Alicia's Misfortune (44 page)

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Authors: S. Silver

BOOK: Alicia's Misfortune
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Chapter 3

A bony finger slammed in the back of her shoulder blade, and
Marie turned around to see her mother with her sharp eyes staring down at her.
“Go wash your hands.”

Marie sighed drowsily and responded, “Alright.”

Her mother turned around and closed the door softly. She was
quick to get out of the room. She sat up and looked around. It was completely
dark outside. She got up slowly and ran her head over the covers to be sure
that it didn’t have any wrinkles on it. When she was done, she padded out of
her room and over to the bathroom. She splashed some water on her face and
looked in the mirror. She was too ugly. She’d have to make it on her own. No
man would ever want her.

She walked into the dining room to see the table already set
with a water jug and a bowl of mashed potatoes in the center and three pieces
of her mother’s fried chicken on her plate. Her mother stared up at her from
the counter, where she was scrubbing and sighed. ‘Well, are you gonna sit down?
I have to get back to my sewing. I’m trying to mend that church dress of

“Yes, Mama.” She said those words at least three thousand
times a day.

Dinner was silent for the most part until they had finished
up and her mother stared at her. She had her lowered. She didn’t want to meet
her gaze again. “I want you to speak with Pastor Graham in the morning.”

“I have class in the morning.”

Phyllis was out of her chair in an instant with her head so
close to Marie’s that the girl could smell her peppermint mouthwash as if it
were a knife stabbing into her. “You’re gonna put CLASS over your soul, child?”

“I’m sure my soul will be fine. I haven’t done anything
wrong.” Her mother stood her up with surprising force and turned her around.
She pushed Marie to the ground saying, “You’re gonna learn.” Her voice was
calm. She didn’t care what she was doing to the girl, and that in itself was
worse than any punishment that Marie could suffer. “Go to your room!” Her voice
seemed to shake the walls.

“Mama, please! Mama, don’t.” Marie slammed her to the ground
and onto her hands and knees. Marie was screaming. “Please, Mama.” She turned
around and tried to grab onto her Mother’s leg. Phyllis just kicked her off and
turned her around. Marie knew what she had to do. She didn’t like it. It was
the worst thing that could possibly happen. She hated her mother.

“You will not defy me!” She kicked Marie in the butt and the
girl crawled to the second door on the right. She fell against her bedroom
door. “Now, you stay put until you agree to do what is right.”

Marie heard the sound of the lock turning. “Let me out!” She
banged on the door, like a caged animal trying to be released from its cage.
She was screaming and pleading with tears streaming down her eyes. She was an
animal, and nothing more. She wasn’t a real person. She was locked in this, and
locked in this house, and she would die there.

When she went to her bed, and looked at the cross above her
headboard, she thought about the sacrifice she was making. She could be a real
person, but her mother wouldn’t let her. She should leave. She thought of the
open window in front of her with its thin white curtains blowing in the wind.
She could climb out, and she could go, but what would she do? She didn’t know
how to take care of herself. Mama did everything for her. She worked, she paid
the bills, and she made sure she had food. She’d be eaten alive by the wild
animals as soon as she left. The only thing she could do was wait and sleep.

The dark man was dangerous and tender. He had the smile a
smile that would pull you in even if you didn’t want it too. His lips were so soft
and big. His puppy dog face would melt instantly, and she could bask in its
sweetness for the rest of her life. She opened her eyes and thought she saw a
dark form behind the waving white curtains, and in the moonlight it moved, fast
like a tiger. Suddenly, he was there standing over her bed, and she wanted him
to make her scream.

“I said I’d come.” He could shake the house with his deep

“Are you real?” His breath was real, like fire caressing his
face as he walked over and bent down with those seductive lips moving towards

“Can I kiss you?” The power of those words shattered her
entire reality.

“No.” His lips slammed against hers and her hand moved
around over the back of his neck. His skin was so soft. She couldn’t give in.
She couldn’t allow it. He was evil. Hi hair was soft against her face. His eyes
spelled sin and temptation. He was lust incarnate, the very embodiment of
satisfaction addiction. She was penetrated by his tongue and her soft gasp gave
her goosebumps.

“Is this OK?” He moved his mouth lower to her neck where his
teeth nibble softly just below her ear. He stroked her chin and she tried to
move, but she couldn’t. His power had such a firm grip on her that she knew she
had to let go, but she couldn’t. She had to fight it. His teeth sank in and he
growled, like an incubus ready to steal her soul.

