Operation Zulu Redemption--Complete Season 1

BOOK: Operation Zulu Redemption--Complete Season 1
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© 2014 by Ronie Kendig

eBook Editions:

Adobe Digital Edition (.epub) 978-1-63409-062-9

Kindle and MobiPocket Edition (.prc) 978-1-63409-063-6

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission of the publisher.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, and/or events is purely coincidental.

Cover Design: Kirk DouPonce, DogEared Design

Published by Shiloh Run Press, an imprint of Barbour Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 719, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683,

Our mission is to publish and distribute inspirational products offering exceptional value and biblical encouragement to the masses


Main Characters

Military Terms

Overkill – The Beginning


Part 1: Collateral Damage




Part 2: Out of Nowhere




Part 3: Hazardous Duty




Part 4: Act of Treason




About the Author

Main Characters

Zulu One: Annie Palermo

aka Ashland Palmieri

After the tragic mission in Misrata, Annie became Ashland Palmieri, renting a small house on Lake Wapato and working at a sub shop in Manson, Washington. But the intrusion of a handsome former Navy SEAL,
Sam Caliguari
, threatens everything she’s worked to build and protect.

Zulu Two: Téya Reiker

aka Katherine “Katie” Gerig

After Misrata, Téya became Katherine “Katie” Gerig, embracing the quiet life of her Amish grandmother in Bleak Pond, Pennsylvania. She’s at peace for the first time in her life and is set to take the faith and start a relationship with
David Augsburger

Zulu Three: Jessica “Jessie” Herring

aka Jamie Hendricks

After Misrata, Jessie became Jamie Hendricks and fell into many of the vices of “Sin City”—Las Vegas, Nevada. The tragedy in Misrata fractured her psyche, and she could never pull herself back together. She’s a computer specialist, and despite orders not to, she continued researching what happened in Misrata.

Zulu Four: Candice Reyna

aka Charlotte Reynolds

After Misrata, Candice became a park ranger at Denali National Park in Alaska, who goes by the name Charlotte “Charlie” Reynolds.

Zulu Five: Keeley Shay

aka Kendall Shine

After Misrata, Keeley Shay became Kendall Shine, a dive instructor on Little Cayman Island.

Zulu Six: Nuala King

aka Nyah Kesebi

After Misrata, Nuala King became Nyah Kesebi, who works at a lodge in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina.

LTC Trace Weston

Lieutenant Colonel Trace Weston was a Special Forces operator and team leader who assembled the Zulu team. He is now working for U.S. Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).

CWO2 Boone Ramage

Chief Warrant Officer Boone Ramage is Trace Weston’s former right-hand man. He helped train the Zulu team.

SFC Rusty Gray

Sergeant First Class Rusty Gray is former Special Forces operator who helped train the Zulu team.

Lieutenant Francesca “Frankie” Solomon

Frankie Solomon, daughter of
Brigadier General Haym Solomon
, works for U.S. Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).

Houston Plunkett
is an Information Systems Specialist working with Trace and Boone to protect and vindicate Zulu.

Kellie Hollister
Mercy Chandler
are cofounders of the organization HOMe—Hope of Mercy, International—which had a branch located in Misrata, Libya.

Berg Ballenger
worked with HOMe. His wife and child died in the tragedy at Misrata.

Giles Stoffel
, husband of Mercy Chandler, is the CEO and owner of Spirapoulos Holdings.

Titus Batsakis
is the owner of Aegean Defense Systems.

The Lorings (Carl, Sharlene, Cora, and Charles)
are a family who have been hiding in Greece and may have information about the incident in Misrata.

Military Terms

– Army combat uniform

– all hands on deck

Airsoft M4
– tactical Airsoft (paint pellet) assault rifle

– Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training

– close quarters combat

– Department of Defense

– Italian Carabinieri Special Intervention Group

Glock 17
– a semiautomatic handgun

HK USP Compact
– a compact semiautomatic handgun

– Human intelligence

– U.S. Intelligence and Security Command

– Judge Advocate General

– Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson

– type of combat knife

– military police

– an assault rifle

– night vision goggles

– pursuit intervention technique/tactic

– rocket-propelled grenade

– return to base

– Special Agent in Charge

– Special Forces

– standard operating procedure

– Special Operations Command

– a tactical flashlight.

