All I Want For Christmas Is A Vampire (29 page)

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Authors: Kerrelyn Sparks

Tags: #Humor, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Adult, #Vampire, #Urban Fantasy

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Ian MacPhie might still be looking for his true love if it wasn’t for the support and encouragement of some wonderful people. I’d like to thank my husband and children for enduring the terrors of Deadline Hell with me. My critique partners—Vicky, MJ, Vicky, and Sandy—are always there when I need them. My thanks to the West Houston, Northwest Houston, and PASIC chapters of RWA and the fabulous bookstore Katy Budget Books. My thanks also to my agent, Michelle Grajkowski, and my editor, Erika Tsang, and the whole team of professionals at Avon Books. May you all get what you want for Christmas!

About the Author

KERRELYN SPARKS’s first paranormal romance, How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire, zoomed out of the bat cave so fast it became Borders’ bestselling debut romance of 2005. Each book in the Love at Stake series has become a USA Today bestseller. When the fourth book, The Undead Next Door, landed on the New York Times bestseller list, even the Undead sat up and took notice, which made Kerrelyn a bit nervous.

She lives in the Greater Houston area with her husband, children, and a house full of garlic. So far, there are no vampires in her family. Werewolves are another matter entirely.

Please feel free to visit her at or e-mail her at [email protected]. Letters may be sent to P.O. Box 5512, Katy, TX 77491-5512. All e-mail will receive a response, except on the night of a full moon.

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