All I Want is that Hood Love 3 (4 page)

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Chapter 5

              It took everything in me not to reach out and grab my son from Taysia, but I had to show her that I wasn’t playing with her ass no more. The scent of him melted my heart, and I know the shit I just did was petty but damn. If Taysia really wanted this shit, she was going to have to show me that. Seeing her cry did something to me on the inside, which is why I went after her, but Taysia had to learn. I wasn’t trying to hurt her but she needed to feel where I was coming from. I had been trying to be there for her and my son since I found out that she was pregnant, but she dodged me pretty much the entire pregnancy. It’s too many females out here for me to be tripping off of one that has showed me plenty of times that this ain’t what she really want.

              When I made it back upstairs, Brittany was getting ready to go to work. She was looking good as fuck in her work attire. She sported a black, one-button pinstriped pantsuit that I was ready to take off. I stood behind her, held on to her waist and licked the back of her neck gently. Giggling, she turned around.

              “Unh uh Mega, I have to go to work! While you were downstairs letting your baby mama consume all of your time, you could’ve been up here dicking me down,” she laughed.

              “Man, come on with that bullshit and stop playing!” I told her while palming her ass.

              “No Mega, I’m already about to be late for work.” She pecked me on my lips then sat down on the bed. She started putting on her black shiny Christian Loubutin pumps.              

              “Yo B, if you think I’ma let you up out of here without getting a nut, then you got me fucked up!” I told her and she laughed, but I was dead ass serious.

              “I’m serious Mega, I gotta go. I’m about to leave and you are not gonna stop me.”

              “Shid, you wanna bet?”

              “You gonna have to take this pussy then cause I got to go!” She grabbed her purse and then stood up to leave.

              “I ain’t got no problem with that.”

              I dropped my shorts down from my waist, picked her up and threw her back down on the bed. She was killing herself laughing. She liked when I took that pussy from her. I started biting on her softly until she finally gave in like I knew that she would. My dick was on swole, so she really ain’t have no choice. I ripped her clothes off of her and punished her for about thirty minutes straight. Her boss was going to let her have it as soon as she walked through the door because she was already pressed for time, but I didn’t care about that right now. All I wanted was some pussy. Once I got my rocks off, Brittany cleaned herself up and left. I hopped in the shower right behind her.

              The streets were calling my name and I had to answer. Not only that, but that nigga Wesley was still in hiding, yet steady sending shots. He had sent niggas to hit up four of my spots but only succeeded once. That night me and Rock bodied that nigga Bo and his girl, I messaged him from Bo’s phone but he didn’t respond like I thought that he would. I know that Chino and Dub had informed Wesley on what was going down but it was all good. My lil’ niggas had their ears to the streets, and I had two of my lil’ homies following Chino and Dub’s every move just in case they decided to pay him a visit. Wesley was having a hard time dealing with the fact that I was the boss in these streets, a young nigga at that
I had about six slugs with his name on it.
You can run, but you can’t hide!
In due time my nigga, in due time.

It was the first of the month and Andrew Street was filled with nothing but junkies. I had niggas posted up on damn near every corner and block, across the tracks serving fiends in every direction. Whipping my car up by the pool room, I hopped out when I saw Taysia’s mom in the cut by one of my trap houses trying to make a purchase. My nigga Roe was walking her behind the trap house to take her inside from the back.

              “Aye Roe!” I yelled. “Don’t sell her shit,” I said as I jogged towards them.

              “You sure my nigga, she tryna cop a solid piece for the 250?” Roe expressed like I was crazy. Roe know I wasn’t hurting for nothing, so she could keep that lil’ 250, and put it back in her pocket or take that shit somewhere else!

              “Nah man, don’t sell her shit! I don’t care what she tryna get. Matter of fact, don’t sell her shit else from here on out,” I ordered.

              As soon as I said that, she snatched the little piece of dope that Roe already had in his hand, and took off running. Roe was about to chase after her but I stopped him.

              “Let her have it my nigga, charge that shit to the game! You shouldn’t have had that shit out like that anyway for her take it! Like I said, from here on out, don’t sell her shit else. Let everybody else know that as well. You got me?” I asked for confirmation.

              “Word my nigga, I gotchu.” We slapped hands and we went inside of the house.


              “Where you ‘bout ta go?” I asked Rock as I watched him pull his dreads up, wrap them around into a ball, and put a rubber band around them. This nigga was too damn fine, standing six feet, five inches tall. Rock had long dreads that hung past his shoulders when they were down and his body was covered with tattoos. Rock had tattoos on his legs as well. I had never met a man with tattoos on their legs but Rock’s tattoos on his legs made him even sexier.

              “I’m about to run by the trap for a sec. Do me a favor, cut up that grass, and bag it up for me,” he told me.

              Rock would only let me handle the minor shit like weed. He wouldn’t dare let me touch the other products yet. He loved hollering, “You gotta crawl before you walk.” Shit, fifteen hunnit a week just for breaking down and bagging his shit up, I wasn’t complaining at all. Right now I was just following his lead.

