All I've Never Wanted (25 page)

BOOK: All I've Never Wanted
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I held my breath, not wanting to say or do anything that might make him clam up again. I couldn’t believe he was confiding in me, of all people, although I supposed I did know what he’s going through.


Roman continued. “He was never home, and when he was, he just locked himself up into his office all day. My mom turned a blind eye to all his…indiscretions, mainly because she didn’t want to lose her status as Mrs. Fiori, but also because she really does love him. Or did. I don’t know.”


He stared out the window, an unusually melancholy expression on his chiseled face. “So after a while, my dad got bolder and bolder, and he even started bringing his mistresses home. I walked in on them a couple of times, you know. The first time was when I was seven. I was so young, I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant, so I ran to my mom. She slapped me—“


 At this, I let out a quiet but still audible gasp. His mom had slapped her seven-year-old son? For telling her her husband was cheating on her? What kind of mother


“—and told me to never speak of it again.” Obviously, Roman caught the horrified look on my face, because he added, “I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not like that. My mom was a fairly good parent, certainly a lot better than my dad, but he just drove her over the edge. She started taking pills, anti-depressants, then added alcohol in the mix. She’s usually boozed or drugged up all the time now. Most of the time, she’s not home either. My dad sends her over to Europe to stay at one of our other houses, to keep her out of the limelight. Being an alcoholic is apparently more shameful than cheating.” Roman’s tone grew more bitter.


I swallowed, not sure what to say. He looked so vulnerable. It was the first time I’d ever seen him that way, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t tug on my heartstrings.


“God, you must think this is just another poor little rich boy story.” The melancholy expression was wiped off of Roman’s face when he turned to look at me. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, but…” He took another deep breath. “It feels kind of good to take it off my chest.”


“I’m sorry,” I whispered, wishing I could say something to make him feel better. I felt so bad. At least I still had my mom. Roman, though, didn’t have either of his parents, at least not in a way that counts.


Without thinking, I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. He immediately tensed up.


“What are you doing?”


“Giving you a hug.


“I don’t need a hug.” Apparently, the stony façade was back in place. “And if you tell anyone what I just said, I’ll kill you.”


I wasn’t even fazed. “Shut up, and just let me hug you, you idiot.”


Roman remained tense for a few more moments, but then I felt him relax the tiniest bit. He shifted his weight, and I thought he was going to push me off, but he pulled me down so that I was sharing the chair with him.


He slowly, hesitantly returned my hug, burying his face in the crook of my neck like a little child.


I closed my eyes and rested my chin on his broad shoulder, trying to ignore the little thrill that ran through me when I felt his strong muscles through his thin T-shirt.


“You smell good,” he mumbled into my neck.


My eyes widened in shock, but I couldn’t help but laugh a little. He really did sound like a little child. “You smell good, too,” I murmured.


We didn’t say anything else, just sat there and held each other. I wasn’t sure how long we stayed like that, because the night had taken a toll on me, and I soon drifted off into a deep sleep. I didn’t even feel Roman lift me up and gently tuck me into bed. 





Something was tickling his arm.


Without opening his eyes, Roman frowned and attempted to scoot away from the source, only to find he couldn’t move his arm. It seemed to be under something heavy. And it was seriously tickling him.


Reluctantly, Roman cracked one eye open, then the other one, hoping there wasn’t a horse’s head in his bed or anything. The first thing he saw was a mass of silky dark hair.


He frowned, but when he moved his gaze lower and saw Maya snuggled into the crook of his arm, the events of last night rushed back to him.


With a groan, he resisted the urge to hit himself in the head. He couldn’t believe he’d told her about his parents. He’d never told anyone about the situation with his parents, not even Carlo and the others, who knew only the vaguest details.


And now she has the perfect blackmail material,
Roman thought darkly, berating himself for how stupid he was.


With a scowl, he propped himself up with his elbow and tried to pull his arm out from under Maya’s head without waking her. It didn’t work.


Letting out a low curse, Roman tried again. And failed again.


He sighed, falling back on the bed in defeat. Without even noticing, though, Roman’s scowl softened a bit as he looked at Maya’s sleeping face. Her long lashes cast a shadow over her cheeks, and there was a small smile on her lips. A stray strand of hair fell over face, and he willed himself not to brush it away for her.