“Yes!” She tried not to scream but she couldn’t help it.
That was when he pinched her nipple and her entire body was ablaze with flame,
and that sickeningly sweet sensation, she felt whispers of began in between her
thighs and her throat caught her screams. Her shirt was off in one fell swoop
and she was naked. He lifted up and she could see the coffee and cream color of
his magnificent appear as he smiled down at her and slowly peeled of his shirt.

“You’re so sexy,” he whispered as he ran his fingers around
the outline of her nipple. She was being enveloped by dark desire, fire that
burned through her and overcame her senses and her composure. She reached up
and pulled him down into her lips and shoved her tongue down her throat. She
found his pants instinctively and shoved her hand down to feel the one thing
that she should never touch. She rubbed against the smooth shaft and caressed
the hard beef that lay beneath the surfaced. His soft moans were war cries that
serenaded her increasing passion.

He reached down and rubbed his fingers along the top seams
of her panties and she could feel the fluid, fueled by a stream of bliss,
squirting out and staining the sheets. “Can I touch you,” he asked tenderly as
he bent down towards her ear and nibbled on her earlobe.

“Yes,” she whispered.

He ripped her panties off like a bolt of lightning, reared
and up she could see the outline of his bush as his tight pants moved down
slowly. He flicked her nipple, sending ripples through her temple. He
unbuttoned his pants just a bit and she threw back her head as his flinger
circled slowly around her lips, like little bolts of electricity. When she
looked up, it was there in all of its glory. His infernal cock was bigger than
she could possibly imagined, and as thick as her arm. Their eyes met and the
flash the shot between them was a match that lit a bonfire that moved up into
her most private place and shook the doors. His finger was moving closer and she
was gasping. It slowly ran up to the clit and the explosion that ensued was
like a dam breaking and sending rippling shockwaves throughout her entire body,
drenching the sheets and his finger.

He ran his cock slowly along her lips and with their eyes locked
together then he bent down his lips slowly touched hers. He was soft when he
moved his cock to the center. He moved his tongue sweetly along her lips, then
he pulled out and said, “This is going to hurt.”

Then he rammed into her with the force of a bullet piercing
its victim and he had to use a pillow to muffle her blood curdling screams as
he tore her veil and she feel his cock move through her penetrating every inch
of her body and mind. “It’s OK. Don’t wake her.”

He moved the pillow and bit her lip. The pain was going away
and she was slipping into an oblivious ecstasy. All that existed was his sweet
kiss, his eyes and that cock that drilled her so relentlessly that she felt
like couldn’t stand it. The overwhelming, screaming pain and pleasure burned
through her, and mixed with his deep growls that sent shivers all over her
naked flesh. It was unholy communion of the highest form the way they moved in
the pagan dance.

Once the fire was set it grew higher and higher with each
and every thrust. Her explosions started co0ming one after the other as if she
were convulsing from the force of them. He going faster and faster, making a
smacking sound with the way he pushed in and out. That man was a dark god of
sexuality and he was about to possess her as that explosion that would end all
explosion surged through her and he slammed her that one last time. They both
screamed as their bodies were crushed by the shockwave of pleasure and nectar
that mixed harmoniously.

When he crashed down on top of her, she felt the full force
of his power. He didn’t slip out. Neither of them wanted to. They wanted to
look into each other’s eyes and discover each other’s bodies.

“I’ve never loved like that before,” the boy whispered

“What’s your name?” She realized that she barely even knew
the man. She’d seen his around town, but she didn’t have any idea who he was.

“Drake. I know you. Everyone knows you.”

Marie was sad now. She didn’t like that she was cause for
gossip. She had to know what this was, that it wasn’t all in vain. “Why did you
come here?’

“Marie, how could say that? I’ve been wanting to do this for
a long time. You’re not ugly. A lot of guys want you.”

“But you’re the one that I want.”

“And, honestly, I want you too.”

“You have to go. She’ll shoot you.” He got up and started
pacing around.

“I’ll take you out of here. We can get our own place.”

It was too soon, but it was sweet release, and this man was
everything she knew she’d wanted. Her mother had been so terribly wrong. It was
a beautiful thing, and it was good. “Alright, but let me get things setup
first. I have to say goodbye, and I go to college, and I need to keep that

“Of course. Can I stay a while and hold you.”

