All About the Hype (27 page)

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Authors: Paige Toon

BOOK: All About the Hype
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‘I’ve booked my ticket,’ she says, her eyes bright with excitement.

‘To Australia?’ I ask, sitting bolt upright. ‘Was Tim OK with that?’

‘Mum booked it for me! Tim wanted to take her away to the Caribbean, anyway, so he doesn’t really care what I’ll be getting up to. I leave in a week!’

‘That’s amazing! I bet you can’t wait to see him.’

She flops back on her seat and fans her face. ‘That is the understatement of the year.’ She shakes her head. ‘Oh, to be in his arms again,’ she says melodramatically. She
casts me a look. ‘You and Jack seem to be—’ Her voice trails off. ‘Closer?’

She gives me a knowing look, but at that point Jack and Gramps come back inside. ‘Who’s for a drink?’ Gramps asks, setting off in the direction of the kitchen.

‘I can’t, I’m driving,’ Jack calls after him.

‘What?’ Gramps halts in his tracks and turns round to gape at him. ‘What did you have to go and drive for? Doesn’t the great Billy Mitchell have a Davey?’

‘No, he doesn’t, actually,’ Jack replies. ‘Anyway, we don’t live with our dad.’

‘Shame,’ Gramps says, heading into the kitchen. ‘He was a lot of fun, that one,’ he calls over his shoulder.

I glance at Agnes, but she appears to be taking the comment in good humour. She certainly didn’t find it funny when her ‘fun’ rock-star dad was cheating on her mum.

‘Why don’t you lot stay over?’ Gramps suggests, returning to the coffee table with the bottle of whisky he bought at Duty Free. Johnny doesn’t tend to keep alcohol in the
house. ‘We’ve got spare beds. Don’t we, Jessie? Why would we want to end this party before it’s even started?’

Jack and Agnes look at each other and then at me.

Jack staying overnight here? Johnny would
approve. But is anyone going to tell him?

An hour later, Gramps has crashed out on the sofa and is snoring heavily. Agnes giggles.

‘I think he might’ve been a bigger party animal in his heyday,’ she says. ‘Do you really think it’s OK for us to stay? We could call a taxi.’

‘No, stay,’ I urge, steadily avoiding Jack’s eyes as I experience a pang of guilt.

‘I’m gonna have to hit the sack soon,’ she warns, yawning.

‘Let me show you where your room is.’

Gramps is staying in one of the spare rooms and the other has a super-king-size bed in it, but neither Agnes nor Jack seem thrilled about the idea of sharing.

‘One of you could always crash in Barney’s room,’ I say edgily.

‘Who are you trying to kid?’ Agnes says, shoving her brother’s arm. ‘You’ll be in with Jessie as soon as the lights are off.’

Jack’s cheeks redden, and mine do, too. I’m pretty sure the same thought had occurred to us both.

While Agnes gets ready for bed, Jack and I go downstairs to try to rouse Gramps from sleep. He grumbles and groans, but we manage to get him to stumble his way upstairs and into his bedroom. I
remove his shoes and Jack turns down the covers, but we don’t attempt to take off his T-shirt and jeans.

‘He’s a lotta fun,’ Jack whispers, as we leave his room.

I grin. ‘He is, isn’t he? Night, Agnes!’ I call, as we pass her room.

‘Night!’ she calls back. ‘Don’t let the bed bugs bite!’

I nervously lead the way to my bedroom. Jack follows me inside and I push the door shut.

‘I’m going to get ready for bed,’ I tell him, walking into the bathroom. He leans against the door frame, watching me as I brush my teeth.

‘Can I borrow that after you?’ he asks.

I rinse and spit before looking up at him. ‘We’ve probably got a spare around here somewhere.’

‘I don’t mind if you don’t,’ he says, holding his hand out for the brush.

‘I don’t mind,’ I say with a small smile, passing it over.

He stares at me with amusement in the reflection of the mirror as he brushes his own teeth.

It’s so strange having him here in my bedroom, in my bathroom. I know I’d love it if I didn’t feel quite so guilty. I force myself out of the room to go and find my PJs.

We’ve been so intimate already, but I feel bizarrely uncomfortable about getting undressed in front of him, so, when he’s brushed his teeth, we exchange places and I shut the door to
finish getting ready. I come out of the bathroom to find him already under the covers of my bed.

I feel skittish as I slide in beside him. He opens up his arms to me and I notice he’s undressed to his boxers.

‘This is weird,’ I say in a low voice. ‘I’m supposed to be proving to my dad that he can trust me while he’s away on tour. I feel bad.’

