All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1) (7 page)

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She put her hand down on his chest. “That hurt!”

“Ye should nae lie to me, Amelia.”

“I didn’t!” As he pulled her up again she dug her nails into his chest. “Stop! I won’t do it again!”

“Ye promise?”


He lowered her gently back on him and she sighed in relief. Sitting still for a few moments, she began to slowly move about realizing that she was still wet from her orgasm. The movements were easier. Slowly she lowered herself up and slowly she lowered herself down. The feeling of being empty and filled made her feel full of power. As Jacob folded his hands behind his head, she realized he was allowing her full control. She could move at whatever speed she wanted. She could make them both come quickly or drag it out. She could make this torture or fun. He was letting her decide.

Slowly she rode him, taking in all of him each time. Spearing herself to the hilt upon him before rising again. It felt wonderful. She felt sexy. He filled her and made her crave more. It made her feel in control. As he watched her she began to move faster, wondering what she looked like to him. Her breasts bounced lightly as she moved, along with her curly hair.

The orgasm began to build again. Up and down, she rode him. Faster and faster, she went. As the orgasm began to take over, she felt his hands on her hips, and he took over her motions. As he brought her down on him one last time she came.

Overcome with the delicious feeling of her orgasm, she vaguely realized he was coming too. The feeling of it intensified her orgasm, leaving her breathless. She fell forward onto his chest, with him still inside her. Her thighs felt wet and slick. Her skin tingled. The air was heavy with their intertwined scents. A feeling of peacefulness stole over her, and as her breath came back to her, she slipped into sleep.





Chapter 14


As Amelia woke she noticed two things. The first was that she was sticky. The second was that she was wrapped around someone, something poking the inside of her thigh.

“Morning, Amelia. Tis time to get up.” A soft kiss landed on the side of her neck.


The arms around her loosened and she felt his weight shift underneath her.

“What happened?”

“Ye made it five minutes in to the movie before ye fell asleep, like a wee bairn.”

“Liar.” She grinned and shook her head. If that was how he wanted to play it then she would let him. Slowly she moved off of him, stiff from last night’s events. He had kept to his word. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Today, we go to visit some political sites, do some political things.”

“Oh, joy.”



“I ken ye dinnae wish to be here. We need ye. Yer important. Do ye understand?”

“I’m going to try to make the best of it, but I’m really not sure what to do. I feel a bit lost.” That was a bit of an understatement. It was like amnesia. It was supposed to be a myth — something that would never happen. When it did, the person suffering from it didn’t know which way was up. It was kind of like that. Amelia wasn’t sure who to believe, but Jacob… Jacob seemed trustworthy, even if he did help kidnap her.

“Today’s visit will help. We’ll be visiting the Queen of England.”

“I’m sorry, but did you say…?” She moved backwards and fell off of the bed. “Holy…”

“Och! Don’t finish that.”

“I was simply going to say…” He raised an eye, daring her to continue. “I was going to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, that the Holy Queen of England is a great honor to meet with.”

“Not buying that load of… Ye have quite a way to go in politics before yer ready for what ‘tis to come.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Have faith in yer self. Now get ready. Ye meet with the Queen in two hours.”

“You’re really not joking?”

“Get ready, Amelia.”




As she sat beside the Queen of England, Amelia felt extremely out of place. This was a political meeting, but the Queen eyed her strangely. It was awkward really. “Yeah, so sorry about the whole stealing your country thing.”

The Queen’s eyes narrowed. “My dear, you did not steal my country. I still have England.”

“I meant Scotland. Although, historically you’re of the Windsor House, so technically it’s not exactly yours…”

The Queen’s eyes narrowed further, her mouth was set into a very thin line.

“If you haven’t realized it just yet, I’m not very good at politics. I took a bunch of classes in it in college, but I have a tendency to say what I think. It’s worse when I’m nervous.”

“I can forgive that; however, I find it insulting that they would place you now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Now is such a tumultuous time. You have no idea of the danger you are in. I was born into this position, so I have been trained from birth for it. You have not. I doubt you even know how to sit up straight. Where is your advisor?”

