Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive (13 page)

Read Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Alexandr's Reluctant Submissive
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She leaned back into him and let out a soft sigh. “I remember that night. It was warm for Paris in the spring, and it seemed like everyone in the city was out celebrating being alive. You sang to me while we danced.”

“I did,” he said in a surprised voice. “I had forgotten about that.”

She yawned and leaned back into him more until he was fully supporting her weight. “I’m going to fall asleep standing up.”

His soft chuckle rumbled against her back before he lifted her into his arms and kissed her. “Then let me take you to bed, give you an orgasm, and let you sleep.”






Alex’s heart pounded so hard he was hardly able to draw a breath as he took his wife to his bed. All these years he’d tortured himself by imagining her here in the room with him, but now that he was touching her, smelling her, tasting her in the air, he struggled to control himself. He wanted to devour her because in the back of his mind, in a dark place he didn’t like to examine too closely, his inner demons whispered that she could be taken from him again at any moment. That he had to savor every second with her because just like a phantom, she could be gone again, ordered away on the whim of his father.

Invisible bands tightened around his chest as she ran her hand over the comforter, her gaze rising to the mound of pillows.

“I love this bed.”

He’d decorated this room with her in mind, just as he did with all of his homes. “I am glad you like, now take off clothes then bend over and clutch the bed. You are going to come, hard—many times, and I do not want you to shred my back with those wicked nails of yours.”

She froze, then turned to look at him with the same wide-eyed shock that had never failed to drive him crazy. “Yes, Master.”

“Assume the position,
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The fear that nipped at his heels began to recede as she slowly surrendered to him, giving him the control he needed. Right away a smile curved the side of his mouth and she beamed at him, the love radiating from her healing him bit by bit. He was still a fractured man, but he no longer had to struggle against losing himself to the darkness like his father had. Thankfully his friends had done anything and everything they could to keep him together. Now, more than ever, he was glad they had fought so hard to keep him sane. He owed them all an enormous debt and would never forget it.

The rustle of fabric caught his attention and his cock throbbed to life at the sight of his beautiful submissive. She cast him an almost shy glance over her shoulder, biting her lower lip before she stepped forward and bent over the bed. The endless expanse of her slender legs drew his gaze to her pert ass and his dick throbbed with pleasure. After stretching her arms out in front of her, she spread her legs wide and tilted her hips. The sight of her wet and swollen cunt making his dick ache. Satisfaction filled him as he removed his clothing, the need to touch her silken skin tormenting him. He paused when he was a breath away from caressing her, scolding himself for forgetting his duty to his woman.

She came to him needing her Master, and her Master she would get.

“Safe word is butter?” he asked in a low voice while hovering behind her.

Her back rose and fell as her breathing deepened and she arched her hips farther, exposing herself to him. “Yes, Master. But you won’t hear me saying it tonight.”

Without thought he smacked her heart-shaped bottom, reveling in her sharp gasp. Right away his handprint burned red on her pale skin and he rubbed the mark, his cock dripping pre-cum at the way she tensed. He could see the bud of her clit poking out from its hood and knew that just this small amount of play had her near orgasm. She had always been so responsive to his touch and he was glad that hadn’t changed.

“So brave. Perhaps you need something to remind you not to challenge me.”

“Bring it.”

He couldn’t help but laugh at her bratty smirk. “Rest assured, I will give you everything you need, always. I
your Master.”

She stilled, then moaned low in her throat when he grabbed his dick and rubbed the swollen head between her slick labia. The sensation was so good that he had to grit his teeth to hold back the urge to plunge into her.

To his surprise, when he moved his shaft against her clit she had a small orgasm, her quick gasp and the wetness that soaked his cock attesting to her release. Now it was
turn to suck in a quick breath when she ground her pussy against his shaft like a cat in heat.

With a low growl, he stepped back, clenching his hands into fists in an effort to keep from grabbing her. “Do not move.”

