All In (Casino Nights #2) (5 page)

Read All In (Casino Nights #2) Online

Authors: Melanie Jayne

Tags: #Casino, #Long Distance, #Older Woman, #Older Man, #Menage

BOOK: All In (Casino Nights #2)
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“He wants to be able to give the restaurant a number,” the pretty brunette said, one hand on her cocked hip.

“I’m in. I always love a good steak. Remy, are you guys joining us?” Trevor turned all the focus onto them.

Francesca glanced up at Remy, and he raised an eyebrow. He was leaving the decision up to her. And as much as she would have loved heading straight to their room and staying the night, she smiled. “I can always eat steak.”

“So, we’re in.” Remy gave her a squeeze. “Francesca, this is Lincoln and Jennifer. Guys, meet Francesca.”

Francesca continued smiling and gave the couple a nod.

Jennifer returned her smile as she studied her. “So, you’re Remy’s date?”

Trevor answered for her. “Woman. He said she was his woman.”

“How nice,” the brunette replied, but her eyes held no kindness.

Something about her reaction confused Francesca. What’s her deal?

“Have you heard anything from Marc?” Remy’s face showed concern.

Linc frowned. “No, but in all honesty, I didn’t expect to. I don’t think he’ll show, but I’m hoping I’m wrong.”

“We haven’t heard anything from him for about a year,” Jennifer added.

“I got a call in the middle of the night two months ago.” Trevor’s brows drew together. “Marc said that he was good. He sounded pretty amped to me, but I was still half asleep.”

Remy nodded. “Well, if he doesn’t show this weekend then I hope he comes to the wedding.”

Looking at the sudden tightness of Remy’s mouth, she knew he was anxious about his friend.

“Just text me the plans for dinner,” Remy muttered. “Francesca needs to get settled.” With a nod to the group, Remy loosened his hold on her and led her to the registration desk.

Remy sat on the loveseat in their room as Francesca unpacked her suitcase. “I tried to get us a suite, but they were sold out. When I made the initial reservation, I was thinking it would be just me. So when you said you’d come, I called to see if I could get us a bigger room, but this was the best they could do.”

“The room’s fine.” She looked around. “I mean the view is gorgeous, and the airline didn’t lose my suitcase. It’s all good.”

“About dinner, I didn’t know how to get out of it. I hope that’s okay.” His eyes widened as he gave the palms up gesture.

“Dinner will be fine.” She opened the closet and noted his clothes were already hung. “Plus, you’ll have time with your friends. That’s what this weekend is all about, right?” Francesca shook away the cobwebs. If she kept moving, the tiredness wouldn’t be a problem. Now wasn’t the time to think about the soft bed behind Remy. She began hanging up her clothing.

“Sounds like it’ll be everybody that you’ve met and the happy couple.” Remy put his phone on the table.

“So, Jennifer and Linc are married? Is Trevor married?”

“Trevor is single, very single. Linc and Jennifer have been married since right after their high school graduation. He teaches high school English, and she’s a veterinarian. They live in Washington State.”

“So, you’ve known Jennifer for a long time...” she said, trying to be casual about fishing for information about Jennifer. She’d come away with a weird vibe after Jennifer’s reaction to her being Remy’s woman.

“Yeah, she’s like our mother or sister. She and Linc are sort of a set. Why? What’s going on?” He stood and walked to the bed, moving her now empty suitcase to the corner of the far wall.

“Ignore me. I’m just being weird.” She opened her jewelry bag and took out the bracelet she planned on wearing that night.


His voice had gone growly. Francesca couldn’t help a little shiver of awareness. “She just seemed surprised when Trevor said I was with you.” She paused. “Forget about all of this.” She walked to the loveseat and flopped down.

He joined her, dropping his arm over her shoulders and pulling her into his side. “I didn’t tell them I was bringing you. I was worried that shit might come up, and then I’d look like I got stood up. I’m sure she was surprised. You’re fresh off a plane, and you show up looking beautiful.” He kissed the top of her head.

She filed away his compliment and relaxed against his body. “So you never dated her, right?”

“No. Lincoln wouldn’t be into sharing.” A smile kicked up one corner of his mouth. “Trevor’s offered a few times, but I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.” Remy pulled her a little closer.

She leaned away so she could see his face. “You didn’t call me your date. You called me your woman.”

