Alcatraz (103 page)

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Authors: David Ward

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Oklahoma County Jail

Oldham, Herschel

O’Malley, Irish

oral histories.
See also
interviews (by author)

Ordway, Maurice

Oregon: state penitentiary of

state prison of

Osborne Association

Parker, Bonnie: associates of

criminal activities of

fading from public view

movie about

Parker, Marian

parole: board members on

chances for high-profile cases

for deportation

expectations in

good time and

hopes for

opposition to gangster’s

rules for

for shooting alleged escapees

suicide in face of.
See also
U.S. Parole Board

Passage to Marseilles

Peabody, Gerard: criminal activities of

Gaddis’s view of

parole request of

post-Alcatraz failure of

Waley compared with

Pennsylvania: Capone imprisoned in

Eastern State Penitentiary in

penitentiary in (Lewisburg)

penology and penal policy: assumptions in, contradicted

desistance concept in

deterrence theory in

factors to consider in

historical context of

impact of battle of Alcatraz on

media’s condemnation and praise for

post-WWII reconsideration of

progressive view of

public ambivalence about

questions about

rationale for super prison in

Young’s trial as challenge to.
See also
criminal justice system; rehabilitation philosophy

Pepper, Jack

Persful, Rufe: convict code violated by

criminal activities of

inmates’ attacks on

media’s sensationalization of

self-mutilation of

Pershall, Charles

employees and staff

Philadelphia: Capone imprisoned in

Philadelphia Bulletin

Philadelphia Evening Bulletin

Philadelphia Inquirer

Phillips, Bob

Phillips, Burton: anger of

background of

correspondence courses of

criminal activities of

fighting of

grievances of

post-release success of

recommended transfer of

resistance of

solitary confinement of

warden attacked by

Pieper (FBI agent)

popular culture: gangsters and outlaws in

G-men and FBI images in.
See also
movies and films; mythology of Alcatraz; public attitudes

Press Herald

Powers, Richard Gid: on G-men

on Hoover

on public anti-crime sentiments

on Roosevelt’s crime fighting

on super prison

Preshaw, Clarence

prisonization, defined

prisons: basic goal of

convict code in

disciplinary segregation areas of

impact of troublesome inmates on

islands as

letter writing in

post-1970s culture of

social interaction in

underground economies of.
See also
federal prisons

penology and penal policy

specific facilities

Prohibition (1920Ó33).
See also
gangster era

protests and strikes: celebrities largely absent from

of death of inmate Allen

explicit goals of

Karpis’s mediation in

Kelly’s role in

for lack of privileges

leadership in

of limited privileges

media’s response to

motive for participating in

participants in 1937, listed

praise for no-nonsense treatment of

refusing to work in

releasee on violence in

as resistance

of silent system

of Stroud’s medical care

for too much work

trial testimony on.
See also
hunger strikes

psychological brutality

psychological coma: as defense in murder trial

Johnston on

testimony supporting

Young’s testimony supporting

psychological issues: Bowers evaluated for

constitutional psychopath designation and

counseling in

difficulties in sorting out

evaluations of

misconduct patterns and

motivations for resistance based in

reconsideration of

releasees on

support in.
See also
coping mechanisms

public attitudes: alarmed at gangster activities

ambivalent about penal policy

anticrime demands

call for investigation of Alcatraz

Capone as folk hero

on Capone’s behavior

curiosity about Alcatraz

deterrence aspect of Alcatraz

fascinated with massacre

sympathy with habitual escapees.
See also
movies and films

mythology of Alcatraz

public enemies: absent in battle of Alcatraz

captured and confined in


as celebrity prisoners

Dainard as

doing time with

escape attempts of

Limerick, Lucas, and Franklin compared with

popular mythology of

prison treatment of

use of term.
See also
Bailey, Harvey

Barker, Arthur “Dock”

Bates, Albert

Capone, Al (Alphonse Gabriel)

Chase, John Paul

Karpis, Alvin “Ray” (Karpowicz)

Kelly, George “Machine Gun”

Purple Gang (Detroit)

Quillen, James: interviews with

in battle of Alcatraz

book of

on Branch’s murder

changes in behavior of

on disciplinary segregation

encouragement for

escape attempt of

parole of

postrelease success of

on Stroud

transferred to McNeil Island, then San Quentin

on treatment of Alcatraz transferees

Quinn William J.



Radkay, William “Willie”

Raiford (FL) Prison

See also
sex offenders

Rapid City

Ray, Garold (U.S. probation officer)

Real Detective Magazine

recidivism: expectations of

statistics on

by subgroup.
See also
inmates, post-Alcatraz failures

inmates, post-Alcatraz successes

recreational activities

Red Rock Island

Reed Otto

Reed, P. F.

Reed, Richard “the Shoe-bomber”

Reese, Charlotte P.

rehabilitation philosophy: at Alcatraz, applied

at Alcatraz, discarded

S. Bates on

emergence of

emphasis on

failures of

questions about

Reis fred

religion: access to services

description of programs

See also
Clark, Joseph M.