He considered getting his toy bag from the closet, but quickly decided against it. Never would he use something on Jessica that had been used on another woman. Among the thousands of things that needed to be done, he needed to place orders with all of his suppliers for new toys. Thousands of kinky scenarios flashed through his mind and he had to take a moment to gather himself before he went into his bathroom and grabbed his silver hairbrush. It was a hefty item expertly crafted in a flat, modern design that was perfect for spanking.

When he returned to the bedroom he inwardly groaned at the tempting sight she made, all aroused and silently begging for him. The gleam of her honey shone on her inner thighs and she made a low, almost whining noise as he ran his hand over her hip loving the new curves her body had developed. Not many, but enough to give him something to hold on to. When she tried to rub her hot cunt against his straining erection, he gave her bottom a brisk smack with the flat side of the hairbrush, earning a sharp squeal.

“Such a pretty little ass,” he said absently as he continued to warm up her skin with a series of soft blows. “I love how pink it gets for me.”

Her only response was to whimper into the bedspread and tilt her hips even more until he marveled at how flexible she was. With one hand he continued to spank her, but with the other he ever so gently began to pet the curls on her mound, his hand glancing off her slippery sex. Soon she was chanting his name and shuddering, her impending orgasm flushing her body. Her eyes were closed and her brows were drawn down with tension as she visibly strained for her release.

The sight was so arousing that he tossed aside the brush, then stepped behind her and slammed into her willing body. She was tight, but wet enough that he slid in deep, his body lying atop hers so she was pinned beneath him, helpless to do anything but take his cock. The skin of her buttocks was much warmer than the rest of her body and he groaned in satisfaction.

“Perfect,” he choked on a breath when her pussy quivered around him, then clenched his cock so hard it was like being grabbed by a strong fist.

When she began to rhythmically contract her sex around him, his eyes rolled back in his head at the sensation. Little minx, she could undo him like no other. He was helpless to resist the primal demand that he fuck her, now, hard. An animalistic snarl rose from somewhere deep in his chest as he reared up and grasped her hips, easily lifting her slender body and plunging into her with hard slams of his hips.

She went wild for him and he had to grip her hard to keep her on his cock. Fuck, no woman could bring him to the edge as quickly as his Jessica. Her next orgasm struck while just the tip of his cock was in her and he swore her pussy sucked him back in, tugging on him hard enough that when he tried to pull back it was a struggle. Gentling his thrusts, he eased her back down from her intense release, running his hands up her sides, the light mist of perspiration on her skin turning that movement into an easy glide. When he reached her shoulders he paused to trace the delicate bones beneath her fragile skin, to devote himself to learning her body all over again.

Soon enough she grew restless with his slow movements, whispering for him to fuck her, begging him to take her.

He leaned down and brushed her hair from her ear before kissing the pink shell, tasting the salt of her skin as he took in a deep inhalation of her scent. “Remember that I love you, because I am about to fuck you like I hate you.”

A shuddering sigh escaped her before she tossed her hair back and met his gaze, her pupils huge. Ahh yes, his little girl was flying deep in subspace. She looked dazed, like she was drunk, and he reveled in his power to bring her to that place, to give his submissive, his wife, what she craved.

Rearing back into him hard enough that her buttocks smacked against his groin, she cried out, “Please!”

He grabbed both of her wrists in his hands and pulled her slowly up until her upper torso was suspended from the bed, her breasts shaking in the air while she was pinned onto his cock. All she could do was take his dick any way he chose to give it to her. The angle of his thrusts changed and she keened when he hit her G-spot, a wide smile breaking out on his face as she screamed her way through another orgasm. During her contractions he kept up his punishing pace, slamming into her now hard enough that she let out a sharp gasp of air each time he bottomed out. Somewhere in the rational part of his mind he knew he was fucking her too hard, that she wasn’t used to his cock yet, but he couldn’t stop himself.

His sane mind had receded and he operated on instinct and raging emotions. The harder he fucked her, the more alive he felt, and her screams only goaded him on. He almost stopped, then she came so hard she went limp after. Bracing his arms on either side of her head, he fucked her wilted form, grinding deep as the fire burning at the base of his spine exploded into his balls. The world went white, then black as he came harder than he ever had in his life.

