Read Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive (30 page)

BOOK: Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive
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Both women gasped and Rya looked over to where the men were huddled together, “Oh, he is an evil bastard.”

“Very,” Jessica agreed. “He had Luka tease me while he punished me.”

Catrin’s eyes glittered. “Is Luka going to play with you tonight?”

“I don’t know.” She glanced over her shoulder, finding Alex still talking with a group of men she wasn’t familiar with. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

Arching a brow, Rya nodded. “Sure.”

“Is Luka as talented in bed as I think he is?”

“Oh yeah, that man has no shame,” Rya laughed. “Here comes Alex. Have fun.”

Before she could respond, Alex was escorting her quickly out of the VIP section.

prinsessa moya
, our night has just begun.”





Alex had to curl his hands into fists as they walked through the lobby of their apartment building, his wife looking a little worse for the wear from her evening. Her makeup had been cried off, her hair falling out of the messy bun she had it in atop her head, and she was shivering, but not with the cold. No, right now his sweet girl was so aroused that she was giving every man who looked her way hungry eyes. The aphrodisiac had been working on her for close to an hour now with no relief, and he knew his wife well enough to know she was close to her breaking point.

Once she went over the edge, she would be savage with her need to find satisfaction, and he planned to give it to her in a way she’d never had before.

He pulled her closer to his side, enjoying the way she cuddled into him while they waited for the elevator. Looking over her head, he met Luka’s gaze and read the question there. The fact that Luka was giving him the opportunity to recant his invitation for the hazel-eyed man to join them reaffirmed that he could rely on his friend to give Jessica exactly what she needed without overstepping his bounds. When Luka gave him a slight grin, he couldn’t help but smile back while his wife whimpered in his arms. The dark side of his nature liked knowing that she was suffering, that her body must be hypersensitive due to the oil.

The elevator opened and he stepped inside with Luka and Jessica.

Once the doors closed, Alex jerked off his tie while Luka hit the button for the top floor, where the private playrooms were that belonged to Alex and his friends.

Wrapping the blue silk tie between his hands, he looked down at Jessica and found her gaze fastened on the tie while her lovely breasts trembled with each breath she took.

“Once I blindfold you, Jessica, you will be entering a fantasy realm where you are slave to my every whim, mine to do with as I wish. This is, of course, your choice. If you do not wish to wear the blindfold, I will still fuck you until you faint, but will only be us.”

She actually moaned deep in her throat like someone was stroking her pussy and he had to restrain his own answering growl. “Take me, Master, please. Blindfold me, use me, make me yours in all ways. My body belongs to you.”

“All of you belongs to me,” he corrected her gently as he secured his tie around her face. “Keep your eyes closed until I can place a proper blindfold on you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

The doors opened to the floor they were heading to and he had to keep his stride measured as they walked down the hall to the fourth door on the left.

Alex placed his hand on the reader next to the doorway. It unlocked and Luka opened the heavy brushed-steel door that led to a large room filled with BDSM equipment. While Alex never brought a woman home to play, Dimitri and Rya had been spending more time at home together than a club lately so the brother’s had bought a playroom together. They wanted one big enough that they could have a large amount of their friends over to play without everyone being cramped without enough equipment to go around.

They still enjoyed playing with others, but it was usually here, in the safety of their home, instead of their old BDSM club. When they were bachelors without a care about propriety they’d played wherever and whenever they wanted. But now, married and completely in love, neither man wished to have their private moments with their wives observed by strangers. 

Shrugging off his jacket, he handed Jessica over to Luka. “Undress her.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Jessica startled, her mouth opening to ask a question before she snapped it shut again.

He let his gaze roam her lovely form as he stripped down to his bare skin. Tonight he wanted her to feel him with every inch of her body. Her fair skin was flushed like she had a fever and as Luka slowly removed her dress, she made small whimpering sounds that drove him crazy. He loved it when she allowed herself to let go like this, to be consumed by the pleasure he could offer her.

And she was so fucking sexy when she begged sweetly, driven past her pride to the tender woman beneath.

Already he could hear her breathy little pleas for Luka to touch her.

