Alexander Hamilton (151 page)

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Aurora General Advertiser,
September 19, 1797. 89.
vol. 21, p. 164, letter from John B. Church, July 13, 1797.
90. Ibid., p. 175, letter to Elizabeth Hamilton, July 19, 1797.
91. Ibid., p. 177, letter to Elizabeth Hamilton, July 21, 1797.
92. Mitchell,
Alexander Hamilton: The National Adventure,
pp. 417–18.
93. Ibid.
vol. 21, p. 295.
95. Ibid., vol. 21, p. 294, letter to Elizabeth Hamilton, September 12, 1797.
96. LC-AHP, reel 30, letter from Dr. David Hosack to Elizabeth Hamilton, January 1, 1833. 97. Ibid.
vol. 25, p. 436.
99. Ibid.
13. Ellis,
Founding Brothers,
pp. 188–89.
vol. 21, p. 99, letter to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., June 6, 1797.
15. Ibid., vol. 20, p. 558, letter to Timothy Pickering, March 30, 1797.
16. Harcourt,
Memoirs of Madame de la Tour du Pin,
p. 248.
17. Hamilton,
Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton,
p. 75.
18. Ibid., p. 195.
19. Smith,
John Marshall,
p. 198.
20. Ibid., p. 226.
vol. 21, p. 365, letter to Timothy Pickering, March 17, 1798.
22. Ibid.
23. Ferling,
John Adams,
p. 354.
vol. 21, p. 371, letter to Timothy Pickering, March 25, 1798.
The New Republic,
July 2, 2001.
26. King,
Life and Correspondence of Rufus King,
vol. 2, p. 329.
27. Ellis,
Founding Brothers,
p. 196.
28. Elkins and McKitrick,
Age of Federalism,
p. 588.
29. Smith,
John Marshall,
p. 227.
30. Rakove,
James Madison and the Creation of the American Republic,
p. 149; Ketcham,
James Madison,
p. 392.
31. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 67.
vol. 21, p. 432, “The Stand No. V,”
[New York]
Commercial Advertiser,
April 16, 1798.
33. Ibid., p. 442, “The Stand No. VII,”
[New Yo r k ]
Commercial Advertiser,
April 21, 1798.
34. Ellis,
Founding Brothers,
p. 186.
vol. 21, p. 436, “The Stand No. VI,”
[New York]
Commercial Advertiser,
April 19, 1798.
36. Wood,
American Revolution,
p. 106.
37. Isaacson,
Benjamin Franklin,
p. 456.
38. Wills,
James Madison,
p. 62.
39. Ferling,
John Adams,
p. 355.
The Boston Patriot,
May 29, 1809.
41. Lind,
Hamilton’s Republic,
p. 136.
vol. 21, p. 462, letter to James McHenry, May 17, 1798.
43. Hamilton,
Life of Alexander Hamilton,
vol. 7, p. 169.
vol. 21, p. 435, “The Stand No.VI,”
[New York]
Commercial Advertiser,
April 19, 1798.
45. King,
Life and Correspondence of Rufus King,
vol. 2, p. 330.
vol. 21, p. 482, letter to Elizabeth Hamilton, June 3, 1798.
47. Ibid., p. 496, letter to Elizabeth Hamilton, June 8, 1798.
48. Ibid., p. 434, letter from John Jay, April 19, 1798.

Twenty-eight: Spare Cassius
vol. 20, p. 515, letter to Rufus King,

February 15, 1797.
2. CU-JCHP, box 20.
vol. 18, p. 397, letter from William Bradford, July 2, 1795.
4. Hamilton,
Life of Alexander Hamilton,
vol. 6, p. 343.
5. Mitchell,
Alexander Hamilton: The National Adventure,
p. 381.
6. King,
Life and Correspondence of Rufus King,
vol. 2, p. 98.
vol. 20, p. 353, letter to Elizabeth Hamilton, October 25, 1796.
8. Baxter,
Godchild of Washington,
p. 225.
9. Gottschalk,
Letters of Lafayette to Washington,
p. 363.

Twenty-nine: The Man in the Glass Bubble
1. McCullough,
John Adams,
p. 414.
2. Ellis,
Passionate Sage,
p. 50.
3. Ferling,
John Adams,
p. 98.
4. McCullough,
John Adams,
p. 106.
5. Ferling,
John Adams,
p. 203.
6. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 440.
7. Van Doren,
Benjamin Franklin,
p. 695.
8. Morgan,
Benjamin Franklin,
p. 293.
9. Bailyn,
To Begin the World Anew,
p. 64. 10. Brookhiser,
America’s First Dynasty,
p. 67. 11. Ketcham,
James Madison,
p. 123.