His smile widened. “So? That’s what you are.”

Her stomach did a happy roll, “So, what does that mean?” Her toes flexed in anticipation.

He loosened his hold. “I thought that we were on the same page, Francesca.”

She scooted backward toward the end of the sofa and pulled her feet up and grasped her knees. “I know we’re exclusive.”

“I’ve got feelings for you, Frankie. I’m not sure you’re ready for me to name them.” His gaze held steady. “You’re already as nervous as a cat. I don’t want to add to that.”

“You do? I mean, you have feelings for me?” Her heart hammered. She wanted to hear what he had to say, but he was right, she was scared. She was trying to stall any talk about feelings and promises. This was moving too fast.

“What? You think that I’d be working this hard if you were just something to hit and quit?” His gaze turned hard, and the muscle at the side of his jaw pulsed.

“Hold on a sec. I, I’m not doing this very well.” She climbed to her knees, moving closer to him. “I know that I’m not a random fling, and you were never that to me.” She dropped her gaze. She took several deep breathes before raising her eyes again. “I’m not good at talking about my feelings, Remy.”

He angled his body toward her and wrapped his hand around her waist. “Okay, how about I throw out a statement, and you nod if you agree? No words required.”

She asked softly, “Can’t we just drop it?”

“Nope, you need to tell me what’s going on in your head. I’m getting better at reading you, but you’ve got a lot of walls, Frankie.”

“I know, and I’m sorry.” She let out a whimper. Christ, I’m going to ruin another relationship. Why can’t I just say it?

“A lot of shit has happened to you. I mean, your mom deserted you; your dad died right in front of you. The O’Haires took you in, and I think you still feel like you have to earn their love. You said your first marriage broke up over your work. You’re a survivor, and you carry a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. You have to be tough and strong. I’ve just got to show you that you can trust me and lean on me if you need to.”

“So you think I’m what? Weird or difficult?” She wanted to smile but at the same time she wanted to cry.

“Not really. You work too much, but it’s not like you use your feet to eat with.” He snorted out a laugh.

“Everybody thinks that I work too much—but they’re the same people who keep dropping more work on me. I honestly don’t know how to make it change.” The tears were falling now. She had never spoken that thought aloud.

“I don’t have an easy answer for you about that. I don’t think you’d want my thoughts anyway. It’s not my place to have any opinion on that. Not yet.”

She appreciated what he said; her ex had constantly complained, which drove her back to the sanctity of her office.

Remy used his fingers to sweep away the wetness on her cheeks. “I will tell you this, Frankie, you showed up here looking tired. I mean, you are a beautiful woman, you’ll always be that to me, but I see the circles under your eyes, and I know you aren’t getting enough rest.”

“The group from China stayed for two weeks. After they were gone, everyone needed time off because they’d all worked so much overtime. I’m the team leader; I had to take up the slack.”

“I know that your job is important. All I’m saying is, we’ll go out tonight for dinner, and then we’ll come back to the room and go to sleep. I want you to get some rest.”

She pouted. “I was with you until the sleeping part. I like the idea of going to bed, but I’m really looking forward to the sex in bed part.”

He tapped her nose in admonition. “You need sleep. I’m good with giving you that. Don’t you worry—there will be sex—but right now, you need rest.”

It hit her right in the heart—Remy cared enough to put her needs before his. “Thank you for caring,” she whispered.

He caressed the side of her face. “I care...a lot. I’m glad to hear you get that.”

“I do, and uh, me too,” she said as she leaned into his body and kissed him. She felt herself falling further in love with Remy.

Chapter Four


Thank God, she had started getting ready for dinner early. She showered and Remy had joined her, and then he did her against the tiled wall. “Just to take the edge off,” he’d growled against her ear before nipping it.

Now, they exited the elevator and headed to the hotel’s main doors. She hoped they weren’t the last to arrive.

They weren’t. Trevor was arranging a limo to take them to the steakhouse with the valet.

Jennifer and Linc were leaning against the far wall. Jennifer wore a jade-green halter top and black, wide-legged pants. Linc, like Remy, was wearing a suit but no tie.

“We’re waiting on the happy couple,” Linc informed them after the hellos.

“This is a good way to spend time with Bruce and get to know Lacey a little better,” Jennifer added.

