Aliens and the Antichrist: Unveiling the End Times Deception (34 page)

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I’m not alone concerning my opinion that the wars of the future will include otherworldly alliances. People in the highest echelons of government around the world are keenly aware of how such alliances would dramatically affect the outcomes of future wars. Even back in 1955, General Douglas MacArthur voiced his concern about such alliances, and the fact that the people of Earth should stick together, rather than fight among each other.

“The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the Earth must some day make a common front against attack by people from other planets.”

General Douglas MacArthur was actually prophesying when he stated this, because this statement is exactly what the Antichrist will use for his strategy, to unite the people of Earth against Israel, and against God’s invasion to defend Israel (which I will discuss more in depth later). This won’t happen until the end of the seven-year reign of the Antichrist, however.

President Ronald Reagan voiced the same concern in an address to the United Nations, given in 1987.

“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”

Also, Mikail Gorbachev, president of the former Soviet Union, had a similar opinion.

“The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously.”

Might these national leaders be hinting at something? It appears that they all seem to be fully aware of an external threat, and they’re looking at a final confrontation of some sort. The information that is missing, however, is the fact that it’s not a simple matter of us (humans) against them (aliens). Alliances will be forged between various organizations (governments, churches, the Jews, and so forth) and beings from other worlds, just as alliances are forged between the nations of Earth nowadays. The result, therefore, will include humans and otherworldly beings on both sides of the confrontation between God and the Antichrist.

Going back to the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church, it’s as plain as day to me that an unexpected tangent such as the reality of alien beings from other worlds will be at the heart of the rise of the Antichrist, and the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church. As the greater reality unfolds before the world, the faith of many will crumble, and many will align themselves with the awesome power of what they will see before their very eyes. They will think of the Antichrist as the gateway to the future, a leader established even in the heavens—the person the whole world has been waiting for.

What will people think of the Christians on Earth in those days who refuse this new belief system? They will be thought of as dissidents refusing to accept the truth. Certainly many Christians might be confused about the happenings of the day (at least until they are enlightened by God’s faithful angels, and other sources of truth), but the identity of the Antichrist will be clear to any true believer, aliens or no aliens. True Christians will remain faithful to Christ, even if it means death, but the vast majority of the world will be thoroughly amazed with the Antichrist, and I don’t think it’s just because he’ll be charismatic. He’ll have a massive deception backing him up all the way to the end—the delusion spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, and this is where it begins. Scripture speaks of three unclean spirits who will be feeding the deception of the Antichrist (Revelation 16:13-16). The primary deception these unclean spirits will be using will have something to do with the new religion that the Antichrist will be advocating, and that new religion will have something to do with beings from other worlds.

Take special note that tied directly in with the turning point of where the Antichrist starts claiming a deitylike nature is a strange event that Daniel connects with an otherworldly battle.

Daniel 8:10-12
(bold emphasis and bracketed comments added)

And it [the Antichrist] waxed great, even to the host of heaven [heavenly forces]; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.
Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered.

Here’s a possible scenario, as sensationalistic as it may seem. To the amazement of the entire world, extraterrestrial life will become a reality when beings from other worlds introduce themselves in open contact. In their arrival, they will give special attention to the Antichrist. They will bring with them words promising peace, and this might be why Israel agrees to the seven-year peace treaty in the first place. These beings claiming peace will be the bad guys, however, because they will give credence to the Antichrist. (The good angels aren’t out of the picture, either. Don’t forget my past reference to the activities of God’s faithful angels in the end times. The good guys—also beings from other worlds, which people will have to get used to thinking of them as—will be openly communicating with the true believers of the day.)

Shortly after the introduction of these otherworldly beings and after the Antichrist has already consumed three kingdoms from the original ten of the revised Roman Empire, these otherworldly beings will inform the Antichrist of a pending invasion, which they claim will cause great devastation unless the people of Earth cooperate with them. Just as they warned would happen, an invasion ensues—but amazingly, the Antichrist, along with his new allies, will be successful in fending off this otherworldly invasion.

Whether this invasion is from beings allied with God or not is unknown; most likely they will be other fallen beings, and this attack will be a civil war among

Satan’s minions. I say this because the Antichrist will successfully defeat this invading force, which would be highly unlikely if he were fighting God’s faithful angels.

I know this all seems highly sensational and speculative, but consider the wording of Daniel’s prophecy: “He waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.” This passage is clearly speaking of a battle that originates from the heavens—outer space—and the invaders are cast down to the ground. This event will establish a historical record that will come to play later in the reign of the Antichrist, but initially, the Antichrist will use it to magnify himself. Shortly following this cosmic spectacle, the Antichrist will throw a party in the Jewish temple, putting an end to the daily sacrifices that will be going on there. He’ll boldly waltz into the temple and sit in the throne of God (the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant), and claim that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Now if that isn’t an ego, I don’t know what is.

