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Kyo swims lazily away from me. It is as though she doesn’t want to be there to catch the vibrator should it fall from my pussy. It occurs to me that I can grasp it with my hands to steady it.

Kyo reads my mind.

Don’t touch it with your hands,” she warns me.

And yet . . . my hands are not bound. They purposefully did not bind my hands behind my back. They are giving me control . . . and free will. They want to be in this position of danger – possible electrocution at the hands of a complete stranger. They revel in this danger.

It is a new psychological conundrum that I have never encountered before. I have heard about bizarre Japanese sexual practices before, but nothing quite like this.

The vibrator intensity appears to be getting higher. Mika stands there, demure and resolute. My pussy clenches it. I gasp. All my vaginal muscles are working as hard as they can to hold the thing in, but it’s damned hard. I need Kira and Kyo for obvious reasons.

My orgasm comes to me in waves. My pussy muscles clench and unclench, and my mind willfully overrides the unclenching. How long are they going to make me do this? I can see Kyo’s hand in the water. She too is masturbating – caressing her own pussy leaves. Her mouth is slightly open and the telltale flush of sexual excitement is spreading all over her breasts.

Please . . . ” I whimper. “Please . . . I can’t hold on.”

None of them heed me. The men’s hands are frantically rubbing their cocks. One of the men cries out. He has ejaculated into the water. Kyo’s head tilts back. Her climax judders her entire body. Kira is the next to come. He too shouts out his orgasm into the humid air.

My vision blurs. I see hazy movements before me. The vibrator slips from my pussy.

No!” I scream.

My hands rush to seize the vibrator.

But someone else’s hands are there before me. Mika’s face is very close to mine as she grasps it. I am dumbstruck and more than a little frazzled at what is happening. All I can focus on is Mika’s beautiful alabaster skin.

It’s all right,” she murmurs. “It’s all right.”

I am still shaking as Kyo swims back to me.

Did you like having that power?” she asks me coyly.

I suddenly realize it is a double entrende.



It is a month later.

I wait outside. In my father’s boardroom, the board of directors is listening to the news of the takeover. In the past month, three individual companies – from England, Scotland and Japan respectively – have been buying up shares in my father’s corporation. Gabriel, Christopher and Kira are in there, cementing the takeover.

My father was helpless to prevent it, not when the three of them ganged up in a consortium just for this takeover. And it is all my doing. I united them. I made this happen.

I should be over the moon.

And yet . . . I’m not. Not really, if I am to admit to myself. There’s something sad in ruining my father’s company – the company I grew up with. The company he was about to bequeath to my brothers and Gina Wesley’s unborn baby. Under this new consortium, the Devlins would no longer have control. That was the only way my three compatriots would agree to band together to help me.

Gabriel Wolfe would assume control together with his two other partners. A Devlin can no longer be CEO.

The door opens.

Why am I here when I don’t really need to be? Oh yes. I want to see my father’s face when he walks out of that boardroom.

The first person who walks out is not my father. It’s one of the directors, who is also a director of many other companies. He doesn’t really know me, of course. Probably thinks I’m a pretty PA my father had hired.

Other people follow. Christopher and Kira appear. They nod, but do not acknowledge me and vanish in the direction of the elevator bank. After that, Gabriel Wolfe comes out. He gives me the thumbs up and comes closer.

He says to me in a low voice, “I’ll be waiting downstairs. There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

I nod. No public display of affection between us, we agreed.

The door remains open. No one else comes out of it. I wait and wait, but there is still no sign of my father. I start to get a bit worried. Surely he didn’t try to crash himself out of the window?

I get up and walk towards the boardroom. I pause at the doorway.

My father is sitting there at the head of the table, staring into the screen on the wall. The blue oblong of an empty Powerpoint slide forms his backdrop. He slowly turns his head as I enter. His face is lined and ashen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so old before.

It’s time to channel my inner bitch again. But when I search within myself, I can’t find her. My chest just feels leaden and heavy, as if it is clogged with irredeemable debris.

But I’m not sorry.

I have never been sorry before for any of my actions – perceived good or bad or something in between. And I’m not about to start.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Hello, Alice,” he says.

Hello, Dad.”

He nods. “You’ve gotten what you wanted.”

We haven’t seen each other since that fateful wedding, a lifetime ago. When I came back, I studiously avoided living in his house and checked into a hotel instead.

Yes, I guess I have.” I resist the urge to say ‘You shouldn’t have done what you did to me’ or anything trite like that. He knows. He knows it all.

This affects you too,” he says.

It affects all of us. But I still have my trust.”

With that, I turn heel and walk out of the door. It will be the last I will see of my father for a long, long time. I’m a pariah from my family now. I can never go back.

I don’t need them, I tell myself fiercely.

Then why do I feel so sad?




Gabriel is waiting for me downstairs, as promised.

How did it go?”

