Aliens and the Antichrist: Unveiling the End Times Deception (16 page)

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In Genesis 1:1, the heavens and Earth are created, or brought into existence; in Genesis 1:21, the sea creatures are created, or brought into existence; and in Genesis 1:28, man is created, or brought into being. Thus the word “bara” is reserved for the introduction of each of the three great spheres of existence: the world of matter, the world of natural life as in all living creatures on the Earth, and the world of spiritual life on Earth as represented by man. The heavens and Earth were brought into existence “in the beginning,” while the living creatures and man were brought into existence on Earth, on the fifth and sixth days of the restoration of Earth to a habitable state. All other accomplishments in the six days were not of a
nature—things were
out of already existing material that had been created in the various periods or ages “in the beginning.”

The sun, moon, and stars were
on the fourth day of creation (or re-creation, to be more precise), as described in Genesis 1:14-19.

Genesis 1:14-19
(bold emphasis added)

And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth. And it was so. And God
the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. And God
them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.

In the English language, everything except the words “made” and “set” allow this to mean that God removed the darkness that covered Earth. This is especially evident where it states that the work of the fourth day was to “give light on the earth.” As already previously elaborated, the word “made” does not mean that God created these objects from nothingness; it actually means in this passage that God simply restored Earth so that it received light again. As for the word “set,”
Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon
reveals that it can be used with “great latitude of application” and can be translated with other words as well, such as appoint, assign, ascribe, charge, commit, apply, add, and so on.
God “set” the sun, moon, and stars in the expanse of the heavens to give light on Earth could easily be reworded to say that God “assigned,” “ascribed,” “committed,” or “charged” the sun, moon, and stars in the expanse of the heavens. Such a translation would have a much different connotation in the English language than using the word “set.”

The Hebrew word for heaven is “shamayim,” meaning lofty, sky, the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve. It is found over 650 times in the Bible, and in most places, it should have been translated “heavens.” God created the heavens, which includes the sun, moon, stars, and all the inhabitants of heaven and all things therein (Nehemiah 9:6). Then he created Earth and its inhabitants and all things therein. After that, an unknown period had transpired when angels ruled the universe. Then something happened on Earth that caused God enough anguish to obliterate it, because in Genesis 1:2 the Earth was void, and without form. This is where the flood of Lucifer comes into the picture.

The translation of the word “was” from the Hebrew “hayah” is the verb “to become,” not the verb “to be.” It is translated “became” 67 times (Genesis 2:7, 19:26, 20:12, 24:67; Exodus 4:3-4; Numbers 12:10, and many others); “becam- est” 2 times (1 Chronicles 7:22; Ezekiel 16:8); “came” and “came to pass” 503 times (Genesis 4:3, 6:1, 6:4, 11:2, 11:5, and many others); “become” 66 times (Genesis 3:22, 18:18, 48:19, and many others); “come” and “come to pass” 131 times (Genesis 4:13, 6:13, 6:18-20, 27:40, and many others); and many times “be” in the sense of “become” (Genesis 1:3, 1:6, 1:9, 1:14, 3:5, and many others).

The words “without form” are from the Hebrew word “tohu,” which means waste, desolation, or confusion. It is translated “waste” (Deuteronomy 32:10); “without form” (Genesis 1:2; Jeremiah 4:23); “vain” (Isaiah 45:18; 1 Samuel 12:21); “confusion” (Isaiah 24:10, 34:11, 41:29); “empty” (Job 26:7); “vanity” (Isaiah 40:17, 40:23, 44:9, 59:4); “nothing” (Job 6:18; Isaiah 40:17); and “wilderness” (Job 12:24; Psalms 107:40). Simply using
Strong’s Enhanced Lexicon
will reveal all of these translations.

How could Earth
become tohu
if it isn’t even created yet? Answer: it was created in Genesis 1:1, and in Genesis 1:2, it was annihilated.

Delving deeper, the Hebrew word for “earth” is “erets,” meaning “dry ground.” Genesis 1:9-10 states, “And God called the dry land Earth,” so we can read Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the dry land.” In Genesis 1:2, the dry land is then covered with water, proving that it was flooded after its original creation (Psalms 104:6-9; 2 Peter 3:5-6).

Genesis 1:9-10

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land

Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Psalms 104:6-9

Thou covered it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them. Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth.

2 Peter 3:5-6

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.

Thus the heavens and Earth were completed and inhabited, and then Earth was flooded in Genesis 1:2 before the beginning of the six days of Genesis 1:32:25.

From these passages, it should be clear what Genesis 1:2 is actually saying. God did not originally create Earth in a state of chaotic desolation. It is stated in Isaiah 45:18 that God did not create Earth
(vain, or desolate), yet in Genesis 1:2 Earth
became tohu.
If Earth was not originally created desolate, then it must have been created and inhabited, then later

Isaiah 45:18
(bold emphasis and bracketed comments added)

For thus says the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it,
He created [bara] it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited:
I am the LORD; and there is none else.

