Alicia's Misfortune (41 page)

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Authors: S. Silver

BOOK: Alicia's Misfortune
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Chapter Three

I woke up in a good mood for the first time in a whole
month. The room was small and dingy, but I felt like a million bucks. When I
opened my email first thing after I woke up, I was surprised to see that Eric
wanted me to come see his place. If this wasn’t an indicator that he was
considering me, then I didn’t know what else this could have meant. So now the
main question was do I still go and apply to jobs today? I hated that I was the
type of woman that depended on a man, but that’s how I’ve been living these
past few years. While I went to school, John worked and provided me with
whatever I needed.

“I did this to myself.” I said and bit down on my lip. If I
would have been a little more independent then I wouldn’t have been trying to
fly to another man to help me with my financial problems. I was slowly learning
that I was the type of woman that I never wanted to grow up to be. “Maybe he
wouldn’t mind it if I got at least a part-time job.” I said to myself. I wanted
some type of work experience and to have some money of my own. With my
Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Business Management, I was sure that it looked
good on paper until potential employers saw that I didn’t have any work

“Eric does seem like an understanding man. If I told him
he’d probably help me out.” I knew that the fact that I’ve never had a job
before would eventually come up in conversation. If I could show him that I
tried, then he probably wouldn’t think that I was pathetic. I was so deep into
thought that I jumped when I heard someone banging on my door. I walked over to
the door and looked out of the peephole and saw that it was the receptionist of
the motel. “Can I help you?” I asked opening up the door.

“You didn’t pay for your room last night.” He said without
an ounce of sympathy in his voice. I blushed when I realized that I hadn’t paid

“Hold on one second, I’ll pay you now.” I said but I knew
that since he was standing outside my door he wasn’t going to give me a second
option. It was probably pay now or get out. I grabbed forty of the dollars that
Eric gave me last night and thrusted it into the man’s greedy hands. “Sorry
about that.” I said and he grunted.

“I’ll bring you your change shortly.” He said and walked
away from me. I closed my door and went into the bathroom to freshen up. When I
came out of the bathroom I wasn’t surprised to see that he had just shoved my
change under the door.

“This place is horrible.” I said. He was the type of person
that did not care about anyone else. The receptionist didn’t care that I was so
down on my luck, the only thing that interested him was my money. “I can’t wait
to leave this place.” I said with venom in my voice. So I was really hoping
that Eric would consider me. I sat on my bed and thought about what I’d do
while I wait for Eric to get off of work.


I decided to apply for some jobs at the mall. Eric agreed to
pick me up from here and I was happy for that. When I was done filling out
applications I sat in the food court and waited for Eric to email me. I still
felt a little bad that the man had to email me just because I couldn’t pay my
cell phone bill. Eric asked me how I was using my phone if it was broke but I
had a good answer for that. I told him that the earpiece and the mouthpiece
didn’t work on my phone anymore so that’s why I had to get another one. I kept
refreshing my email to make sure that I didn’t miss his email. I finally got an
email from him the tenth time that I refreshed it.

Hey, I’m outside.
read and I messaged him that I’d be out shortly. I maneuvered my body through
the teenagers who were all wandering in the mall and I was happy when I made it
outside away from the rowdy crowd. When I looked in the parking lot I saw Eric
standing outside of his car with the door held wide for me. I smiled and walked
over to him.

“You look beautiful today as well.” Eric said and embraced
me. He helped me into his car and closed the door for me like the perfect
gentleman that he was. When he got into the car we spoke about nothing in
particular until we arrived at his house. Eric’s house wasn’t the nicest house
that I’d ever seen but it was still amazing.

“Your house is beautiful.” I said as he led me through each
room of his house. Once he had given me the full tour, we stopped in the
kitchen and he pulled out two glasses from the cupboard.

“Thanks I actually hired an interior designer to decorate
the place.” I looked at him surprised and he just gave me another one of his
beautiful smiles. “Every time my mother came over she used to talk about how
plain my house was so I did it to shut her up.” I laughed at this but I could
understand how people decided to do things just to shut a nagging parent up.

“Well the interior designer did a great job. I’m sure your
mother is happy about the change.” He nodded his head and pulled some rum out
of a cabinet and some coke out of the refrigerator.

“I hope you like rum and coke because I don’t have any wine
or champagne here.”

“Rum and coke is fine.” It’s been a long while since I had
rum and coke so it was a welcomed drink to me. He poured our glasses and led us
to his living room and it seemed like we’d talked and drunk from ages. I was
having a good time and I had a really nice buzz going.

“So I was thinking,” Eric started and I could tell that he
was tipsy as well. “I really think that you and I get along pretty well and I’d
love it if you’d consider doing something like a trial run for me? You’ll live
here with me for a week and if we’re feeling each other at the end of the week,
you’re more than welcomed to stay with me.” I had to agree with Eric. Eric and
I hit it off so well that I almost stopped thinking about John and with time I
knew that I’d be able to forget what he done to me.