OK.” I shrug. I don’t want to talk about it.

He looks towards the reception. The word is out now that the company has been taken over. The receptionist is chatting worriedly to a secretary from upstairs. The security guards are all whispering to one another. Now and then, they would favor me and Gabriel with significant stares. Everyone has to know my role in engineering this takeover.

Gabriel smiles. “A celebration is in order.”

He lifts my jaw with two of his fingers. “Why the glum face?”

Do I look glum?

I don’t know,” I confess. “It doesn’t feel as good as I thought it would.”

Victory is sometimes hollow when you least expect it,” he acknowledges. “You feel badly for your family when only a few months ago, it would not have occurred to you to think of anyone else. Your stint as a slave has changed you.”

Maybe it has. What did you want to discuss with me?”

Ah, yes . . . the little matter I wish to discuss with you.”

He shepherds me outside, his proprietary hand on my back. A black stretch limousine waits outside. As soon as he appears, the driver courteously gets out and opens the door for him.

In the backseat, a beautiful naked woman awaits us. Her legs are open and she wears an iron collar around her neck. Her wrists are manacled to the collar by long chains, but she can move her hands more or less freely.

Her eyes are a brilliant blue. In her cupped palms, she holds a blue velvet jewelry box.

For you,” Gabriel says.

For me?”

Is it what I think it is?

I’m a little dazzled.

I take the jewelry box and open it. Inside is a diamond ring. I am usually not a person at a loss for words, but I am speechless this time.

I did not expect this from Lord Gabriel Wolfe.

After all, I was his sex slave. I have been used by many men and women. I have a significant trust fund, but I don’t think Lord Gabriel needs to marry for money. I have no English title.

I keep staring at the ring.

Well, don’t rush to say ‘yes’ all at once,” he says, smiling.

I say, “Yes.”

Are you sure?”

Yes. But why? Why me?” That is about as honest a question as I can put forth.

Because we make a good team. Because I admire your brains . . . and everything else. I don’t want a shrinking violet for a wife, Alice. I’ve been married before . . . to a milk sop, and I don’t want that. I want someone who can match me in the bedroom as well as the boardroom.”

He pauses.

I’ve never met anyone quite like you, Alice. And that’s saying something.”

I have never met anyone like Lord Gabriel Wolfe either. And I think I never will again. Do I love him? Not yet. But then, I’m not sure I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. Not even Greg, now that I think about it. Maybe Max, my brother, but that’s a different kind of love, even though we might have slept together when we were kids.

But if there is anyone in the world that I would love to be with, it is Gabriel. He’s handsome, charismatic, dangerous, rich, brilliant and sexually depraved. Can I hope for any more in a man?

Suddenly, all the unpleasant things I have done pale in comparison to this shining new prospect, as gleaming as the jewel in the velvet case.

Yes,” I say more surely than before. “By all means, yes!”

He seizes me – out in the street, in full view of everyone. Then he kisses me longingly and deeply, while his hand explores my breasts and ass.

I guess I have found my prince after all.



I get married within the month. My wedding is every bit as lavish as my brother, Max’s. We throw a garden party in Gabriel’s English castle estate. Christopher and his seven sons are invited. As are Kira and Kyo.

My father does not turn up. Neither do Max and Gina. But my mother arrives, and so do the twins. And I have a peaceful a wedding as I can possibly have.

Gabriel is now the CEO of my father’s former company, and he makes me his President. Everything is turning out well for me – the former bad girl. And I don’t deserve any of it.

But since when do people get what’s due to them?

I shouldn’t be thinking about trust funds and inheritances anyway. My path is mine to forge alone. My journey these past few months has taught me that.

Don’t weep for my father though. He has his own funds secreted away in Swiss bank accounts. And Cayman Islands. And Singapore. Don’t weep for my whole family. They are rich enough.

As for me, I’m planning to conquer the world with my handsome new husband.

Vaya con dios.

Till then.


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Burn 2

Burn 3

Burn 4

Burn 5



Marooned with the Rock Star



Wanted by the Alphas (An Extremely Sensual Paranormal Shifter Romance)

The Pretend Marriage: A Werewolf Romance

The Impending Marriage: A Werewolf Romance

The Alpha Dating Game (An Extremely Sensual BBW Shifter Romance)

The Alpha Mating Game: A BBW Shifter Romance


The Alpha Men’s Secret Club (A Scorchingly Hot BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance)

The Alpha Men’s Secret Club 2: Desire Games (A Scorchingly Hot BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance)

The Alpha Men’s Secret Club 3: Fallout (A Scorchingly Hot BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance)

The Alpha Men’s Secret Club 4: Intrigue (A Scorchingly Hot BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance)




Strange Moon: Part One (A BBW Werewolf Romantic Suspense Mystery)

Strange Moon: Part Two (A BBW Werewolf Romantic Suspense Mystery)


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