Read All of You Online

Authors: Gina Sorelle

Tags: #Fiction

All of You (18 page)

BOOK: All of You
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etter Judgment was
probably pitching a huge bitch fit, but Kat couldn’t hear any of it. Nor did she care. She couldn’t have changed what was happening had she tried. Her arms needed to be around Danny, holding his body close, and that was all there was to it.

Kat had never been one for impetuous, emotional displays, but it seemed Danny was bringing this side out of her, Better Judgment, be damned.

That tired, faltering mask of flippant nonchalance on his face as he’d ripped himself to shreds had been her undoing. It had been put her arms around him or run away…and there was no way in hell Kat could have left him.

They sat like that for a long time, faces buried in each other’s necks, arms around each other, and their chests rising and falling as one.

Which wasn’t to say the embrace was entirely innocent.

Danny’s erection was pressing against her clitoris through the fabrics of both of their pants, making Kat as wet as he was hard. There was something so erotic, so sensual, about feeling each other that way, but not moving.

Although Kat was quickly approaching the threshold where she might have to squirm against him…just a little. And apparently Danny felt the same way, because seconds later, his hands started roaming.

They slowly spanned her ribcage, slid down over her lower back, and settled onto her hips. Danny dropped one big, strong, warm hand onto to either butt cheek and squeezed gently, bringing his erection and her core closer together and making Kat moan softly against his neck.

Kat’s hard breaths quickly morphed into outright panting as Danny began a slow, torturous assault on her butt and hips – kneading gently, squeezing harder, rubbing everywhere, and then starting all over again.

Danny suddenly grabbed her hips and yanked her against him hard, causing Kat to gasp – that gasp morphing into loud moan when Danny started moving his pelvis around, his huge erection rubbing slow, torturous circles against her clitoris and labia.

Oh, my God, Danny…please,
” she gasped out just before Danny buried a hand in her hair and pulled her mouth to his.

But he didn’t

No, what he was doing was something altogether more.

Danny was
her – her breath, her lips, her tongue, even her teeth. He was taking all of her in and giving all of himself back in return.

They licked and bit at each other’s lips, sucked at and slid over each other’s tongues, all the while growing feverish with their need to bring their bodies even closer. Kat ground down on Danny’s lap and he arched his body up to meet her, until nothing but their clothing existed between them. A few seconds later, he flipped Kat onto her back and positioned himself on top of her.

Kat wound her right leg around his waist without a problem, but the left was too weak to get up there. Somehow, Danny must have sensed her struggle because, without missing a beat, he reached down, grabbed her left leg, and pulled it around his waist – holding it there as he continued pressing his erection down against her in a rhythmic way that quickly brought Kat very close to orgasm.

Danny broke their kiss and laid his forehead against Kat’s. “I can’t hold out any longer. I’ve gotta fuck you now, Kat. Please? Say ‘okay,’ please…” He dropped her leg, reared back, and yanked at the drawstring on his pants. Danny met her eyes, his hooded and pleading. “Okay, Kat? You ready? ‘Cause I’ve gotta get inside of you.

“Um, Danny?”

“Yeah?” He couldn’t seem to decide which piece of clothing to get off of her first, simultaneously pushing up her shirt and tugging at the waist of her yoga pants. “Shit, I have to grab a condom.” He made a move to leave.

Kat grabbed his arm. “Wait, Danny…I’m sorry…I can’t…”

He froze, turning back to face her slowly.

Kat averted her eyes, trying to get her sensory overload under control long enough to speak. After a few excruciating seconds, Kat was finally able to stop shaking and panting long enough to meet his eyes and whisper, “
I’m sorry

Taken aback
didn’t come close to describing Danny’s expression. He sat back, rested his hands on his thighs, and searched her face – his arranged into a weird, indifferent expression. “You don’t want to?”

“No, of course I do,” she said. Kat swallowed hard. “It’s just…”

“You’re afraid?”

To say the least.

Kat nodded.

His expression softened. Danny managed to pull her up and into his lap in one smooth movement, cradling her in his arms as he pressed soft, sweet kisses over her collarbone, up her neck and behind her ear.