Thirty: Flying Too Near the Sun
vol. 21, p. 79, letter to William Hamilton,

May 2, 1797.
2. Ibid., pp. 78–79.
3. Ibid., p. 78.
4. Hamilton,
Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton,
p. 227.
vol. 18, p. 287, letter to Angelica Church, March 6, 1795.
6. LC-AHP, reel 29, letter from Angelica Church to Elizabeth Hamilton, January 24, 1795.
7. Menz,
Historic Furnishing Report,
p. 65.
vol. 20, p. 56, letter from Angelica Church, February 19, 1796.
9. Hamilton,
Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton,
p. 108.
vol. 20, p. 236, letter to Angelica Church, June 25, 1796.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid., vol. 9, p. 266, letter to Angelica Church, October 2, 1791.
13. LC-AHP, reel 29, letter from Angelica Church to Elizabeth Hamilton, July 9, 1796.
14. NYHS-RTP, letter from Robert Troup to Rufus King, June 3, 1797.
vol. 21, p. 259, “The Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 1797.
16. Ibid., p. 149, letter to John Fenno, July 6, 1797. 17. Malone,
Jefferson and His Time,
vol. 3, p. 331. 18. Ibid., p. 470.
19. Brodie,
Thomas Jefferson,
p. 319; Brookhiser,
Alexander Hamilton,
p. 132.
20. Callender,
History of the United States for 1796,
p. 204.
21. Ibid., p. 205.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid., p. 220.
25. Ibid., p. 222.
26. Ibid., p. 207.
27. “Phocion No. IV,”
Gazette of the United States,
October 19, 1796.
vol. 21, p. 132.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid., p. 133.
31. Hamilton,
Life of Alexander Hamilton,
vol. 5, p. 30.
32. Ketcham,
James Madison,
p. 335.
33. Brodie,
Thomas Jefferson,
p. 317.
vol. 21, p. 145, letter from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., July 3, 1797.
35. Ibid., p. 194, letter from Jeremiah Wadsworth, August 2, 1797.
Merchants’ Daily Advertiser,
July 12, 1797.
37. CU-HPPP, box 272, letter from William Loughton Smith to Rufus King, December 14, 1797.

Thirty-one: An Instrument of Hell
vol. 20, p. 492, “The Warning No. I,”

January 27, 1797.
2. Ibid., p. 509, “The Warning No. II,” February 7,
3. Ibid., p. 545, letter to Timothy Pickering,
March 22, 1797.
4. Ibid., p. 568, letter to Oliver Wolcott, Jr.,
March 30, 1797.
5. Ibid., vol. 21, p. 99, letter to Oliver Wolcott, Jr.,
June 6, 1797.
6. Ibid., p. 21, letter to William Loughton Smith,
April 5, 1797.
7. Elkins and McKitrick,
Age of Federalism,
p. 545. 8.
, vol. 21, p. 26, letter to Rufus King, April 8,
9. Elkins and McKitrick,
Age of Federalism,
p. 566. 10. Smith,
John Marshall,
p. 190.
11. McCullough,
John Adams,
p. 484.
Aurora General Advertiser,
July 14, 1797.
49. Ames,
Sketch of the Character of Alexander Hamilton,
p. 14.
50. NYHS-RTP, letter from Robert Troup to Rufus King, June 10, 1797.
51. Ferling,
John Adams,
p. 133.
vol. 21, p. 468, letter to George Washington, May 19, 1798.
53. Ibid., p. 470, letter from George Washington, May 27, 1798.
54. Ibid., p. 479, letter to George Washington, June 2, 1798.
55. Ibid., p. 486, letter to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., June 5, 1798.
56. Hamilton,
Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton,
p. 323.
57. Ibid.
vol. 21, p. 535.
59. Ibid., p. 534, letter to George Washington, July 8, 1798.
60. Ibid.
61. Elkins and McKitrick,
Age of Federalism,
p. 602. 62. Malone,
Jefferson and His Time,
vol. 3, p. 426. 63.
vol. 22, p. 83, letter to James McHenry, August 19, 1798.
64. Ibid., vol. 17, p. 312, letter from Henry Knox, October 8, 1794.
65. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 198.
66. Ibid., p. 431.
67. Elkins and McKitrick,
Age of Federalism,
p. 603. 68.
vol. 22, p. 10.
69. Elkins and McKitrick,
Age of Federalism,
p. 605. 70. Ibid.
71. Ferling,
John Adams,
p. 362.
72. Smith,
p. 331.
73. CU-HPPP, box 273, letter from George Washington to John Adams, September 25, 1798. 74. Smith,
p. 332.
vol. 22, p. 202.
76. CU-HPPP, box 273, letter from George Washington to Timothy Pickering, September 9, 1798. 77. CU-FFP, letter from Timothy Pickering to Nicholas Fish, December 5, 1823.
78. Ibid.
79. Ferling,
John Adams,
p. 361.
vol. 24, p. 524, letter to John Adams, May 24, 1800.
81. Ibid., p. 593, letter from John Adams, June 20, 1800.
82. King,
Life and Correspondence of Rufus King,
vol. 3, p. 263.
83. Ibid., vol. 2, p. 346.
84. Parton,
Life and Times of Aaron Burr,
p. 237. 85.
vol. 21, p. 521, letter to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., June 28, 1798.
86. Lomask,
Aaron Burr: The Years from Princeton to Vice President,
p. 216.

