Alien Heart (7 page)

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Authors: Lily Marie

BOOK: Alien Heart
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“Kiele—God, don’t stop.”

He teased one breast, then moved to the other, nipping, licking, kissing every inch of skin. Her hands slid up his back, over the scales tracing his spine. He stilled against her, lifted his head.

“Anji—” He shuddered under her touch. “They do not—disgust you?”

“Your scales? God, no. They feel like silk. Why do some of you have more than others?”

“Those who spend more—time in the water keep their scales.” He was having a hard time talking, and she liked that she was the reason. “As commander of a ship, I spend the minimal amount.”

“Fascinating.” She dragged her fingers up his spine again, and he took her lips in a hot, drugging kiss. She gasped when his cock pressed into her, hard and thick. He smiled against her mouth and pushed himself deeper, just an inch, just enough to drive her crazy. “More.”

. We have all night.”

“Good God.”

He was going to kill her with love.



Kiele strode through
the ship, taking in the damage as he headed for the prison wing.

He felt—lighter, stronger. Anji was a wonder; so human, yet so accepting of what must be strange and often unfathomable. Being the hybrid of two worlds—water and air—gave the T’An abilities beyond the people they once were. That she trusted him, opened herself to him, joined with him…

His heart ached from the joy of her.

As he rounded the corner, and faced the prison, his heart ached for another reason.

Orlen stood in front of Lian’s cell, and it did not take a stretch to know which side his engineer would be on.

“Leave us, Orlen.”

He bowed his head. “Commander.”

Kiele waited for his footsteps to fade before he turned to his brother.

“Why, Lian?”

“You know why. We need—”

“You will never have my support, not for this. Certainly not when you board my ship like thieves and blow up my engine.”

“Why are we still moving? I heard the explosion myself—”

“A tactic I learned from the humans. Always have a backup.” He almost smiled at the confusion on Lian’s face. “I have a secondary engine. It will be powerful enough to take us where we need to go.”

Lian sneered. “You still have your misplaced affection for this race. They are inferior, Kiele. Violent, selfish, destructive to their own environment. Do you know what they wrought on their only planet—”

“I know them, Lian. Their history is like ours—flawed. But they are worthy of our alliance, our friendship. What your scientists are doing is wrong.”

“They are trying to save us, Kiele. Have you noticed your time between necessary immersions has shortened? There are many who think we may be reverting—”

“None of that excuses what they are doing.” Kiele stepped so close to the force field separating them the energy brushed over his skin. “If I ever come across one of their death labs, I will shut it down. With force.”

Lian brushed damp hair off his face. Pern had obviously taken Kiele at his word, giving his brother time in immersion. “If you would only talk to one of them—”

“This conversation is done, little brother. Once we reach the planet, I am handing you over to the tribunal—”


“For damaging my ship, and threatening the lives of my crew. It is past time you learned that your actions have consequences.”

Kiele walked away, steeling himself against the pleas Lian shouted at him. He halted when he turned the corner; Orlen waited there, frowning.

“Say one word in Lian’s defense, and you will join him at the tribunal.”


“Someone told Lian how to board my ship.”

“It was not me, Kiele.” The calm tone in Orlen’s voice, with no hint of panic, told Kiele he spoke the truth. “You mated with her. Your human.” His nostrils flared. “Your scales are glowing.”

“She is my match. You may not understand, but when you finally meet the female who leaves you aroused and humbled at the same moment, I wish you the joy I feel at this moment.”

“Hm.” He raised his eyebrows. “She is a decent mechanic.” From Orlen, that was high praise. “I do not object because she happens to be human. As our leader, your mating should have been announced, celebrated.”

“A public mating was not my preference.” The way Anji aroused him, he would not have been able to join like they did, not with his crew watching. “It was also spontaneous. I never expected her to offer, without any prompting.”

“I would say she wanted to take advantage of your authority. But since she has no idea who you are,
, ulterior motives were not her reason.”

Kiele just managed to keep from flinching. Telling Anji about his family was on his list, just not yet. She was still adjusting to him as a different species; adding in that he was one of the First would most likely overwhelm her.

