Alien Slave (18 page)

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Authors: Tracy St.John

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #scifi, #scifi erotica, #new concepts publishing, #mild bdsm forced seduction multiple sexual partners, #alien slave

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Gelan brushed a gentle hand against her
cheek. Dani leaned a little into his touch, and Wynhod saw his
leader swallow.

I think the ground gets
higher about a mile away in those woods. That will be a good place
to stop and rest for a bit,” Gelan said.

Wynhod nodded. He picked up Dani,
cradling her in his arms like a baby. She sighed, snuggled her face
into his chest, and immediately went to sleep. Feeling her warm,
sweet body cuddled up to him shook something inside. It was his
turn to gulp.

Gelan snorted un-amused laughter.
“We’re in trouble, aren’t we?” he asked in their

Wynhod sighed.

Krijero looked from one to the other of
his clanmates and shook his head, his expression going tight. “I
knew buying her would be a mistake.”

Wynhod quirked a wry smile at his
Imdiko. “Perhaps. But the deed is done, so let’s do the best we can
with her.”

Krijero humphed but said nothing else.
They continued their journey without another word. Wynhod kept
looking at the precious creature in his arms as they walked,
wondering how they would convince her to stay with them

* * * *

A gentle kiss coaxed Dani out of her
slumber. The lips tasting hers were soft. A warm wet tongue prodded
her mouth open to slip delicately inside. The raw silk surface of
it twined with the brushed velvet of her tongue, making her insides
warm goo.

The mouth left hers, and she moaned
with loss. She opened her eyes.

The three Kalquorians bent over her,
all intently staring into her face. She sensed they sat on the
ground under the shade of many trees, and she lay draped over their
legs. Dani froze, all the good feelings fleeing

Collar,” Gelan said,
holding his hand out to Wynhod.

The Nobek fiddled with a pouch on his
belt, drawing out a thin, gold hoop. A slave collar, Dani
recognized. Her heart sank to see the locator attached to

There was no point in fighting them.
She lay unprotesting as Gelan placed the hated weight around her

Three years enslaved to these men if
they adhered to the contract and didn’t keep her forever. She
blinked back tears.

Damn them.

Gelan spoke in his language to the
other two men, who nodded and moved back, leaving her draped across
the Dramok’s lap. He looked into her eyes. Dani stared back,
stone-faced. He probably wanted her to beg him for mercy. Well, he
could wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which filled
up first. She’d give him nothing.

After a moment, Gelan said, “Lay down
on the ground.”

Dani looked at her surroundings. The
ground here wasn’t wet from the looks of things, so they had left
the swamp behind. The ground cover didn’t look much like the grass
on Earth. The vegetation grew in lavender swirled tufts. It would
be pretty if she was in the company of anyone else.

Why do you want me to lie
on the ground?”

Gelan’s tone was no-nonsense. “Because
you are going to serve your masters.”

Dani’s stomach curled in on itself. Her
thighs pressed hard together instinctively.

Standing over her and Gelan, Wynhod
glared down at her when she didn’t move. “From now on, if you
question our orders or delay in obeying them you will be punished.
Now obey your Dramok.”

His words reminded Dani of the terrible
spanking Gelan had given her. She became aware of the low ache
still pulsing in her buttocks as the last dredges of sleep fled her
body. Oh no. She couldn’t bear the humiliation of that

She rolled off Gelan’s lap to the
surprisingly springy ground. At Gelan’s order, she lay on her back,
hissing when her still sore buttocks came in contact with the soft
curls of grass.

Dani cringed as Gelan crouched between
her legs. “Hold yourself open,” he told her, bending her knees up
towards her shoulders and placing her hands behind them.

Feeling terribly vulnerable, she
nevertheless obeyed, holding herself splayed wide for him. Once
more she had to fight tears of angry despair at bay.