              My relationship with Rock was growing stronger and stronger every day. Our only problem was his stupid ass baby mama, Alicia. I had nothing against that girl, hell I didn’t even know her like that, but she made it her business to try to interfere with what Rock and I had going on every chance that she got. She would take Rahley to the ER for any and everything just because she knew that Rock was going to stop whatever it is he was doing and tend to her. Now don’t get me wrong, I respected him for that, but I knew better. He didn’t but I did. That bitch was doing that shit on purpose, and it was starting to irk the hell out of me.

              A few days ago, she took Rahley to the ER for a damn mosquito bite, but she told Rock that a spider had bit her. Rock was in the middle of giving me some deep long dick when his phone starting ringing nonstop followed by a text that said Rahley had got bit by a spider and she was on her way to take her to the emergency room. It was hard trying to act like I wasn’t bothered by that shit, because I was. I think Rock was starting to notice it too.

              “Okay. Taysia ‘bout to stop by so we ‘bout to chill for a while,” I told him while slipping on a pair of red jeggings.

              I grabbed a spaghetti strap shirt from the drawer and pulled it down over my head.

              “A’ight cool. Tell Taysia I said what’s up. I’ll be back later.” He kissed me on my forehead and walked out the door.

              While cleaning up the living room, I noticed Rock had left his phone on the charger.
Am I being tested?
I wondered. My skin began to itch. I wanted so badly to pick up his phone and ramble through it, but as the old saying goes, “You look for shit, you find shit!” I definitely wasn’t up for finding anything that would do any damage to my heart, especially not right now. I ignored the phone and continued to clean up before Taysia arrived.

              “Gimme Tee Tee man! He’s so handsome Tay. You really need to move back home, so he can get used to his auntie!” I said while grabbing my lil’ nephew off of Taysia’s shoulder.

              I closed the door behind Tay and we made ourselves comfortable on the brand new living room set that Rock had purchased for me. Rock’s crib was already laid, but since I had moved in with him, I had put a woman’s touch to it. The bright colors that flattered the living room was all me.

              “So what’s up with you? What made you come to da 7 today?” I asked Taysia. It was rare for her to come through town since she moved to Albany. I was glad that she came through though because I had been missing her like crazy ever since she moved, but I knew she only left for the better.

              “Girl my six weeks is up. I had to get me and DJ out the house. I took him to see Mrs. Mildred.”

              “What she say? I know Mrs. Mildred went in on ya ass!” we laughed.

              “She pretty much said the same thing that everybody else is saying, how much he looked like his daddy. I even took him to see Mega. I’m regretting that shit now though,” she said and I could see it in her eyes that it didn’t go so well.

              “Why? He needs to know his dad,” I told her, and I couldn’t have been more honest.

              “Well, apparently Mega has a new bitch in his life, and now he’s asking me for a blood test. I know that hoe got something to do with it,” Taysia confessed.

              “Maybe he’s asking for a blood test because you kept telling him that it wasn’t his remember?” I asked Taysia as if she had suddenly caught amnesia because she was acting like she did.

              Mega had been trying to be there for her the entire time, but she brushed him off because she was trying to make things work with Jamel. She knew that her and Jamel’s relationship was gone down the drain and Mega was who she really wanted to be with. I salute a nigga like Mega. You don’t find too many black brothers around here claiming a child, especially if the mother is telling them that it isn’t theirs. That nigga knew though.

              “Kira, whose side are you on mines or his?” She started laughing because she knew I was speaking the truth.

              “I’m just saying Tay, you can’t blame the nigga for asking you for a blood test. You was acting hella shady towards him the whole nine months, so what you expect?” I had to keep it real with her. If I didn’t then who would?

              “Whatever. I need to find out who this bitch is. Rock hasn’t said anything to you about Mega having a new bitch?” she asked.             

              “Now you know damn well Rock ain’t ‘bout to say no shit like that around me.”

              We both chuckled at that because Rock knew me like that back of his hand, and so did Tay. Rock’s phone started ringing.
Should I answer it or nah?
I picked the phone up and I didn’t recognize the number. As a matter of fact, the number wasn’t even saved as a contact in his phone.

              “Why you looking at the phone like that Kira? Are you gone answer it or let it ring?” Taysia asked.

              “This is Rock’s phone. He forgot to take it with him. I’m scared to answer it Tay. We’ve been doing so good, I don’t want to set myself up. I mean, what I don’t know won’t hurt, right?” Taysia shot me a look that said,
“Bitch if you don’t answer that damn phone!”

              “Okay, okay!” I took a deep breath and prayed that it wasn’t a bitch calling my man’s phone.

              “Hello?” I answered nervously.

              “What up bae? This me. I was just making sure I left the phone at the house. I thought I had lost it,” Rock said and I was smiling from ear to ear. I knew I could trust him. I looked over at Tay and blushed.

              “Yeah it’s here. It’s still on the charger,” I told him.

              Rock and I chatted for a quick second and then we disconnected the call. As soon as I placed the phone back down, it went off again. This time a message scrolled across the top of the screen.

