Albany Park (59 page)

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Authors: Myles (Mickey) Golde

BOOK: Albany Park
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“It’s okay, Frank; I figured as much. I get news about what’s going on in Chicago.”

“Look Shirley, I’m sure you also have heard about all these new hi-tech companies that are developing new ways to do things, especially with computers and communication. Well Vic wants to lure them to northern Illinois. It’s a big deal for the people of Illinois and the universities in the state. If Vic wins this race he can be very instrumental in making it happen. Unfortunately many of his influential backers are losing interest in him because of the bad publicity he is receiving concerning you.” She nodded, placing her glass on the table and leaned back, waiting for him to continue.

“You probably remember how determined Vic was as a kid to be involved with helping people; well this is what he wants to do now.”

They talked for over an hour, with Frank giving her a rundown on the negative news affecting Vic and his sudden drop in the polls. She listened carefully, asking few questions.

“So what do you want?” she asked when he finished.

Frank sat back and sighed.

She watched him carefully, noticing how he tilted his head and paused from time to time as he talked. She smiled thinking how much he resembled and sounded like Vic. The same wavy hair, and slow dimpled smile, only Frank’s eyes seemed lighter. His voice however and soft way he spoke, sounded exactly the same.

Putting his hands together, he looked directly at her, hesitating, before speaking. “There’s only one outside chance we think can turn this election around.” He stopped and looked into her eyes, making sure she was listening, before going on. “We’ve got to go public with the true story of what happened with you and Vic and your son.”

Tucking in her lower lip and knotting her brow, she placed a hand at her cheek. “I don’t understand. What does that have to do with him being elected?”

“Look, Shirley, Vic had this thing sewn up until it came out that he had something to do with you. Now everyone thinks that Vic and you and your late husband are mixed up in all sorts of dirty business.”

“That’s nonsense,” she answered, a note of irritability in her voice. “I’ve had nothing to do with Victor, except for what happened with David. I swear, I never even knew he was his father.”

Frank stood and started pacing, then said in a firm voice, “Here’s the problem. No one knows the truth and unless we tell them and can prove what we say is true, Vic is going to lose. He’s already down in the polls and the numbers are getting worse and if we just tell the truth, without evidence or solid confirmation, he’s screwed.”

“What about me and my son?” she replied, a vein bulging at her left temple, as her eyes followed his movements.

Frank stopped and started to say something. She held up her hand.

“All my life I’ve protected David. If this becomes public it could ruin his career and mine will be over, too. I’m sure my partners will not be happy about that.”

Stopping with his hands out, he pleaded, “Shirley, I want to talk to your son. Please don’t make me go behind your back. I wouldn’t be here if my brother didn’t need the help. And David wouldn’t even be alive right now if it weren’t for Vic. So please, you can help him.”

“I can’t do that, Frank; it’s too risky. Gritting his teeth, Frank slapped at his chair. Glaring at him she leaned forward and waited as he exhaled without saying anything.

“And don’t try to contact David without my permission. There’s too much at stake here and he won’t talk with you unless I agree. He’s only known about Victor for a short time and I don’t think he is ready to risk his career.”

Crossing his arms while she looked away, Frank said, “You might as well know, Shirley, I came here to help Vic and I’m not going home empty handed. I’ll find David and that Dr. Fredericks and convince them to
help us

Looking up, Shirley’s eyes narrowed as she said in a quiet but firm voice, “Don’t do anything stupid Frank. This is serious business and your actions can hurt a lot of people here beside David
and me

“Is that a threat?” Frank replied.

“No, but listen to me. I will think about it, but I need some time.

“We don’t have time, Vic’s taking a beating and he’s gonna have to do something soon or drop out of the race. It will probably wreck his family too. His wife knows your son was conceived when he was going with her. I don’t know how she’ll handle it, especially if he just walks away.”

Clasping her hands, supporting her chin with her forefingers, Shirley frowned and pursed her lips.

He sat back and waited, neither looked at the other for several minutes.

Shirley finally sighed deeply, still not looking at him; then looked up. “Whatever you do Frank, do not discuss this with anyone. Tomorrow, I’ll have Jessie pick you up at the same time and bring you back here.”