Dani expected Gelan to open his pants
and take her with ruthlessness to demonstrate his dominance over
her. Instead, he surprised her by stroking his fingertips up and
down her body. His touch was as gentle as the kiss he’d wakened her

You are beautiful, Dani,”
he said, his voice hushed with feeling as he looked into her

She didn’t know how to respond. Why was
he being so nice to her now? She’d have thought he’d continue to
punish her for what she’d done, treat her like the slave she was.
Instead, he looked at her with a lover’s gaze, caressed her with a
lover’s touch. Like she mattered.

Dani didn’t want to respond to Gelan’s
seduction, but when he bent over her to kiss her, his hands cupping
her ribcage, her insides melted. The tenderness with which his
mouth worked hers only punctuated the powerful body that brushed
against her. It was as if compassion only underlined the brute’s

He made her feel helpless and protected
all at once, which made no sense given this was the bastard who’d
wore her ass out like a strict father reproving a wayward ten-year
old. He’d hurt and shamed her.

Yet as Gelan kissed his way down her
chin and throat, pausing at the hollow to lick delicately, Dani’s
body responded to him. She’d have gladly staked him out in the sun
on top of a fire ant hill and watched him scream right now, but her
lower regions bubbled with ardor as he continued down to mouth her

Damn him to hell, he had the most
educated hands and mouth she’d ever known. Those mighty paws of his
curled around the bottoms of her small mounds, pushing them up to
his mouth. He fed on one as if famished, sucking it all in his maw
while his raspy tongue swirled all around her eager nipple.
Pleasure zinged from the peak to her clit, and Dani couldn’t help
but writhe beneath him, showing him her enjoyment.

So very sensitive,” he
growled as he drew his mouth away. “These are perfection, my little

He bent to the other breast, making
Dani cry out with sensation as he nipped and sucked it into a hard
peak to match the other. Then he went back to the first, capturing
the pebbled tip between his teeth and lashing it with his

Back and forth he went, until Dani
thought she might go mad from the blissful torment. Her breasts had
always been an embarrassment to her, so small and insubstantial.
But Gelan praised them in between maulings, commenting on their
perfect shape, on their eager response to his touches.

He finally lifted his mouth from the
now reddened orbs, and Dani shuddered with a mixture of arousal and
dread to see his fangs distended. His gaze met hers for an instant
before his head darted down again with the speed of a rattlesnake
strike. Dani shrieked as the needle-sharp teeth speared the upper
part of her left breast.

Gelan seemed oblivious to her fists
peppering his shoulders with furious blows. After a moment, the
pain faded, and bliss poured through her being as the intoxicant he
sent into her system worked its magic. Her battering turned to
caressing as she hummed happy moans.

She’d heard of the strange chemical
Kalquorian bites sent into their victims. If they bit an enemy, it
left them helpless to fight. Same for the women they wished to

Feeling like an angel drifting on a
cloud, Dani watched through half-lidded eyes as Gelan withdrew. His
fangs folded to the roof of his mouth, and he slowly licked the
blood from the small puncture wounds he’d made. Each languorous lap
from his tongue resonated throughout her body.

To her delight, Gelan kissed his way
down her torso, taking his wonderful tongue ever closer to her
clamoring sex. Her stomach trembled as his lips traveled down it,
pausing to lick the delicate cup of her navel. Then he sat back on
his knees, cutting short the lovely journey to where she wanted him

She whimpered, pulling her legs farther
apart in invitation. Gelan grinned at her, the heat in his
cat-slitted eyes warming her lower parts. She thought she might
melt as the massive alien loomed over her. The Dramok exuded brute
masculinity, all hungry, aroused man. Just kneeling there, his
presence awed. His crotch bulged with twin erections, thick lengths
of iron he would eventually thrust into her open, vulnerable flesh.
Dani felt very small, very feminine, very turned on as he eyed her
with assured possessiveness. And why not? He owned her, after all.
She belonged utterly to him, and under the influence of the
intoxicant she welcomed it.

