Alcatraz (102 page)

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Authors: David Ward

BOOK: Alcatraz
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death of

as doing quiet time

fading from public view

Hoover’s interest in

intelligence of

Karpis’s relationship with

in Leavenworth


nickname of

notoriety of

in protests and strikes

reputation of

transfers of

on Young

Kelly, Harry

Kelly, Kathryn: arrest and trial of

correspondence with George

on George’s death

on George’s transfer request

Hoover’s interest in


notoriety of

questioning of

release of

sentence set aside

transportation to trial

Kennedy, John F.

Kent (criminal)

Keve, Paul W.

kidnappings: of children

epidemic of

as federal offense

federal response to

legislation on.
See also
Urschel kidnapping;
specific victims

Kilgore, Gordon

King (officer)

King, M. R.

Kirby, Robert

Kirkpatrick, E. E.: Bailey’s parole supported by

Bailey’s relationship with

as intermediary in Urschel kidnapping

Knipscherr, William

Knowland, William F.

Kobler, John

Kosovo prison

Kyle, Arnold “Pappy”: author’s interview with

on battle of Alcatraz

criminal activities of

escape attempts of

as “good con”

on medical care


Lackey (FBI agent)

Lageson, Ernest B.: in battle of Alcatraz

book of

resignation of

Lancaster, Burt

Langer, William

laundry: escape from

practice of sabotage via

uniforms pilfered from


law enforcement agencies: corruption in

criminals’ refusal to cooperate with

shootouts of.
See also
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Leavenworth (KS) Penitentiary and Annex:

AA classes at

Alcatraz compared with

Alcatraz inmates from

Alcatraz inmates transferred to

attempted escape from

baseball team of

corruption at

disciplinary barracks adjacent to

escapes from

gangsters in

inmates installed in

inmate’s stabbing in

legal assistance by inmate in

misconduct patterns at

planned escape from

poison complaints in

problems in

psychiatric evaluations at

recidivism rate for

research at

security of

Stroud’s time in

transfer option of

Lehder, Carlos

Leland, T. B.

Leopold, Nathan

letters and letter writing: on Alcatraz conditions

complaints and threats in

confiscation of

frustration with

to kidnap victims

plotting escape in

rules on

smuggling of

tools for

Lewis, Edgar

Lewisburg (PA) penitentiary

library: access to

importance for inmates

legal materials absent from

uses of

Library of Congress


Lifers Club

Limerick, Thomas: criminal activities of

death of

escape attempt of

Lucas on

testimony concerning

Lindbergh, Charles A., Jr.

Literary Digest

literature: poetry on Cole/Roe escape

releasees’ books about.
See also

Livesey, Robert

Lloyd (warden)

“locus of control” theory

Loeb, Richard

Loesch, Frank

Loomis, Al “Sailor”

Looney, Chester (warden)

Lorinez, Paul

Lorton Reformatory (Washington, DC)

Louderback (judge)

Loveland, Frank

Lucas, James: escape attempt of

fighting of

later account by

solitary confinement of

trial of

Luciano, Charles “Lucky”

Luer, August

MacCormick, Austin: Alcatraz report by

Capone visited by

on corporal punishment

operational guidelines of

responsibilities of

Mach, Frank

Machine Gun Kelly

MacInnis, James

MacKenzie, Doris Layton

Madigan, Paul J. (warden): escape attempts and

on Karpis

on Neumer

service of

Mahan, Fred


Mangiere, Charles

Manning (industries superintendent)

Mansfield (Ohio) prison

Marion (IL) federal supermax penitentiary: Alcatraz convicts memorialized in

indefinite lockdown of

inmates of

officers killed in

questions about

rationale for establishing

Marshall, Thurgood

Marston, David W.

Martin, Don

Martin, William: behavior of

escape attempt of

officer attacked by

solitary confinement of

strike of

Martini, John A.

Maryland: crimes in


Massachusetts: corrections reform in

Mattix, Rick

May, Raymond

McCain, John

McCain, Rufus “Rufe”: behavior of

escape attempt of


solitary confinement of

strike of

testimony concerning

McCormick, Austin

McCormick, Harry

McCormick, Robert

McDade, Thomas

McDonald (inmate)

McElroy, Mary

McFarland, Thomas

McGee, Walter

McIntosh, Leo

McKee, Frank

McMath, Sid

McMiller, Ben

McNeil Island (WA) Penitentiary: Alcatraz compared with

Alcatraz guards trained at

Alcatraz inmates from

Alcatraz inmates transferred to

disciplinary segregation area of

escape attempts at

gangsters in

handcuffing in confinement at

problems in

transfer option of

undercover investigation of

McSwiggin, William H.