“Look Shirley, I know this may be difficult, but I know and I think his wife knows Vic has dreamed about running for an important office his whole life and has worked especially hard the last three years to deserve the chance. It was Darlene’s idea that I come here. We both believe that the truth about your son will make it happen.”

“I hear you. Come back tomorrow, Frank. We’ll talk more then.”

He shrugged, finally shaking his head.

“Would you like some company tonight?’ Shirley smiled.

“I’m okay, but if you can get me a place to stay where no one will know me, I’d like that.”

Speaking softly, she said, “Sit down,” and reached for the phone whispering into it. ”

Jesse knocked and came in.

“Jesse, take Frank to the apartment on the beach and set him up with anything he needs tonight,” she said smiling and held out her hand.

Taking it, Frank winked with a smile. “Thanks,” he said and paused, adding, “you know, Shirley, Vic mentioned how good you looked when you met at Giannotti’s. I certainly agree. I’ve always admired my brother’s taste in women and you are one fine looking lady.”

“As I recall, Frank, you were pretty good with girls yourself, weren’t you,” she said, returning his smile and shrugging slightly. “I know my sister Doris always had a crush on you.”

With a relaxed grin, he made a small movement with his shoulder. “How is Doris?”

“She’s good. I don’t see her much, but I’ll mention you asked about her when I talk with her.”

“Yeah, do that, but wait until after the election,” he said chuckling. I don’t want anyone to know we’ve talked.”

With a tight smile, she purred, “Sally Ray understands secrets. See you tomorrow, Frank.”

As he turned to follow Jessie out the door, he heard Shirley say, “Jess, be sure Frank is well taken care of tonight. He’s an old friend.”

Jessie nodded, taking Frank’s arm and flashing a wide toothy grin. “Don’t you worry Sally, this fine looking man is in good hands.”

An hour later, Shirley rushed into Jack Brown’s office.

Surprised at her ruffled hair and jacket askew, he closed the door and held her hands, guiding her toward the sofa,

“What do you think I should do?” she said, pulling her hands away and crossing her arms, as he held her. They stood for a moment, then he helped her onto a corner of the couch.

He brought her a glass of red wine and she took a quick taste, holding on to the glass and closing her eyes. Sitting next to her, he took the glass from her hand and placed it on the coffee table..

“What’s the problem, you or David?” he asked.

“Both, I’m afraid for him, it could hurt his career, and I owe a lot of my success to having a low profile. The last thing I want is to have my name all over the news.”

“Yeah, it’s not good for either of us. I’ve had my share of calls and even though you haven’t said anything to me, I know you’ve had plenty of grief from news hounds trying to yank your chain. Every time something happens to your guy in Chicago, the news guys here start pumping me and my people for comments. You’re no longer just Sally Ray, now it’s the notorious Sally Ray.”

He took her hand, holding it gently. Eyes still closed and head down, she sighed.

“Maybe it’s time for a few changes, What does David say?”

“He doesn’t know that Frank Wayne is talking to me.”

His brow firmly knit, Jack’s lips formed a straight line. After a minute, he said, “Go see David and tell him what Wayne wants. If he wants to help, let me know and I’ll call my old friend Ira Cooperstein in Chicago. You remember Coop, we had dinner with him and his wife a couple of years ago. He’s the right guy to handle this story. If anyone can spin the publicity in a way that will make you come out smelling like a rose, he can. As far as here in Florida, I can
handle it

Removing her hand from his, she relaxed. “Are you sure it’s okay
with you

Nodding, he said quietly, “Go to Atlanta. Have Wayne stay here until you get back or he can meet you there if David agrees. Then call me so I can line up Coop if need be. If David doesn’t agree, send Wayne home. I’ll see to it that he won’t bother you.”

Shirley wiped at her eyes, which smudged her makeup slightly, and sat quietly before saying, “I knew you would know what to do. Thanks, Jacob. I’ll call David and Frank and head out for in Atlanta in the morning.”