Overkill – The Beginning

Las Vegas, Nevada
27 April – 1950 Hours

Tonight, I die

A shot cracked the night. Sparks zinged off a Dumpster as she sprinted past it. Blood pounded against her temples as she raced through the dark stench. She skidded and slapped her hand against a brick building to slingshot around a corner. She pushed off, the texture roughing her palm. She stumbled but caught traction. A split-second glance into the ebony tapestry revealed nothing. The dark alleys of Sin City refused to lift the hem of their darkness, refused to show her who or what pursued her. But she could feel it. Feel

And she’d never doubted that instinct. Not now. Not five years ago.

“Quit staring,” she whispered to herself, her pulse whooshing in her ears. “Go.” Jessica Herring threw herself around. Tumbled into a steel bin overflowing with rotting food and boxes. She shoved away, but not before the Dumpster lashed out, searing her cheek with the cut of a flattened box. Pain flashed across her face.

It was nothing compared to what
would do if they caught her. If she didn’t get back in enough time… She sprinted down the narrow sliver of space between two multistoried buildings. Splashed the puddles of rainwater. Ducked into a corner for a moment to breathe, to get her bearings.

She peeked out, careful to stay within the shadows, and surveyed the lit street. Cars rolled past, slowing at a red light.

Lights. Lights. Lights. Too many! She’d be spotted immediately.

A large black Suburban lumbered onto the street.

Jessie yanked back, hauling in a hard breath as she flattened herself against the wall. Bricks dug into her shoulders. Chest heaving from the hard run the last couple of miles, she rested her head but watched the road at the same time. A breeze scampered across her shoulders, breathing a chill past the tank top and down her spine.

This was it.

Live to survive one disaster, only to die in another.

Right. Because that’s just how life worked.

Heavy thuds gave pursuit, hammering. Shouting. Screaming her stupidity for stopping.

Waited too long
. The men had caught up, racing toward her from the rear of the buildings.

Jessie eyed the roof of the alcove. Feet on the wall in front of her and arms behind her, she shimmied up. Her leaden legs threatened to defy her attempts, but she commanded obedience. Just had to get back to the apartment. She pressed her spine against the ceiling and prayed this was enough to conceal her. Buy her some time.

Three men ran past her hiding spot, skating to a stop in the open street.

Arms trembling, she waited.
Go on. Keep moving

If she dropped now, they’d see and hear her.

Jessie gritted her teeth. Steeled her aching limbs.

That black SUV returned, sliding to a stop in front of the men.

“Anything?” a male voice asked.

“Nothing,” one said. Another, “Lost her.”

“Find her. He wants her

Feeling’s mutual
, Jessie thought as her arms bounced under the strain. She slumped, her shoulder ramming into the brick. She only allowed a grunt to escape before catching herself. Waited to make sure she hadn’t alerted them to her presence, that there was enough noise with the traffic that they didn’t hear her.

The men went in opposite directions.

About time.

Jessie dropped to her feet, muscles taut as she worked to temper the sound her boots made in the dirty alcove where pamphlets, dust, and rock swirled. She shot a glance around before stepping into the open again.

She jogged back to the end of the alley. Banked right and headed in the direction of her apartment.
Slow down. Look natural
. She hadn’t been as careful as she’d thought. What had she done to give herself away?

Okay, chatting with Candice was probably a bad idea. But they hid their identity. There wasn’t anything to track them back.

She trotted out onto the main street. Too bad she wasn’t wearing something she could shed. Change her appearance.

“Church Girl.”

Jessie felt the smile before she realized she’d put it on her face. “Hey, Bardo.” The African American loping toward her, his pants hanging practically on his hips and his boxers exposed, grinned, his head back in that gangsta way of his. But Bardo… Bardo was cool. He looked out for her.

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