“Thank you for your well wishes, Orlen.”

His engineer cracked a rare smile. “I never thought you would mate, Kiele. You care too much about the people under your command to devote yourself to one person. I am happy for you.”

“So am I.” He fought back a yawn, and failed.

“Go—find the sleep you missed last night. I will inform you when we have reached Taurean II.”

Kiele halted, turning back to Orlen. “I set a course to Saoulor.”

“The human engine will not take us so far. It was built for a smaller, lighter ship. I plan to remedy that while we are having repairs done. Taurean has an ample water source, and the crew is long past due for leave.”

“Very well. Grant it—in shifts. I only want a few of my crew surrounded by the ‘healing fumes’ of the relaxation spa.”

“Understood. I will not be one of them.”

Kiele smiled. “Understood.”

This time the yawn escaped, and Orlen shook his head. “Go to bed, Kiele. Enjoy your new mate. Just keep the details to yourself. I have to work with her.”

“As you wish, my friend.” Kiele slapped his engineer on the shoulder. “Contact me when we have arrived.”

If Orlen said anything, Kiele missed it. His mind was already on Anji, and how quickly he could find himself inside her.




A quiet but
insistent beeping dragged Anji out of sleep.

She slapped at the nightstand, annoyed. Sleep had not been part of Kiele’s agenda last night, and now that she had finally dropped off, the endless beeping was not welcome.

Kiele stirred behind her, unwrapping the arm around her waist to reach for what she now realized was a comm unit.


“Lieutenant Pern, sir. We have arrived on Taurean, and the first shift is ready for leave, with your permission.”

“Granted. I hope you included yourself in one of those leave shifts, Pern.”

“Thank you for thinking of me, sir, but this is not my idea of leave. I will be happy to remain aboard and keep watch on the prisoner.”

Kiele sighed. “As you wish, Lieutenant. I will be on the bridge within the hour. Suun out.” He dropped the comm back on the nightstand and pulled her against him, nuzzling her neck. “Good morning,

His cock also said good morning, hard and thick as it slid between her legs.


He stilled. “You are sore, Anji? If so, I will—ˮ

“No. Just tired, from you keeping me up half the night.”

A satisfied grin lit his face. “I am sorry.”

“Right. You look really sorry. And I need a shower.”

“As do I.”

She saw where this was going. “I want to wash.”

“We will,
.” His smile left her breathless. “Thoroughly.”




Anji found herself
plastered to Kiele’s chest halfway through their shower, kissing him like her life depended on it, his long, thick cock pressed between them.

She put a kibosh on sex in the shower, since she wanted to actually shower. Now all she wanted was him inside her. But he was taking her at her word, and driving her crazy in the process.

“Kiele—ˮ She moaned his name against his lips, rubbing up and down his throbbing length.

“Hmm?” She would have thought he was completely unaffected, except for the fact that he was hard as a rock, and his hands shook against her back.

She freed her lips, gasping for breath. “Want you—now.”

“You insisted—ˮ

“Yeah—I changed my mind.”

“Thank the stars.”

Before she had time to take a breath he pinned her to the wall of the shower and pressed himself inside her, inch by thick, hot inch, until he filled her to the hilt.

She fought the scream in her throat and rocked against him, her hands sliding over his cool, slick skin. He pulled out and filled her again, using the wall to thrust deeper, moving slow at first. That didn’t last long.

She held on to him as he pounded into her, every fast, deep stroke pushing her closer to the edge. His lips found her throat, licking and kissing his way up to the sensitive spot behind her ear. She let out a raw scream and arched against him, her body clamping around him as the orgasm took her over.

He followed right after her, his breathing harsh as he spilled himself inside her, so hot as he touched her core with his final thrusts. She climaxed again, her fingers digging into his back as she rode it out, not surprised this time when he joined her, his second release more explosive than the first.

Finally, he lowered his head to her shoulder, his body shaking, his cock still buried deep inside her, twitching as he came down.

“Anji,” he whispered. “I love you, my heart. You are my world now.”