“I have Edith. She’s over back by the door with your guy.”

“The American is your advisor?”

“Yes, and she’s a good person,” Amelia answered gruffly. Edith was a good person, even if she was a little too straight-laced sometimes. The woman might not use a single contraction in her speech, but she was ok in Amelia’s book.

“I am not arguing that. It is…” The Queen paused, as if considering her choice of words carefully. “She looks rather young. You need more help than that.”

“I have a whole group of advisors, thank you.”

“Are you talking about your guards?” A tiny smirk told Amelia that the Queen knew more than she was telling. The smirk said the Queen had secrets. Lots of secrets, the kinds one would pay for. What had the Queen seen in her years? Amelia imagined that she had seen court intrigue, murder attempts, and years of loneliness. How would someone survive the loneliness that being a ruler was sure to bring? How had she managed to find the man she loved?

“How do you…?”

“I doubt you are aware; however, your father saved my life long ago. He asked me for one favor in exchange. He asked that I urge England to uphold your rights. Your father never explained what he meant by that, but I see now that he had plans for you. I will urge our Parliament to assist in seeing that Scotland remains whole; however, I do not hold sway as I once might have. Age is a fickle thing. My heir will see to it should it be necessary.”

“You will really support me because of my father?”

“Yes, why do you think I approved the sale of Balmoural Castle? He was a good man, even if he was a bit of a charlatan. One of my best paid guards too.”

“He was your guard?”

The Queen of England winked at her. “Once upon a time, he was.” She stood from the wrought iron chair she sat in. As she turned away from Amelia, hope fled her. Politics were beyond her reach. All of it was beyond her reach, it seemed. However, as the Queen halted, Amelia felt hope rise again. The Queen turned back towards her and smiled. “All by accident I would like to believe. However, it is quite possible that it was by design.”

Amelia watched as the Queen walked away. “This was a bust,” she whispered. Picking up her crystal glass, she took a sip. As she reached out to set it back it shattered. The glass flew everywhere, several smaller pieces striking her.

As the larger pieces flew to the left of her, she watched them go. Then the plate in front of her exploded. “Dear God!”

The world tilted as something slammed into her, throwing her and the chair sideways to the ground. Someone grabbed her by her arms, roughly hauling her to her feet. “Go! Go! Go!’


He dragged her along as he took off at a run. Her feet caught up and she matched his stride. Gunshots. They were being shot at!

“Get behind the building!” She ran towards the building he pointed at. “Will! Where are ye?” Silence told her that he was listening for a response. Ducking behind the building, she waited, breathing harshly. “Get here now! The shots have deadly intent. We must get the Queen out now!”

“Jacob,” she whispered.

“Not now, lass.” He waved her off, ignoring what she had to say. “Will…”



“The shots have stopped. They gave up.”

“They never give up.”

“This one did. He wasn’t aiming to kill me.”

“How do ye ken?”

“The glass and plate.” At his confused look she continued. “The glass exploded first. I didn’t move. Then the plate exploded. He would have had enough information about the wind to make a perfect hit with the second shot. He wouldn’t have missed.”

“Will, the Queen has a point with her belief. We need to get away from the open. ‘Tis possible she may be safe. What do ye see?”

As he listened to Will, she stood behind him and silently mocked him. She made motions with her hand and made faces. He turned and glared at her. She smiled sheepishly at him in return.

“We are being shot at and yer making fun of me?”

“Yes?” She grinned at his shocked look. If only he knew that this was just her personality — making the best out of the worst. It was how she had always had to be. Maybe with him she could show her true self… even if only for a little while.

“I will deal with ye later fer that.”

“You have to catch me first.”

She was saved from his retort as a speeding car slammed on its brakes, halting a few feet from them. “Run,” she whispered as she took off towards the car, knowing that he followed right on her heels. She might be crazy, but he was the most interesting guy she had ever met and it seemed she was falling for him. He had managed to turn her head. It didn’t matter that they had only just met or that he had kidnapped her. That fact alone meant she was ridiculously insane for having slept with him. It was even worse that she wanted, ached, to do it again.

