All In (Casino Nights #2)

Read All In (Casino Nights #2) Online

Authors: Melanie Jayne

Tags: #Casino, #Long Distance, #Older Woman, #Older Man, #Menage

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All In

Casino Nights Book 2

By: Melanie Jayne

Copyright © 2016 Melanie Jayne

All Rights Reserved

ISBN: 0986418439

ISBN-13: 978-0986418433



This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. Except for use in review, the reproduction or use of this work in any part is forbidden without the express written permission of the author.

Let It Ride- May 2016 by Melanie Jayne for Big Dog Publishing


Publisher’s Note


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Any mistakes are the author’s own.


For Mike

I know that you don’t understand my love of books and yet you’ve given me so many. When I decided to try writing, you’ve given me support and space. I appreciate your patience and understanding in all things. I love you.

Table o
f Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


Please note that this is not a standalone book and readers are encouraged to begin the series with
Let It Ride


Chapter One


The Red Rose Casino was hopping at six on a Monday morning. Francesca Luchetti, Director of Casino Operations, stood at the corner of the penny slots area and shook her head at the people coming in and those that had been there all night. “God bless Las Vegas, the city that never sleeps.”

“What was that?” Rico Ochoa turned his attention onto her. He’d been scanning the gaming floor.

“It never ceases to amaze me how many people are up at this hour.” She continued observing the floor, making mental notes about cleanliness.

The staffing level was low overnight, so she and the members of Team 2 were pitching in to help where needed. Rico was in constant contact with Blade, who was monitoring the surveillance camera feeds. Hadley was dealing with a high dollar player’s service request, and Francesca was helping clear drink glasses from the sides of the slot machines.

 “Let’s grab some breakfast before the meeting.” Rico checked his watch. “I’ll message the others to join us.”

“Sounds good,” she mumbled as she pulled out her mini-tablet and typed her thoughts.

“This way, I can make sure that you eat something.” He waited until she met his gaze.

Francesca wrinkled her nose. “But Jimmy always has the best doughnuts at his meetings,” she whined. Her adopted father was the owner of The Red Rose Casino. Jimmy O’Haire was a hands-on boss and expected Francesca and her team to attend his Monday morning meetings along with department directors.

He gave her a stern look. “You need something more than junk food and caffeine to keep your brain running.”

She fought the eye roll that she wanted to give him, but of course he was right. Being second in command of this business and the leader of Team 2, a group of hand-picked security/gaming experts, was exhausting. Jimmy relied on her during the hours that he was in his office and even more when he was not. She seemed to be on call all of the time. She had created her team to help relieve some of the workload. They were still working the bugs out of the system. Jimmy had been slow to adjust to using her team, but he was learning.

“Physical altercation in Section four,” Blade’s calm voice sounded through their ear piece.

She and Rico sprinted in the direction of the front of the casino floor. Rico was in the lead, his body moving gracefully through the pedestrian traffic.

“Four security on site. I count six perps, two female.” Blade fed them information so that they knew what they were getting into.

She hated physical altercations that involved women. It seemed that no matter how much training a male security officer had, a catfight always caused them to react more slowly. They couldn’t figure out where to grab the offender.

“Yours,” Rico said, his voice was full of excitement. He loved the adrenaline rush.

“On it.” She’d take on the first female combatant she encountered.

 As she cut around a bank of four slot machines, she saw a brown-haired woman jump on the back of a white male who was over six feet tall. Her fist grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back almost pulling him over.

“Give it back,” the woman screeched.

Francesca moved to the woman and pulled on her other arm, hard, causing her to lose her hold on the guy’s shoulder.

Fighting the continuous pressure, the brunette lost her balance and let go of the man’s hair as she bounced off the guy’s back. Once her feet hit the carpet, she turned her anger on Francesca.

Francesca braced for an attack. “I’m the Director of Casino Operations. Stop fighting.” She made sure that her tone was sharp.

The woman paused for a second.

That was enough time for Francesca to pull out her cuffs, and she reached out and twisted the woman’s arm behind her back. “Give me your other arm.”

“He stole Julie’s purse,” the woman spat, but didn’t resist as Francesca pulled her arm behind her back.

Staring directly into the woman’s eyes, she said, “Right now, I need you to stand here calmly. Don’t move. Don’t talk.”

Her perp was breathing hard; however, she was cooperating. Her shoulders drooped, and she nodded.

Francesca turned her attention to the others. Rico had a big guy against a pillar and was cuffing him. He was talking to the man in a low voice, probably urging him to cooperate. He looked fierce, totally in control, and not a hair was out of place.

Security officers were taking care of the other participants.

Blade’s calm voice came over the Team 2 radio channel, “Rico, the guy you have lifted the woman in the red shirt’s purse. He and the guy in the blue shirt moved three banks away and pulled the wallet. Then blue shirt dumped the contents into the trash receptacle by game number 3B255.”

Rico moved his wrist to the space in front of his mouth. “Copy that, what’s the story with the others?”

“It looks like one of the women saw them with the purse and started yelling and chasing them after the dump.”

Francesca pictured Blade’s brown fingers sliding over the keyboard and touchscreens.

