Aliens and the Antichrist: Unveiling the End Times Deception (40 page)

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In addition to this city made of unearthly materials (transparent gold) appearing to float down from the sky, the changes on the surface of Earth will be momentous. There will be seven times more light (Isaiah 30:26, 60:18-22), and a great deal more land will be available due to the fact that there won’t be any more oceans (Revelation 21:1-2, yet there will still be an abundance of water—Isaiah 30:23-25, 33:20-21, 35:6-7, 41:17-18, 49:10; Ezekiel 34:26, 47:1-12; Zechariah 14:8; Joel 3:18). Also, land will be restored to unparalleled fruitfulness (Isaiah 35:1-10, 55:12, 55:13; Ezekiel 36:8-12; Joel 2:18-27, 3:1721; Amos 9:13-15), and the mountains will be much larger. The mountains of Earth will be so large, in fact, that Earth will have to be increased in size in order to accommodate them.

As for alterations made in the core of Earth, hell will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14), and the lake of fire most likely won’t be located within Earth anymore; the heart of Earth will therefore be purified. The Bible actually doesn’t give any clear statements as to the location of the lake of fire. It wouldn’t make any sense, however, to say that hell will be removed from where it already exists (in the center of Earth), and then cast into another place (the lake of fire), which would actually be the same place, if both hell and the lake of fire exist within the center of Earth. It is true that the lake of fire will be visible from God’s throne room (Isaiah 66:22-24; Revelation 14:9-11), but that doesn’t mean that it’s located in the center of Earth. Probably everything will be visible from God’s throne room, if God so chooses it.

Concerning the scientific support for the idea that Earth will merge into the first heaven, take note of the colossal Mount Zion previously mentioned, located in the center of New Jerusalem. This mountain will be 1,500 miles high! That’s
not feet. The existence of this immense mountain suggests that Earth will have to be increased in size. Only a larger planet with a higher altitude atmosphere could accommodate such a mountain. If a mountain this size were on

Earth today, satellites would be colliding with it, and there wouldn’t be any air or gravity before getting close to the middle of it. I’m not even sure if it’s possible to have such a mountain so disproportionately large compared to the planet that houses it without defying the laws of physics. It’s true that God can do anything, but he created the universe with the laws of physics in mind, and the only time he bends or breaks those laws is to prove a point. He does not simply break them just because he can. His creation generally remains consistently confined to the laws of physics.

Such a mountain could probably exist on a much larger planet, as I mentioned earlier. (Remember the onion theory. The first heaven is the outer layer of the onion, which is much bigger than the Earth of today, which is a middle layer.) It only makes sense that God would increase the size of Earth to accommodate Mount Zion, as well as the other extremely large mountains that will be on Earth in those days. Earth will be a home for many more people and even a bunch of angels at that time, so making it a bigger planet will serve several functions.

Finally, now that I’ve disclosed both the scriptural description of events and the scientific reasons behind why I think the multidimensional universe will be transformed into a singular universe again, the last reason, being a logical conclusion, remains. Logically speaking, the entire purpose for having a multidimensional universe will be moot after Judgment Day; there will be no more need to divide realms in order to prevent cursed beings from entering glorified realms because all cursed beings will be cast into the lake of fire and all cursed realms will be restored to a state of glory. There will be no corruption within Earth, on Earth, above Earth, or in the vastness of the cosmos. The heart of Earth will no longer serve as a prison for dissidents, but it will be restored; as for the first heaven, there will be no need to keep it separate from the glorified Earth.

In summation, Earth will be the new third heaven, containing God’s throne, where God will rule the universe for all eternity. Earth will exist in openness and harmony with all the other worlds in the vast universe, into exceeding levels of glory that surpass every imagination.







I started this book with a list of questions, all of which highlight the primary theme of this book—that extraterrestrial life is a reality spoken of in the Bible, and it will play a key role in the end times. By now, the answer to every question addressed should be understood.

Aliens—who or what are they ?

Aliens are exactly what most people have been saying they are: intelligent life- forms not native to Earth. They dwell in the outer atmosphere of Earth (the first heaven), and among the stars; these regions are the multilayered dimensions of the universe (multiverse), which the Bible calls the heavens. In biblical terminology, some of them are angels (both faithful and fallen), and some have not become angels yet, or perhaps may never be angels. They can all be referred to as the host of heaven. The Bible also refers to intelligent life in the heavens with terms such as “stars” (a term referring to both the heavenly beings and their dwellings—Job 38:4-7; Revelation 12:4), “creatures” (Ezekiel 1:5-7; Revelation 5:13-14), and powers, principalities, and rulers in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12).

