Alien Slave (21 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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Wynhod’s eyes gleamed in the dying
light. “Not for longer than a couple of hours. They follow their
noses, and their sense of smell is acute. Once they pick our trail
up again, they’ll be coming fast.”

He lay down on the ground, his long
strip of dark hair spreading out to pillow his head. His arms
crossed over his stomach, and he closed his eyes. Almost
immediately, his chest rose and fell rhythmically.

Dani gaped. “No way he’s already

The growing gloom made Krijero’s dark
face almost impossible to see, but his white teeth flashed in a
grin. “He’s trained to rest in a high-danger situation when he can.
If anything happens, he’ll be on his feet and fighting before any
of us who are still wide awake.”

Gelan’s voice rolled from the shadows.
“Enjoy her if you like, Krijero. I have this watch covered. Just
stay quiet, both of you.”

Dani sensed, rather than heard him
creep away. She’d noticed how silent he and Wynhod could move. In
comparison, she and Krijero clomped around like a herd of elephants
wherever they went.

She waited for Krijero to manhandle
her. She didn’t really want to have sex right now. She was sweaty,
her head ached a little, and her stomach continued to voice small
complaints. Eating bugs no doubt had her breath less than minty
fresh too. But she had no choice, so she wished for the next best
thing: that he’d hurry up and get it over with.

He stood right next to her, close
enough that his arm brushed against hers. She could hear him
breathing, and she had the feeling he watched her. Still, he made
no move. She wondered if he found her as gross as she found

The thought made her grumpy. She
snapped, “Well, you heard the man. What are you waiting

Instead of throwing her on the ground
or walking away, Krijero’s voice cautiously asked, “Why did you run
from us? Did you prefer the brothel?”

His unexpected question startled Dani
enough that she admitted the truth. “Not really. The brothel was
awful, and you – your clan treated me well back on

She stopped there, hoping that would be
enough for him. He didn’t prod her for more, just stood as if
waiting. The silence spun out until Dani needed to fill it. “Look
Krijero, it’s nothing personal against your clan. It’s just –
you’re Kalquorians. You demolished my planet.”

Still he said nothing. His stillness
stretched out, as if he had all night for her to answer his
question to completion. Dani stared into the darkness, wishing she
could see his face. Was he really that interested in what she had
to say? It couldn’t be. Yet he remained quiet, his aura of patient
curiosity enveloping her in warm regard.

Dani sighed. “I know my people had a
lot to do with Earth’s destruction, what with setting up Armageddon
rather than letting us be taken prisoner. But come on, you have to
admit your race had a hand in that too.”

To our eternal shame.” His
gentle tone did hold a note of regret, the same repentant tenor
which his clan had expressed for the Joshadans.

Dani’s heart resonated with sorrow, fed
by Krijero’s remorse. “Billions died, including my family and
friends. You may not have intended genocide, but that’s what your
people did to mine. After that, do you really expect me to go
skipping happily at your side? To say, ‘sure, I’d love to be your
sex slave; jump on and ride me silly’?”

His fingers stroked through her hair.
His hand was so warm, and Dani couldn’t help but lean her head into
the comfort of his touch.

His pleasant, rumbling voice was just
as consoling. “I suppose that’s reason enough to be unwilling to be
our property. You didn’t anticipate ending up on a hostile world
with Tragooms chasing you though.”

Dani snorted, a thoroughly unattractive
sound. She winced, both at her lack of grace and her stupidity,
which Krijero had pointed out. “That’s the trouble with me. I never
anticipate anything.”

His fingers continued to comb her
matted hair. The gentleness of Krijero’s touch and the kindness in
his voice made her feel soft all over. “Do you have a history of
not thinking things through before you do them?”

His tone’s lack of reprimand made it
easy to confess her shortcomings. Dani shook her head at herself
and edged closer to the dimly-seen shape. “Do I ever. I saw a movie
as a child on Earth, a cartoon called ‘Alice in Wonderland’. The
main character said something like ‘I often give myself very good
advice, but I very rarely take it.’ That’s me in a

The fingers moved to stroke her arms.
“Why do you do that, Dani?”

She suddenly wanted his arms around
her, giving her the fantasy of a safe refuge. “I don’t know. It
always seems like a good idea when I do it, but it kicks me in the
ass later.”

Then his arms did wrap around her and
Dani sighed, resting her cheek against his chest. His voice rumbled
soothingly against her ear. “We’ll have to work on

Are you doing your
psychologist thing on me?”

Does it upset

She thought about it and couldn’t
decide if being analyzed bothered her or not. “You sound like a
parent, or at least what I always imagined one should sound like.
Wynhod said you three were probably old enough to be my fathers.
How old are you?”

In Earther years? Let me
think.” He was quiet for a few seconds. At last he answered,
“Fifty-five. Gelan and Wynhod are just a couple years


He chuckled. “That’s not so old for
Kalquorians. We live an average of about 250 years.”

No wonder you all treat me
like a baby.” She sighed. “It would help if I didn’t act like one
so much. You must think I’m stupid.”

His hold on her tightened, molding her
against his very hard body. “Not stupid. Impetuous, perhaps. Maybe
desperate for attention, even if it means getting into

Yeah well, I got into
plenty of trouble with Gelan. My ass still hurts.” He’d wore her
out all right. She’d probably have to sleep on her

He didn’t enjoy that, you
know. Punishing you upset him very much.”

Do you think so?” Dani
tried to peer into Krijero’s face, but she could discern only the
slightest suggestion of it in the darkness.

I know it. None of us wants
to see you hurt in any way. You’re funny, smart, and very pretty.”
The Imdiko’s voice took on a hesitant quality, as if he thought she
might laugh at his compliments.