Thanks for stopping by. I really needed that. (emoji kiss)

What the fuck does she mean thanks for stopping by she really needed that? And what the fuck is she sending emoji kisses for?
I know that it was only a damn symbol, but that fucking emoji kiss spoke volumes to me. Rock didn’t say shit about going over to Alicia’s house. I began to think.
Am I wrong? Are they still fucking around?
Quit being stupid Kira of course they are!
That text confirmed it.
Damn! I knew Rock was too good to be true.

              "What's wrong Kira?" Taysia asked wearing a look of concern on her face. When I didn’t answer she waved her hands in the air snapping me up out of my trance.

              "Oh nothing girl, that was Rock. He just called to make sure he hadn't lost his phone," I explained leaving out the whole truth.

              I had put my relationship with Rock so high on a pedestal, that I was too ashamed to tell Taysia about the message that had just came to his phone. I didn’t want to give anyone, not even my sister Taysia, any room in their brain to even think that Rock and I were having problems. The entire time Taysia was there my attention was somewhere else.

              "Bitch, are you listening to me? Yo’ ass ain't heard nun I said," Taysia chuckled, and so did I because I was busted. I hadn’t heard a damn thing that she had said for real.

              "Yeah, I'm listening Tay. I just don't feel good for some reason." I wasn’t lying. I really didn't feel good anymore and it was all because of that text. With Alicia still being in love with Rock, I never allowed him to go to her house unless I was with him. It wasn't that I didn't trust him but I didn't trust her. She wanted that nigga back so badly. I mean, let’s not forget that she drove all the way to Miami for his ass! After getting a dose of the dick, I couldn’t honestly say that I blame her. She couldn’t stand the fact that Rock had moved on and found someone else, so she used innocent Rahley, as her way to stay relevant in his life, and so far the shit was working.

              After Taysia and DJ left. I poured me a cup of Drelli, a drink that Rock had got me hooked on. One of Rock’s homies from the hood had created the drink down at a bootleg house and it was the talk of the town. I grabbed a pre-rolled blunt off my nightstand in my bedroom, and went back to the living room. The blunt was to calm my nerves before Rock made it back home. About 9:30 P.M., Rock came scrolling in smelling like a pound of good Kush and alcohol. His dreads were no longer pulled up the way they were when he had left the house, which made me even more suspicious of him. I didn't even acknowledge him. He sat down on the sofa across from me.

              "Bae cum herr." I stood up. Instead of walking over to where he was, I attempted to pass him instead.

              "Cum herr Kira, stop playin!" He grabbed me by my arm pulling me down next to him on the couch. "What's wrong wit’ you? What’s up with the attitude?" Rock’s eyes were so low that he looked like a fine ass Asian. Picture that!

              "Where did you go today Rock?" I wanted him to lie so that I could smack the shit out of him.

              "What you mean wherr did I go today? I went a lot of places today," he sardonically stated, as if I had asked him a dumb ass question.

              "Any place in particular that you think I should know about?" I watched him rub his chin and tilt his head to the side as he began to think.

              "I stopped by my baby mama’s house earlier to see Rahley," he admitted.

              "To see Rahley huh? You sure that's all you went over there for?”

              "The fuck is you tryna imply? I told you I went to see my lil’ girl."

              "Well did you fuck Alicia while you were over there Rock?" I asked.

              "Hell nah, I ain't fuck Alicia. Wherr you get that shit from?" he asked as I got up, grabbed his phone off the charger and tossed it in his lap.

              "She sent you a message today when you left her house." I watched him as he unlocked his phone and went to his messages.

              "Maaaan, I know you don't think that's what she meant by this text?" He looked up at me after he was done reading it.

              "Well, what does she mean Rock? Please explain it to me!" Rock sat quietly.

              "I'm listening," I pressured.

              "Look bae, I didn't fuck her aight. I went by therr to see my daughter, but I swurr I didn't fuck," Rock pleaded his case.

              "Why should I believe you Rock? Huh? She sending emojis blowing kisses and shit." I was big mad about that damn emoji kiss!

              "Ok let's call herr." Rock begin to dial Alicia's number.

              I hope he wasn't waiting for me to stop him because I was all for him calling her to find out the truth. When she answered the phone Rock put her on speakerphone.

              "Aye Alicia, when I stopped by therr today did we fuck?" Rock wasted no time.

              “Why you got me on speakerphone Rock? I suggest you take me off before I piss you and ya lil’ girlfriend off,” Alicia caught an attitude.

              “Just answer the damn question. Did we fuck?” Rock asked her again.

              “Hell nah, we ain’t fuck!” she yelled and disconnected the call.

              “Ni do you believe me?” Rock asked while shaking his head. “Yo, you need stop trippin! I’ma grown ass man that know how to control myself!! If I say I’m with you then I’m with you.”

              It felt like someone had lifted a whole bunch of weights off of my heart after I heard that. But wait, what was she referring to when she said she really needed that? I didn’t know but I was damn sure about to find out.

              “So what the fuck was she talking about that she really needed?” Rock had been honest so far so I wasn’t expecting him to lie now.

              “I dropped five grand off over therr, to help her with her bills and shit,” he stated calmly as if the shit was okay.

              “Five grand! Rock are you fucking serious right now? Why the fuck are you still paying her bills and shit? She’s a grown ass fucking woman!”

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