“Kiele.” She slid one hand in his hair. “I never expected—God, I never thought I’d find a man like you.”

He lifted his head. “What kind of man were you looking for?”

She blinked, surprised by his question. But he looked genuinely interested in her answer. “Smart, funny, gentle, strong. A good man, who treated other people with respect.” She traced the scales at his hairline and he shivered. “You are all that, and more.”

“Even though I am not of your planet.”

“The more I’m with you, the less alien you become. Except for the sex.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “That is out of this world.”

His laughter vibrated through her, and they both moaned as he grew hard, filling her again.

“No woman has affected me as you do, Anji.” He pulled out, then slid into her, slow, deep, touching her core. His hand slid between them, his fingers rubbing her clit as he stroked her. She arched against him, heat shooting through her. “You touch me so deeply, with your joy, your kindness, your acceptance. Do not leave me—ˮ

“Never,” she gasped, already at the edge again. “I love you, Kiele Suun.”

“I love you, Anji Pearce Suun.”

He kissed her, his tongue sliding over hers, hot and fast, as he drove them both over the edge.



Kiele held tightly
to Anji’s hand as they walked through the city on the edge of the infamous spa. He had never been to Taurean; the rumors of decadence and public sexual displays kept him away. His men had never professed a desire to visit, and he hoped now they would not develop a taste for the offerings of this place.

He did have to admit, the city itself was lovely. Plants filled every possible niche, lush and green against the curving white walls of the buildings. Consisting mainly of shops and eating places that catered to the tourists, he thought he might be able to find one that was acceptable, to celebrate their joining. He did know, after a bit of research, that there was a laser tattoo center here. Anji had been hesitant, but he wanted so much to mark her, and wear her mark, as a visible representation of their joining.

Perhaps if he agreed to her human tradition of the wearing of rings, she might agree to—

A young human woman stumbled out of a side street, half-dressed and bloody. Kiele let go of Anji’s hand and caught the woman, searching for the source of her injury.

“Where are you hurt?” He kept his voice gentle, but she widened her eyes and screamed as if he were brutalizing her.

“No! Let me go! I didn’t sign up for this—you can’t make me go back to—ˮ

“It’s okay.” Anji gripped the woman’s arms, held her until she ceased her struggles. “Tell me what happened.”

Wide, pain blurred eyes moved from Anji to him, then back to her. “You’re with—him?”

“He’s a good man, and he’ll protect you, if someone has hurt you. What happened to you?”

“I answered an ad for a job. Next thing I knew I was in a—ˮ

“There you are.” A human male strode out of the same side street, his white coat proclaiming him a medic of some kind. “Thank you for stopping her. Melissa has been avoiding her medication the last few days, and she does tend to get a little hysterical without it.”

“I’m not—ˮ

The man pulled her out of Anji’s grip and wrapped his arm around her. “Time to go home, Melissa. A little sedative, a good night’s sleep, and you’ll be better than new.”

He hustled her out of sight, but not before Kiele saw the absolute panic cross her face, followed by a despair that confirmed his suspicion.

“Kiele? You know what’s going on, don’t you?”

“Not here.” He took her hand and led her to a quiet, nearly empty park, not stopping until they were in the middle, where he could see anyone approaching them. “You know of the rumors, of experiments conducted by our scientists.” She nodded, her eyes intense as she waited for him to continue. He knew she may very well leave him after he told her. “The rumors are true, Anji. And I fear one of those labs might be hiding behind the luxury of this spa.”




Shocked, Anji jerked
out of his grip and stared at the spa in the distance.

“How long?” She turned back to Kiele, the shock turning to anger. “How long have you known?”

“Since the rumors first began. It is one of my assignments, Anji. To find and stop those who would exploit other races.” He didn’t try to touch her, or stop her from backing away from him. “Your human physiology is close to ours, and there are certain factions who desperately wish to be free of our dependence on water. They believe that by—ˮ He swallowed, then continued, staring past her. “By dissecting those who breathe only air, they will find the solution, the freedom we once had, before our home planet was flooded, forcing our ancestors to adapt.”