Francesca nodded, relieved that she wouldn’t be the only newbie at the table.

Jennifer turned to Francesca. “Have you met many of Remington’s friends?”

“I’ve met a few that are in the industry. With the distance thing, it’s hard to coordinate time together.” Francesca smiled at the woman. She didn’t want to share Remy with others during their limited time together, but that was selfish. She knew that this trip was about meeting his longtime friends.

“Then tonight will be a good opportunity for us to get to know you,” Jennifer said, but didn’t smile.

It sounded like some kind of dare. Francesca didn’t know what burr was up the other woman’s ass, but she didn’t like the way Jennifer was looking at her. Well, bring it, bitch. “And me, to get to know you all.” Francesca’s smile was totally fake. She could appreciate Jennifer’s protectiveness of Remy, if that was all it was. But if she was going to be difficult, well Francesca could deal with that also. “Remy hasn’t told me very much about the bride and groom.”

“Well, Lacey is very sweet.” Jennifer did not make that sound like a good thing. “And very young.”

“Okay, sweet, got it, and the groom?”

“Bruce works for Lacey’s dad. They sell commercial real estate, and her dad introduced them.”

“So they all work together?” She could relate to that.

Jennifer rolled her eyes and made an unattractive sound. “No, Princess Lacey does not work. I think she was a professional cheerleader for some team, but that put too many restrictions on her time.” She paused, and then shrugged one bare shoulder. “These guys have all worked hard for what they have. I work too, but Bruce has found himself a golden ticket.”

Was she jealous of Bruce’s prospects? Francesca prayed that the woman didn’t ask what she did for a living. Jennifer might think she was a party girl, or worse, a princess. Thankfully, the last couple walked through the lobby, and all of the attention focused onto them.

“Finally,” Linc exclaimed dramatically.

At the steak house, they were seated in a private room. Francesca had Remy to her left and Linc on her right, with Trevor directly across from her. Bruce had instructed them during the short limo ride that he was picking up the tab for dinner.

At first, the talk had been polite but somewhat stilted. Obviously, Lacey didn’t know the others, either. Now that they were waiting for their entrées and the alcohol had been flowing, they were relaxed and there was more teasing.

Trevor was a huge flirt and had tried to take Remy’s seat beside her. “So Francesca, what do you do?”

“I work for a casino in Las Vegas,” she answered quietly.

“In one of the shows?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

She giggled. She was only five and a half feet tall, and the showgirls were all statuesque. Plus, their bodies were incredible, and she carried extra padding. “I didn’t meet the height requirement.”

“But you work in a casino. Is that how you two,” he pointed his finger at Remy, “met?”

“I work for The Red Rose, and I met Remy when we were looking at a property in Indiana.” She smiled at Remy.

He draped his arm around her shoulders. “She was so beautiful I couldn’t keep my mind on business that day.”

“That’s because he’d probably memorized the file on me, so don’t let him fool you.” She leaned into his solid body. “He was all business that day. He peppered me with tough questions.”

“So, if he visited Vegas, you could hook him up with free everything?” Trevor rubbed his hands together like a villain in a bad play.

“No, that would be improper, but for you...” She gave him a flirty smile. “I would treat you very well.” She finished with a throaty laugh.

Trevor’s eyes twinkled. “Darlin’, I like the sound of that. Hey Bruce,” he said, raising his voice, “we got us the hook-up in Vegas.”

Bruce groaned. “You’re not fuckin’ another dancer, and by that I mean stripper, are you? Never again. I don’t trust your shady connections or fuck partners, Trev.”

“No, buddy. This time it’s Remy’s fuu—uhm, girlfriend.” Trevor pointed at Francesca. “She seems legit.” Linc pulled out his phone, turning to her. “Hey, what’s your last name? I’m going to Google you to make sure you aren’t a dancer.”

Remy spoke up. “She’s legit. You don’t have to check her out.”

She relaxed against Remy and smiled at him.

“How long have you been out in Vegas?” Linc motioned for the waiter to bring him another drink.

“I’m a native. I went to grad school in Indiana, but otherwise I’ve been in the desert.” She noticed that the entire table was now paying attention to their conversation.

“I’ve stayed at The Red Rose a couple of times. It’s nice,” Bruce told her. “Are you a dealer?”

“You might as well tell them,” Remy said into her ear.

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