“You have to.” To be sheltered in the arms of the man
greater than any rapture she had ever known. He sat up in the bed and she fell
easily onto his chest, where his breath caressed her. It smelled like vanilla
cigars. Their bodies bathed in the moonlight as his hand moved up and down
across her belly. They were big and powerful. He could keep her safe, and he

Chapter 4

The note on her pillow smelled like him. She held it to her
face before reading it, savoring the knowledge that it wasn’t a dream. He had
crept into her window last night and changed her world.

She wasn’t evil for tempting a man because it had been the
most beautiful thing that had ever happened to her. It was sweet release from
her prison, which she realized had been completely mental. She could’ve left,
but it was her guilt that was keeping her there. She could’ve made it. She was
smart, but she’d been taught to hate the world.

Now that she’d had a taste of it, she couldn’t stay. She
needed to live, and this simply wasn’t living. This was a nightmare based up on
one demented woman’s beliefs and fears.

As she soaked her body under the hot water, she realized
that she had been alienated from the world, and that that was why she hated it.
She had no idea what it was like because she’d never been allowed to experience
it. All she had was what her mother told her and what she had learned in
school, but she hadn’t been able to see society and the connections that people
make with one another. That had left her a shell of a human being, and as she
walked back to her room and got dressed she knew for certain that all that was
over. She wasn’t going to live that any longer.

She grabbed her clothes, her books and finally her
drawings—the false worlds she had built to replace the real one. She shoved
them all in her suitcase and hid it under her bed where she knew her mother
wouldn’t see.

She couldn’t tell her. She wouldn’t be heartbroken—she was
too cold. She would be furious and she would try to stop her for certain. She
would have to leave in secret, and she had to do it after school because that
was when he said he would come for her in the note.

This boy had saved her from this sterile hell. He was her
savior now; she didn’t need another. He would protect and carry her. She could
ride on his bike anywhere they wanted to go, and she knew it was real because
she’d actually felt his rapture running through her. She knew what love was
now, and she was certain that she’d found it was him.

“MARIE!” Her mother was coming down the hall to her bedroom.
She quickly hid the evidence and did her best to put on a poker face. When the
door slammed open and her mother saw that she looked like a shining child of
morality and righteousness, she became immediately suspicious.

“I trust you’ll be going to see the pastor today.”

“I want to go to class first. I’ll make an appointment with
him on my way out. I have to hurry though. I only have an hour.”

“Alright. Get ready. I have some bus money for you.” She
handed her a dollar and allowed her to make her way out the door.

Marie’s first class was calculus, which she had always
excelled at. The teacher was a young blond man with a golden smile. She usually
sat in the back row and decided to sit where she normally did.

She had to keep her mind on the numbers. She promised
herself that he wouldn’t affect her school life. She looked at the board and
saw him standing over her with his hair shining in the moonlight. She saw Drake
pounding against her when the teacher stood at the front of the room. She
wondered what it would be like to have her hair streaming behind her as they
made their way down the highway.

The thought of leaving class right then and calling him was
too much for her. Her legs shook, her mind drifted and she found herself
drifting in thoughts of their night together. He knew how to move. He knew
things about her body that she didn’t even know.

When class got out, it was too much. She whipped out her
tiny flip phone and called him.

“Marie?” He answered on the first ring.

“Yes.” They waited silently for a second. It was as if what
had happened was so magical that both of them were convinced that it wasn’t

“Oh, god. I love you, Marie. I have to tell you that. I love

“I love you too.” She was smiling. Nothing else existed
except for his voice. “Can I see you now?”

“I have to deal with something first. I wanna leave town.
Can we do that?”

“Of course. I’ll go with you anywhere.” She knew that she
wanted to leave.

“You wanna see the beach? We can go to Cali.”

“Yes.” She’d always wanted to go there. Her mother told her
it was Satan’s summer home, so she figured it was probably the most amazing
place in the entire world.

“I wanna do you in the sand.” The vulgarity of is expression
stabbed at her in the same way he did last night.
“I gotta do something before I see you, but I
want you to meet me at the park near your house—with the pines.” It had pine
trees that rose above all of the buildings around it. They called it Forest

“I love you.” She didn’t want to stop talking to him, but
her class was starting soon.

“I love you too.” They were silent for as long as they could
be then, when she couldn’t wait any longer, she hit the end button and walked
to class.

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