Slowly, bit by bit, sanity returned as his chest heaved and his body burned from the energy it had taken to fuck Jessica into submission.

When he turned to look at her, he found that her eyes had shut and she appeared fast asleep. They were both a sweaty, sticky mess so he went to the bathroom and got a washcloth and towel after he cleaned himself up for Jessica. She let out a grumpy protest when he put the washcloth between her legs but soon fell back asleep. When they were both clean enough, he scooped her beneath the sheets and curled his body around hers.

Burying his face against her damp hair, he let out a shuddering sigh as the darkness inside of him raised up like a striking snake, biting him and filling him with a venom of fear and grief. He was helpless against the tears that burned his eyes, against the way he clutched at Jessica like she might be taken from him at any moment. The tears wouldn’t stop and a sense of impending doom grew until he was fighting the urge to leave the bed and double check all of his security. It was only through sheer force of will that he pushed back the crippling panic.

Jessica whimpered and tried to pull away from him. It took him a moment to realize he was gripping her too tightly and shame filled him as he eased his hold. Fuck, he was going to hurt her if he did not get control of himself. For a moment he considered that he might be going crazy like his father had, that he was destined to turn into a monster, and he wondered if Jessica would be safer without him in her life.

As soon as that thought raised its ugly head, he tore it from his mind.

No, for her, for their daughter, he would fight with everything he had against the emotions threatening to turn him into a psychotic beast.

Forcing himself to focus on something other than his irrational dread and desolation, he leaned back enough that he could see Jessica’s bare shoulder in the dim illumination through the heavy curtains. There was just enough light for him to make out her freckles and he began to count them. It took him until he reached forty, some were so tiny they were no more than specks of cinnamon on her skin, but his heart had finally stopped racing and he was back in control of himself. As he drifted he once again buried his face against the side of her neck after arranging her hair over the pillow and relaxed into the perfect comfort of holding his wife.



The next day, Jessica slipped her hand into his as the light lunch they’d eaten churned in his gut. He rarely got sick but right now his anxiety was so intense he was fighting to keep the contents of his stomach down. She gave him a squeeze, forcing his eyes off the doors to his apartment and onto her.

Wearing an elegant black blouse and a new pair of jeans that hugged her curves, she was beautiful in a fresh, genuine manner that he’d almost forgotten. He’d grown used to the high-maintenance women he’d taken as mistresses and submissives, and the great deal of effort it took for them to look the way they did. His Jessica wore only a light-pink lip gloss for makeup and her glorious hair hung in a long, straight sheaf down her back, yet she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Just looking at her brought him pleasure, made his body light up and his anxiety ease.

“Don’t be so nervous, it’ll be okay,” she whispered in a low voice. “She’ll love you.”

He glanced around the room, meeting Maks’ gaze for a moment. It reassured him in a fucked-up way to see his own worry reflected back in his friend’s face. His daughter was going to walk through his front door at any moment and he was inwardly terrified that she would not like him. He had to prepare himself for the fact that she would view him as a stranger, would probably be scared of him, and would not want anything to do with him despite their genetic bond. He’d not had much experience with children before Jessica’s…disappearance, and had avoided them after. It hurt too much to look at children and imagine his own daughter alive and growing up as they were.

“I am not nervous,” he growled back.

She grinned at him, impudent woman, then wrapped her arm around his waist. “Really? Then why did you change your outfit four times?”

It was true, he had changed his clothes four times. He couldn’t decide on what tone to set for his first meeting with Tatiana. Did he wear a formal suit so she would know how important the occasion was for him, how he cared enough to look his best for her, or did he wear something casual so she would not be as intimidated by him? It was only when Jessica chose an outfit for him that he finally settled on his broken-in jeans and button down deep-purple shirt. Jessica said their daughter’s favorite color was purple so he figured it didn’t hurt to stack the deck in his favor.

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