Finally, she saw the truly alien side of the man she’d joined herself to. “What will you do, if you find one of these labs?”

His hands clenched into fists. “Free the people they hold, and destroy the lab. I will do whatever it takes to stop them, Anji.”

“Kiele.” He looked at her, and the anguish she saw in his eyes tore at her heart. “I’m sorry.”

He nodded, like he already knew what she was going to say. “I understand,
. I do not blame you for your disgust. I am appalled by what my own people are doing to—ˮ

“No.” She moved back to him and took his hand. He stared down at their joined hands, then at her. “I’m sorry I pulled away from you. I
you, Kiele, in here.” She laid her other hand over his heart. “And I know you’d never be part of something so monstrous.”

“Anji.” He yanked her forward, his arms shaking as he held her. “I thought I had already lost you.”

“I’m supremely pissed that one of
people is involved. That bastard took her back there, knowing damn well what he was condemning her to. I want to stop him. I want to stop this.”

“We will, love.” He kissed the top of her head, his arms strong now as they held her. “But we must be careful. The factions behind these labs are powerful, and paranoid. They will not hesitate to kill anyone who dares to interfere.”

“Then we’ll need a clever plan.”

He set her at arm’s length, frowning. “I do not like the sound of this plan.”

“Let me tell you first, then you can frown at me.”

“I will, with one condition.”

“What?” She was pretty sure she wouldn’t like his condition.

When he smiled, she was absolutely sure. “We celebrate our joining with tattoos.”

She hated being right.




The laser tattoo
turned out to be less painful than she anticipated, and the image Kiele chose—a dolphin leaping over the sun, the same as the amulet he wore, the symbol that represented his family name—was incredibly beautiful, small and delicate on her left wrist.

It was hidden now under a clever wrist wrap with a breathable bandage over the tattoo, since the skin needed time to heal, and any light would fade it.

“You need only wear the bandage for two days, Anji.” Kiele looked anxious, and she touched his left arm, next to the wrap around his forearm.

“I’m not worried—I’ve had bigger bandages from work related injuries. I just want to show it off sooner.” She slapped his arm when he grinned. “So you were right—stop gloating. I love it, Kiele.”

He stopped in the middle of the street and pulled her into his arms, kissing her like they weren’t surrounded by staring tourists. When he finally let her go, she was flushed and aroused. Not a good combination in public.

His voice was rough when he spoke again, his voice low enough so only she heard him. “I am going to check the area around the spa. Alone, Anji, so do not argue. These men are dangerous. They know what they do is tantamount to murder, and they would be condemned if they were discovered. Go to the spa, see if there is anything suspicious, then meet me at the café in the city center.” He tightened his grip on her shoulders. “Do not do anything but observe. Anji. Do you understand? You would be an ideal candidate for them.”

That sobered her in a hurry. “I’ll be careful.”

“You have one planetside hour.” He kissed her again, too quickly this time. “I love you.”

“I love you back. Be careful, Kiele. I’m not the only one they’ll hurt if they get caught.”

He kissed her forehead before he strode off, so tall, so incredibly good looking as he made his way through the afternoon crowd, flashing a smile whenever he met a stranger’s eyes. God help her, he had firmly wrapped himself around her heart.

Shaking herself, she moved to the side of the closest building and braided her hair, pulling one of the hair bands she always kept in her pocket to tie it off. Then she followed the signs to the spa entrance.

The huge building stood at the edge of the city, all glass and white stone, with what looked like palm trees surrounding it. When she got closer, she saw they
palm trees—just not real ones. Some kind of flexible, fibrous construction, and she had to actually touch one to tell.

“Impressive,” she muttered, and moved around the thick trunk. A small panel was at the base, and she crouched, opening it. A few simple switches, probably to light it up.

“They look lovely at night.” The soft, feminine voice froze Anji’s hand on the closest switch. “You are the first one to notice. Please allow me to welcome you to Taurea Spa.”

A hand appeared in front of her. A definitely not human hand. Swallowing, Anji took it, and stood, facing her first reptilian alien.