Reno Gazette

resistance: convict code and

motivations for

organized vs. individual

plotting escape as

prison control vs.

resistance, individual: acts not tolerated in

forms of

motivations in

overview of

patterns of

persistence in

self-destructiveness in

suicide as

specific examples of: Butler






See also
coping mechanisms writ writers (inmates)

resistance, organized: categories of

overview of

participants in

spread of.
See also
hunger strikes

protests and strikes

Rice, J. H.

Richardson, Scovel

Richberger, Fred

Ritchey (doctor): on Butler

on escapees

on Giacalone

on good time forfeiture board

on Hensley


on Phillips

Waley’s suicide attempt and

Roberts, Frank

Robertson, Robert

Robinson, Thomas

Robinson Crusoe

Roche, Michael: Giles’s escape trial before

post-trial evaluation of

Young’s murder trial before

The Rock

Roe, Ralph: Capone on

correspondence courses of

criminal activities of

escape of

solitary confinement of

Stamphill’s reading about

Rolph, Thomas

Roosevelt, Franklin D.: appointees of

circle of

public-enemy mythology countered by

sentence commuted by

Rorer, William (FBI agent)

Rosenberg, Ethel

Rosenberg, Julius

Roucek (doctor)

rules and regulations: book of

on cafeteria behavior

contraband defined in

exploitation of

function of

on good time forfeiture

on isolation and solitary

lax enforcement of

on letter writing

on movies for inmates

no-nonsense approach to

operational guidelines and

on parole

resistance to

on silence

on solitary confinement

trial testimony on

on visitors.
See also
daily routines


Runyon, Damon

Russell, Bertrand

Ruth, David E.


Rychner, Emil



Sanders, Thomas J.

San Francisco: Alcatraz protested and criticized in

bootlegging in

curiosity about Alcatraz in

earthquake in

news of battle of Alcatraz in

parole rules and concerns of

releasee’s suicide in

search for escapees in

transport to Alcatraz from

WWII fears in

San Francisco Bay: bodies fished from

searched for escapees



swimming in

as ultimate barrier

WWII concerns about

San Francisco Call Bulletin

San Francisco Chronicle:
Alcatraz conditions sensationalized in

Alcatraz citing protested by

on battle of Alcatraz

on Capone

on escapes

on Spanish dungeons

on Young’s murder trial and prison conditions

San Francisco Examiner:
on arrival of first inmates

on battle of Alcatraz trial

call for Alcatraz’s removal in

defense attorney hired by

on escapes and escape attempts

on food protest

on Lucas and Franklin’s trial

on Waley’s testimony

on Young’s murder trial and prison conditions

San Francisco News:
on Alcatraz conditions

on Capone’s transfer

on Waley’s testimony

Young’s murder trial and prison conditions

Sankey, Verne

San Quentin prison (CA): Alcatraz compared with

death row of

executions in

guards from, in battle of Alcatraz

Santa Fe Railroad

Saturday Evening Post

Savage, Lem

Sawyer, Harry


Schmidt, Annesley K.

Schmidt, Dutch Louie

Schmidt, Ludwig

Schultz, Dutch

Schweickhardt, R. G. (FBI agent)

Scott, John Paul

secrecy: about prisoner transport

consequences of

cracks in regime of

deliberate fostering of

sensationalization in face of

set aside in 1947

security: enhancements of

evaluations of

FBI concerns about

gangster era context of

Hamilton’s reentry into prison and

implications of foiled escape attempts for

lax enforcement of

weaknesses in

WWII military presence as.
See also
escape attempts and escapes

sentence length: average stay on Alcatraz

behavior based on

longest continuous at Alcatraz

transfers to Alcatraz based on.
See also
good time forfeiture

Severson, Alden

sex offenders: Butler as

inmates’ attitudes toward

limited number at Alcatraz

military prisoners as

Shannon, Ora: criminal activities of

imprisonment of

Kelly on

release of

sentence set aside

trial of

Shannon, R. G. “Boss”: criminal activities of

Kathryn’s letters to

Kelly on

trial of

Sharpe, Edwin

shaving routine

Shockley, Samuel: in battle of Alcatraz

behavior of

death penalty for

implicated in escape attempt

mental issues of

named as participant

planned prosecution of

protest of

trial of

Shumway, Leslie A.

Shuttleworth, C. J.: dungeon cells used by

prisoner identification by

role of

on security and discipline

work strike faced by

silent system: abandoned

impossibility of enforcing

isolative impact of

reimposed after battle

resistance to

solitary confinement for violating

Silloway, Frederick D.

Simpson, Joseph H.: in battle of Alcatraz

battle of Alcatraz testimony of

disability retirement of

suspension of

Waley’s hostility toward

Sink, George

Six Against the Rock

Smith (FBI agent)

Smith, Adam

Smith, George

Smith, Herbert B.

“Snoopervision” (operation)

Snow, Cecil

Sobell, Morton


solitary confinement: cells used for

coping mechanisms in

daily practices in

death in

escape attempt from

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