Reiterating Genesis 1:1, God first created the heavens and Earth. After that, perhaps several billion years transpired between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2; scripture states in Job 38:5-7 that there was a period of time when angels dwelled among the stars in harmony with God. Concluding the dispensation of angels, as theologians call it, was Satan’s deceptive cavorting around the universe, deceiving the angels into his scheme to invade heaven and overthrow God. It was at this point that Earth was destroyed (Genesis 1:2).

But wait a minute. Why destroy Earth? Did God think, “Gee, Lucifer over here has deceived a bunch of his fellow angels, so I think I’ll change his name to Satan, and then go and destroy this obscure little planet on the south side of the universe for no particular reason”? Was destroying Earth God’s way of beating a pillow in frustration?

The fact that Earth was destroyed before the creation of Adam and Eve is the first clue indicating that its destruction was linked to Lucifer’s fall from glory. But what does Lucifer’s rebellion against God have to do with the destruction of Earth? The answer is simple; Earth was his home, and it was destroyed by a worldwide flood that predates the creation of Adam and Eve.

The flood of Lucifer is both an Old Testament and New Testament doctrine. Moses (the author of Genesis, which I already covered), Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah listed in the Old Testament, and Jesus, Peter, Paul, and John in the New Testament, all spoke of the flood of Lucifer.

Isaiah 14:12-14 provides the first clear piece of evidence that Lucifer ruled Earth before the days of Adam. This passage covers a period in Lucifer’s history when he ruled, and then was defeated, so it had to be a time before Adam was created. It wasn’t until after Adam was created and deceived by Lucifer that Lucifer, who was then known as Satan, was able to regain dominion of Earth as the prince of this world, as he is today—but not indefinitely. To understand this passage, the law of double reference comes into play, because the passage alludes to both Satan and the king of Babylon. The king of Babylon is the visible person who is immediately addressed in Isaiah 14:4, and Satan, who is also addressed in Isaiah 14:12-14, is the invisible entity who is using the visible person as a tool to hinder the plan of God.

Isaiah 14:12-14 makes statements that obviously don’t apply to the king of Babylon, even though he is the one who is initially addressed. The statements directed toward Satan are those that I will now highlight.

Isaiah 14:12-14
(bold emphasis added)

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst
weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in your heart, I will
ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my
above the
of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the
sides of the north:
I will
ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High.

These statements tell us a great deal about Lucifer’s fall from glory, which occurred at a time that predates Adam and Eve. First Lucifer was a king, because he had a throne; this also implies that he had subjects over whom he ruled. Isaiah also states that he weakened nations, which had to be composed of other nonhu- man living beings (angels and those who had not become angels yet), because

Adam and Eve weren’t created yet during the time that Lucifer was a sinless being ruling as a king.

Of most concern to Earth’s ancient history is the fact that Lucifer’s kingdom was on Earth. If this were not the case, he never could have ascended above the clouds, stars, and into the highest heaven. When a kingdom is located under the clouds, it has to be on a planet, and the Bible only alludes to other planets indirectly as being celestial spheres in the heavens. If Satan were in the heavens already when he began his invasion into the highest heaven where God’s throne is, then he would’ve already been among the stars from Isaiah’s perspective, rather than under the clouds. How could he be in the heavens if he was under the clouds? His ascension above the clouds, and then to the stars, naturally implies that his point of origin was Earth.

Initiating his rebellion from Earth, Satan did, in fact, ascend above the clouds, and then out among the stars to other planets. He established dominion throughout the universe, where he deceived one-third of the stars (implying the angels among them—Revelation 12:4). Moreover, Ezekiel 28:11-17 speaks of Lucifer’s ability to walk amid the stones of fire (most likely referring to intergalactic travel among solar systems). This was a privilege that Ezekiel states was revoked when Lucifer was defeated after his invasion into the highest heaven.

Isaiah 14:12-14, as well as numerous other key scriptures, plainly reveals that Earth’s significance in the universe has to do with its history, and all the clues point to the fall of Lucifer: hell is in
Christ came to
to establish his plan of salvation; and Satan will be confined to and defeated on

Note also from this passage of scripture in Isaiah that the ground, clouds, stars, and heaven were already created, even before Adam and Eve existed. This is further evidence pointing to the account of creation from Genesis 1:2-2:25 being the restoration of Earth to a habitable state, rather than an original creation.

Take further note that God’s throne is located in the northern hemisphere of the universe (also mentioned in Psalms 48:2, 75:6-7). Why else would a physical direction be associated with God’s throne?

The thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers in heaven and on Earth, referenced in Colossians 1:15-18, are the authorities Satan deceived. They were located throughout the heavens and on Earth. Lucifer was given a kingdom, which he expanded to include those he deceived. From this, as well as from other scriptures that will follow, it appears that his kingdom was centered on Earth. His subjects were earthly creatures, and those who were not angels were destroyed in the flood of Lucifer. Thus it can be argued that Isaiah teaches that Earth was

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