McVeigh, Timothy

media: Alcatraz condemned in

Alcatraz praised in

Alcatraz sensationalized by

Alcatraz toured by

anticrime counterstories of

barred from Alcatraz

on battle of

Alcatraz and trial

BOP statement absent in

call for Alcatraz’s removal in

Capone’s prison life and

on crime wave

on criminal activities inside prisons

defense attorney hired by

on escape attempts

on inmate’s death

on islands as prisons

on Karpis

on Lucas and Franklin’s trial

negative publicity increased in

on Persful

on psychological brutalization

on rationale for Alcatraz

secrecy surrounding Alcatraz and

on suicide

on Urschel kidnapping

on Waley

on work strike

WWII as focus of

on Young’s murder trial and prison conditions.
See also
movies and films

public attitudes

medical care: allegations of callous treatment

callousness toward Giacalone’s mental illness in

of Capone’s syphilis

force-feeding in

of individual resisters

inmate’s interest in

protest of

recommendation on supervision in

report on Alcatraz conditions

in solitary confinement

trial testimony on.
See also
psychological issues

Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Springfield, MO): Alcatraz transfers to

other transfers to

oversight of

recommended transfers to


Mencken, H. L.

mental health: of inmates sent to Alcatraz

IQ and.
See also
coping mechanisms

psychological issues

mental illness: allegations concerning

allegations of

alleged faking of

callousness toward

dilemmas posed by

effects of Alcatraz on

in Grove’s case

impact of restrictions on

inmates’ concerns about

self-mutilation and

suicide as implying

testimony on

transfers for.
See also
psychological brutality

psychological coma

suicide attempts and suicides

Messamore, John

Messinger, Sheldon L.

metal detectors (“snitch boxes”)

Michigan: Albert Bates arrest for DWI in

federal correctional institution in

Jackson prison in

military prisoners in Alcatraz: crimes of

inmates’ attitudes toward

transfers of

Miller, Charles

Miller, Edward J. (“Meat Head”): battle of Alcatraz and

difficulty in prosecuting inmates and

escape attempts and

guns manufactured by inmates and

inmates’ allegations against

inmate’s murder and

lax oversight of

as Leavenworth warden

mentally ill inmate and

protests/strikes and

retirement of

on solitary confinement

staff communications with

specific cases and: Bailey



Greene and Branch




Miller, Verne

Miller, William: in battle of Alcatraz

criticized after battle

death of

heroism of

media on

testimony concerning

Milligan, Maurice

Mills, Loring

Milwaukee Journal

Minnesota: kidnappings in

murders in

robberies in

state penitentiary of (Stillwater)

Mississippi: crimes in

Missouri: crimes in

state reformatory of

women’s reformatory in.
See also
Medical Center for Federal Prisoners (Springfield, MO)

Mitchell, C. J.

Mitchell, William D.

model building, Alcatraz: escape attempts from

Hamilton’s reentry to

schedule of

security enhanced at

security weaknesses of

tools in

work continuing in

Montana: crimes in

prisons in

Moore, Joseph

Moran, Bugs

Morris, Frank

Motor Vehicle Theft Act

Moundsville (WV) prison

Moussawi, Zacharias

movies and films: on Capone

on Devil’s Island

on escapes

gangsters glorified in

inaccuracies of

on inmate’s murder

inmates’ watching of

reputation of Alcatraz enhanced by

technical consultant for

Mulloy, Frank

Murder in the First

murders: of FBI agents

good time forfeiture for

of inmates by inmates

of Officer Cline by escapees

of officers in supermax prison

Young’s trial for.
See also
battle of Alcatraz (1946); gangster era

Murphy, Frank

musical activities

mythology of Alcatraz: battle of Alcatraz and

beginning of

escape-proof characterization in

as factor in prosecuting inmates

failure to question

penal policy debates infused with

persistence of

psychological effects reconsidered

reign of terror in

sensationalization of

in Young’s murder trial.
See also
Devil’s Island (French Guiana); secrecy

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

Nash, Frank: associates of

criminal activities of

death of

escape of


Nash, Jay Robert

National Archives, San Bruno

National Congress of Corrections

National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

National Inventors Council

National Law Observance and Enforcement Commission

National Motor Vehicle Theft Act

National Park Service.
Alcatraz Island, Golden Gate National Recreation Area

National Society on Penal Information

Nebraska: crimes in

state penitentiary of

Nelson, Baby Face (aka Lester Gillis): associates of

context of

criminal activities of

death of

escape of


Nelson, Helen

Nelson, Louis

Ness, Eliot

Neumer, Richard A.: behavior of

conditional release of

correspondence courses of

criminal activities of

health difficulties of

letter smuggling of

petitions of

postrelease success of

solitary confinement of

Nevada State Prison

Newark News

new industries building
See also

New Jersey: crimes in

state reformatory of

newspapers: prohibition of.
See also
specific newspapers

New York: crimes in

supermax prisons in.
See also
Attica State Prison (NY); Auburn (NY) Prison

New York Daily News

New York Times

Niles, Blair

North Carolina: crimes in

Number 1600: author’s questions for

job difficulties of

mental difficulties of

postrelease success of


Neumer, Richard

O’Connell, John J., Jr.

Ohio: crimes in

prison in

Ohio Sheet and Tube Company

Oklahoma: crimes in

Davis paroled in

detainers against Kelly in

federal prison in

Stamphill paroled by

state penitentiary of

state reformatory of

state training school of

Oklahoma City Jail

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