“I’ll be so gentle, Kat, I promise. There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he whispered into her ear before gently biting the lobe. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life, but I can still go slowly. Don’t worry, okay, sweetheart?” Danny tightened his hold. “I’ve got you.”

The man could be a real darling when he wanted to be and Kat could just cry at his endearing declaration. Unfortunately, no plethora of charming words and sweet touches could fix the problem at hand. It was a problem Danny needed to know about before they found themselves in a really awkward, really difficult situation.

So Kat took a deep breath, clenched her stomach muscles, and let her freak flag fly.

“I’m a virgin.”

She squeezed her eyes shut. It didn’t keep the embarrassment, awkwardness, and uncertainty from flooding her brain, but at least she didn’t have to see Danny’s expression.

And the sudden stiffness of his body made her damn glad she couldn’t.

If Kat could have extricated herself from their embrace, she would have. Unfortunately, her body was way too worked up for her to do much more than lie there in his arms like a wet noodle.

Danny finally cleared his throat. “A
?” When Kat nodded, she felt him nod, too. “Okay…like…” She tilted her head back and looked up to find his brows furrowed and his head shaking. “Like…you’ve never…”

“Had vaginal intercourse. Or any other kind of intercourse, for that matter.” Kat tried scooting off his lap, but his arm lying heavy across her body wouldn’t allow it. She finally gave up and turned to meet his eyes head-on. “What I just did with you is the most I have ever done with anyone. Ever.”

Danny continued staring at her like she was some oddity in a freak museum. “I don’t understand…”

Okay, she got that the guy was surprised, but this was starting to border on ridiculous.

“For God’s sake, Danny, I have never had a penis in my vagina! Or anywhere else! It’s not a complicated concept!”

After a shocked pause, they both started laughing.

“I’m sorry,” Danny said, smiling as he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’m just surprised. Obviously.” He dipped his head and kissed the side of her neck again. Kat’s muscles slowly relaxed and she let herself melt against him. “I didn’t expect…I don’t understand…”

Danny’s words trailed off as his tongue joined his lips in their sensual dance on Kat’s skin.

” Kat closed her eyes and clutched Danny’s flexed bicep, gasping when he gently bit the sensitive skin beneath her jaw.

Danny pulled back abruptly. “Nope. Gotta stop that. Or we’re gonna be in trouble.”

When Kat leaned in and started kissing
neck, Danny chuckled, low and deep. “Little she-devil. You keep doing that and you’re not gonna be a virgin much longer.”

Kat lifted her head to meet his eyes. “Maybe that would okay,” she said softly.

Shocking the hell out of herself.

But meaning every word.

Danny had suddenly become a safe place…a place Kat felt desired and where she could express desire in return, without all of the attachments and implications that typically went along with this type of activity.

Having Danny be the first man – and probably
man – Kat would be with seemed incredibly safe somehow. She knew he wasn’t going to want anything more from her and she couldn’t want anything more from him, so it was perfect.

A weird expression crossed Danny’s face before he scoffed. “Nah. You don’t want a jerk-off like me taking that from you. Better to save that for someone you love, right?”

“Did you love the woman you lost your virginity to?” she asked.

“She was a fourteen year old girl who lived next door to my first foster home. I was twelve, it took less than a minute and, no, I didn’t love her.” Danny tried to smile. “Good thing you don’t have to love someone to get off, huh? I would have had a non-existent sex life all these years.”

Now it was Kat’s turn to be shocked.

About a few different things.

“You were
?” Kat tried processing the information. “And you’ve never loved anyone you had sex with?”

“I don’t want to talk about any of that shit.” Danny turned her so she was straddling him again, right back to where this whole escapade had started. He brushed her hair back off her shoulders and met her eyes. “But there
something I’d like to do. To you, if you’ll let me. No virginity-losing required.”

He grinned at Kat’s eager nod. One arm holding her flush against him, Danny stood, turned, and lowered Kat back on the couch.

He sank to his knees in front of her, gently pushing her legs apart and running his hands up her inner thighs before looking up at her expectantly.


Kat’s heart raced, her mouth watered, and her whole body shook. She didn’t know much about this stuff, but she had a general idea what Danny wanted to do.