She arrived at David’s apartment at 11 a.m. He greeted her with a quick hug and kiss, asking “Okay, what’s so important, that you had to see me today? Luckily, I wasn’t that busy and was only planning on reviewing some notes for this experiment I’m working on.”

“Good, I like when you make time for me. And besides, you shouldn’t be working so hard.”

“Yeah, I know, what else is new?’

“You look wonderful! Your hair is longer and you look like your old self.”

“Yeah, I’m fine and you look great too, but what’s going on?”

Tightening her jaw, she shrugged. “Let’s talk.”

“Okay, come sit down by the window, I know you like the view of downtown from up here. So get comfortable and tell me what’s happening,” he said, leading her to the sofa before flopping into a huge striped arm chair and propping his feet on a matching hassock.

She settled in the massive leather couch adjacent to him, tucking her legs underneath her.

David laughed. “I don’t know what it is about that couch and this view, but every woman who sits there always kicks off her shoes and tucks her feet like that.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” she said, laughing. “But I’m curious, how many women have you had up here? And when is there going to be a Mrs. David Rabin?”

“Enough Mom. Now tell me what’s up.”

“It’s about Victor Wayne and I didn’t want to talk on the phone.”

“Is something wrong?” he asked, his jaw tightening.

“His brother Frank came to see me. Victor’s campaign for Congress is coming apart at the seams because he is being crucified over associating with me and Jack Brown. He’s looking for help
from us

David listened, nodding and shaking his head with a hand on his chin. She spoke, trying to keep her voice steady, but occasionally faltering as she told him what she thought the consequences would be if they became involved in what was going on in Chicago. She also emphasized Vic’s refusal to discuss what had happened as a result of meeting with her last year.

Raising his head, he interrupted. “So, what does he want, and what do you think?”

“He wants to talk to you and go public with what happened,” she answered calmly, noting his intense interest in what she was telling him. “I’m afraid all the publicity about me and Dad will damage your career. I’ve managed to keep your career separate from everything that’s happened with your father and me. I don’t want to see it destroyed now.”

She paused. “I’m here though, because I think only you can make this decision. And also because I didn’t want to you get blindsided by any surprise publicity. As for me, I’ll deal with whatever you decide.”

With his hands together, fingers interlocked in front of his face, David tilted his head forward and closed his eyes.

Shirley sat back and watched him as she slowly shifted her weight, crossing her legs, leaning in his direction. “Are you all right?” she whispered.

He nodded and continued to breathe steadily with his eyes closed. Hesitating a few minutes he lowered his clasped hands and turned toward her, saying very slowly and deliberately, “He saved my life. I think I owe him something and I think I should at least talk to his brother.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, ask him to come here,” he answered softly, two dark creases forming on his forehead.

After a quick call to Jessie who reached out to Frank and arranged the flight to Atlanta that afternoon, Frank arrived at David’s apartment at seven-thirty. David opened the door, both he and Frank stood mesmerized as they looked carefully at one another.

“Jesus, the resemblance is unbelievable,” Frank sputtered.

Cocking his head to one side and laughing, David answered, “Yeah, I can see it, too. It’s like looking at what I’ll look like in a few years.”

“Wait till you see my brother. You look just like his two boys, although you’re a little thinner.”

“Come sit down, my Mom has told me what you’re here about. I asked her to wait in the den while we talked.”

“Some view. Is this the top floor?”

“Only the twenty-first. The penthouse is five floors up but for those floors, it’s a separate elevator.”

The conversation was soft and polite, becoming more animated as the two men relaxed and got friendlier. After an hour, David reached over and shook Frank’s hand.

“I want my Mom to join us. I’ve got some concerns about doing this and want her to be here when we discuss what is going to be done.”

Frank nodded and David stood up and walked into the den, returning a few minutes later with Shirley. She shook Frank’s hand as he got up and then sat on the other end of the couch.

David waited until she was settled and then looked directly at Frank, saying, “I will only talk to one newsman in Chicago, Ira Cooperstein. Do you know him?”

“Sure, everyone knows Coop. I’ve met him a few times, but my sister-in-law Darlene, Vic’s wife, knows him.”

“Good, because I’ve been assured that he will handle my story properly.”

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