Flinging herself in the car she sighed in relief as he slid in behind her, slamming the door behind them. “Go!”

The car tires squealed as it took off. The leather interior stood out to Amelia as being more refined than she was used to. Her cars had cloth interior. Her last beat up car had melted crayons in the backseat, from long before she had received the hand me down. The blues and yellows intertwined into an odd greenish and brownish glob. Try as she might it never came out. Sliding her hand over the slick cool fabric she resolved to buy herself a car with leather interior if she ever got out of this mess.




As they entered through the front doors of the castle, they found Fiona waiting for them. “Ma’am, we heard! Are ye all right?”

“Of course, I’m fine. Don’t listen to Jacob. He’s going to make it out to be this big hubbalub and it wasn’t. A glass broke and he freaked.” There wasn’t any reason to worry anyone.

“This came fer ye.”

Amelia took the letter from her. It was slightly stained with a dark colored liquid. Maybe coffee? Out of habit, she sniffed the envelope. It had a muted smell of almonds. Turning it over, she opened it up. She gasped. There were five simple words: ‘Next time I won’t miss.’

Turning to Jacob, she looked for him to help her — to tell her it wasn’t real. His eyes were angry, as if he was still focused on the shooting. He wouldn’t be able to reassure her. “Jacob, here. I’m going to change.”

She needed some time hitting a punching bag and there was one in the tunnels. It would be perfect. Physical activity was perfect for a stress release. If that didn’t work, then she would see what Jacob could offer. Her body was still deliciously sore from their previous night’s activities. She sighed as she walked away. First change and time in the tunnels, then she’d seek out Jacob.





Chapter 15


Jacob watched Amelia from the shadows. She moved gracefully in the candlelight. Stretching back and forth she moved as if she had been doing the movements every day for years. Strength was in her movements.

Her mother had taught her well…

“Jacob, you can stop watching and come join me if you want.”

She knew he was there?

“I heard you breathing. You’re enjoying the view a little too much.”

He stalked forward. The smile on her face was just too much to take. It was sad; however, there was a tinge of humor. It tore at his heart and made him angry all the same. The emotions waged war in his soul. Here was the woman that he had sworn to protect, that had just won against a sniper’s gun, and she still seemed as if she was challenging him.

It was just too much for him to bear. She placed herself in danger and mocked him when he tried to protect her. How could she…?

Sighing deeply, he shook his head. “Lass, I said ye’d pay fer yer behavior. I think ‘tis time now.”

“I won’t be paying for anything. It’s not my fault that you guys didn’t consider that someone might shoot at me. That sounds like a personal problem.”

“Come again?”

“No, I don’t think so.” She turned and swung at the punching bag again. He stood staring after her, like a love sick puppy. She had no idea how he felt. The realization slammed into him, tearing at him, as if an unseen enemy was snapping his tendons in an attempt to break his bones. It smashed at his heart, splintering his dream of happily ever after that he had worked so hard for.

“Amelia, I have a gift for ye.” She turned back towards him, a curious expression on her face. “Promise me ye will wear it?” Her eyes narrowed at him and he sighed. It was just his luck that she would question a gift. “Please?”

“What is it?”

“A gift. One normally says thank ye at receiving a gift.” He smiled at her in hopes that it would calm whatever fears or concerns she might have while he fished it from his pocket. “’Tis a simple thing, to show ye…” He stopped before he said something he would regret. Would she feel the same? Was there a chance that she would? It was all so fast for her, but for him… for him, it had been fifteen years in the making. It was a slow love that burned brighter than any candle.

As she held her hand out he took a deep breath. It was now or never. He placed it in her hand. “’Tis a necklace that I saw ye admiring in the shop. It suites ye.”

Her eyes went wide and he tried to back peddle, “If ye dinnae like it I can return it.”

“No!” She snatched her hand back, cradling the necklace to her chest. “I mean, no, I like it.”