And she could hardly wait for him to do it.

Despite the fact that she was mind-numbingly afraid, Kat trusted him. She probably shouldn’t have and might regret doing it later, but, right now – and for the first time in her life – Kat was going with her heart rather than her head.

Kat nodded slowly and Danny’s lips curled into the biggest grin she’d ever seen, which made her grin right back.

He tucked his long fingers into the waistband of her pants and tugged. With some help from Kat, the top of her pants was now hovering just above her pubic bone.

“You sure about this?” he asked huskily. Kat nodded and, with a quick yank, Danny had her pants around her knees.

Jesus, Kat…
” he breathed out, eyes latched onto her naked, freshly-trimmed (thank God) pubic region.

“Oh, I, uh, took a quick shower earlier. I didn’t put my underwear back on, because, well, you know…and I forgot to pack clean ones, so…” Kat waved her hand in the air. “Anyway, yeah….that’s why I’m…” She sighed. “Yeah.”

Danny breathing turned rapid and ragged and his hands gripped her knees like vices. He seemed very agitated and the way he was staring at her freaked Kat out.

Kat squirmed. “Danny?” When he didn’t respond, she jerked her knee, bumping him. “Danny!”

Danny finally dragged his eyes up to hers. “
” he said hoarsely.

“Is something wrong?”

He barked out a harsh laugh. “Fuck, no.” Danny eyed her again, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip. “You looking amazing, Kat.”

The man had surely seen more genitalia than an OB/GYN, so Kat couldn’t figure out what was so interesting about hers. But he was clearly enthralled and looking at him looking at her was turning Kat on like crazy.

“Then, please, Danny…
…” Kat wasn’t quite sure what she begging for, but had no doubt whatever Danny had in mind would blow hers.

, Danny…” Kat lifted her pelvis slightly and Danny’s eyes glazed over.

Danny felt like
a kid in a fucking candy store. Or toy store. He didn’t know what to touch, taste, or play with first.

Lady parts were lady parts and, typically, if you’d seen one, you’d pretty much seen them all. So why looking down at Kat’s body, bared and open to him like this, was fucking with his brain, Danny had no idea.

Maybe it was because Danny knew no other man had ever seen her like this…touched and tasted her like he was about to.

There was something very heady and territorial about knowing that this part of Kat – and this experience – belonged only to him.

And about pretending that it always would.

Danny lightly ran a fingertip over her folds, loving her soft gasps and the way Kat’s body instinctively arched up to meet his hand. They quickly slipped into an easy rhythm, her body undulations matching Danny’s strokes. It didn’t take long for Kat’s moisture to coat his fingers and it was all he could do not to suck on them.

But he didn’t want to freak Kat out. He’d promised to take it easy and that meant keeping his nastiness in check. As best he could, anyway.

For now.

A few more strokes and a soft flick to her clit and Kat’s eyes rolled back in her head. Her nails dug into Danny’s shoulders as she opened her legs wider, all but begging him to take more.

And, god
it, if he wasn’t dying to take it all.

“It’s making me feel so good to make you feel good, Kat,” Danny said softly – and with absolute sincerity.

The pleasure he was getting from the pleasure he was giving her felt better than a shit-ton of full-tilt intercourse he’d had in his life. And Kat was more verbal, receptive, and just intuitively sexual than Danny would have ever imagined. Her passionate responses to his touch were driving him damn near out of his mind.

As he continued, Kat began breathing out his name over and over again like mindfucking chant, nearly throwing Danny over the edge. Unable to wait another second to feel inside of her, he slowly dipped his fingers into the folds. Kat gasped again, her eyelids snapped open, and she dropped her chin to her chest to watch.

Danny watched her watching him as he gently caressed the warm, wet, tight opening to her body. “You okay with this, Kat?”

“God, yes, Danny…
…” Kat arched her pelvis off the couch. “

Danny pressed a fingertip inside of her, a weird growl rising up the back of his throat when Kat made a loud, inarticulate noise of pleasure. When he pushed his finger further into her tightness and Kat got louder, Danny found himself grinding his dick against the edge of the couch, desperately seeking relief from the insane torture.

BOOK: All of You
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