All Amity Allows (Fall for You Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: All Amity Allows (Fall for You Book 2)
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“Are you ready?”

Amity nodded and Addy squealed in delight. “I'll go round everyone up!” She clapped her hands with glee and then left Amity alone to her thoughts.

Amity turned back to the mirror and thought about the changes in her life in the last year. She had been hurting in ways she'd never acknowledged, hiding from the very thing that ended up being her salvation. With one last look in the mirror to make sure she was perfect for Drew, she turned to leave the powder room.

“Do I get a hug too?”

She spun at the voice. “Michael? What are you doing here?”

“I came to tell you that I'm sorry. That I was wrong.”

Fighting a smile, she raised an eyebrow. “You were what now? I can't have heard that right. My human hearing is a tad less perfect.”

Michael's lips twitched. “It doesn't happen often. When it does, I'm angel enough to admit it.”

He paused to eye her from head to toe.

Amity watched as his mouth twitch again, seemingly to stifle a smirk.

“He's good for you,” Michael added with a genuine smile.

“You've been spying on us?”

“Not spying . . . checking in.”

“Is there a difference?” she teased.

He ignored her question.

Typical angel, absolutely no sense of humor, she thought.

“I was wondering if you'd do me the great honor of allowing me to give you away?”

She blinked at him. “You'd do that? For me?”

He cupped her chin. “Amity, I told you that I relied on you. I've missed your presence here.” He tapped the side of his head. “Even if your duties are fulfilled by someone else, I will always miss you. Let me say goodbye to my beloved sister properly.”

She teared up at his words. How many times she'd wished for that type of validation before—validation which Drew had willingly given her over and over without her even having to utter a word to request it. Maybe things would have been different if Michael had been willing to voice his feelings more often, if all of the other angels had been, but Amity decided she didn't want different.

She wanted Drew.

“The honor would be mine,” she said. “After all, how many women get walked down the aisle by an angel?”

Michael offered her his hand and they moved to walk to her waiting groom.

The journey up the aisle passed in a blur. Drew was her goal—and her final destination. When Michael passed her hand to Drew’s, a warmth filled her chest and she broke into a grin so wide she was certain everyone watching could see her molars.

She turned her head and looked out at the crowd gathered to witness their union and considered how complete her life was now. How full.

When the celebrant started to speak, she looked back toward Drew and her stomach fluttered with nerves. Not over her choice though, never that. It was her desire to ensure the vows they’d selected adequately covered the magnitude of the emotions she needed to express.

When it was her turn to speak, she tried to steady her wavering voice so Drew would know there was no doubt in her heart. “Drew, today I become your wife and your partner in everything. I promise to always give you the best of myself, while accepting you the way you are. I will keep myself open to you, to let you know my innermost fears and feelings, and all of my secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face change as we both change, keeping our relationship alive and exciting. And I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all that I am, in the only way I know how—completely and forever.”

As the celebrant announced them husband and wife, the crowd burst into applause. Drew pulled Amity toward him, following the instructions to kiss his bride. As he did, Amity knew, without question or doubt, that she would be at Drew's side until the day they died.

After that, they would find one another once more on the golden shores of their private beach because true happiness, true love, really could last for eternity.


The End

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Also by Michelle Irwin


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