Aliens and the Antichrist: Unveiling the End Times Deception (12 page)

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The Earth Prior to the Creation of Adam and Eve

Discussing Earth’s history predating Adam and Eve sheds light on a number of mysteries. Paramount among these mysteries is the modern enigma of alien life- forms, an enigma that actually isn’t modern at all. From the Bible research I’ve conducted on Earth’s ancient past, I now understand the underlying reason why aliens (which I consider to be synonymous with the host of heaven, some of which are angels), have been visiting Earth for so long. I also know why those who are hideously evil and far more powerful than humanity haven’t invaded Earth in force—at least not yet (because of the restraining power of the prayers and actions of the saints of the church—2 Thessalonians 3:6). Furthermore I have a new view on the vast scope ofsalvation, and I can see what role alien contact may play in Earth’s future in regards to the scope of salvation. But before I discuss the grand conclusion of all these findings, I must first return to an ancient Earth, which predates humanity.

As I already mentioned, I once believed that Earth was much younger than the widely accepted scientific view currently suggests. I believed Earth was young for one main reason: the Bible provides detailed genealogical information dating all the way back to Adam that accumulates to roughly six thousand years. Because Adam was created on the sixth day of creation, the Earth is only a few days older than Adam is.

Contradicting this calculation is the fact that dinosaurs have been carbon dated to be anywhere from 66 to 245 millions of years old.
But how could dinosaurs exist in a world where there was no sin or death? It was through Adam and Eve that sin and death were introduced into the world, so dinosaurs, being the vicious killing machines that they were, couldn’t have preceded Adam and Eve. No carnivores could exist prior to Adam and Eve—or so I thought. Because of these facts, I concluded that Earth must be much younger than the majority of the scientific community believes, but my views on this have since changed.

I recall how fascinated I was in early 1996, when I first stumbled across the Watcher Web site.
When I read about ancient angelic civilizations that once existed on Earth prior to Adam and Eve being created, it was as if a light turned on in my spirit. Something about it seemed right. That light quickly faded, however, when I systematically picked apart the researched material I was reading. Most of the scriptural references seemed to be taken out of context, concerning the existence of a pre-Adamite civilization on Earth.

When it comes to Bible research, I’m very systematic about how I interpret scripture. I always take the literal meaning first because the Bible is primarily a simple, no-nonsense document. If it’s from God to his children, then the majority of it should be easy to understand at face value. Also the literal interpretation is always the easiest interpretation, and not as subject to opinions as symbolic interpretations, so it’s the most stable interpretation.

On the other side of the coin, however, if scripture is from God, then it may very well contain a nearly infinite degree of meaning, hidden as nuggets of truth. As scripture states, it is the honor of kings to seek them out (Proverbs 25:2).

Proverbs 25:2

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.

In short, scripture provides the light we need, and it dynamically fills our spirits like water in a sponge, uniquely tailored to each person’s level of maturity, intellectual astuteness, spiritual wisdom, and a vast array of other characteristics that make us the individuals that we are.

In most cases, scripture provides a clearly understood literal meaning, but often embedded deeper within are numerous symbolic meanings. Most scriptural interpretative mistakes are made when a possible symbolic meaning is given more weight than the literal meaning. This is a common theme among most cults, sometimes to the degree that a symbolic meaning might even contradict the literal meaning. This only happens, of course, when the human imagination is playing on the interpretive Ferris wheel—without the company of logic or common sense, and especially without the Holy Spirit’s illumination. Symbolic interpretations must always be consistent with the rest of scripture, and the context of the passage. These basic rules have helped me understand the Bible immensely, but I still had some learning to do back then, just as I do now.

Just to give a simple example of how symbolic interpretations of scripture can distort the true meaning, the doctrine of reincarnation is directly refuted with a literal interpretation of Hebrews 9:27. Furthermore, the message of justice combined with grace, mercy, and salvation brought through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross would have little meaning if unrepentant people that died in sin were just reincarnated. Jesus would have died for nothing if this was the case, yet there are still people who insist that Luke 1:17 promotes the doctrine of reincarnation, when it clearly doesn’t.

The whole point of streaming off on this tangent about how I interpret scripture is simply to say that the Watcher Web site I previously alluded to wasn’t written well enough for me to accept the ideas that were espoused. The site spoke of how the account of creation in Genesis starting at Genesis 1:2 is actually the re-creation of Earth to a habitable state—and furthermore that an ancient angelic civilization existed on Earth prior to the creation of Adam and Eve. I was initially fascinated, but when I looked up the scriptural references on the site, they appeared to be taken out of context.

When I wrote
Aliens in the Bible,
I used information from the Watcher site to provide supporting information concerning a possible ancient civilization on Mars. I spoke of Richard Hoagland’s exploded planet hypothesis, which suggests that there was once another planet in our current solar system (known as Astera) that exploded and became what is now the asteroid belt. The Bible refers to the destruction of this planet in several places, which I documented in
Aliens in the Bible.
For the sake of brevity, I will only repeat the scientific discoveries of that same research here, yet link them with new relevant Bible passages that I didn’t mention in
Aliens in the Bible.

Concerning Mars in particular, there are four items of scientific interest that have developed in recent years indicating evidence of life that once may have existed on Mars. These include the discovery of organic compounds found on asteroids, what appears to be fossilized microorganisms found on a meteorite from Mars, the face and pyramids also found on Mars, and evidence of a cataclysm that destroyed the atmosphere of Mars.