1.5. Mystery Babylon Identified as the Roman Catholic Church

As promised earlier, I said that I’d disclose how I know that the symbol of Mystery Babylon represents the Roman Catholic Church. I don’t mean to offend any faithful Catholics, because I’m absolutely certain there are many true Christians who affiliate themselves with Catholicism. But I’m not going to hide what I know about the Roman Catholic Church because I’m afraid of offending anyone.

For starters, the great whore in Revelation 17 is clearly identified as a religious system. It will have a political influence because it will have power over the Antichrist during the first three and one-half years of his reign. Taking just these two basic facts into account, what religion located within the revised Roman Empire could actually exercise political power over governments in that area? Isn’t it obvious? The name “Rome” should be a clear hint.

The Roman Catholic religion began in Rome, obviously, but long before Christianity was accepted, Rome had integrated into its governmental system elements of ancient Babylonian Cultism, which actually started with King Nimrod (Genesis 11) and mutated as it passed down from one generation to the next, as well as from one nation to the next. The title of pontiff, and supreme pontiff, which were political offices held in Rome, are actually titles of priesthood in the Babylonian religion. Julius Caesar was made the supreme pontiff of the Etruscan Order in 74 BC, and in 63 BC, he was made supreme pontiff of the Babylonian

Order, thereby becoming heir to the rights and titles of the Attalus, who had made Rome his heir by will.

From this point forward, I’m going to outline a small history lesson I obtained from Finis Dake’s
God’s Plan for Man.
Finis Dake states the history of Rome so succinctly I’ll simply quote directly from the source.

Thus, the first Roman emperor became the head of the Babylonian priesthood and Rome became the successor of Babylon with Pergamos as the seat of this cult. Henceforth, Rome’s religion has been that of Babylon. In the year 218 AD, the Roman army in Syria, having rebelled against Macrinus, elected Elagabalus emperor. This man was a High Priest of the Egyptian branch of Babylonianism. He was shortly afterward chosen Supreme Pontiff by the Romans, and thus the two western branches of the Babylonian apostasy centered in the Roman Emperors who continued to hold this office until 376 AD. At that time, however, the Emperor Gratian for Christian reasons refused it, because he saw that by nature Babylonianism was idolatrous. Thus, religious matters became disorganized until it became necessary to elect someone to fill the office.

Damasus, Bishop of the Christian Church at Rome, was then elected to the office of Supreme Pontiff. He had been bishop for twelve years, having been made such in 366 AD through the influence of the monks of Mount Carmel, a college of the Babylonian religion originally founded by the priests of Jezebel and continued to this day in connection with Rome. Therefore, in 378 AD, the Babylonian system of religion became part of Christendom, for the bishop of Rome, who later became the supreme head of the organized Roman Catholic Church, was also already Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order. All of the teachings of pagan Babylon and Rome were gradually interspersed into the Christian religious organization. Soon after Damasus was made Supreme Pontiff, the rites of Babylon began to come to the front. The worship of the Roman Church became Babylonish, and under him the heathen temples were restored and beautified and the rituals established. Thus, the corrupt religious system under the figure of a woman with a golden cup in her hand, making all the nations drunk with her fornication, is called by God “MYESTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT.”

Following these words, Finis Dake then proceeds to elaborate on every apostasy introduced into the Roman Catholic Church from this early point in history to the present. These details are no secret to the officials in the Roman Catholic Church that have knowledge of their church history. At the end of this exhaustive list of church doctrines, which had been introduced throughout the past centuries, Dake concludes with the published words of a Roman Catholic Cardinal:

Cardinal Newman, in his book (Page 359)
The Development of the Christian Religion
admits that “Temples, incense, oil lamps, votive offerings, holy water, holidays and seasons of devotions, processions, blessings of fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure (of priests, monks, and nuns), and images are all of pagan origin.” Let any honest heart find Scripture for the above practices and see for himself that Romanism is not scriptural. The above chronological list of human inventions disproves the claim of the priests of the Roman Church that their religion was taught by Christ and that the popes have been the faithful custodians of that religion.

So, that all being said, the Roman Catholic Church is clearly the symbol of Mystery Babylon in Revelation, which will come to an end at the hand of the Antichrist.

Does this mean that Catholics aren’t saved? Does this mean that Catholics are completely lost? Absolutely not! There have been numerous reforms in the Catholic Church (such as having the Bible in English—the language of the laypeople, for a big start). Knowing a number of Catholics myself, I can certainly attest to the fact that there is wide variation among the beliefs that they profess. Many Catholics are like Mormons—they have no idea what they’re affiliating themselves with when they say they’re Catholic.

These days the Bible that many Catholics read from is the same Bible that Protestant Christians use (though there was a time in church history when they would’ve been killed for owning one). In essence the spiritual condition of any person—Catholic, Protestant, or otherwise—can be assessed by the fruit of their lives and the core of their relationship with God. If someone believes in the Bible, and professes and lives out an active, living faith in Christ as mentioned in John 3:16, then that person is saved.

Religion is not what saves people. Christ saves people, and he is able to save anyone provided there is true faith in him, even in spite of peripheral religious dogmatic inaccuracies. It’s all a matter of what he finds while he digs around in people’s hearts. That’s my opinion based on what I see in scripture, anyway.

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