The fact that she wasn’t talking dirty let him know that she wasn’t quite desperate enough yet.

Walking over to a set of black-lacquered Asian cabinets, he looked through them until he found what he wanted.

A black latex deprivation hood lined with silk on the inside.

The hard pulse of desire that went through him had his dick dripping pre-cum onto the floor.

Luka let out a low whistle from across the room as he ran his thumbs along the edge of the chastity belt, making his beautiful wife moan and twist. “Good choice, Sir.”

Once again Jessica’s mouth opened as though she wanted to say something, but she pressed her lips back together before any words came out. Whatever was bothering her, it was preventing her from going any deeper into her subspace. As he walked over to them, he couldn’t help but stroke his aching dick with one hand, and clench the latex of the hood in his other.

“You may speak,
prinsessa moya
. What is your question?”

She hesitated, then blurted out, “Is Luka a submissive?”

Amused at the flush of embarrassment turning her ears pink, he smiled and said, “Why don’t you ask him that?”

He pressed up against her back, loving the way she arched into him with a sigh. Right away she relaxed, and as Luka helped her out of her heels, she said, “Luka, are you a sub?”

“I,” he replied in a low voice as he slowly skimmed his hands up her legs while he stood, “am a hedonist. I enjoy sampling all the pleasures life has to offer and do not believe in labeling myself. With Alex, I am always a submissive. Is how energy works between us, yes? But you…I want to hold you down and fuck you into submission.”

“Oh my,” she whispered while Alex began to kiss the side of her neck. “All pleasures?”

“All pleasures,” Luka replied in a tone that was a mixture of arousal and humor as he stood and wrapped his strong, muscled arms around her waist. “Even the forbidden ones that make sweet little girls like you so wet. And you are wet, Jessica? I can smell your cunt, and I bet if I removed your chastity belt you would be soaked with honey.”

Alex unclipped one side of the belt, then the other, removing it as slowly as possible while Luka held Jessica to him. Right away she tried to press her legs together, but Alex made a clucking sound. “Do not orgasm. Keep your legs open.”

Luka chose that moment to kiss her, and right away her legs pressed together as she gave a wanton moan.

“Bad girl,” Alex scolded. “I see we will have to restrain you.”

Easily lifting her into his arms, Luka followed Alex over to a sex swing. Together they quickly had her body in the sling, with her hands chained above her head with her feet strapped into stirrups that elevated them. Alex pulled the chain to her left leg and swung it out wider on the metal grid bolted to the ceiling above them. Giving the chain a jerk, he secured her left side, then her right, leaving her spread wide open before him. For a long moment he studied her pink flesh, imagining how good it would feel to penetrate her swollen lips with his cock. Luka joined him, stroking his dick while his gaze roamed over Jessica’s body.

“She is exquisite, Sir.”

Alex handed him the hood. “Put this on her.”

She startled when the tie was removed, blinking in the dim lighting as she lifted her head to look around. When she caught sight of him, her gaze darkened further and she surprised him by giving him a small, almost drunken smile that vanished as Luka secured the hood over her head. It covered her eyes completely and covered her ears, but didn’t leave her deaf. He wanted her to hear them, to know how much she aroused them. That was part of her kink, to know that she was bringing others pleasure.

After she was hooded, Alex drew Luka back to the cabinets and took out a pair of weighted nipple clamps. “Put these on her, then I want you to rub your cock against her pussy, coat yourself in her arousal and the oil. You will need it to keep up with my wife’s sexual desires tonight.”

“As if I need oil to help me with that,” Luka laughed softly, then nodded. “Am I allowed to make her orgasm?”

“Yes, but make her beg for it. When she is desperate her language will become filthy, that is when you can make her come.”

Licking his lips, Luka gave a shuddering sigh. “Yes, Sir.”

Alex pulled out a good-sized butt plug made of stainless steel and some lube. The hilt of the plug had a large faceted topaz in it and he knew it would look beautiful in Jessica’s bottom, right before he yanked it out then shoved his cock up hot little ass.

