Kyle knew that Abydos Cristou was a happily married
man and was only being polite, but he still hated how easily she had fallen
into a flirtation with him. She had seemed to be flirting with those men at the
bar and then again at dinner. Yet she didn’t flirt with him. She barely looked
at him.

Stopping at a phone, he called the kitchen and asked for a
full breakfast for three to be brought to the captain’s private dining room.

He knocked and entered the suite of rooms that belonged to
the ship’s captain. Charley stood alone in the middle of the room looking
around with wide eyes. Kyle knew that compared to the stateroom that she and
her friend were sharing, the captain’s quarters were enormous and elaborate. He
had a full living room and dining room with two bedrooms. Everything was neat
and modern. Several couches and chairs were grouped for conversation and to
enjoy the view out of the large windows facing forward. The dining room seated
six. The chair at the head of the table had a tall throne-like appearance and
was upholstered in white.

The captain was not in the room.

Charley said, “He lives well.”

Kyle shrugged. “He’s the captain.”

“Do you live this way?” Her eyes were wide as a doe’s. She
shrugged out of her coat and Kyle immediately came over to take it from her.
She had on a long knit sweater that just covered her exquisite butt. The burnt
orange was nearly the same color as her hair. The black leggings left little to
the imagination as they hugged her shapely legs and disappeared beneath a pair
of suede boots.

He leaned in close. “That’s the second time you’ve inquired
about my stateroom, Charley. I would be happy to show it to you, since you seem
so interested.”

A small inhalation of breath from her and his cock was
already becoming uncomfortably hard. He stepped away and hung up her coat near
the door. That noise was enough to drive him mad.

She didn’t say anything for a long moment. “The captain said
he’d be right back.”

Kyle nodded. He was sure his captain had disappeared to give
them time to flirt. The man could be a bit too obvious. “Would you like to sit?
Breakfast will take a little while to arrive.”

She sat down on one of two couches. “Where are you from?”

The personal question surprised him. He took a seat across
from her. “Massachusetts, just north of Boston.”

“Were you in the navy?”

He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees while
shaking his head. “No, I’m a merchant marine. I went to the Massachusetts
Maritime Academy.”

“Oh, is this what you wanted to do then? Work on a cruise

He couldn’t tell if she was intrigued or disappointed. “I
wanted to be at sea and I wanted to see the world. I get all of that and more
working on these ships.”

“What about family?”

“What about them?”

She rolled her pretty eyes and flipped her hair back out of
her face. “Do you have one?”

“My parents and my sister live in Massachusetts. I live
there when I’m not on a contract.”

She seemed to be processing the information. Her eyes
drifted to the carpet.

“Where do you live, Charley?”

She looked back up at him. “Near Tampa, Florida.”

“How did you get this job?” He found that he really wanted
to know about her.

“I have a small studio and I did a shoot for the local
cheerleading team. One of the parents is the Vice President of Marketing for
the cruise line. Apparently, the photographer who was supposed to shoot the new
catalogue became ill and couldn’t make the trip. She told me this was the last
Alaskan cruise of the season and asked if I might be interested.” She shrugged
as if it were no big deal.

“You must have done a great job on those cheer photos.”

“I did my best and I think they were a bit desperate to get
the photos taken.”

“The cruise line is an enormous corporation. I doubt she
would have hired you out of desperation. She must have been impressed.”

She blushed under all that gorgeous red hair. His fingers
literally itched with desire to touch her skin and see if it was as warm as it
looked. “I hope she’s happy with what I shoot.”

“I’m sure she will be.”

The door opened and Captain Cristou entered wearing a big
smile. “Did you order some food?”

Kyle stood. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good. What are the two of you talking about?”

“Miss Ballantine was just telling me about her work.”

“Excellent!” He straightened his white jacket and removed
his cap. “You must see the seafood buffet that the kitchen builds on Thursday,
madam. It’s quite exquisite. I’m sure you will want photographs.”

Charley’s eyes widened. He could see the excitement building
behind them. “Actually Captain, I was hoping to be able to get into the dining
room just before dinner tonight. It was so beautiful last night, I would love
to take a few shots before the guests arrive.”

He was already nodding. “I will call the executive chef and
see if it is possible. Steven is usually very accommodating.”

Immediately, he stepped into the next room to make the phone

She looked nervous. “Have I asked too much?”

Kyle watched her. “I don’t believe so.”

“I don’t want to burden anyone. I’m sure the executive chef
is very busy. I thought that perhaps I could just sneak in for a few minutes.”

He laughed. “Don’t worry. Steven is a nice guy. He’ll say no
if it’s too much to manage. He’s from New York and has no fear of the captain.
Besides, you have a job to do. He understands that.”

“I don’t think taking a few photos can be compared with
running all the restaurants aboard this ship. How many are there anyway?”


Shaking her head, she closed her eyes. Her face pinked up
again. “This guy is going to hate me.”

He couldn’t help chuckling at her discomfort. “The minute he
sees you, he’ll be overjoyed that you came to his dining room.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

He didn’t have time to answer. The captain returned. “Steven
asks that you arrive at the doors of the main dining room at five fifteen. He
will meet you personally, and you can take your pictures.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

He waved off her thanks.

The knock at the door announced the arrival of breakfast.
The waiter rolled in several chafing dishes on a cart. He set the table and
left the cart to be used as a buffet.

Charley looked at the eggs, breads, breakfast meats and
fruit that had been delivered. “Do you eat this way every morning?”

Kyle took a plate from the lower shelf on the cart and
handed it to her. “No. Usually I stick to cereal and fruit. If I ate so much
every day…”

“Ha, he’d look like me.” Captain Cristou gave a hearty laugh
and rubbed his distended belly.

Kyle’s grin widened. “Besides, usually I eat in the staff
mess. A meal in the captain’s private dining room is a rare treat.”

* * * * *

After the meal, Kyle walked Charley down toward the elevator
bank. He looked at his watch, only ten minutes before his shift started. He had
no idea why he hated to watch her walk away. “Charley, I wonder if I might see
you again.”

She stopped, turned and stared at him with those huge green
eyes. “I’ll be on the ship for the duration.” Her voice betrayed her wariness.

“I think you know what I mean.”

“Are you asking me on a date, Kyle?”

“I would like to see you tonight after my shift is over.
Maybe you would meet me after dinner, or are you committed to the friends you
made last night?” He was jealous. He had no idea why, but his gut tightened and
his fists balled. He hated the idea that she might reject him for one of those
other men.

She clutched her coat over her chest as if it were a
talisman against him. “I’m not committed to anyone…”

“I think I just heard a ‘but’.”

“Are we even allowed to date?”

“This ship has a long list of rules of conduct. Most of them
have to do with behavior while on duty or in public areas, drinking to excess
and attitudes toward the guests. I would not enter into a personal relationship
with a crew member who was my subordinate. That would be a breach of my
contract, not to mention unethical. You don’t work for me. You are not even a
crew member. Is that your only concern?”

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