Pride filled him. He had been right. In the shop her gaze had gone to the necklace several times. It was simple necklace, a white gold heart with three blue stones. They had a fancy name, but not one that meant anything to Jacob. “Would ye like for me to help ye with it?”

She nodded but said nothing as she handed it to him. He waited as she turned around before stepping close enough to smell the shampoo she used, lavender and vanilla. He drew it around her neck, allowing his hand to graze her skin. He grinned as she shivered. He carefully clasped it and let his hands rest on her shoulders. “I hope ye like it, Amelia.”

She stepped from him and turned to face him. Once again she nodded, but didn’t speak.




Jacob took her hand. Such strength, such power. Yet, so gentle. “Lass, ye must know, how I feel…”

Amelia suspected, but was not sure. After all, who could really be sure that someone felt the way they hoped about them. The necklace made her wonder. It made her hope. “I must be crazy. Just completely out of my mind. I mean, you guys took me from my home, but all I can think about is how you made my skin tingle. I think you broke me.” That was the only excuse. The only reason she would feel this way. Unless… “Jacob, why did you sleep with me?”

“Och, I told ye before.”

“No, no you didn’t.”

“Did I nae?”

“No. You told me that I would never have another lover. What did you mean by that?”

“Do I really have to say?”

There was a hint of hurt in his eyes. She turned from him, unable to weather being the cause of it, and shrugged. “It would be nice to hear the words… You’re a guy. Guys are supposed to say it first. You know, so I know you mean it.” Shyness seemed to overtake her. Why couldn’t she say the words to him? Three little words. Words that had never been so hard to say before, why were they now?

“Och, Amelia, ye wound me.” The light shone brightly in his eyes as a sad smile played upon his lips. “Perhaps soon ye will find the words.” He leaned forward and lightly kissed her forehead. “Ye are verra precious to me, Miss Amelia. Verra precious indeed.”

“Why?” No one other than her father had ever said she was precious to them. There were days, as a child, when she did not even believe her father. He had left her. If she had been so precious to him, why didn’t he stay? Left both her and her mother. Left them to fend for themselves with only the occasional letter or random phone call. Looking back on it all though, Amelia began to remember other things. Her mother telling her that her father would do anything to ensure her safety, even lie to her. Could he have been lying when he said business kept him away? Could it really have been for their safety?

Jacob’s gentle hands cupping her face drew her back to the present. “Because ye are. ‘Tis no other reason than that. Amelia, ye must understand. ‘Tis a most precious thing, to be treasured by someone. Ye are my heart and soul, lass. If ever we are separated, I will find my way back to ye. May take me forever to find ye, but I will nae leave ye.” Stepping back slightly, Jacob raised her hand and flattened her hand out. Raising it upright, her palm towards him, he brought it to his chest. As he placed it over his heart he whispered, “’Tis beatin’ for ye, an ye alone.”

The moment was defined by intimacy. It screamed of trust and faith, begging for both to be returned. It was as if this moment meant everything to him. It did to her. His eyes seemed to bore into her very soul. Daring her to challenge him. Truth radiated back to her. This was a man that would never lie to her. This was a man that truly believed his heart beat for her.

“Jacob, I…”

Her words were lost as the ground began to shake. A roar echoed all around her. Heat seemed to come from all sides. Jacob’s eyes were wide. Quickly he enveloped her in a hug. Squeezing tightly. She was at a loss. What was happening?

Then the wind came.

The blazing wind threw them several feet forward. Pain tore through her legs as the tiny rocks on the pathway scored her skin. Jacob held her tight to him. Held her as the ceiling came crashing down upon them.

The roar was too loud. It gave the impression of a freight train bearing down on her and crashing at the same time. The ocean cascading around her in a hurricane. A manned rocket being launched towards the moon.

Her ears hurt. Dirt and debris flew everywhere. Pain ripped through her ankle. Seemingly, a thousand needles pierced her skin. The scream that escaped her was lost amongst the roar. A dull sound enveloped by the shrillness of the roar.



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