Gelan stroked her mound, rendered
permanently hairless as part of her indenture on Dantovon. The
naked flesh tingled at his touch, and Dani caught her

This is mine,” he told her.
His fingers moved down to her outer lips, a butterfly’s kiss on
dewy flesh.

Dani trembled all over. Her voice piped
several octaves higher than usual. “Yes.”

It belongs to me.” He
traced the sensitive crevice separating outer and inner lips. His
other hand went lower, brushing her anus. Her nether parts

Yes.” A hiss of breath, no
sound left.

Mine to do with as I wish.”
The statement came out in a low, animal growl as he ran a finger up
and down her slit.

Yes, her lips mouthed. The trembling
had turned to outright shaking.

With a satisfied smile, Gelan lowered
his face to her womanhood. Starting at the bottom of her rift, his
tongue flattened against her quivering flesh. He licked up and up,
ending at the distended nub of her clit. Dani arched and wailed
with delight. She gushed honey.

He did it again, his rough-textured
tongue working slowly to capture every precious drop. As he
finished up at her most sensitive flesh, Dani felt herself quiver
at the edge of crescendo. A bright spike of sensation took her
right to the brink. Then Gelan was back at the start, leaving the
orgasm unrealized.

He paused to dip two fingers into her
wetness. He pressed one of the slick digits into her anus,
stretching her gently before adding the second finger. The taboo
penetration lit every nerve. Forbidden fruit had always been her
weakness, and nothing on Earth had been as forbidden as anal

While Gelan stimulated her most secret
entrance, he laved her avid pussy over and over, keeping her at the
peak without allowing release. Dani sobbed with delight and need.
What he did felt so good; on one hand she wanted this glorious
teasing to never end, on the other her body clamored for release.
She’d never known such gorgeous torture.

Her tissues swelled and reddened. Her
clitoris emerged from its hood, blatant with excitement as it
greeted every sweep of Gelan’s tongue. Dani’s stomach still
appeared flat, but that was a lie. She felt how it distended from
the inner pressure, excruciatingly tight as it bloated towards the
inevitable explosion.

And still the Kalquorian lapped the
tormented flesh, building the delicious agony beyond what Dani had
thought possible. Her sobs had become little screams, and she
writhed on the ground like a wounded snake. Her head tossed from
side to side. God, she needed to come, needed it like a man in the
desert needed water.

Please,” she wailed. “Oh
please, I want to come, please let me come.”

Gelan chuffed laughter as he made
another pass up her slit. But instead of flicking her straining
clit this time, he drew a circle around it with the tip of his
tongue, refusing to touch the needy nub. Dani screamed in
frustration and let go of her legs to grab the back of his head,
trying to force him onto the demanding flesh.

The Dramok’s reaction was immediate. He
reared up with a roar, lunging forward so his face was only inches
from hers. Snarling like an animal, he bared his fangs at her with
an expression of feral rage.

Fear somehow both increased her arousal
and brought it under control. Dani went very still beneath Gelan,
not even daring to breathe.

Between the growls that trickled from
his pulled back lips, Gelan muttered, “This is not your body to
command. It is mine, and I will pleasure it if and when I

Afraid to provoke the muscled beast
crouched over her, Dani kept silent. She slid her hands slowly from
Gelan’s head. She gripped the backs of her knees once more and
spread herself as wide as she could.

With a final snarl, Gelan eased back on
his haunches. He stared at her for several seconds that felt like
an eternity. In the midst of her petrified, intoxicated arousal,
Dani thought him the most deadly, beautiful creature she’d ever
seen. Like a sleek panther, the alien was pure danger that
enthralled even as he terrified.

His gaze travelled down her body,
ending with her offered pussy, open and vulnerable to him. Gelan
shuddered all over. He pulled at the top of his formsuit, yanking
it down to his thighs. His glistening cocks sprang free, thick with

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