Jack tenses. ‘Do you want me to sleep in Barney’s room?’ he asks. ‘I can.’

‘I don’t feel
bad,’ I exclaim. ‘Jesus.’

He laughs softly. I reach behind me and turn off the light, then snuggle up against him.

We lie there in the dark, neither of us making a move on the other. Maybe the guilt is getting to him, too.

‘I bet your dad has security cameras hooked up somewhere,’ he whispers.

‘God, can you imagine?’ I whisper back.

‘What if Gramps wakes up in the morning and freaks out?’ he asks. ‘He was pretty drunk when he suggested we stay here.’

‘He did suggest it, though,’ I reason. ‘He invited you to sleep over.’

‘Yeah, in your spare room.’

‘I don’t think he thought that through. My dad and Meg used to have more guest rooms, but then they had Barney and Phoenix – and I came along. He probably forgot there are just
two rooms now.’

‘Mmm,’ Jack replies.

‘Maybe we should try to sleep,’ I say reluctantly.

‘Mmm,’ he says again.

We fall silent.

My hand is resting on his chest and I stroke my thumb back and forth, wondering how I’ll ever be able to nod off when I feel this jittery. I run my fingertips across his chest and up to
his neck, tracing along his jaw.

‘God,’ he says in a strangled voice, his hands coming to life on my body. He draws me on top of him as his lips crash against my mouth. I can feel him beneath me and I know
he’s as turned on as I am.

‘I want you so much,’ he says in a low, urgent voice.

‘I want you, too,’ I reply, gasping as he rocks me against him.

‘But we can’t. Not here, tonight. It doesn’t feel right.’

‘I know,’ he says dully, kissing me on my lips and then sighing against my mouth.

I turn my face away. ‘I bet you wish I was more experienced.’

‘Are you kidding me?’ he asks with disbelief. ‘Your lack of experience is one of the biggest turn-ons in the world to me.’

‘It is?’ I ask with surprise.

He nods his head in the darkness, pushing his hand through my hair. ‘I’m so into you, Jessie. Can’t you tell?’ he asks quietly.

My stomach flutters. A moment later, I lean down to kiss him.

Chapter 24

Jack and Agnes leave the next morning before Gramps even rolls out of bed. Incredibly, the old codger doesn’t mention my friends when he finally makes it downstairs for
what we should probably call lunch, so it’s just as well they made themselves scarce. Maybe he really did only ask them because alcohol had loosened his tongue. He seems to have forgotten all
about the invitation now in any case. No harm done, I hope…

I didn’t get much sleep, but I’m on a high despite my incessant yawning. I feel intensely jittery every time I think about Jack. We came so close to going the whole way last night. I
wanted to. I would have – he was the one that was restrained.

I’m not seeing him until tonight at Marlin’s, though Agnes drives over in the afternoon to help me get ready.

‘So who’s coming tonight? All the usual suspects?’

‘I think so,’ I reply. ‘I know Sienna’s definitely going to be there, and Margarita and Gina said they’d try to drop in.’

Agnes continues to apply greeny-gold eyeshadow to my lids.

‘I know they’ll never be real friends,’ I say, sighing. ‘But it’s good of them to come, don’t you think?’

‘I suppose so,’ she says blandly, pausing in what she’s doing. ‘It’s a shame Johnny can’t be there. He’s the one the press really want to

‘I know,’ I say sadly. ‘Forget the press.
want him there. But Gramps is coming.’

This is both a blessing and a curse. I’m glad of his support, even if it’s a
embarrassing to have my grandfather at a gig.

‘My dad’ll be there, too,’ Agnes says.

I perk up. ‘Really? That’s good. Gramps knows Billy so maybe they can hang out together at the bar.’

She casts her eyes to the ceiling. ‘I’m sure they will.’

The green room at Marlin’s is much quieter than the one backstage at San Francisco, but then the band that we’re supporting – Cool Kids – hasn’t
arrived yet. In fact, Agnes and I appear to be early. I’m relieved when Jack, Brandon and Miles walk through the door.

Jack comes straight over to me.

‘Hey,’ he says, locking eyes with me as he leans down to give me a kiss.

‘Hey,’ I reply, my heart already jumping at his proximity.

‘You OK?’ he asks.

‘A bit nervous,’ I reply.

‘You’ll be fine,’ he says reassuringly.

After a while, the room begins to fill up. The manager of Marlin’s comes over to introduce herself, and then Ross Whitely, the lead singer of Downtown Pigs and co-owner of the club, walks
in. The noise in the room dies abruptly, before gently starting back up again. I’ve seen that sort of thing happen countless times with Johnny.