“The other men joined in the chase.”

Francesca nodded her head once then raised her wrist to speak. “Matches the story my girl gave me.”

“What do you want to do boss?” Rico spoke into the radio, but was looking at her.

“Let security handle it. If they need additional statements, we can handle them tonight.” She was fine letting security take the lead—less paperwork and time involvement for her team.

Additional employees had cordoned off the area, and she could see Hadley talking to witnesses. She would write comps to those that were displaced by the event.

The redhead paused and spoke into her radio, “Hurry and wrap this up, I’m starving.”

Once Rico and Francesca had handed off their perps to security, they watched the cleaning crew move in and right chairs and clean up the many spills. Hadley joined them.

“How do you do it?” Francesca asked, waving her hand up and down in front of Rico. “It’s not fair, she said as she tucked her blouse into the back of her pants. She probably looked a mess. She felt sweaty and wanted to take a long, hot shower.

“It’s a gift from the Gods.” Rico winked as he ran his hand over his shirt front.

Blade’s voice was in her ear, “I’ll forward the tape to Jimmy and be down. That gave me an appetite.”

“Thanks Blade, and good work everybody.” Francesca’s voice sounded in her own ear.

“Let’s go.” Rico led the way to the only restaurant that served breakfast.

Sitting at what they considered their table, Blade soon joined them. Their IT Specialist, who could make technology do whatever he wished, slouched in the booth. He was quiet by nature, but when he spoke they all listened to his thoughts. “I printed copies of the agenda for today’s meeting.”

Francesca fought the urge to groan. She held out her hand for her copy. “Thanks. I guess we can go over it after we eat.”

The Customer Relations diva was frowning across the table at Francesca. Hadley’s green eyes were slitted, a sure sign of her irritation. “I don’t care what the daytime supervisor says,” she said, flicking her bright red hair over her shoulder, “they need to have a dedicated line for the special guests.”

“Calm down, Red.” Rico’s voice took on a low rumble. “You know Jimmy will take your recommendation and have a special line set up. There’s no reason for you to be spitting fire.” He flashed a smile in Hadley’s direction.

“Humph.” Hadley turned her angry eyes onto Francesca. “I just don’t understand why I have to be the one to see the problem. What do they do all day?”

Francesca put down the menu, which she knew by heart, and focused on Hadley. At this point, her continued annoyance probably had more to do with Rico trying to soothe her than what would be done about her recommendation. “Well, your daytime counterpart probably answers the same questions two hundred times a day. She deals with the day-to-day details. Hads, we deal with the big ones.” She licked her lips before continuing, hoping that she didn’t sound as tired as she felt. “I’ll make sure we get the line set up—and it’s a good idea. Thank you for suggesting it.”

“Well it’s what you pay me the big bucks for.” Hadley nudged her foot under the table.

“Honey, you’re so worth it.” Francesca rolled her eyes at her best friend since college.

They placed their orders, and then her cell vibrated. She checked the screen. “Sorry, guys, this is Jimmy.” She hit the button and answered.

“Where are you?” Jimmy boomed in her ear.

“Having breakfast with the team.” She checked her watch. They had plenty of time before they would adjourn to his executive conference room.

“There’ll be food at the meeting; why are you eating now?”

Jimmy’s tone always sounded irritated over the phone. After all of these years, she still had to fight the feeling that he wasn’t chastising her. “We’re reviewing our notes, and since all four of us have been here all night, I thought we needed more than pastries.”

“Well then, that’s good. Jenkins is going to review the etiquette protocol, and then we’ll go over the last minute details.”

“Sounds good,” she said, trying to infuse some enthusiasm into her voice.

“If this visit goes well, it could open things up for us,” he said for the thousandth time.

She rushed to assure him. “Everybody is working really hard to make that happen. I think we’re in a good place.”

He snorted. “I hope you still feel that way after the meeting, but I know that you’ll make sure everything is perfect.”

“Everyone on Team 2, plus your directors, managers and supervisors have been working like crazy to make this visit a success.” She tried to add extra emphasis on the plural nouns; there were plenty of people who could help make things run smoothly, not just her.

“Yeah, but you know what I want, honey. That’s why I need you to be involved in every step. By the way, nice save in Section 3.” Jimmy ended the call.

Francesca let out a loud breath as she put her phone away and rejoined the group.

“This tour group is going to kill us,” Hadley said.

Francesca wasn’t surprised Hadley had divined what was foremost on her father’s mind. “Jimmy wants to impress this group from China. He’s brought in an old friend who worked for the State Department to make sure our etiquette and cultural understanding is excellent.” Francesca sighed as the waitress placed a glass in front of her. She wanted a cup of coffee, not this damn glass of juice.

“And this isn’t just any group of tourists—they are high ranking businessmen,” Blade added. “They’re known to be high-dollar gamers.”

Hadley checked out her manicure. “I wish they would go on and get here. I think we’re ready, and for the next thirty-six hours, we will just keep tweaking things.” Francesca nodded. “Plus there will be more meetings, emergency meetings.” She hoped she could get some sleep before Jimmy’s next call for her help in dealing with some matter.

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