She looked so peaceful when she wasn’t yelling at him.


Roman was so busy looking at her that when his alarm sounded, he jumped about ten feet in the air, jostling her in the process.


He winced when Maya let out a groan and slowly sat up, rubbing the back of her head. She yawned and opened her eyes, and then—




The scowl came back in full force. Ah, there was the Maya he knew and lov—disliked.


“It’s a bit early in the morning for that, don’t you think?” he pointed out, shaking out his numb arm. A tingly feeling invaded his limb as feeling slowly crept back into it.


“Why were we sleeping together?” Maya asked accusatorily, her green eyes wide as she scooted back to the edge of the bed like he was going to attack her or something. “What happened last night?” She narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t take advantage of me, did you? Because if you did, I’m going to—“


“Of course not,” Roman snapped, swinging his legs over the side of his bed and walking over to his closet to grab something to wear. “If I remember correctly, you came in here screaming about some monster being after you. Then you invited yourself to stay over in here till the lights went out, fell asleep, and when I put you down on the bed to sleep so you didn’t wake up with neck cramps,
pulled me down beside you and used me as your pillow. So no, I didn’t take advantage of you. It’s more like you took advantage of me.”


He grabbed a Thomas Pink shirt and a pair of jeans and turned to face Maya again.


She relaxed the grip that was strangling her shirt—his shirt, actually—as realization dawned over her face. “Oh.” She smiled sheepishly, obviously remembering everything that happened. “Oops.”


“Yeah, oops.” Roman rolled his eyes, pulling on his jeans. Girls were just too much trouble. He had no idea why Parker liked them so much. Well, he had an idea, but they just weren’t worth it, in his opinion.


As he buttoned up his jeans, he realized that Maya’s face had turned pink, and she was staring intently in his director.


A small smirk appeared on his face when he realized what she was looking at. “See something you like?” he asked cockily, pulling his shirt over his head in a deliberately slow motion.


Maya’s face turned even redder as she quickly looked away. “You wish,” she snapped, getting out of the bed.


Roman chuckled. She was pretty cute when she was embarrassed. He froze. Did he just think of her as cute? What was wrong with him?


Stupid storm. This is all its fault.


This time Maya smirked. “See something you like?” she taunted.


He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, my clothes. Which you’re wearing. I’d like them back please.”


Maya turned the color of a fire hydrant. She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not stripping in front of you!”


Roman couldn’t help but laugh at her indignation, which seemed to make her even madder. She was too cute. “I never asked you to. Your room is right across the hall…” He trailed off, expecting her to be smart enough to catch his drift.


“Oh.” The embarrassed look came back. “Right. Well, I’ll be back then,” she muttered, almost running out of the room.


It really was too bad she tripped over a stray tennis racket and fell face down on the carpet.




Roman burst out laughing again. He should probably go help her up, but he was having way too much fun. Besides, it was payback for her laughing at him when he ran into that door.


Maya glared at him as she stood up. “Thanks for helping me!”


“No problem,” he chortled, trying to contain his laughter.


He almost succeeded, until Maya took another two steps and tripped. Again. Over nothing at all this time, it seemed.


This time, Roman was almost in stitches. He bent over double, his shoulders shaking with mirth as Maya let out a string of very unladylike curses. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed so hard.


This was probably the most entertaining Monday mornings he’d ever had.

*              *              *

“How about this? I think Zack would like this.” Carlo smiled impishly as he held up a hideous green-and-red paisley shit. It was so ugly I actually gagged.


“That’s disgusting!” I complained, covering my eyes with my hands. “Stop! Put it away before I’m scarred for life!”


Carlo laughed, and I didn’t take my hands from my eyes until I heard the shirt being put back on the rack. “You’re too easy to rile up.”


“Am not,” I said rather childishly, quickly dragging him as far away from that Christmas tree they called a dress as possible. “You’re supposed to help me find a birthday present, not make fun of me!”


It was Thursday after school, and Carlo and I had gone to La Terra, the next town over, to find Zack’s present since he probably had everything he wanted from Valesca. Sadly, our shopping expedition was not going too well. The fact that I was on a bit of a budget did not help matters at all.