87. Parton,
Life and Times of Aaron Burr,
p. 235.
88. Ibid.
vol. 24, p. 136, “Battle Plans,” December 1799–March 1800.
90. Ibid., vol. 22, p. 478, letter to James Wilkinson, February 12, 1799.
91. Ibid., p. 368, letter to James McHenry, December 16, 1798.
92. Ibid., vol. 24, p. 229, letter to Elizabeth Hamilton, February 10, 1800.
93. Ibid., vol. 22, p. 161, letter to John Adams, August 24, 1798.
94. Ibid., vol. 24, p. 127, letter to James McHenry, December 1799.
95. Ibid., vol. 23, p. 493, letter to James McHenry, October 3, 1799.
96. Ibid., vol. 24, p. 143, “Elements of the Tactics of the Infantry,” 1799.
97. Ibid., vol. 22, p. 252, letter to John Jay, November 19, 1798.
98. Ibid., p. 29, letter to Louis le Bègue du Portail, July 23, 1798.
99. Ibid., vol. 24, p. 70, letter to James McHenry, November 23, 1799.
100. Ibid., vol. 23, p. 433, letter to James McHenry, September 17, 1799.
101. Ibid., vol. 22, p. 65, letter from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., August 9, 1798.
102. Ibid., p. 62, letter from George Washington, August 9, 1798.
103. Ibid., p. 38, letter to George Washington, July 29[–August 1], 1798.
104. Smith,
p. 340.
vol. 21, p. 345, letter to James McHenry, January 27–February 11, 1798.
106. Robertson,
Life of Miranda,
vol. 1, p. 177. 107.
vol. 22, p. 155, letter to Francisco de Miranda, August 22, 1798.
108. Ibid.
109. Ibid., p. 154, letter to Rufus King, August 22, 1798.
110. Ibid., p. 345, letter from George Washington to James McHenry, December 13, 1798. 111. Ibid., p. 441, letter to Harrison Gray Otis, January 26, 1799.
112. Emery,
Alexander Hamilton,
p. 180.
113. Elkins and McKitrick,
Age of Federalism,
p. 671. 114. Morison,
Harrison Gray Otis,
p. 158.
115. Lomask,
Aaron Burr: The Conspiracy and Years of Exile,
p. 180.
vol. 23, p. 383, letter from James Wilkinson, September 6, 1799.

Thirty-two: Reign of Witches
vol. 21, p. 506,
Gazette of the United States,
June 13, 1798.
2. Malone,
Jefferson and His Time,
vol. 3, p. 360. 3. Smith,
John Marshall,
p. 239. 4. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 43. 5. Bailyn,
To Begin the World Anew,
p. 156. 6. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 235. 7. Ferling,
John Adams,
p. 366. 8. Ellis,
Founding Brothers,
p. 191. 9. Ibid. 10. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 132. 11.
vol. 21, p. 468,
The Time Piece,
May 21, 1798. 12. Ibid., May 22, 1798. 13.
The Boston Patriot,
May 29, 1809. 14.
The Review of Politics,
July 1954. 15.
vol. 21, p. 522, letter to Oliver Wolcott, Jr., June 29, 1798. 16. Ibid., vol. 23, p. 604, letter to Jonathan Dayton, October–November, 1799. 17.
Speeches at Full Length of Mr. Van Ness,
p. 76. 18. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
pp. 128, 136. 19. Ibid., p. 136. 20. Jefferson,
Anas of Thomas Jefferson,
p. 38. 21. Ibid., p. 381. 22. Ibid., vol. 4, p. 155. 23. Wills,
James Madison,
p. 49. 24. Rakove,
James Madison and the Creation of the American Republic,
p. 151. 25. Wills,
James Madison,
p. 49. 26. Ketcham,
James Madison,
p. 397. 27. Knott,
Alexander Hamilton and the Persistence of Myth,
p. 48. 28. Brookhiser,
Alexander Hamilton,
p. 142. 29.
vol. 22, p. 452, letter to Theodore Sedgwick, February 2, 1799. 30. Ibid. 31. Ibid., p. 465, letter to Rufus King, February 6, 1799. 32.
The New York Times,
July 3, 2001. 33. Brodie,
Thomas Jefferson,
p. 321. 34.
The Review of Politics,
July 1954. 35. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 689. 36.
The Argus, or Greenleaf ’s New Daily Advertiser,
November 6, 1799. 37.
vol. 24, p. 5, letter to Josiah Ogden Hoffman, November 6, 1799. 38.
Greenleaf ’s New York Journal and Patriotic Register,
December 11, 1799. 39.
November 25, 1799. 40. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 716. 41.
Greenleaf ’s New York Journal and Patriotic Register,
November 20, 1799. 42. Rosenfeld,
American Aurora,
p. 547. 43.
vol. 22, p. 394, letter to Harrison Gray Otis, December 27, 1798. 44. Ibid., p. 415, letter from William Heth, January 14, 1799.

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