She was striking, her scales smooth and a rich, deep green, the same color as her eyes. She also made the T’An look human.

“Um, thank you—for the welcome. Sorry, I’m staring.”

The alien released her hand, what Anji interpreted as a smile baring her sharp teeth. “Most humans do, the first encounter. But your people tend to be our most loyal patrons, with your fragile systems always needing to be realigned. Would you like a tour?”

“I—yes, that would be great.”

She followed the alien down a crushed shell path, and through huge glass door that slid open at their approach. Inside the spa was as opulent as she expected, with its reputation. The alien stopped at a long, chest high front counter.

“I am C’luthla, but you can simply call me Cee. Our names tend to be difficult for your tongues. Come, I will take you through.”

“Anji Pearce.” She decided to leave out any connection to Kiele. Just in case. “I’m a mechanic by trade, which is why you found me checking out your trees.”

“There are two or three that tend to short out on a regular basis. If you plan to stay on planet for a few days, perhaps I could retain you to look at them.”

“I’d love to. A new challenge,” she said, smiling up at the tall woman. “Most engines are the same thing, different location. But those trees are a work of art.”

Another smile bared those long teeth. “It is refreshing to speak with a human who appreciates something not of their creation. Come, there is much to see, and I can only show you a small portion. I have clients arriving soon. I will start you on the tour, and you will be free to wander as you wish. As a future contractor for the spa, take this,” she handed Anji a bracelet, with a small chip dangling off the silver chain. “It will allow you full access to the treatments offered. Consider it your advanced payment for looking at our trees.”

“Thanks. Do you do massages? I’ve been dying for a good deep tissue massage.”

“Every kind you have heard of, and some you may not.”

“I’m always up for something new.”

A coughing sound Anji hoped was laughter burst out of Cee. “You are the most amusing human I have met in my time here. Shall we?”

She led the way into the depths of the spa.




Every time Kiele
thought he had found the evidence he needed, he ran up against a dead end.

Whoever had established the lab here was careful, hiding their tracks too well for even a focused search. Frustrated, he returned to the spot where the human female first appeared. Whatever it took, he would find where she had been taken, even if it turned out to be a health facility. He could stretch his next immersion to tomorrow morning, if his suspicions were confirmed.

He followed what should have been a path back to a building of some kind, and ended up in another park.

“Underground,” he muttered, studying the grass under his feet. “They have gone underground.”

His heartbeat accelerated as he retraced his path, looking not for a building, but a way down. Halfway back he saw it, disguised as a grate at the end of the side street the female first stumbled out of. The nearly invisible handle gave it away, and when he crouched for a closer look, he found an access panel, which meant he needed a code to open it.

“Anji would find a way.” He had no idea he would miss her, after so short a time together. She was part of him now, as no other woman had been before. If he lost her—

She was smart, and quick. He had to believe she would be fine, that she would be careful. He planned to do the same.

He closed the panel, remembering a scrambler Orlen had on the ship. That would give him a chance at breaking the code—

“Stand up.” He froze at the voice, speaking in his native language. “Slowly, hands in sight.” Kiele obeyed, turning to face the T’An, and the laser pistol aimed at his chest. “Commander Suun. It is a pleasure to meet the brother of my captain.”

Kiele closed his eyes briefly. The faction his brother led was a rabid supporter of the labs. It made sense they would also be protecting them. He refused to let them continue—especially with Anji nearby, and vulnerable.

“I am sorry to say the pleasure is not mutual.”

Kiele smacked his fist against his captor’s lase pistol and lunged forward. They both hit the street, sliding across the slick stones. He grappled for control of the pistol and managed to slam the man’s hand on the street. The pistol flew out of his loosened grip—and he wrapped his arms around Kiele, going straight for his gills. Kiele twisted in the confining grip, broke free and rolled out of his reach. He got three steps into his escape before he was tackled.

Fingers gouged into his scarred gills. He let out a raw scream, clawing at the source of the agony. The man pressed deeper, as if he knew this was Kiele’s weak spot.

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