“I think that’s a great idea.” I said and my words slurred.
“I am definitely the type of woman that you need in your life.” I was a bold
woman but I never said anything like that which was proof that the liquor had
gotten to me.

“I bet.” Eric said and smiled at me sweetly. I looked into
his dark eyes and I saw a longing in them that I hadn’t seen in a month and I
realized then that I wanted him too. It might have been the booze in my system
or the fact that I hadn’t gotten any in a while, but I wanted to feel his warm
hands all over my body. I wanted him to hold me, to stroke me, and I wanted to
feel protected in his arms. The way that Eric looked at me I knew that he
appreciated me and that’s what I needed most. I wanted him to take away all of
the pain that John made me feel and to replace them with pleasure. I couldn’t
resist him any longer so I leaned in close to him and kissed him on the lips.

“Mm…” I moaned as his tongue explored the inside of my
mouth. He sucked on my tongue and nibbled on my bottom lip gently. Growing hot
all over my body I reached my hands out to him and stroked his biceps. His
muscles tensed as I rubbed his arms. He reached his hands to my breasts and
cupped them and I shivered when his palms brushed over my hard nipples. After a
while of rubbing them through my dress, he pulled the front of it down exposing
them. I was happy that I decided to go braless. He took his lips from mine and
licked and sucked gently on my nipple. “Ah” I moaned again as the sensations
ran through my entire body. His movements started to become more hurried so I
was able to tell that he wanted to do much more than what we were already

“Can I take your dress all the way off?” he asked. I looked
at him with a ‘did you really have to ask me?’ expression on my face and I
nodded my head. He pulled the dress down my curvaceous frame and I lifted my
hips so that he could pull it completely off. He discarded it on the floor.
“You’re stunning.” He said and I blushed. Even though I’ve had several drinks,
it’s seems like my drunken high was coming down, but I still enjoyed myself

“Take off yours too.” I said and he stood up and took off
his clothes. When he was completely naked he came back to me and captured my
mouth in his again. His long and slender fingers traveled down my body and
nestled themselves in between my legs. “Ah!” I jerked my mouth away from his as
he rubbed small circles around my clit.

“You’re wet.” He whispered and started thrusting his fingers
inside of me. I squirmed to his touch and I knew then that we were ruining his
couch. After a while of playing with me he took it up a notch and buried his
head between my legs. I screamed out loudly and orgasmed in his mouth. I blushed
when he looked up at me and I started to feel bad that I was the only one
receiving pleasure. I pushed him away from me and got off of the couch. Once I
was on my knees I placed his throbbing cock into my mouth. He hissed as I began
playing with his balls while taking him all the way in my mouth. I had only did
this with one man, but I was happy that I was able to drive him wild.

“I want more.” I said selfishly and pulled away from him. He
nodded his head and grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom. After he had it
fitted over his length he push me onto the couch.

“Ready?” he asked and I nodded my head enthusiastically.
Once he pushed himself all the way into me I threw my head back in ecstasy and
cried out.

“Eric!” I said and my nails raked over his broad back. We
both were breathing heavily as he thrusted in and out of me. He kissed me again
and this time I took the lead. “I’m getting close!” I said when I felt the
familiar rush through my body that I’d only known with John.

“Me too,” he barely was able to say and then he clenched his
eyes shut tightly. We both came crying out our pleasure and quivering. His
muscular body fell on top of me and I wrapped my arms around him. For some
reason I felt very emotional as he held me gently. In his strong arms, I fell
peacefully to sleep.

Chapter Four

I woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, probably
because I was in a nice and comfortable bed and not that hard bed at the motel.

“Eric!” I called out as I got up and wrapped the sheet
around me. I was happy that Eric had carried me to bed, but I was a little sad
that he didn’t bother to at least put my dress over my head. I wasn’t used to
being naked around anyone other than John. I walked in the kitchen and saw that
he had left a note on the table for me.


I needed to go into work a little bit earlier today so I
wasn’t able to cook any breakfast for you. You looked so peaceful sleeping in
my bed so I didn’t really have the heart to wake you up. I left some money on
top of the table in the living room for you so that you can buy some breakfast
(I haven’t been grocery shopping in a while). There’s a nice café around the
corner on Belmont that cooks good food. I also left a spare key to the house.
I’ll see you when I get off.


I smiled as I read his letter while I walked into the living
room and as promised there was money and a key to his house. I knew that I was
going to at least be at Eric’s house for a week so it’ll be a good idea to
check out of the motel. Even if he didn’t choose me I knew for a fact that I
wasn’t going to that motel again. First thing first I had to wash the remnants
of Eric’s and my explosive sex from last night off.


