Read All of You Online

Authors: Gina Sorelle

Tags: #Fiction

All of You (19 page)

BOOK: All of You
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If he was going to taste her, Danny needed to do it now, because few more seconds of this insanity and one or both of them were going to be down for the count.

Danny placed his hand, palm-down, on Kat’s belly and spread out his fingers, holding her in place.

He glanced up to find her head thrown back, her eyes closed, and her chest heaving. “Kat?”


“Look at me.”

Kat slowly dropped her chin to her chest and met Danny’s eyes.

He dragged the pad of his thumb over her clit and folds before thrusting it inside of her. Danny let Kat’s loud moan play out before saying, “I’m gonna fuck you with my mouth and you’re gonna watch me do it. The entire time. Do
take your eyes off of me, okay?”

Kat’s trembling became full-blown shaking.

“Say, ‘okay, Danny,’” he said softly.

“Okay, Danny,” she repeated, making him smile.

“You ready?”

She shook her head and Danny grinned. “Yeah, you are. And I’m beyond ready. If I don’t taste you soon, I’m gonna explode.”

Kat’s lips parted as hard, panting breaths escaped her lips. “Okay, Danny,” she whispered again.

Danny pinned her down with one hand and gripped the soft swell of her hip with the other. Shaking nearly as hard as Kat was, Danny dropped his mouth to her core.

” Kat squirmed like crazy against the relentless onslaught of his lips, teeth, and tongue against her slickness, but Danny wouldn’t be giving her any relief, any time soon.

He held her firmly in place while he ate at her, licking, nuzzling, sucking, and lapping up her deliciousness like a starving man.

And wasn’t that just what he was?

Starving for her.

Had been since he’d laid eyes on her and always would be, regardless that this time with her couldn’t last.

Danny pushed those thoughts away and concentrated on making Kat come.

Harder than she’d ever come before.

So that she’d never forget the way he’d made her feel.

So that she’d never forget

When Danny’s chest constricted, he forced all thoughts except those concerning his mouth and her body out of his brain.

Kat’s hands were now gripping his head, alternating between forcing his mouth down harder and trying to push him away.

Danny…Danny…oh, my God…I can’t…Danny…

Every time she said his name, Danny went at her harder until, with one last thrust of his tongue into her sweetness, Kat screamed – breaking apart under his mouth, her body jerking rhythmically as she came.

Danny continued suckling her gently as Kat rode out her orgasm. When she finally stilled a few minutes later, Danny lifted his head and couldn’t help but take great masculine pride in Kat’s sated smile and the boneless way she was sprawled out on his couch – half-naked, exhausted, and still twitching.

She cracked an eyelid to find Danny staring up at her.

Kat lifted a corner of her mouth. “Holy
, Danny.”

“Yeah?” Danny replied, his voice as husky as hers.

Kat was the naked one, the one who had just experienced something she never had before (well, to be honest, so had Danny), and the one, in theory, at his mercy.

Then why do I feel like the one who’s been sliced open and had his guts pulled out?

Danny was raw, confused, and very, very unsure of himself. In fact, he had absolutely no idea what to do next. Had Kat been any other woman, he would have pointed to the bathroom so she could get cleaned up and he could drive her home ASAP, but that wasn’t gonna happen right now.

Not with her.

No, never with her.

Chapter Thirteen

anny sat back
as Kat slowly pushed herself upright. She glanced down at her wet, swollen core and studied it thoughtfully.

Kat met Danny’s eyes, a rueful smile tugging at her lips. “I know I should pull my pants up or my shirt down, but, to be honest, it’s so sensitive I’m not sure it can handle that right now.”

Despite the weirdness going on in his brain, Danny grinned. “Well, feel free to leave
that way as long as you’d like. It’ll calm down soon.”

“I’m not so sure. I think you might have permanently re-routed some blood flow down there, Danny.” When Kat’s eyes dropped to the enormous pop-tent he was sporting, her brows dropped. She pointed at it, which – despite the sexual frustration hell he was in – made Danny want to laugh. “What are we going to do about

Danny did exhale a strangled laugh then. “Don’t worry about it.” But when his eyes dropped back to the glistening, engorged cradle of her body, all humor flew out the window. “On second thought, maybe you
cover up.” At her questioning look, Danny forced a half-smile. “There’s only so much a man can take, sweetheart.”

“Are you sure? Because I wouldn’t mind…” Kat flushed again. “I mean, you’d have to show me…” The corner of her mouth lifted. “But I’m a fast learner. And I’d like to, Danny…”

Jesus H
…even thinking about it was bringing him dangerously close. As was staring at the naked lower half of her body as she talked about doing God-knew-what to his dick.

Talk about more than a man could take.

“Nah,” he choked out, gesturing down to his erection. “It’ll go down eventually.”

Not while you’re around, but eventually.

Kat nodded slowly, her face full of confusion – and hurt.

Which broke his fucking heart.

Danny gripped her knees. “Listen to me. It has
to do with you, Kat. Trust me, there is nothing I’d like better than for you to put your hands all over me, but I don’t feel right about it. It’s one thing to give you pleasure – to make you feel good – but something else to have you get into all that. You should save that stuff for a guy who deserves it.”

“That’s the second time you’ve said that, but shouldn’t
get to decide who deserves it?” she shot back. “I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel, Danny. I
to touch you.”

Damn it, Danny wanted to give in. To justify letting Kat touch him that way.

But then he thought about what a total degenerate he’d feel like afterwards.

He was tired of feeling that way. And he didn’t want to feel that way about something he’d done with Kat.

Danny smiled. “Not tonight, sweetheart. Just let me be happy I made you feel good, okay?”

She stared at him for a long time before nodding, arching her butt off the couch, and slowly pulling her pants up. Danny was pig enough to love the way she winced when the crotch of her pants brushed up against her core. He glanced up to find her studying him.