“Ok, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Carlo held up his hands. “I promise, I’ll be serious now.” He gave me his best solemn face.


“You look like you’re constipated,” I snickered, even though he didn’t. Hey, I had to get him back somehow, right? 


Carlo didn’t look offended. “What a liar. You’re just mad because you can’t think of a good present.”


“That’s what you’re supposed to be here for,” I grumbled, eyeing a wall of cologne. Nah. Zack probably already had every cologne under the sun. “Besides, not everyone can afford to buy people a boat.” 


I still couldn’t believe Roman was getting Zack a
Seriously, these people had too much money.


I bit my lip as I thought about Roman. We’d been co-existing pretty peacefully the past few days, with the exception of my total humiliation Monday morning. It seemed as though our little conversation Sunday night had eased some of the tension between us, although I was far from feeling comfortable with him. It wasn’t necessarily a bad discomfort, it was just—


The sound of a phone ringing interrupted my thoughts.


“Sorry, excuse me for one second,” Carlo said, pulling out his iPhone. His face darkened when he saw the caller ID, and I wondered who it was.


“Hello?” His voice was terse. “No. I’m not at home. No. I said
Stop being so difficult! I swear if you—you better not do anything stupid. I’m not covering for you. Yes, I know.” Carlo let out a huge sigh, looking the most annoyed I’d ever seen him. “Fine. I’ll see you later.” He didn’t sound too happy about it.


“Who was that?” I asked curiously as we wandered past the jewelry counter.


“Nobody important.”


I was unconvinced, but if he didn’t want to talk about it, I wasn’t going to force him.


“Anyway.” Carlo quickly changed the subject. “We have to try another tack for Zack’s present. Try to think of things with sentimental value, not material goods. He already has all the material goods he wants.”


I furrowed my brow. Zack and I were friends, but it’s not like we were best friends. How was I supposed to know what had sentimental value and what didn’t?


“If it helps, besides music, he’s also really into photography,” Carlo offered.


My jaw dropped as I stared at him in disbelief.


He blinked. “What?”


“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me earlier,” I groaned. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the store we were in and into the main part of the mall. I was sure we’d passed by a store selling photography equipment before. “You could’ve saved us so much time!”


“Sorry,” Carlo said a bit sheepishly.


I couldn’t be mad though, because after only half an hour in the photography store, I found what I was looking for. All I needed was to put my project together before Zack’s birthday. The end result wasn’t going to be a boat or Cartier cuff links or anything, but at least it was thoughtful.


“Thanks,” I said a bit excitedly as the cashier placed my purchases into a brown paper shopping tote.


She smiled warmly at me. “You’re welcome. Have a nice day.”


“You too!” I chirped, grabbing the bag and swinging it happily. I was so happy I finally knew what I was getting Zack for his present. I kept thinking I should get Adriana something too, but Carlo insisted the group present would be enough.


He hadn’t told me how I could contribute to the group present yet though.


“Are you hungry? We can grab something to eat before we go,” Carlo said as we walked out of the store. “There’s some pretty decent restaurants in here.”


“Sure,” I said. “Where do you want to eat?”


After some indecision, we finally settled for good old pizza at a charmingly rustic parlor tucked into a quiet corner of the mall.


I sighed with relief as I sank down into the red leather booth, my feet thanking me for the reprieve from a hard afternoon of shopping.


“Thanks so much for coming with me, I know guys hate shopping,” I said, lifting my hair off my shoulders and smiling at the waiter as he handed us our menus.


“It’s ok, I don’t mind.” Carlo shrugged, his eyes skimming over the menu. “It’s a nice break.”


“From what?”


Judging from the deer-caught-in-headlights look on his face, it was clear he’d said the wrong thing. “Uh…just from Valesca,” he answered, looking down.


“Right,” I said a bit suspiciously. I had a feeling he was lying to me.


“I’ll be right back, I need to go to bathroom,” Carlo suddenly said, setting down his menu. “You can order for us if you want, I eat anything.”


“Ok.” I stared at his back as he headed towards the bathroom, slightly confused. Why was he acting so weird?


When the waiter came back, I decided to order some breadsticks and a margherita pizza for the two of us. Everyone liked those, right?

BOOK: All I've Never Wanted
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