That defensive tone touched her. Dani
reached up to stroke his face. She lightly rubbed her thumbs over
his eyebrows and ran caressing fingertips over his nose, cheekbones
and stubbled chin. Last she traced his lips, feeling the warmth of
his shaky breath on her hands. He held absolutely still for her
investigation, and she felt how strongly his heart drummed. His
cocks had come to hard life inside his pants, pressing against the
barrier. Yet the man who had spoken with such quiet confidence only
moments before suddenly projected an aura of

I wonder who hurt him?

She didn’t want Krijero to act like
this. She wanted him self-assured and strong. Did the man not
realize how handsome he was, how mouthwatering desirable? Jeez, and
she thought she had body issues.

Well, she knew a thing or two about
making men, even the ones she found unattractive, feel wanted. At
least with Krijero she wouldn’t have to pretend he got her hot.
Despite her fatigue, hunger, and growing headache, mashing herself
up against the chiseled body of the alien got her juices flowing,

As tall as she was, Dani’s lips only
reached to Krijero’s rough chin when she stood on her toes. She
nibbled the scruffy flesh as her arms circled his neck. “You don’t
have to be nice to me. You can just take what you want. I belong to

He sounded strained. “Yes, but it’s not
nearly as enjoyable to me that way. Do you like anything about me,

She heard it again, that poignant
wistfulness in his voice that seemed to ask, am I good enough? She
couldn’t understand it, not having seen Gelan and Wynhod’s devotion
to their clanmate.

But it was there, and she knew the kind
of pain that made that sound. Putting every ounce of conviction in
her voice she could muster, Dani stated, “You’re handsome, Krijero.
Your body is gorgeous, and I love how it feels when you’re inside
me. Honest to God, Earther men have nothing on you.”

He grew harder but didn’t speak. Maybe
he needed more than just affirmation of physical attractiveness?
Dani searched for the right words to shore up his seemingly shaky
self esteem. “Our differences aside, you don’t seem like a bad
person. I had fun when you and the others took me out for dinner.

She stopped, afraid to say anymore. Who
was she kidding? He was a Kalquorian, and the brute couldn’t
possibly think like she did. If she didn’t watch herself, she’d get
punished again.

His voice, soft and wondering, drifted
on the night air. “What? I won’t get mad.”

Dani swallowed. The note of hope his
voice held needed addressing. With a deep breath, she forced the
words out. “There’s something sad about you. Like you’re afraid of
being too vulnerable. Maybe someone hurt you who you

A long silence reigned, long enough for
Dani to think she’d better get ready to defend herself. But instead
of angry blows, Krijero managed a shaky laugh.

See?” he said. “You’re not
stupid at all. You like that I’ve been hurt?”

She shook her head, relief making her
almost dizzy. “Knowing you’re capable of that sorrow appeals to me,
not the fact you actually feel it. Will you tell me about

Another long silence ensued. At last
Krijero sighed. “Maybe one day if we form a bond of trust. It won’t
happen overnight.”

It probably won’t ever happen, she
thought. All she said was, “That’s fair. I don’t trust you

He chuckled ruefully and hugged her
tight to his body. Knowing Krijero had experienced the same kind of
pain she’d known made Dani want to be close to him despite her
reservations. But she wasn’t about to bare her soul either. Her
pain was her own, and she wouldn’t put it on display for a

Still, his body called to her in a way
different from his hurt, and she decided a romp would be nice. “If
you want me, I won’t fight,” she told him.

His crotch stiffened harder against her
belly. “I do want you” he said, his voice deepening to a growl.
“But do you want me?”

Dani didn’t want to admit her
attraction out loud, not when they’d bought her like a loaf of
bread at the grocery store. So instead she moved sinuously against
the big alien, nibbling at his chin once more. “What do you think?”
she said in her breathiest voice.

His mouth tilted down to possess hers,
his kiss deep yet somehow cautious. Dani responded to the tentative
invasion with ardor she didn’t have to fake. Krijero really was
delicious, and her body liked his quite well.

The Kalquorian drew back from their
kiss and pushed her back just far enough to allow him to strip his
boots and formsuit off. The darkness of his form crouched down to
the ground, and his fingers tugged at hers. “Come down here with

Dani went willingly, her urges in no
way reluctant to serve the alien. She found he kneeled on the
springy ground, and he arranged her so that she straddled his
muscular thighs, sandwiching his cocks between their bellies. She
squirmed eagerly against the hot, hard lengths.

I’m so glad your libido
wasn’t stunted by the repressive government that ruled you,”
Krijero whispered.

I bet you are,” she smarted

He chuckled at her sally and engulfed
her in one of those stomach-warming kisses again. Dani ran her
hands all over him, delighting in the lithe, well-defined physique
while sucking on his rough textured tongue. She rubbed against his
cocks, making him groan.

Krijero let her explore his smooth body
for a few blissful minutes, his breathing growing louder and faster
as she moved against him. Dani felt compelled to memorize him with
tongue, hands, her entire body. The Imdiko’s thighs became wet with
her juices as she slid over them.

He might have been the gentlest of his
clan, but Krijero still had the Kalquorian alpha mindset, which he
finally gave in to. Dani suddenly found her wrists pinned behind
her back by one big hand, and he leaned back to separate their
torsos, which she’d been trying to meld together.

Krijero,” she whined. “What
are you doing?”

He didn’t answer. Instead he spread his
thighs a little. She straddled him, so his move opened her wide.
She caught her breath when his fingers began stroking her nether
lips. A low groan seemed to come from the depths of her

Remember we must be quiet,”
Krijero warned. He then went to work tormenting her, his fingers
dancing over her tender flesh. He spread her honey all over,
wetting her anus and clit.

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