Her whimpers filled the room and Alex glanced over his shoulder, the sight of Luka applying a clamp while his wife sucked his cock through a hole in the black latex hood covering her face was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen. Her legs shook while the hazel-eyed man squeezed her red-tipped nipples tight in those clamps.

She must have been sucking him hard because Luka ripped himself from her greedy mouth with a groan. “Jesus, your mouth is so fuckable.”

Luka positioned himself between her legs with a snarl and rubbed his cock over her cleft, making Jessica go wild in the swing. “Please, please, I need to come, please!”

Sweat dripped down Luka’s face and Alex stood next to his friend, watching the dark-red length of his dick rubbing between her slick labia. “Tell me what you want.”

“Your cock,” she sobbed. “I need to be fucked so bad, my pussy hurts.

Alex nodded to his friend, noting the almost desperate look in his eyes that increased Alex’s arousal. “Tease her with your dick, rub her clit, but do not enter her.”

While he didn’t have an interest in men sexually, he did enjoy dominating them, controlling another man’s pleasure. If Luka had his way, he’d be ejaculating all over her flushed body, but because Alex was in control of the situation he held himself back, pinching the base of his cock even as he tormented Jessica. His lovely wife went wild, arching and moaning, twisting her hips as best she could to try to get more friction from Luka’s touch, unable to see because of the hood.

Alex smeared a large amount of lube on Jessica’s ass, his knuckles brushing against Luka’s tight balls, making the other man let out a strangled groan.

Positioning the plug against her anus, Alex growled, “Come for me, both of you.”

In a matter of seconds they complied, Jessica screaming as he pressed the plug into her bottom and Luka’s muscular legs shaking while his wife bucked in the sling, her slender body twisting as much as it could while she shuddered again and again. With a harsh groan, Luka jerked off onto her mound, coating her with his cum. The sight of them climaxing was so erotic, Alex had to look away to regain control of himself while the need to orgasm burned at the base of his spine.

“Lick her clean,” Alex murmured.

Making an eager noise low in his throat, Luka did as Alex commanded, licking his freshly spilt seed from her soft belly and sex.

“Mmmmm, thank you,” Jessica whispered. “So good.”

Feeling as if his dick was about to burst, he went over to her head and rubbed the tip of his cock over her lips. Right away she lifted so she could latch on to him with her eager mouth, her hands grasping nothing but air as she tried to take more of him, until his dick touched the back of her throat. The burn was trying to inch down his spine again but he fought it, balancing on the fine edge between extreme arousal and climaxing.

With a gasp he tore himself away from her mouth. “Enough. I am going to come in your ass, not your mouth. Luka, unbind her.”

They made quick work of releasing her from the swing and as soon as her feet hit the ground, she knelt. The sight of the black latex hood obscuring her features except for her lush mouth had his nuts drawing up tight. So beautiful, so kinky, his perfect wife in every way. He tossed Luka the condom package he’d grabbed earlier, grinning to himself as Jessica’s breasts quivered with her pants.

He leaned over to whisper into Luka’s ear, “We shall stand and hold her between us then fuck her.”

Stroking his once-again-hard cock, Luka grunted. “I cannot wait to sink into that hot

“You will enter her first.”

Jessica tensed as they neared, but didn’t resist at all when Luka turned her to face him. “I am going to lift you, put your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist.”

She did as asked, and at the sight of her sex spread open with Luka’s dick nudging at her entrance, Alex helplessly thrust his hips into the air like it was
cock about to penetrate her.

“Hold her ass open,” Alex murmured. “I will guide you in.”

“Oh fuck,” Jessica breathed. “Please, Master, hold his cock and put it in me.”

Luka arched a brow in surprise, but Alex merely grinned. In her own way, Jessica was as hedonistic as the hazel-eyed man and not afraid to ask for what she wanted. Why would she be? He’d always encouraged her to be bold, to tell him what she desired, and he always rewarded her trust. With this in mind, he grasped the other man’s cock and teased his wife’s pussy with it, his thumb rubbing the sensitive part beneath the head of Luka’s shaft while Jessica twitched and shivered.

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