“I can only imagine how many times you’ve done that before, Danny,” Kat said quietly. “You are very, very good at it.”

He didn’t hesitate a second before replying, “I’ve done it more times than I could count, with more women than I could ever keep track of.”

Yeah, he was being honest, which was not, in and of itself, a bad thing. But why such brutal honesty? Right at this moment?

Because you want her to know exactly what a nasty asshole you really are.

Danny braced himself for a lecture about his depravity and some passive-aggressive comments about how disgusting he was. Hell, it’s what he would have done had the roles been reversed.

If Kat had just admitted to blowing a shit-ton of guys? Yeah, Danny was pretty sure he’d be making a few snarky comments and launching into a jealous tirade, beliefs about gender equality, be damned.

Naturally, Kat reacted exactly the opposite of how Danny expected.

“You don’t seem all that enthused about it,” she said, smiling wryly.

Danny shrugged. “To tell you the truth, I
all that enthused about it. My ego demands my partners get off before I do, so going down on chicks is a means to an end. I didn’t hate it, or I wouldn’t have done it, but it’s a pretty intimate thing to do with someone you’ve just met and hardly know.” He winked at her. “I seem to push through the discomfort just fine, though, huh?”

She studied him thoughtfully. “Do you, Danny? Make it through all of those encounters ‘just fine?’”

When Danny didn’t respond, Kat gave him a half-smile and patted the spot on the couch next to her. He didn’t move and she quirked a brow. “Come on. I’ll be gentle. Nothing to be afraid of,” she teased, tossing his earlier words back at him.

A few seconds later, he was lying across the couch with his head in Kat’s lap and Danny was not the least bit surprised to find that it felt like home.

Kat ran her hand over his head, rubbing his short locks between her fingertips and tracing the outline of his ear. She dragged the back of her fingers across his jaw-line and over his lips. “What must it be like to be so gorgeous…” she murmured. “Amazing, I bet. Must be crazy to know you can win people over without saying a word. That they’ll accept you and want you, no questions asked, just because you are the most beautiful person in the room.”

Danny huffed. “You should fucking know, Kat. That face, that body…” Danny eyed her perfect tits and chastised himself for not baring those earlier, when he’d had the chance. “How you’ve managed to stay a virgin is beyond me. You’ve gotta be responsible for a shitload of broken hearts and aching balls all over Ohio, that’s for damn sure.”

Including mine.

Kat barked out a harsh laugh. “Were bony, nerdy girls with braces, glasses, and cowlick-y hair all the rage at your high school, Danny? Or at Bowling Green?” When Danny didn’t answer because the shadows in her eyes had stolen his breath, Kat said, “Yeah, I didn’t think so.” She lifted a shoulder. “Listen, I’m not complaining. I’m secure with myself and perfectly happy with what I’ve got – plus, I was never looking for all that attention and nonsense, anyway. But I
always wondered what it would be like to have that kind of power over people.” Kat smiled at him wistfully. “Must be kind of nice, huh?”

Danny propped himself up on an elbow and grabbed Kat’s chin with his free hand, tilting it so they were squarely face-to-face, eyes locked onto eyes. “If you had been at my high school, I would have chased that incredible ass up and down those hallways. I would have hounded you until you finally took mercy on me and let me have you. And then I would have fucked you everywhere – under the bleachers during football games, in the backs of movie theaters, in the backseat of my car after all those stupid dances, and any other time and place I had the chance. I would have been relentless. And ruthless. You hear me, Kat?”

Open-mouthed and wide-eyed, Kat stared at him silently for a minute before whispering, “We might have had to wait till college, though, Danny. ‘Cause I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been ready for all that in high school.”

Danny laughed out loud. “Okay, my little late bloomer. I would have chased you during high school and then fucked you all over some college campus. Sound more reasonable?”

When Kat nodded, Danny laughed again.

Never mind Danny never would have had the balls to even consider chasing a girl like Kat and that a girl like Kat never would have looked at him twice, anyway.

Plus, from ages 12 to 22, he’d been too busy drinking, doing drugs, and raising hell to chase anyone, let alone someone so out of his league.

But this was his fantasy, so he could twist it any damn way he pleased.

Danny laid his
head back in her lap and Kat continued stroking his head, face, and neck in comfortable silence for a long while.

“You know, I didn’t always look like this.” Danny watched his fingers as they skated up and down her bare arm. “Until I was sixteen, I was really small. Short and scrawny. Probably weighed as much as you do now.”

Kat reared back. “Really? I can’t imagine that. You’re so…well…” She eyed his body appreciatively. “Big. And tall. And muscular.”

Danny met her eyes, smiling. “Thanks. But, yeah, you wanna talk about a late-bloomer?” He scoffed, eyes moving back to where his fingers continued stroking her. “If I hadn’t had Nathan watching my back, I doubt I would have made it out alive. He was an early-bloomer, thank God. Dude was all six-foot-four inches by tenth grade and had no problem taking on anyone who looked at me sideways. And with my big-ass mouth and shitty attitude, I always had a lot of people looking to mess with me.”

Danny’s expression darkened. “Not only in school, but in the homes and juvie facility we lived in together, too. It’s not over-dramatic to say he saved my life more than once. Saved my sanity a lot more than that, too. Once I finally had a growth spurt, things evened out, but Nathan kept looking out for me. Hell, he still does, right? Even though I’m an asshole about it most of the time.”

Kat was currently without words.

She’d had no idea Danny’s life had been so difficult, although she probably should have, given the little she’d known.

And she’d never fully understood the depths of Danny and Nathan’s relationship. No wonder they loved each other like brothers. They
brothers, in every sense of the word.

BOOK: All of You
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