‘Where’s Miss Jefferson?’ he drawls.

Why can nobody seem to use the Pickerill bit?

His eyes show signs of recognition as he quickly locates me. ‘I just wanted to say hi.’ He comes over to shake my hand and I almost die on the spot. ‘Your dad called me
earlier, told me to treat you well.’ He smiles with amusement as I splutter my apologies. ‘Don’t panic, honey, it’s all good. Johnny and I go way back.’ He claps me on
my back. ‘Good luck, you’re gonna do great. A few important people here tonight.’

Does he mean people from record labels?
Oh my God!

‘Introduce me to your bandmates,’ he says. I quickly come to my senses and do as he asks, but, as soon as he’s left us to it, I pour myself a glass of champagne from the green
room bar. I think I’m going to need Dutch courage tonight.

‘You’re really freaking out, aren’t you?’ Jack says later, eyeing me contemplatively. ‘What’s got into you?’

‘I don’t know,’ I say uneasily. ‘I wish my dad was here.’

‘You don’t need him. We’ve practised so much. Just do what you’ve been doing. You’re gonna rock it.’

I flash him a grateful smile. ‘Thanks.’

He grabs my face and kisses my forehead.

‘Damn this red lipstick,’ I mutter.

He grins at me. ‘We’ll make up for it later.’ He leans in close. ‘Anywhere I want, right?’ he asks in a meaningful voice. I quiver, my nerves momentarily forgotten
as he pulls back to stare down at me.

‘God, I fancy you,’ I state, looking up at him. He grins. A moment later, it’s time to go on.

I don’t know what I was worried about. The venue is packed to the rafters and the atmosphere is electric. I automatically assumed it was busy because Cool Kids are playing after us, but,
to my amazement, a big chunk of the crowd is singing along to our songs. The buzz is

‘Wow!’ I erupt, as we go offstage. Jack throws his arms round me and Brandon comes and jumps on him from behind.

’ he yelps. ‘Guys, that was awesome! Did you see that crowd?’

Miles joins us, shaking his head, his face split into the biggest grin I’ve ever seen him sporting.

‘Jessie, you rocked it!’ he says, grabbing me for a hug.

‘Nicely done, kids!’ Ross from Downtown Pigs booms, stepping out of the shadows. ‘Come and have a glass of fizz in the green room. I’ll introduce you to Cool

After a while, we head back out of the green room into the main part of the club to watch the gig. I find Gramps at the bar.

‘Kiddo!’ he shouts merrily. He’s had a few. More than a few, actually. ‘That was fandabbydozy!’

I laugh as he engulfs me. ‘You want a drink to celebrate?’

‘I’ve already had one.’
Or two. Or three. Who’s counting?

‘I won’t tell if you don’t,’ he says in my ear, flagging down the barman.

I’m missing Johnny less by the minute.

I’m on the biggest high in the next couple of hours. Jack and I go right into the crowd when Cool Kids kick off and I’m so happy to be able to watch a gig without a
bodyguard eyeballing me. I’m stunned when a few people ask for my autograph. I can’t quite believe anyone wants it. But, on the whole, no one bothers us and I’m able to hang with
Jack and dance to the music.

Gina and Margarita didn’t stay long because they had another party to go to, and Lottie avoided coming at all when she heard Maisie would be here. Brandon and his girlfriend have gone for
dinner with Miles and his friend Paul, and Agnes, who was starving, but Sienna and Dana are lurking somewhere. I’m trying to avoid them. I’m not sure if Dana and Gramps ever met, but I
don’t want to risk it.

I’ve drunk too much champagne and I need the bathroom, so, once Cool Kids go offstage, I make a dash for the toilets. There’s still an annoyingly large queue and I’m gutted to
miss the encore. By the time I return to the emptying dance floor, Cool Kids have well and truly finished their set. I look around for Jack and freeze. He’s with Eve, my All Hype

She’s tall and slim with ebony skin and a cool, sleek and shiny boy-cut. I watch, feeling sick, as she hooks her hand round his neck and leans in close to speak in his ear. A moment later,
she drops her arm and takes a step backwards, giving him a long, meaningful look before spinning on her heels and striding away. He stares after her, but I can’t see his face from here. I
feel sick as I approach him. He turns round and catches my eye, his mouth stretching into a thin line when he sees the bleakness of my expression.

‘What was that about?’ I demand to know.

‘She apologised.’

‘What?’ I’m shocked.

‘For saying what she said about you. She admits you can sing.’

‘Really.’ I’m not sure I believe she means it.

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