About the first item of interest, the discovery of organic compounds found on asteroids, the 1987 October edition of Science magazine had this to say:

D.P. Cruikshank and R.H. Brown reported a startling piece of news. They had discovered organic compounds on three asteroids: Murray, 103 Electra and Orguiel. Utilizing the process of spectral analyses of reflected light from these three asteroids, Cruikshank and Brown detected amino acids. More star- tlingly, “aqueous alteration products,” such as clay were found, suggesting that the parent body had been affected by water. If these asteroids did in fact contain sediment, it could not have deposited without large quantities of water. But these were asteroids—relatively minute chunks of rock hurtling around the sun from a common area between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. The evidence found on these asteroids could only mean that they were from a parenting body possessing an atmosphere and oceans.

As for the meteorite from Mars, NASA’s report regarding possible fossilized evidence of life is reported on a government Web site as follows:

In August 1996, a group of scientists announced that they had found evidence of ancient life on Mars. This evidence included bacteria-shaped objects and organic chemical molecules in the Martian meteorite ALH 84001, which was collected in Antarctica. In the next few days, NASA presented the work at a press conference, the President made a statement about it, and the TV and papers were full of reports, speculation, and jokes about life on Mars.

Coupled with the first two discoveries above, photographs of the face and the pyramids on Mars have been discussed in depth in the media. Widely disputed as tricks of light and shadows, the photos of what appear to be artificial structures on Mars are still compelling.

Further documenting the history of Mars, the above article continues.

Satellites sent to Mars in 1976 collected information concerning the geological nature of Mars, and its atmosphere. The images from the orbiters mapping sequence made it clear that Mars had experienced a nearly unimaginable catastrophic episode. With the evidence of oceans of water having once flowed on Mars’ surface in huge quantities, it was apparent that the Martian atmosphere was once more dense, and the climate much more hospitable. Sometime in the remote past, for reasons still being debated by astrophysicists, there was a cataclysm on Mars. The Martian oceans washed over the surface of the planet, inundating their continents. The vast atmosphere was ripped away, and the once Earth-like environment was laid waste.

What do organic compounds found on asteroids, microorganisms found on Martian meteorites, the pyramids and face on Mars, and an apparent catastrophe that occurred on Mars, all point to? All these clues can be wrapped up in one package with one unique theory, called the exploded planet hypothesis.

According to noted astronomer Tom Van Flandern in his presentation
Exploding Planets & Non-Exploding Universes: The mechanism for explosion,
the exploded planet hypothesis was very popular back in the 1950s. A scientist by the name of Ramsey came up with a number of ways in which terrestrial-sized planets could either implode or explode with changes of state with certain elements in the core. For example, one such change of state would be the turning of water into ice. According to Ramsey, if the pressure and temperature conditions were right, they might produce a change in state in a planet’s core, which could result in a spontaneous explosion or implosion.

Evidence of such a planetary explosion, according to conspiracy theorist and author Richard Hoagland, is exactly what comprises the asteroid belt of our solar system today. Asteroids found to contain organic compounds, along with the unexplained catastrophe enshrouding the fate of what Mars once was, both testify to a planetary explosion that occurred long ago.

Following is an excerpt concerning the generally accepted view of how the asteroid belt was formed:

The accepted theory for the creation of the asteroid belt is usually the failed planet accretion theory. This theory states that during the primordial beginning of the solar system, a planet which astronomers call Astera was forming in the place now occupied by the asteroid belt. Jupiter’s gravitational influence on the incipient planet was too strong for it to solidify. Because of Astera’s insufficient mass early in its development, it fragmented.

What Richard Hoagland points out, concerning this accepted theory for the creation of the asteroid belt, is that according to new evidence, it simply can’t be correct. As he puts it, “The facts are becoming more obvious…both the planet Mars and this mysterious parent body of asteroids once sustained oceans and atmospheres.”

In short, the most likely scenario explaining the asteroid belt and the fate of Mars is that at one time, there was a planet that formed (or more correctly, was created). This planetary body, Astera, was an intact planet containing water and life, rather than a cluster of debris that failed to accumulate into a planet. Furthermore, for some mysterious reason, this planet exploded, and became what is now known as the asteroid belt.

A clue in scripture pointing to this catastrophic event may be found in the Hebrew word “Rahab,” (not to be confused with the prostitute mentioned in the Old Testament). This word means “boaster,” and most interpretations of its destruction are thought to be figurative of God destroying the proud, which I agree with, but I think there’s more to it. While Psalm 89:10 simply mentions God destroying Rahab, Psalm 87:4 speaks of Rahab as if it’s a place, grouping it with the destruction of Babylon. Isaiah 51:9 goes further to link the destruction of Rahab with the destruction of Lucifer’s ancient kingdom of the past, in the “ancient days, in the generations of old.” Rahab, therefore, may actually be an ancient Hebrew word that obtained its definition, “boastful,” from the character of the citizens of an ancient kingdom that was destroyed long before humanity ever existed.

Psalm 89:10

Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm.

Psalm 87:4
* (bold emphasis added)

I will make mention of
Rahab and Babylon
to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.

*Many places in the Hebrew language became words with meanings that evoke memories of the places. Sodom, for example, means, “burnt” in Hebrew. Babylon also derives its name from the Hebrew word “Babel,” dating back to Tower of Babel, and the “confusion” that God cast over its inhabitants. In order to maintain consistency in the above passage, if Rahab is interpreted as “boastful,” Babylon should be interpreted as “confusion,” but a simple reading of the text precludes this. Clearly, Rahab and Babylon are both physical places that God destroyed.

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