What do aliens want?

This depends on whether they are angels or not, and whether they have been deceived or not. If they are angels faithful to God, they serve God, help humanity, learn about salvation, and spread the knowledge of salvation to all who may benefit from it. If they are fallen angels, they serve Satan either directly or indirectly by serving their own selfish motives. The primary aspect of all their actions concerns deception, for this is their greatest power. They can cause far more destruction in their war against God and his elect through deception than through any other means. The only way Satan can truly destroy a soul is through deception rather than physical destruction.

In relation to this deception, there is a very well-defined satanic agenda, of which I may have outlined a few key aspects in this book. Concerning alien abductions, it’s likely that genetic experimentation is related to the development of a new breed of Nephilim, of which the Antichrist will be the capstone achievement. Genetic experimentation may serve numerous other purposes as well, such as building up their antibodies to our diseases, so their visitations will be less hazardous for them. They could even be building biological weapons. I find the prospect of good angels using genetics to help us to be less likely, in any scenario, simply because God’s faithful angels are noted in scripture as having superior healing powers derived from a simple touch.

Concerning alien life in general, I suspect the reality of alien life will be related to a new religion espoused by the Antichrist. The heart of all the deceptions derived from this new beliefsystem will be to achieve one objective: to point people away from the identity of Christ as the savior, and the only begotten Son of God the Father, Creator of all things.

As for beings who are not angels, yet who have not sinned, they are most likely assisting angels. Beings in this category are as humans would have been, had Adam and Eve never sinned. An easy way to identify them is that they are pseudoimmortal, and they reproduce, so they’re good and glorified to a certain extent, but they aren’t angels. They are also more likely to need technology to assist them because they aren’t as powerful as those who are glorified into angelic form.

Finally, those who are not angels, but have sinned as the humans of Earth have, will fall on both sides of the fence concerning what they want. Some will seek out God and hunger for the knowledge of salvation, while others could care less about God, in which case they will assist Satan, either directly or indirectly through serving their own selfish motives. The things that beings in this category could want vary greatly. Some might be scientists using people like cattle, as some people speculate. Then again they might penetrate society and use their advantages to reap the easily obtainable pleasures of this world.

Why do all these beings come to Earth?

As I already stated, for many of them, the reason behind their visits has to do with salvation. Those aligned with God are seeking salvation or learning more about and spreading the knowledge of salvation and all the aspects of redemption, and those not aligned with God are attempting to block the efforts of spreading the knowledge of salvation, either directly or indirectly. Cursed beings exploiting humanity to obtain the pleasures of this world, for example, would indirectly block the efforts of spreading the knowledge of salvation, because their motives would be sinful, and it would be easy for Satan to manipulate them to do his bidding.

The genetic experimentation being conducted by some of them may very well be related to the construction of a new breed of Nephilim, which—again—will be another attempt at blocking the efforts of salvation through a new and unique deception for the modern scientific age.

Have aliens been on Earth in the past?

For many distraught beings, Earth was their original home, and it was destroyed, which is one of the sources of their extreme consternation. They were here before Adam and Eve, they were here before and after the days of Noah (Genesis 6:4), and they will be here in open contact in the future, as in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:26).

Are aliens among us right now?

Entire civilizations of faithful and fallen angels live right above our heads in the sky, dimensionally shifted from our perception, in a realm the Bible refers to as the first heaven.

Also, knowing that a biblical equivalent of the term “alien” can be “angel,” scripture clearly teaches that these beings are visibly among us even now—often right before our very eyes, as undercover agents in disguise (Hebrews 13:2).

As for alien abductions (the unpleasant ones), these are another example of aliens among us. Alien abductions are rare because they’re generally conducted by beings who are taking a big risk. Earth is protected by the prayers of the saints (James 5:16; and specifically the great restrainer of the Antichrist—2 Thessalonians 2:6-8). The prayers of saints actually serve as orders given to angelic forces operating in the heavens, and wars are fought whenever boundary restrictions are violated and fallen angels penetrate into Earth. That’s why abductees have been known to report that their abductors immediately return them when abductees start praying to Jesus for help. (I’ve personally had a number of abductees tell me about this.)

Battles in the first heaven go the other way too; they are also fought by fallen angels in an attempt to prevent the good angels from getting through to us (Daniel 10:13). This is why prayers appear to be hindered at times—because they are!

What role will extraterrestrial life play in the future of humanity?