Two hours later I was around the corner from Eric’s house
eating one of the best omelets that I’ve ever eaten. It wasn’t crowded in the
café and I was happy for that. This day was definitely one of the bests that
I’ve had in a long time even though I was enjoying my own company.

“Maria?” I heard a deep voice say and the hairs on the back
of my neck stood. I knew exactly who that voice belonged to.

“John.” I tried to say as flatly as possible. I didn’t want
him to see how much his presence had unnerved me.

“I wasn’t expecting to run into you here.” He said with an
edge to his voice. “But I’m glad that I did. Will you please stop calling and
texting me? You and I are done and you’re starting to piss Alexis off.” My
cheeks burned with embarrassment. I hadn’t even attempted to get in contact
with him for at least a week.

“I haven’t been calling you recently.” I said lowering my
voice. I was embarrassed that he was talking about this here in public.

“Good because I don’t want you to come in between me and

“You and Alexis?” I said incredulously. I couldn’t believe
that John was talking like I was trying to break up his so called happy home.

“She’s the one who came in between me and you!” I shouted
back at him and people began staring at us. This wasn’t the same man that I
remembered. The guy standing in front of me was a delusional bastard who only
cared about himself. “I was having a good morning. Why did you have to come
over here and ruin it? Please go away.” I said my face growing hotter and
hotter as I felt people staring at us. Before John could say anything, a man
who was sitting in the corner of the café approached us.

“Hey man, she said leave her alone.” I looked at the man’s
face and he was quite a fearful sight. He wasn’t unattractive, but he looked
like he’d been in fights since birth. His face had many scars on it and I could
see old wounds on his arms. John looked over at him and frowned.

“Mind your own business man. I’m trying to tell this broad
to stop calling me.” Before I had enough time to defend myself the man grabbed
John by the collar and the people in the café gasped.

“I see a man bothering a woman not the other way around.
Don’t make me get ugly in front of all of these people.” John grabbed the man’s
wrist and tried to yank it off of him but the man had a tight grip on his

“I’m calling the police!” one of the servers said. The man looked
at John long and hard and pushed him away.

“Don’t come around here anymore.” The man said and John
glared at the man. Without saying anything to me, John turned around and left
out of the café. I don’t know if it was out of shear embarrassment or because
John said hurtful things to me, but I began to cry.


The man must have been uncomfortable because the man paid my
bill and grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the building. Normally I
would’ve been uneasy with being grabbed by an unknown man, but all of my hurt
was shot through me in a matter of minutes.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” the man said as he ushered me in his
car. He was the first person to ask me what was wrong with me and for some odd
reason I decided to spill my heart out to him. I told him how John had kicked
me out because he found another woman and how he left me to be homeless. I told
him that I was struggling to get a job after graduation because I didn’t have
any work experience. I even told him how I met Eric through an ad he placed for
a mail order bride.

“Life just hasn’t been going my way and just when I get a
little piece of happiness, I see the person who took my happiness away.”

“Wow.” The man said then and leaned back in his seat.
“You’ve had it rough. I’m sorry to hear that.” He reached into his glove
compartment and handed me some Kleenex. I took it from him and dabbed it on my
eyes and blew my nose with it. “Don’t let what that man said to you make you
feel bad about yourself. He lost something good and not the other way around.
Be glad you found out what kind a man he was before you two settled down.” He
was right about that because it would have hurt me more than everything if John
did this to me if we were married.

“Thanks, um.” I spent all of this time talking to this man
and I realized that I didn’t know his name. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch your
name.” I said and I smiled sheepishly at him. The man smiled at me too.

“Edward and yours?”

“Maria, it’s nice to meet you and thank you for listening to
me complain.” I began laughing out of embarrassment and relief. I couldn’t
believe that I just told a complete stranger about everything that has happened
to me lately. I had to admit though that it felt good telling him about it
since I wasn’t trying to impress him or anything like that.

“So Maria since you’re staying with this guy wouldn’t it be
wise to get your stuff from that motel? I know of the place and from what I
know about it it’s not safe for a woman to be there by herself.” I was glad
that Edward offered, but I still felt bad for having him waste his gas on me.

“Yeah it wasn’t the most luxurious place I’ve ever stayed
at. Thank you so much for your help. Let me pay you back for paying for my food
and for driving me.” I said as I began reaching into my purse. He placed his
hand on mine and I blushed at how warm it was. I still wasn’t used to having
other men touch me yet.

“Don’t worry about it. Let me help you out, it’s the least
that I can do.” I looked at Edward then and I noticed despite how rugged he
looked, he was kind underneath his exterior. I moved my hand away from my purse
and fastened my seatbelt.

“Thank you.” I said again and I sat back in my seat. Edward
started his car and we drove in silence to the motel.

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