In the future, following the rapture of the church, the force field of prayer (restraining power) currently protecting Earth will be removed (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8), and open contact with alien life will most likely immediately follow. First those in the heavens who are aligned with Satan will come (Daniel 8:10-12; Matthew 24:15, 24:29-31; Luke 21:24-28; and Revelation 12:3-5), and then God’s faithful angels will penetrate the world in open contact as well—preaching the Gospel (Revelation 14:6-10).

In addition to angels preaching the Gospel, the two Old Testament prophets, Enoch and Elijah, will also return from heaven and preach the Gospel. A massive conversion of 144,000 Jewish Christians (Messianic Jews), and many new Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians will be supernaturally empowered by God more than any generation before them (Joel 2:29-32; Acts 2:17-18; John 14:12).

As always, people will have true revelation given side by side with deception, and the condition of their hearts will motivate them to choose one way or the other. An unprecedented revival will encompass the globe. At the same time, deception and sin will be greater on Earth than ever in the past. In essence, Earth will be prepared for a harvest, to separate the wheat from the tares; in other words, the majority of the people on Earth will be clearly polarized in their alignment with either God or Satan.

During the reign of the Antichrist, otherworldly battles will ensue, and the Antichrist will prevail against these otherworldly beings (Daniel 8:10-12, Matthew 24:15, 24:29-31; Luke 21:24-28; Revelation 12:3-5). The otherworldly combatants in these battles will most likely be warring factions within Satan’s kingdom. I say this because Satan will not prevail against the armies ofGod when they finally arrive with Jesus at the second advent of Christ. It won’t matter to the Antichrist that his kingdom is divided, however, because he’ll use his victory in these battles to elevate his position on Earth, and eliminate the opposition within his own kingdom.

One reason for the victories of the Antichrist in the future—even over extraterrestrial attacks—will be his alliance with other extraterrestrials who will help him (Daniel 11:39). With such an alliance, the technology made available to him will be extremely advanced, even to the degree that the creation of true artificial intelligence will become a reality (Revelation 13:14-16).

The otherworldly allies of the Antichrist, headed by a fallen angel by the name of the Destroyer (Revelation 9:11, Hebrew “Abaddon,” Greek “Apollyon”), will perpetuate the deceptions of the Antichrist by giving credence to his grandiose claims. The Antichrist will claim to be of heavenly origin, and a destined leader of the world; his otherworldly allies will then step forward and say it’s true (Revelation 13:11-14).

On the one hand, the Antichrist’s claim of heavenly descent will be partially true (making his deception particularly powerful). The Antichrist might be a Nephilim (fathered by a fallen angel), linking him with the heavenly realm. The part that the Antichrist (and those aligned with his plan) will leave out, however, is the fact that the Nephilim are cursed of God, and their very existence reeks of the highest order of abominations (angels who sired them were imprisoned—1

Peter 3:19; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6-7; and the entire world was destroyed because of the Nephilim—Genesis 6). Therefore the respect, admiration, and worship he will claim to deserve as a divine right will be the biggest, fattest lie ever told.

What can the people of Earth do during this tumultuous time in the future?

The whole reason I have written this book is primarily for the people left behind after the rapture of the church—those who will face a chaotic world of warring nations, otherworldly beings, and supernatural displays beyond imagination.

What will you do when the prophecies spoken of in this book begin to take place? Perhaps nearly a billion people have recently disappeared off the planet, and you are looking for answers in this book called
Aliens and the Antichrist
because reality has become something you weren’t expecting.

Start by seeking out the truth, and turn to the Appendix in the back of this book. It is definitely possible to be saved after the rapture of the church!

Those who taste the freedom Jesus spoke of will never accept anything less (John 8:32, 10:10). For those who are truly saved and know it in their hearts, the sky may roll up like a scroll, oceans and seas may spill across the continents, and the mountains can melt like wax, but nothing will take away that peace from God that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

John 8:32

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 10:10

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come

that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts

and minds through Christ Jesus.

Accept Christ—he is the only way! In his own words, he is the way, the truth, and the life—there is no way to the Father except by him (John 14:6).

John 14:6

Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh

unto the Father, but by me.

I also have a few practical suggestions for the rough, yet tremendously exciting road ahead (for those reading this after the rapture of the church).

• Identify deceptions when they arrive. This is achieved by being aware of the warnings in the Bible, many of which are documented in this book, and especially cultivating a right relationship with God. Concerning specific warnings in the Bible, take note of a few cut-and-dried scriptures warning about end time deceptions, deceivers, and false prophets.

Deuteronomy 13:1-4
(bold emphasis added)

If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and gives thee a sign or a wonder, .And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spoke unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proves you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.

Deuteronomy 18:20-22
(bold emphasis added)

But the prophet, who shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if thou say in your heart, how shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follows not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

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